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Since the notes, Jungkook was being extra protective of Taehyung. Being strict with Taehyung whenever he went out but that was only because he was so scared he would allow Taehyung out and one day he wouldn't show up. Usually having Jimin or he hates to say it but- Kisu with Taehyung whenever he had to go out which was not much now that Wonho and Korain knew what was going on.

Though for today, Taehyung and Jungkook got to keep Kaison for the day as Hoseok and Jimin were away from the pack grounds for the day. For a personal day for themselves really. Taehyung sat on the couch, bouncing the six-month-old baby on his lap. The choked up laugh from Kaison would only make Taehyung laugh too.

"Who's a cutie?" Taehyung spoke with a high pitched voice, leaning in just to lean away. "Who's a cutie?" He did the same thing a few more times before Jungkook sat next to Taehyung. "Both of you are. Oh yes, you both are." He did the same voice expression and movement as Taehyung in a teasing way.

"Shut up." Taehyung blushed as he leaned on Jungkook who took Kaison away from Taehyung. "My turn with this big mans." Jungkook smiled, nudging his nose against Kaison's small one. Taehyung smiled, turning to face the two while Jungkook held Kaison close to his chest. "I envy Hoseok." Jungkook hummed, his cheek resting on Kaison's soft head. "Why?" Taehyung tilted his head.

"Because he gets to cuddle this little sweet bundle of joy each day. Wake up and just be surrounded by him." Jungkook gave a gentle smile before he watched Taehyung's smile drop. "Don't get me wrong though- I love waking up with just you. It's just really cute to think of Hoseok and his boy you know? The whole family thing." Jungkook nuzzled Kaison.

Taehyung sighed before leaning on Jungkook. "I'm sorry I can't give you what you want," Taehyung mumbled to Jungkook who nibbled on his lip. Moving his head to rest on Taehyung's. "You are all I'll ever need. Pup or not, you're my life Taehyung. Always will be until the day I die."

Taehyung pushed Jungkook lightly. "Don't mention dying. That's like foreshadowing." Taehyung pouted to Jungkook who chuckled. "Okay. Even after death, you'll always be my life." Taehyung rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Jungkook. That morning, they enjoyed themselves with Kaison. Kaison sure did cry a lot when he was put down though.

Just as Jungkook thought this day would be peaceful- it was anything but that. With a rapid knock at his door, Jungkook looked at Taehyung who just put down Kaison for his nap. "I'll be back. Stay with Kai." Jungkook forced a smile before he walked out of the room and to the door where someone was still knocking. "Alpha Wonho needs you. It's an emergency." The boy was out of breath with a splotch of blood on his cheek.

Jungkook felt such an uneasy feeling once seeing the blood as he nodded. "Stay with Taehyung and clean yourself off. Don't open this door or let Taehyung leave." Jungkook spoke in his alpha tone to the beta who nodded and stepped into the house. Jungkook slipped on his shoes and was hurrying to the packhouse where the scene was located.

Heart racing as Jungkook eyed the big circle. Cries heard from others as Jungkook stopped in his tracks. "No please, god no please." Jungkook felt his heart stop as he pushed through the crowd. The relief was short once he saw it wasn't Wonho but it was Kisu. Falling to his knees in shock, Jungkook's eyes were widened. Eye's turning slightly red from the tears gathering as Jungkook stared at the body on the ground.

The boy had a huge scratch mark along his face. A bruise around his neck and multiple stab wounds coming from his stomach that was obviously from silver. The scene made him want to throw up then and there. Wonho grabbed at Jungkook's shoulders and helped him up, holding his brother who choked out whispers to Wonho. "Kisu.. notes... he d-"

Wonho shook his head. "Not now kook. Not now okay? We can't let this get out like this. Help me with Kisu." It was obvious Wonho had teared up from his eyes as he grabbed the white table cloth from one of the other alpha's that was also helping. Joy came running into the crowed though, tripping just before she got to Kisu.

"No no no no." She choked out, crawling towards Kisu who laid there lifeless. "No oh god no. Kisu. Kisu no." She put her hand over his hand and cried. Joy's free hand caressed Kisu's cheek. Since Kisu took over Jungkook's spot in the hunt, they've gotten close and well- They were best friends. So this broke Joy to see her best friend laying lifeless. Looking so beaten yet so peaceful.

Jackson was the one to grab Joy away, turning her towards him and engulfing her into a tight hug. Still shaken up but wanted nothing but to comfort Joy who was taking this the hardest. The ones who were bloody were the ones who found Kisu. "Go home! Everyone!" Wonho yelled out to everyone that was gathered. Some didn't move until Wonho turned. "Now! I will arrange a meeting for tonight! For now, this is no help. Please, as your leader, go home and shut your doors."

That got everyone to start moving their feet. Just as it couldn't get any worse, Jungkook felt the presence of Taehyung as he turned his head around. Taehyung's mouth was slightly open as he choked out words to speak but nothing came out. Shaking his head, not believing what he was seeing as Jungkook hurried in front of Taehyung. "Taehyung no- I don't want you to see this please-" Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's shoulders.

"I-I... I can save h-him I can-can." Taehyung choked out shakily, pushing Jungkook away as he tried to approach Kisu. Jungkook only grabbed Taehyung by hugging him from the back. "You can't Taehyung. He's gone. Kisu is gone, you can't save him." Jungkook closed his eyes as Taehyung started to cry. "What the hell is going on," Taehyung asked confusingly.

Wonho and the three others had covered up Kisu as they then looked at Jungkook. Gulping, Jungkook turned Taehyung around and wiped his tears. "I need you to go back to Kaison okay? Run back and lock the doors. I'll be home as soon as I am finished. I mean it Taehyung, you run home and stay home okay?" Jungkook had Taehyung's cheeks cupped.

With a nod, Taehyung sniffled. "Go on." Jungkook let go of Taehyung who turned and started his run back to his cabin. Jungkook watched before he walked back towards Kisu's body. There he helped Wonho and the three others take Kisu to the cabin of the salutary cabin where they would take care of Kisu for the time being. Jungkook couldn't believe what was going on.

Jungkook read over the note in his hand that was given to him by one of the boys that were telling the story of what happened. "We all were just fooling around. Like we always do in the woods. Wrestling and all then.. then Kisu disappeared as we were wrestling. We heard a whimper and next thing you know we found Kisu bleeding out on the ground. We tried to stop it- We tried to yell for anyone but we were too far out."

The boy was a mess while telling the story. The flashbacks of when they found Kisu flooding his mind. Getting shaky as he stood in front of Jungkook and Wonho. Taehyug was now with Jungkook but in the bedroom with Kaison of the packhouse. "And then-" The boy broke into a cry that he tried to hold back. "And then he was gone by the time we made it back." Wonho stood up to hug the crying male.

Stereotypical of people to think just because they were alpha's that they were always so harsh and had little emotion when it came to things like this. "Thank you for your side. We'll talk more when you're ready. Go home and clean up. The meeting will start in an hour." Wonho patted the other alpha's back before he was nodding and leaving with his friends.

Jungkook had his eyes on the note before he stood up to look at Wonho. "Told you I'd kill anyone that gets in my way." Jungkook read out the note to Wonho who grabbed the note, crumpled it up and tossed it away. "We're withholding everyone from leaving or going out. Just for this week and maybe next week. We have- We have enough food to last till at least mid-next week." Wonho's head started to spiral.

Wonho had never dealt with anything like this in his life so he had no idea what to do. Both boys were clueless in this situation. Taehyung coming out of the room after a while of being cooped up in there. He caught eyes with Jungkook. "...Tell me what's happening. Please..." Taehyung gulped as he held Kaison.

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