Chapter 1

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Ashton Flare

I roll my eyes at the red and golden flowers decorating the hallways of the castle as I walk towards Arieon's room. It is unbelievable how I of all people has to drag him to the throne room for the coronation. Then again I guess the petty wanderer servants are only there to refill wine glasses.

I will be renounced future queen in a few hours but I would never have formalities such as knocking when it comes to my twin brother. I walk in to find him reading the copy of 'Legends Of Erica Flare' for the millionth time.

"I would be happy to take your crown too you know?" I tell him sarcastically as I make myself comfortable on the bed beside him.

"Sure Ash, go ahead." he says and chuckles.

I pretend to be shocked as I say, "If only the other Unscathed knew the future king was giving away the throne for free."

"Half the throne. We rule together, remember?"


I scoff at the thought of being stuck to him for the rest of my life but the thought of Arieon getting married to Melody in three years saddens me at the same time. I've known Melody from when I was five years old, I was surprised to see that someone from the house Metallica, controllers of metal, stone and earth itself could have such a soft heart.

Arieon insists that the marriage is just for keeping alliances and honestly, I believe him. I overheard him telling father that the houses are beginning to judge our rule again. And what is better to keep them at bay than an engagement between the future king with one of the princesses of the high houses?

"Still worried about Lady Melody?" Arieon asks never looking up from his book. He has always been my one powerful weakness. I don't know whether to hate or love him for knowing what is going on in my head.

"No." I lie, he narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything. "Besides we can just call her Mel, even though she is a princess she is still our friend."

"Whatever." he repeats my own words from not long ago to mock me. He sighs and closes the book before grabbing the handmade golden colored suit and marching into the walk in closet to change. I catch the smirk on his face reminding me again that I wanted that color since we were kids. But as always I was stuck with a regal red dress that reaches just below my ankles.

Father always said red displays my flame, the power I have and of course, the blood of my enemies. I guess the fact that my brown hair is died red at the ends and strand of his own brown hair died golden is a constant reminder of that.

"Ready for our last little adventure before we rule Evercrest?" Arieon asks as he comes out dressed in Wanderer rags.

I sprint into his closet before the words are even out of his lips. Never before have I been this happy to change into the worn out shirt and ankle length jeans that have turned brown, attacked by time.

A well hidden smirk plays on my lips as Arieon and I take the passages reserved only for the servants out into the garden. The King and Queen had made it clear that we were not to go out of the castle until after the coronation when things calmed down. It feels weirdly peaceful defying their orders. Whether it is the presence of my twin brother or the belief I have in the flames we are able to conjure up with our bare hands, I don't know.

The shimmering moonlight hits my feet before I see it. We walk hand in hand towards the fountain we found when we were kids. It is surprising how well maintained it is, especially since no one but us visits it. I take my usual place by the fountain, water sprinkling over my head but never reaching me as it evaporates probably due to the literal warmth that radiates from my body while Arieon leans by a tree lost in his own world.

It's amazing how one's mind can create a world of it's own, a place where only you can exist without having to worry about everything actually happening.

"Do you have to marry Melody? You could maybe fall in love, or maybe you like guys like Axel." The words roll out of my lips before I can stop them. I suppose we do weird things when we are desperate. And clearly applying that my twin may like guys like our younger brother just to prevent him from marrying my best friend, is weird.

"Come on Ash, we are over this. It is royally important for me to get married to her."

"You still have a choice. You could get engaged to Lady Petrona from Xonos or Lady Crestia from the Drecats." I myself cannot believe I suggested the one who can see your memories within just hours of your death or the one who could turn into a lioness aiming to kill at anytime but at least they don't have a reputation of being expert manipulators. I trust Melody but I can not say the same thing about her house, Metallica always has been the hidden wolf, just waiting for the right time to strike.

Arieon shoots me a sad smile before opening his mouth to deny my opinions. But the sound of an explosion never let the words leave his lips. I reflexively turn my head to look at the source of the sound but instantly I wish I hadn't. My mind shuts out all the words for a moment in shock before all of them come flooding back. Shock was way better than this.

A hand pulls me out of my thoughts and I stare into my twin's bright golden eyes. His lips form one single word, "Run."

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