» Chapter Forty Four «

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- Note -

All I can say is that I won't write anything sketchy for the time being!

I am saving those for later! >:D

Now just enjoy the fluff and normal chapters!

Amber's Point of View~

"Details! Now!" I heard Crumb say coming over to our table with a tray of Starbucks drinks and putting down on the table as she sat down.

It was becoming an unhealthy habit of coming to Starbucks whenever we need to talk about stuff whether it be my love or something else. Right now it was how our triple date went and if Tubbo had confessed to Riley yet.

"Okay so basically me, Guqqie, Mark, Amber, Tubbo and Riley went to the movies which was Serena's idea to go and watch the new Spiderman movie." Aimsey started.

"Oh gosh that movie tore me apart." Crumb said looking depressed as I stifled my laugh.

"Same to be fair." I said.

"Oh and then Tubbo suggested that after the movies we go to the arcade and boy you should have seen Mark at the dance machine." Aimsey aid continuing as I laughed at the memory.

"Oh dang he's good isn't he?" Crumb asked as I nodded.

"He's very good. Got higher points than Tubbo. Speaking of Tubbo, he confessed to Riley and now they are a thing." I said adding it as Crumb jumped in her seat.

"Yessss!!" She said cheering. I was so glad to be sitting outside.

"Then lastly Amber suggested we go to Pershing Square which was by far the greatest idea since the place was filled with people and it was well decorated." Aimsey said showing a picture of us taking a selfie to Crumb.

"I went there yesterday at around five. You guys made the right choice to go there." Crumb said giving the phone back to Aimsey.

"Yeah but then we had decided to split with our dates to different areas. Me and Guqqie decided to go look around at the small shops that were set up there ad Tubbo and Riley were most likely taking in on the view of the place while Amber and Mark were practically just walking around and stuff." Aimsey said as I snickered slightly cause it was true that we didn't do much other than get caught under a mistletoe which I didn't say anything about.

"Speaking of which, are you sure that you and Mark didn't go around and see or do anything?" Aimsey asked looking at me as I got a little nervous.

"What? Nah! We mostly just walked around the place and got caught up in the crowd and just sat down in a bench and just talked." I said somehow keeping a straight face.

"You sure? Cause I did notice that you two were practically flushed in the faces." She said making me blush a bit knowing she probably caught on so I let out a defeated sigh.

"Fine... we somehow got caught under a mistletoe which we didn't notice at all cause it was placed in a very convenient place in the tree the bench was and we basically kissed... Also it wasn't the first time we kissed, just so you know." I said looking down in embarrassment as I received 'aww's' from both of them.

"Oh my god yes! That was so wholesome! I have been waiting for that to happen!" Crumb said excitedly as I deadpanned at her.

"Again why is everyone so hooked up in my love life way more than others?" I asked.

"Because I've been sick of hearing your boyfriend say that 'oh! she probably doesn't feel the same way' or 'what if I mess up?' or say something so stupid and dumb that i wanna bonk him over the head so much until he passes out." Crumb said as I just stared at her.

"You can't blame two people that go through pain everyday in our lives you know. Plus he's my first boyfriend while I am his first girlfriend so of course we will be nervous as hell." I said as she rolled her eyes as Aimsey chimed in.

"I mean true but you two were the most oblivious duo I have ever met in my entire life." She said as I let out a groan as I sipped my drink.

"Not gonna lie you two make me feel single." Crumb said as I slightly snorted.

"Don't worry Crumb you will find someone." I said as she smiled.

"I know but I am waiting for the right one." She said dangling her legs a little under the table.

"I am really gonna miss you guys when we go back home." Aimsey said as I looked at her and then looking down at the table.

"Yeah... I really liked hanging out with you guys but we do have to leave in mid January or something since school will be continuing for me. Won't you be graduating from highschool Amber?" Crumb asked as I nodded.

"Yep! I would be so happy to get out of that hell hole with Mark. Then I have to worry about college." I said finishing my drink.

"I don't wanna leave you guys." Aimsey said as I hugged her and then Crumb joined in.

I hated saying goodbyes most of the time. It either meant I probably won't see them again or ever and I hated that for myself. I sighed as we all pulled away from the hug.

"We still have time. Let's make the most of it." I said in a positive note making them nod in agreement.

Crumb sat down in her spot and took her drink. Right at that moment, my phone went off. I quickly fished in my pockets to find it. I took it out and saw I got a message on discord which belonged to Wilbur as I opened it.


Wilbur: Yo Amber! Do you have a minute or so?

Celeste: Pretty much yes?

Wilbur: Okay so I wanted to let you know that me, Tommy, Beautie_, Niki, Phil, Ranboo, Tubbo, Sneeg, Scott, Jack and Fundy would be playing on the Origins SMP later in the evening! Ranboo, Tommy, Phil, Scott and I will be streaming!

Celeste: So I've heard

Wilbur: Yeah but I have been thinking of letting in two more members. So i was wondering if you are interested in joining?

Celeste: Wait for real?!

Wilbur: yep! Tommy agreed to it! It was Niki's idea to let you in.

Celeste: Who's the other person?

Wilbur: I already talked to Riley who said she'll be happy to join but she won't be streaming with us sadly but will play!

Celeste: Yay that's cool!

Wilbur: She already chose her origin which is a Floran! Wbu?

Celeste: Let me think for a moment.

Wilbur: Alright take you time!

Celeste: I came up with one so it's not needed anymore!

Wilbur: Which one???

Celeste: Dragonborn!

Wilbur: That sounds poggers! I'll let them know! Will you be streaming?

Celeste: i think i will since I haven't for a while!

Wilbur: Okay thanks for letting me know!

Celeste: Sure! ^^

After I was done talking, I closed my phone and put it back in my pocket. I was pretty excited since I was gonna be playing on the SMP soon. I took a guess that Crumb and Aimsey noticed the cheerfulness in my face since i was excited.

"What are you excited about?" Aimsey asked.

"Wilbur whitelisted me on the Origins SMP." I said as they smiled.

"Congrats Amber!" Aimsey said as Crumb raised her fists in the air.

"Let's go!!" She said cheering as I giggled.

"Thanks guys." I said smiling.

We talked around a bit more until we decided to split ways. I wasn't really looking for to going back to Florida. It meant dealing with two a**es of the century and I seriously hate their guts and more specifically I hate Jason. My thoughts were cut off with my phone going off yet again. I checked my phone to see that it was from discord and was added to another group.


*Billzo added you to Cricket Crew*

Billzo: Hey guys!!!!

Ranboo: welcome boys and girls! 😃

Tubbo: Ranboo no-

Ranboo: Ranboo yes 😈

Freddie: Hello folks!

Tommy: HELLO!

Aimsey: Group chat? Nice!

Crumb: Hiiiii!!! 

Celeste: Hey guys!

Riley: hello! ^^

Addie: Sup dudes!

Aimsey: Heyyy you guys!

Celeste: Wait why are me, Crumb, Riley and Addie in this group tho? We aren't part of the Cricket Crew tho 😅

Crumb: Oh wait drat! You're right!

Riley: ^

Addie: ^

Billzo: Nah you guys are pat of the group now cause we said so! Can't back out or imma hunt you four down and make you guys join! 😈

Celeste: I mean I don't mind joining 🤷‍♀️

Crumb: Same! This looks fun!

Addie: Same!

Riley: 😁 

Ranboo: Hey Amber! You on your way?

Celeste: Yep! I was on my until I saw the notification just now lol!

Ranboo: oh cool!

Tubbo: Can't wait to get on the Origins SMP tho! Been a while!

Tommy: Yep! Gonna try and get diamonds or whatever-

Ranboo: Not if I do first!

Celeste: Ranboo your inner Osmp! Ranboo is showing lmao

Freddie: I legit left for a few minutes and already have ten notifications lol!

Riley: Sorry Freddie!

Freddie: i don't mind just got scared XD

I smiled and put my phone away as I took a Taxi who took me to the AirBNB. The driver was a nice female driver who seemed very chill and was a nice person to converse with. We reached the place after a few as I paid her how much sum was needed and made my way inside the house.

It was kinda empty since many other people were gone since morning. A few had come back since I saw Mark, Addie, Tommy, Wilbur and Niki in the living room and no one else was here and seemed to be busy with their own things.

"Hey guys!" I said as I entered the living room. 

"Am!" I heard Mark say and before I could say a word he literally came over and hugged me nearly making me fall over but I kept my balance.

"Woah there big boy! I was not even gone for a day or two." I said jokingly patting him on the back smiling. 

"I know I just missed your presence." He said mumbling a little as I giggled a little.

"You have one clingy boyfriend there woman." I heard Tommy say slightly laughing.

"Aren't you the clingy one as well Tomathy?" I asked him as he scoffed in offense.

"I swear you and Dream being siblings make sense cause you all call me Tomathy!" He said deadpanning.

"Don't forget we both call you a child too." I said laughing to myself as Mark pulled away from the hug.

"I AM NOT A CHILD Y-" Tommy said but was interrupted by Wilbur.

"Anyways, how was your day Amber?" He asked as I shrugged.

"It was good. I talked with Crumb and Aimsey as usual whenever they wanna." I said as I looked around. 

"Where are Jack, Fundy, Phil, Tubbo and Riley?" I asked.

"Phil is in the kitchen, Fundy and Jack are on their way, Tubbo is helping Riley make her Origins skin even tho she wouldn't be playing with us. Speaking of which I feel like you should make one for yourself since we have an hour before we start streaming." Wilbur said as I nodded.

"Alright I'll get to work!" i said.

"Do you need help?" Mark asked as I shook my head.

"Nah! I already have an idea in mind so I am gonna go and make it while setting up my stream in the guest room." I said leaving the room and heading upstairs.

I rolled my luggage to the guest room and opened it as I started setting up my PC. It took at least a few moments and I was glad to be done. I quickly opened my PC and started to make the Dragonborn skin for myself. It took a at least twenty minutes for me to make it and it looked very cool.

((Author: Just a reference for what it looks like! I tried-))

Satisfied with my work, I looked at the time to see that I had ten minutes till I could start stream. I whipped out my phone from my pocket and quickly tweeted out letting everyone know that I will be streaming very soon.

Celeste @CelesteCloud

Sorry for not streaming in a while!
Will be streaming in 10 minutes so I hope to see everyone there!
I wonder what it will be! 👀

@User1: OMG! It's been so long! I am glad to see you here!

@KaylaIsHere: Pog! Can't wait to see what you will do today!

@CelesteBooShipper: I am honestly just gonna see what will happen but I am excited and not sure which stream to watch! Guess I'll watch both Ranboo and Celeste! XD
@CelesteCloud: Whatever you think is best! :D

@User7: Is Riley gonna stream too? I miss her! :(

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I sighed and saw my phone go off. It was from Wilbur who was notifying me that we all will start stream at exactly a few minutes altogether saying it will be very funny. I snorted and let him know I am okay with that.

After a while, I started the stream as the Starting Soon screen started up. I saw my Mods had arrived as always on time. After a while, I switched the screen to the main menu of Minecraft as I unmuted myself.

"Hello guys, gals and nonbinary pals! We'll just wait around for a bit for everyone to get here and then we will start." I said as I opened my VC for anyone who wanted to join in as i heard a donation come in.

User20 Donated $10
Will Riley be streaming today?

"Thank you for the ten dollar and sorry no she won't sadly. I am not sure when she will start doing it again but hopefully soon. We had some issues so that's why I wasn't able to stream but at least you guys had Ranboo." I said as I switched from the main menu to the screen where it showed the different SMPs I was in.

"So what I will be doing today is that I will be playing in the Origins SMP for the first time!" I said clapping a little as chat went nuts and I logged in the SMP.

I was glad to login before I did jut now cause I would have had to put in the IP but since I logged in before I didn't need to do that now. I looked at the chat and messaged my Mods to take care of it if they go a bit over board with things.

"Anyway so the Origin I chose is Dragonborn!" I said opening a up a small info tablet like thing which came in front of me.

"Okay so apparently I can shoot fireballs from my mouth but the side effect of using it too much is that I can get hurt in the process. I can also fly and I am practically given wings to do that but I can't hover for too long. Apparently my strength can make me jump high enough to help me fly during the night only but during the day I have to walk but I can only walk slowly which is a bummer in my opinion." I said pausing for a bit as I scrolled to the next part.

"I also have strong resilience since I am close to an end dragon cause I have strong scales and hide and have an extra full bar for armor and health. I also have night vision which is very neat. Apparently I can't have anything besides meat since my digestive system sucks and can't use armor too but eh I am strong so I don't need it. Also water doesn't affect me so that's great. Also another thing is that if I am in the End I can have a bit of a boost which is epic. Oh and my canon height for my Origins character will be" I said putting it off to see I was in the middle of a forest.

"Well this is great! Now I just gotta break down some trees which shouldn't be a problem for me." I said coming to a tree and breaking it down easy as I made myself a crafting table and set off to work.

"After I get myself a wooden pickaxe and sword I'm gonna go and try to find my way to the pub. Yeah let's call it that." I said going over from tree to tree.

After getting myself a wooden pickaxe and a sword which i used to kill a few animals for meat, I decided to fly around since it was night and I could see well to find the pub. I opened the tab to see that Ranboo, Sneeg, Scott, Phil, Tubbo, Beau, Jack, Fundy, Wilbur, Niki and Tommy had joined.

Of course Riley didn't wanna join for the time being so I didn't say anything. After a while I found my way to the pub and started heading up to see Phil and Scott as I made my way to them. After that I joined their VC.

"Hey Phil! Hey Scott!" I said smiling.

"Hello Celeste!" Phil said.

"Welcome to our humble abode Celeste." Scott said giving me load of diamonds as I took them which I could make into 85% of the armor.

"Thank you and it's a nice place. Where are the others?" I asked as I walked around the place.

"Jack and Fundy are both in the nether, Wilbur and Niki are by her lake and Beau and Tommy are probably causing some sort of chaos somewhere." Phil said letting out a sigh with a laugh.

"Tubbo is probably in his bamboo farm and Sneeg is with him along with Tommy and I think Ranboo is in his house or has gone to the cliffs to mine out amethysts or other things." Scott said as I nodded.

"Okay! I am gonna go and gather some wood and probably some greenery and other things to make my house along for chests and whatnot." I said as I quickly made my armor and enchanted it as I climbed down the ladder cause it was day and I couldn't fly.

I was able to collect all the materials I needed for my house. I had to go to the nether to get somethings as well and I didn't die once other than being attacked but I took care of that problem.

I built my house in a span of minutes. I am practically good at building houses so I was able to finish using all the blocks I had for making it. I decided to build it on the side of the cliff with trees since the view was nice and ot was slightly close to the Pub.

Now I just needed some other materials to make a bed and a few chests and I was all settled but first I needed to get more food cause my hunger bar was going down real quick. I killed a few cows and chicken and stacked up a lot of meat which I can save for later so i don't have to hunt down some again.

I walked around the place until I came to another portal. I slowly walked in only to be greeted by a fire pit which one can easily fall in one step if they didn't look. I jumped over it and looked around to see I was on the nether roof.

I hated walking around so slowly which I hated very much until I saw a person walking around and noticed that it was Ranboo due to the IGN tag. He seemed to notice me as I sent out a 'hi' in the minecraft chat which he did the same as I joined VC.

"Hello!" I said as i took off my armor as he came forward.

"Hello to you too uh welcome to my nether roof!" He said as I smiled. I knew how he played his character and he seemed to be in it so I decided to play along.

"Yeah it's a cool place but uh there is a fire pit near the nether portal and somebody could fall in and get hurt." I said in character.

"Oh yeah I placed that thing." He said casually.

"Oh really okay then so uh is this only your nether roof or can some other people can come up here and make stuff?" I asked looking around.

"Nope only me! It's mine alone." He said casually as I stared at him for five seconds before he broke the silence.

"Anyways I am gonna go to the cliffs and mine some stuff so you wanna come? I feel like you need materials for your house and everything." He asked as I nodded.

"Sure." I said walking behind him since he was fast.

"Yo wait for me I can't walk fast." I said getting into the portal after him.

We both walked to the cliffs in silence as I mined on one of the cliff for materials while he did his work on another side. Not gonna lie I felt kinda awkward this whole time and chat was literally doing some sort of weird sh*t in their like I think i saw someone getting married there for a split second and I didn't bother asking.

"I found amethysts! Yes!" I said as I started mining them and before I could get it Ranboo legit butted in and stole it making me pissed.

"Oi that's mine! Give it back!" I said as he laughed off and ran.

"Nope it's mine now!" he said as I sighed and looked even deeper and was glad to find some more without him stealing them.

I made my way out of the cave to see him standing around the place and putting some of his things in his ender chest and then i see him kill an enderman which just made me look at him in bewilderment but didn't even bother asking and just walked with him through the forest until my hunger bar started to run low.

"Hey do you have any meat on you? I kinda ran out." I asked him.

"Okay wait lemme see." he says probably looking through his inventory and I could see him old out a few things but I didn't see meat.

"Nope sorry I don't have any on me." He says and when i look away for a split second I here him eating something and I noticed that it looked like meat and I jokingly felt done with him.

"Okay you're a dingus!" I said getting out my pick and walking the other way as I hear him trying to hold in his laugh as I smiled in amusement at this and killed a bunch of cows and ate the meat so I don't die and came back to where he was but he was already up ahead.

"Oi hold up! I am still behind you!" I said walking in his direction.

"I mean it's your fault for being able to walk slow." He said as I rolled my eyes and smacked him a little.

"Yikes that hurt!" he said eating a golden carrot.

"Yeah that's what you get." I said looking up and realizing it's night time.

"Oh wait it's literally night time right now! Meaning i can fly!" I said jumping off and flying around.

"Wait! You can fly?!" he asked in surprise.

"Yeah! I can. You didn't know I was a Dragonborn?" I asked looking down at him.

"I did know that but I didn't think you could fly!!" he said as I snickered.

"Of course I can fly! I cal see in the dark since i have night vision like eyes! Also I can shoot fireballs!" I said shooting a purple smoke at a skeleton which was heading in Ranboo's way as it died and Ranboo just looked at me and then down.

"I swear this is the worst day of my life!" he said as I burst out laughing.

"What's wrong Enderian Pretty Boy? Jealous that I can fly and shoot fireballs?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"I swear i hope you trip over a blade a million times." he said running off in a direction as I continued laughing.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night!" I said as he I heard him leaving VC making me laugh even more as I looked at chat.

User1: That was unexpected 0_0

CelesteBooShipper: Even in a different SMP they be flirting lol!


RileyTheCapricorn: XD

User7: Yo Riley is here! :D

I smiled seeing Riley in the chat as I continued on my way to the Pub. I talked with Beau, Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur and Niki along with the other folks that were on and after a while I decided to end my stream.

"Well that will be all for the stream today! i hope you guys had fun considering this was my first day on the Origins SMP! I am gonna send you guys over to... WolfyTheWitch! I hope you guys stay healthy and hydrate! Buh-bye!" I said as the screen turned black and I ended my stream as they all raided Wolfy.

I was very exhausted and it was a really fun stream. As I closed my PC, I heard a knock at my door and the door slowly opened to reveal Mark on the other side as I smiled and got up from my seat to hug him.

"Honestly glad to see you on the SMP." He said making me smile even more.

"I mean I didn't expect Wilbur to whitelist me really." I said.

"Yeah i kinda actually may have not asked him to see if he could add you and possibly Riley as well and I didn't expect him to do that the minute I asked." He said fake coughing and  laughing a little as I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks really." I said as he nodded. 

"Of course! I am always happy to help even though this was just me asking them to let you in." He said laughing a little making me laugh as well.

"Yeah..." I said trailing off looking to my side.

"You okay?" I heard him ask as I nodded.

I'm okay just not looking forward to going back home so soon. I know we have a few more days but I feel like those days will just be over in a matter of minutes. I'll miss everyone." I said sighing as I was once again engulfed into a hug.

"You're not the only one thinking this you know. I don't want to leave either. We had so much fun with each other. Especially with Bill, Freddie, Crumb, Aimsey, Tubbo, Tommy, Purpled, Riley, Addie and everyone else we have met so far. It's just sad." He said holding me close as I hugged him back before pulling away in silence.

"But that doesn't mean we won't see them again but it still feels upsetting." I said as he nodded.

"Yeah but I guess we just have to see the positive side of things. We can't ruin the the rest of the trip due to our sulking." He said joking a little lightening the mood.

"Yeah you're right. We just have to make the most of things before going back home." I said letting out a deep sigh as I leaned my head against his chest as he held me.

There were positive sides of going back home but then there were the negatives which i didn't even think of bringing up cause I hate to think about it. Only thing I can do now is just spend the rest of the days left and make the most out of them as much as I can. At least I'll have mark by my side at all times. That's enough to keep me happy no matter what.


There are four types of couples:

Ranboo and Celeste: Manboss and Girlboss

Tubbo and Riley: Malewife and Girlwife

Tommy and Addie: Malewife (sorry Tommy- XD) and Girlboss

Foolish and Anne: Manboss and Girlwife (yeah it's kinda true lol)

*literally questioning why I even wrote this* ._. 

Somebody please shoot me-

- A/N -

Finally a chapter where Amber and Riley are in Origins SMP! :D

Been dying to write a chapter on this and now I have to work on the New Years Eve and New years Chapter! :3

Again enjoy the fluff as much as you can cause angst is just around the corner! >:)

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Please Vote, Comment, Read and Enjoy!

Peace Out!


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