» Chapter Nineteen «

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Warning: Mentions of attempted s**cide in a dream and in real life!

Amber's Point of View~

I snapped awake in the middle of the night. At this point I was slightly shaking. The nightmare felt so freaking real. I know that nightmares aren't real and I normally shake them off but this one just gave me goosebumps!

I slowly picked up my phone to check the time to see it was four in the morning. I sighed and lied down on my bed and tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't. I groaned in annoyance and grabbed my phone again and opened discord.

I was wanting to talk to somebody right now. I know that some people would be awake at this hour but in general they're not. I scrolled through my contacts to find that Ranboo was surprisingly awake. I tapped on our messages and started to type.


Celeste: Hey! You awake?

I waited for a few. I saw that my text was read. I swear if he was gonna leave me on read, I am gonna fly to the UK and smack him upside down. I saw the text bubble popping up which meant that he was writing to me. After a few I got a message.

Ranboo: yeah I am! Sorry for not responding sooner. I didn't expect to see you awake and messaging me.

Celeste: It's fine! Be lucky I didn't fly over to the UK to smack you if you left me on read.

Ranboo: Good! But how come you're awake?

Celeste: just had a bad dream... It felt a bit real.

Ranboo: Wanna talk about it? It's fine if not. 

I wasn't sure if I wanted to share this but my gut told me that it's best of I do. I started to type down my text. After I finished I took a few minutes to look over what I wrote and then after a bit of hesitation I hit send.

Celeste: The dream started out with yelling. I saw that we were in a car. By we I mean you, me, Nikki, Wilbur and Tubbo in one car. I was there but it didn't seem like I was talking and I was more like witnessing things that me in the dream was saying. We seemed to be talking in a panic and was looking for someone. Then we came to stop at a bridge and I noticed a figure standing at the edge but I couldn't make out who it was but I they looked like they were about to jump. But then I saw the figure about to jump and me in the dream was about to stop them and then i woke up. It felt so real.

Ranboo: That's... very concerning...

Celeste: I am honestly shook by this. I know it's a nightmare but it felt real.

Ranboo: Let's hope that it's nothing.

Celeste: Yeah. Also I can't believe it nearly the end of September.

Ranboo: No kidding! A month away till I leave the UK... :(

Celeste: I'm guessing you really like it there!

Ranboo: i did! i got to meet Tubbo and Tommy and many other people! It's sad to leave them after the days I've spent with them.

Celeste: I'm sure you'll see them again soon!

Ranboo: Yeah true! Tho I've been planning on maybe permanently moving to the UK one day when I can so I can be with my friends there!

Celeste: That's sweet! I've been wanting to go to!

Ranboo: oh trust me you'll love it here! But at the same time I don't want to leave the friend I have made in America. We've been friends for so long that it will be hard.

Celeste: I'm sure they'll understand and hey if you stay in contact with each other it will help!

Ranboo: Yeah you're right!

Celeste: Anyways I am gonna go and sleep now! see ya later! Goodnight!

Ranboo: Night!

I closed the messages between me and Ranboo and before I could put my phone away, I saw a discord message from Anne which made scrunch up nose in slight annoyance because she's up at this time.

Anne: Sup Celeste!

Celeste: Go to sleep Anne!

Anne: Wow rude! :(

Celeste: I am not being rude! You literally need sleep cause I literally sometimes see you look drowsy during streams when it's not lore or anything important!

Anne: You know damn well that I am sleep deprived since I was a kid!

Celeste: I know that but you really need sleep!

Anne: I know I know but I wanted to talk to you about something! You could say it's a bit of girl talk between you and me.

Celeste: Alright I'm listening!

Anne: Okay so uh remember how you guys always said that me and Foolish should get together and stuff? 

Celeste: Yes???

Anne: Okay so uh... I may or may not have a crush on Foolish...

Celeste: Oh- oH- Reeeeeeeeeeee-

Anne: okay you just made it weird...

Celeste: sorry sorry! ^^;; But seriously I'm so glad to hear that! Are you planning on confessing?

Anne: I'm not so sure. Maybe I'll give it some time and then I'll go for it.

Celeste: Alright but don't take too long or you'll be too late!

Anne: yeah I won't! Now! What about you?

Celeste: What do you mean 'what about you'?

Anne: Who do you like? I thought you had an obvious crush on Ranboo?

Celeste: What are you talking about??

Anne: So you DO like him! I was correct!

Celeste: Who else knows about it?

Anne: No one! I'm the only one who just figured it out!

Celeste: That's fine. Also I'm not sure if he likes me back. I hear him talk about his friend that he had made from school most of the time so I'm guessing he likes them.

Anne: You can never be too sure! Don't give up hope!

Celeste: Yeah... Anyways I'm gonna go and sleep cause I feel like going back to sleep-

Anne: Oh alright! Goodnight!

Celeste: Night! 

I closed my messages with her and was literally about to put my phone away when i got the greatest idea known to mankind. I quickly turned on my phone again and opened discord and quickly scrolled down to find Tommy's contacts.

I quickly opened it and started to type down my message while giggling at some points. I finished writing down my text and after giving a little proof read I hit send still laughing to myself.

Celeste: Damn Tommy! I didn't know you were this blind! I swear you're blinder than Adrien Agreste! Heck both of you are blonde too but the mans has green eyes while you have blue but you blondes are just as oblivious as the next guy. I can't believe you sometimes because you both are literally blind to a girl's feelings and it sucks you know. Be grateful that you aren't too dense but if you are then good luck! >:)

I quietly giggled to my self as I shut my phone and turned the other way and fell asleep. I can tell Tommy was gonna flood my notifications in the morning or just post this on twitter by taking a screen shot. Either way it will be funny as heck.

Ranboo's Point of View~

After Celeste bid me goodnight, I kept on rereading the huge text she sent to me about her bad dream. It honestly scared me cause I apparently had the same dream except I was in my body but not in control of what was happening.

It felt very real to me as well. Then I suddenly heard a knock and saw the door open to see Tubbo peeping through. He looked pretty shaken which concerned me a lot.

"Hey you okay?" I asked as he nodded while letting himself in.

"Y-yeah. Just had a very traumatizing dream." He said and by the looks of it, he had the same dream but it was a guess.

"Lemme guess... It was of someone about to jump of the bridge?" I said as he had a look of surprise.

"How did you...?" He said taken back as I let out an audible sigh.

"I had the same dream too and not only me but I was talking to Celeste a few moments ago and she said that she had the same dream too." I said as he plopped down on the bed.

"Were the people in the car me, you, Celeste, Wilbur and Nikki?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Do you think that... they had the same dream?" Tubbo asked as I put some thought into it.

Considering me, Celeste and Tubbo had the same dream and the people in the dream were us three along with Wil and Nikki, it was possible that they had it too but whoever the unknown figure that was about to jump didn't have the dream.

"I am guessing so cause us five were in the dream and up until now, we were the ones to have that dream so they too might have it." I said coming to a conclusion.

"We won't know until we hear it from them." He said as I knew that he was right but then I remembered something.

"Say... didn't Wilbur and Nikki say that they are gonna be streaming tomorrow?" I asked as Tubbo nodded.

"Yeah! Why?" He asked.

"Try to notice their behavior through the streams. They might show some form of sign that they have seen something." I said.

"Sure big man!" He said.

I sighed as I opened my phone and looked through twitter. It wasn't even a minute that I started to hear small snores coming from my side and I turn to see that he had fallen asleep. I wasn't really feeling sleepy so I stayed up and right at that moment I got a message on discord from Foolish himself.


Foolish: HEY RANBOO!!!!

Ranboo: Why are you up?

Foolish: Why are you?

Ranboo: Can't sleep! Do you have a valid reason?

Foolish: I am a bit too hyped up to sleep so yeah! Thought I'd chat with you since you're up!

Ranboo: Yeah okay.

Foolish: So uh... Can I talk to you about something?

Ranboo: Sure?

Foolish: Okay but this has to be between you and me!

Ranboo: Sure sure. I don't really go around telling people stuff anyways.

Foolish: Literally the reason I picked you to tell and not anyone else like Tubbo.

Ranboo: I honestly don't blame Tubbo for spilling out stuff but yeah go on.

Foolish: okay so... I think I like Anne. Not in a joking RP way but actually I do.

Ranboo: oh wow! What took you so long???

Foolish: okay now you're just mean...

Ranboo: Well I'm sorry that we've been telling you this for the past who knows how many days or months! But seriously that's good on you! When are you planning to confess?

Foolish: ehhhh idk really! Hopefully soon!

Ranboo: You better!

Foolish: So what about you Ranboo? Do you like anyone?

Ranboo: uhhhhh well considering I trust you not to spill stuff then yes I do like someone.

Foolish: is it Celeste???

Ranboo: What? No! She and I are just friends. Basically I have this friend in school that I've been friends for a few months now and I've started to like her more than a friend but I'm not so sure if she likes me back. I'm kind of scared getting rejected honestly.

Foolish: Aww! :((( Hopefully they feel the same! I believe in you!

Ranboo: Thanks Foolish.

Foolish: Anytime!

Ranboo: I'm feeling tired now so I am gonna end the convo here!

Foolish: Bye Goodnight!

Ranboo: Night!

I let out a yawn and put my phone away and looked at a sleeping Tubbo on the opposite side and turned around the other way after putting an extra blanket on him. I decided to shrug off the dream a bit and closed my eyes.

Next Day~

I woke up eventually. I looked o my side to see Tubbo slightly shuffling around. I groggily picked up my phone to see the time which was eight in the morning and I saw a twitter notification from Tommy.

I quickly opened twitter only to see Tommy tagging Celeste about some discord message she sent her last night and I let out a laugh as I scrolled through the comments. Then I saw Tubbo waking up with a yawn.

"Why are you laughing...?" He asked as I showed him the tweet as he snorted and I decided to type something.

Amber's Point of View~

I snorted at the tweet I was mentioned by Tommy. I saw this coming anyways and I couldn't stop giggling at all. I also saw the amount of spam messages from discord by him as well. I opened twitter and decided to reply.

TommyInnit @tommyinnit

@CelesteCloud can you please explain why you literally send me this message last night and what the heck does it even mean?!

*1 attached image of the discord message*

@User4: lmao xD

@User5: This woman spoke facts lol
    @CelesteCloud: I sure did! xD

@CelesteCloud: It's for me to know and for you to find out! :P
   @TommyInnit: Woman I am literally taller than you and can punt you
   @CelesteCloud: Do it I dare you!

@Dream: *wheezes*
   @TommyInnit: Dream! What does it mean?! Do you know cause you sound it like it!
    @Dream: Sorry can't tell you lol

@RileyTheCapricorn: bahahahahaha! XD

@Ranboosaysstuff: I literally don't understand much but this is hilarious!

@TubboLive: LMAO!

@Anne_Cora: Best Discord message ever! xD

Load more Replies

I stuffed my phone in my pocket and headed downstairs only to see a wheezing brother and my sister sister snorting at something in her phone and Sapnap literally laughing. Guess they saw the tweet.

"Did you seriously write that message to him last night?!" Clara asked me as I nodded with a smile.

"That was a good one!" Clay said as he stopped wheezing.

"Anyways, do you have any plans for today?" Sapnap asked me as I shook my head.

"At the moment, I don't. I am not streaming today. I'm just gonna chill to Wilbur or Nikki's stream today later." I said.

"Oh that's good then. I was wondering if you wanted to go the mall with me? We never really spent time together so I was hoping if you would like to?" He asked as I thought about it before nodding.

"Sure! It's about high time I spend some time with uncle Sapnap anyways." I said.

"Yessss!" He rejoiced as I let out a laugh and headed to the kitchen to have breakfast. Today was gonna be a good day. I just know it.

Wilbur's Point of View~

I found the entire tweet very funny but I still couldn't get my head out of that dream. What even was that. That dream entirely consisted of me, Nikki, Tubbo, Ranboo and who I thought to be Celeste. The entire thing went from 0 to 100 real quick with how the dream ended with that person...

God, I can't even think of that. It only makes me feel shivers go down my spine. It felt real and normally I shrug dream soft but this just made things different. While I was spacing out, it was quickly broken by a discord call. I opened the phone up to see it was from Nikki and picked it up.

"Hello Nikki. What's up?" I said trying not to sound troubled.

"Hey Wil! I hope I'm not disturbing anything." She said in her usual sweet tone.

"Oh no you're totally fine. I'm gonna be streaming in a few so I've some time." I said.

"Oh okay that's great then... um... I really need to talk to you about this. It's kind of throwing me off at the moment." She said sounding troubled as my eyebrows creased together.

"Go on I'm listening." I said.

"I really don't even know how to elaborate but I had this dream but it felt more like a dream to a nightmare and normally I don't pay much attention to them but I-I've been feeling very shaken up after it." She said as I stopped dead in my tracks.

Did she have the same dream as mine? It can't be true right? But the way she worded it made it sound like the dream I had. I was mentally debating whether I should bring it up but if my conclusion is false then I'm done for cause I don't want her to worry. I brought it up anyways.

"Did the dream happen to consist of me, you, Tubbo, Ranboo and possibly Celeste?" I said.

"Y-Yes! Wait... how did you...? H-Have you...?" She stuttered out as I sighed.

"I also had the same dream Nikki... I feel like us two aren't the only ones who had this dream. In other words, I think Celeste, Ranboo and Tubbo may have had the same dream as us." I said looking down.

"Oh dear god... Should we talk about this with them?" Nikki asked as I mentally debated and then i shook my head.

"I think it's best if we keep it for ourselves. I don't think we should pay any mind to it." I said sitting down on my chair.

"I guess you're right. I gotta go now cause I have to start up my stream. Good luck with yours!" She said as I nodded and hummed in response.

"Same to you Nikki." I said as we both hung up as I put both my index finger on top of my lips.

I got up and started to set my own stream. I decided to leave it and hope it doesn't come back to bite me or anything. I decided to chat with Tommy for a bit and when I saw that my time for streaming was near, I stopped chatting and started the stream after a bit.

- A/N -

Very interesting chapter I know!

Things are gonna get very interesting!

Also I know that y'all want the two main characters to get together but as I said, it's a slow burn book and I only want them to build up a friendship before starting to date!

Anyways I hope you liked the chapter!

Please Vote, Comment, Read and Enjoy!

Peace Out!


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