» Chapter Seventeen «

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1 and Half Months Later~

Amber's Point of View~

It's been months since I have met Ranboo. One and Half months since I have joined the Dream SMP. One and Half months since Ranboo met up with Tubbo in the UK and One and Half months since Riley moved to the UK. Things have been pretty eventful for the past few days to be honest. 

My brother has been working with this singer called Alec Benjamin. I knew him pretty well since I listen to his songs and whatnot and right now he is collabing with my brother for a song he wrote.

Speaking of my brother's new song, I was only allowed to hear a snippet of the song along with Drista, George and Sapnap. Now the problem was when George posted that tiktok of him with the song and him twerking too. Now it's forever gonna haunt me and I can't unsee it too.

Though right now I am at school and this time I am alone yet again. You're probably wondering, where is Mark? He pretty much isn't here with me cause he had to go abroad cause it was a family issue and such. I haven't seen him for a month ad half now and it's pretty boring.

I was currently in a boring Bio lecture and looking at the time every now and then and as if my wish came true, class was finally over. I picked up my books and tidied my desk before leaving the classroom.

"Remember to finish your assignments before the deadline!" Our teacher told us as I left the classroom and went to my locker.

I am kinda glad Jason stopped coming after me cause if he did I would have seriously punched him in the jaw. I put my books away and headed to the cafeteria as I got my lunch and sat down at my usual table and only this time I am pretty much alone so that's that.

I took out my biology assignment and started to do it cause I didn't feel like doing it at home plus I wanted to stream so yeah. It was an easy assignment for me considering I study while I see a few of the students getting in trouble for not doing it or something.

As I was doing it, I felt someone coming at my table and I slightly looked up to see it was Emily. I rolled my eyes as I continued writing and not giving her any attention until she slammed her hand on my desk as I looked up at her.

"Do you mind? I am trying to study here." I said making her feel more annoyed.

"Where is Mark?" She asked as I raised a brow.

"And why is that any of your concern?" I asked back as I heard her growl.

"Just tell me where the f*** he is b**ch!" She asked aggressively as I rolled my eyes at her.

"That is something I am not telling cause it's not any of your business. So I suggest you leave me be and go over to the people you call 'friends'." I said flashing her a sarcastic smile.

Just as if I could predict what she was gonna do next, I saw her hand trying to grab my lunch so she could dump it on me but I was able to quickly grab her wrist as I stopped her and I could see the surprised expression she had when I did that.

"If you try to dump that on me, trust me it won't end well for you since you don't have power over me." I said with a threatening tone as she looked scared and I let her go as she left with an annoyed face.

I looked back at my biology assignment and quickly finished it and opened my phone to see I have a few more minutes before classes start again and I didn't feel like going to the library or the music room so I opened my phone and went to our group chat in discord group which is now called The Five DSMP Minors + Addie and Riley.

Did I mention Riley? Yes! Apparently She told Tubbo who she is and Ranboo doesn't know she streams and Riley didn't see his face. Tommy doesn't know either. We decided to put Riley cause she is mine and Tubbo's friend so yeah. To be honest, they don't know besides Tubbo that Riley is RileyTheCapricorn.


Are any of you online?


You really don't count much Bee boy cause you're the one who dropped out of college! /lh



I am pretty much online but I am gonna be streaming in a bit later!

Hey Ranboo! How's the UK?

It's alright! I prefer the US more!

I am literally gonna divorce you!

Anyways! What are you up to Celeste?

I am having lunch break at the moment. Kinda boring if you ask me -_-


Well hello guys!

Ayyy! Purpled ma friend!

Well hello Celeste! How's lunch break?

Boring! I wanna go home and stream!




Hello! ^v^



I honestly love the friendship you two have!

Did I miss any sort of chaos here???

Nope! You're right on time!

Well hello there Purple man!

Hello to you as well mini version of Anne Cora!

I took that as a compliment!

Take it however you like! :^

Tubbo I swear to God stop trying to stab my YouTooz plushies!

Haha! Never! >:)




Hello there everyone! Hello Americans!

Hello to you too simpinnit!

I SWEAR TO F***ING GOD! I am not a simp!

Aren't you one?

... You know what you're right! I am having plans for tomorrow!

What plans?

I am going on a minecraft date with this twitch streamer called beautie_!

You mean that girl on TikTok you had responded to??

Yes! She had asked me out by that! 

That's really great Tommy!

Proud of you child!

I am not a child!

Sure you aren't!

Anyways! I am hoping the date goes well cause she's really pretty!

It will Tommy! I have huge faith on you!


Yeah! Same here! Anyways I gotta go! I have some things I need to take care of!

Aw! BTW will you hang out later tomorrow??

I wish I could but my mom said to help her with some things later tomorrow so I don't think I can!

Oof! It's alright! :)

Yeah see ya!

I have to go to cause I have a few minutes before my classes start! Bye!


Bye bye woman!

Bye Celeste!



I got up from my seat and cleared the table cause I don't wanna trouble the janitors that always cleans up other people's messes. I honestly feel bad. As I was about to leave, I felt my phone go off and I quickly opened my phone to see a discord message from Addie.


Can we talk please?

Sure but not now! I'll message you after school!



I snorted a little because of the smiley face I put. It's a Dream thing but I may have traumatized Tommy once when I put that. But for some reason I felt worried when Addie texted me like this. I shrugged it off and went off with my day. 

I was glad the classes went by fast. Next thing I know, the last bell rang and I slowly got up and picked up my books and headed out the door and to my locker. I put everything in and slung my bag behind me and I saw Jason and his friends coming my way but of course not in front.

I did feel him looking at me so I listed my head up and flipped him off as I offended him very well and slightly skipped out of school and walked down towards the direction to my house. As I was, I stopped in front of Mark's house.

It looked empty too considering they all went abroad. I sighed as I continued walking to my house. I entered my house as quickly as possible and took off my shoes and was greeted by Sapnap.

"Hey there Amber." He said with a smile.

"Hello to you too. Where's Clay and Clara?" I asked.

"Clay's in his room and Clara is currently watching TV." He said and continued. "So how was school?" He asked as I shrugged.

"Same old same old! I had a bit of an argument with the school's b**ch and then talked to Purpled, Tommy, Ranboo, Riley, Addie and Tubbo in our discord groupchat. Did you know that Tommy has a minecraft date?" I said and asked as he had an amused look.

"I did hear something about it. He's pretty much growing up." He said.

"Yeah and it's scary too." I said as we both let out a laugh and I headed to my room as I took a quick shower, dried my hair and threw in an outfit and wore it as I opened my discord.


Celeste: Okay I am free now! You wanted to talk?

Addie: Yes I did

Celeste: Is something the matter?

Addie: I am just... thinking of tomorrow

Celeste: What about tomorrow???

Addie: Tommy's date

Celeste: What about it?

I was getting a bit worried and by the tone of her texts I could tell something was up and I already had a hunch but I wasn't gonna think too far. Then I heard the sound of my phone vibrating and the next text specified my hunch.

Addie: Is it bad that I don't want them to go to the date at all?

Celeste: Addie do you like Tommy?

Addie: is it really that obvious?

Celeste: I am guessing that's a huge yes from you!

Addie: Yeah... Now you know why I had to lie to cancel the plans of hanging out with each other... I didn't want to look upset or anything if he talked about the date and all

Celeste: Now I wish we lived close so I could come over and give you a hug!

Addie: I am okay...

Celeste: Addie

Celeste: Don't lie! I can tell you're crying right now just by writing this! If your sister, Anne knew of this, she would have had that poor British Boy's head by now for making you cry!

Celeste: The date is platonic and all but still...

Addie: I know it is but you know how it always goes! Plus beautie_ and Tommy are a perfect match! He only just thinks of me as a friend...

((A/N: No hate towards beautie_ please! This is just for the story and I am not making her a b**ch either! She's such a nice person! <3))

Celeste: Okay don't go there! I'll be there for watching beautie_'s stream tomorrow and let you know how it went okay?

Addie: Okay...

Celeste: Great!

Addie: You should go now, you do have to stream after a bit and all!

Celeste: I can cancel my stream and talk to you!

Addie: Please don't! I don't wanna be the reason for you doing that!

Celeste: Okay then... I'll check on your later! Bye!

Addie: Bye!

Just like that our conversation ended. God... I didn't know love could be this messy. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to eat lunch. As I came down, I saw Nick put down a huge bowl of mac and cheese on the table as Clara and Clay sat down. I came in and sat down beside Clara and started to eat but I could tell they were all looking at me which was obvious as to why they were.

"Is something the matter?" Clay asked me as I was debating whether or not to tell them about this.

"You know you can tell us anything right? We want to be there if anything is wrong." Nick chimed in as Clara nodded and by this point I made up my decision.

"It's not about me. It's about... Addie." I said as they looked slightly confused.

"What about her? Did something happen?" Clay asked.

"You could say that. You have heard that Tommy is going on a platonic minecraft date with the twitch steamer beautie_ right?" I asked as they all nodded.

"It was pretty much all over twitter and tiktok. It's hard not to miss. What does it have to do with Addie?" Clay asked as I gave him a look.

"Take a guess! I think you may know where I am going with this conversation." I said and after a bit Clay spoke up.

"Wait... are you saying that Addie has a crush on Tommy?!" Clay said.

"Ding ding ding! You got that right brother." I said as Clara spoke up next.

"Does Anne know of this?" She asked as I shook my headed.

"If she did, you have no clue what she would do to the poor British boy." I said slightly snickering as I became slightly serious.

"Just do me a favor and don't tell this to anyone. Not even George Clay. I know he's a very trustworthy guy but it's best of this doesn't go out of this household." I told this to the three as they nodded.

"Don't worry. We won't tell a soul." Nick said as Clara and Clay both nodded.

"Thanks. Anyways, I am gonna quickly eat this. I have to stream later." I said  as I started to take a spoon full of the mac and cheese.

"Oh yeah right. You said you were gonna play a new game or something. What's it called again?" Nick asked.

"It's called Genshin Impact. The game is still ongoing and sounds pretty interesting so I am thinking of playing it." I said as I quickly finished my food and cleaned it as I went upstairs to set everything up.

I have already created an account for the game and both George and Karl told me that I might need to use PayPal for the game but it's only my decision if I wanna naturally get the goods to get a character or something. After setting everything up, I quickly sent out a tweet.

Celeste @CelesteCloud

Will be streaming soon in 5 minutes! Will be playing this cool game I have found called Genshin Impact! Be there or be square! :)

💬 1.1k comments 🔁 50 retweets ❤️100k likes

I quickly opened twitch and exactly at the right time I started to stream with the 'Starting Soon' screen as many peopled came in the chat. I waited for a few minutes for everyone to get in here and when I thought everyone did, I changed the screen to the menu of the game.

"Hey there guys, gals and nonbinary pals! Today we will be playing something besides minecraft! It's a totally new game called Genshin Impact so let's go and start!" I said as I pressed the menu and started the game.

Ranboo's Point of View~

I was scrolling through twitter only to get the notification that Celeste is live right now. I would have instantly clicked on her stream but I heard she's playing a game that I haven't so I didn't wanna be spoiled when I decide to play it.

The only thing my mind is going to is back to the conversation we had in the group chat. Honestly I thought Tommy liked Addie or something. Also Addie leaving very abruptly felt off. I know I could be wrong but I don't know if she was even feeling hurt. My thoughts were broken by the knock coming from behind the door.

"You can come in." I said as the door opened to reveal Tubbo.

"Hey Ranboo." he said coming in and closing the door before falling face first on the bed.

"Hey Tubbo. You good?" I said poking his head as he held up a thumbs up.

"I am good. The only thing I have to deal with tomorrow is helping Tommy with his date. You're in it too you know?" He said as I slowly nodded wile looking at my twitter.

"Mhm! I do. I might be joining later..." I said as he hummed in response.

It was silent for a bit as Tubbo stayed in the same position while I was scrolling through twitter while looking at some cool fanart and basically just smiling every once in a while cause I am in MCC for the second time and all. The silence was broken after Tubbo spoke up.

"Hey Ranboo? Do you think Tommy and Addie would make a good couple?" Tubbo asked as I stopped myself and looked at him.

"I think so too." I said.

"Yeah. I know Tommy and beautie_'s date is platonic and all but if they do hit it off then it's a whole 'I don't know' in this whole situation." Tubbo said as I put my phone down.

"So you're saying is that Tommy is too dense to realize that Addie may or may not like him?" I said as I saw Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but probably not as dense as you." He said as I got offended.

"Hey! Where is that coming from?!" I said in an offended tone as Tubbo started giggling.

"It's nothing don't worry. I was messing with you." He said but I could tell that wasn't the case but I didn't ask anything further cause I was too scared to even ask.

"Yeah sure. How's Riley by the way? I did get out of the room to see you and her basically looking cozy on the couch while watching a movie." I said as I saw Tubbo's face and ear going a bit red and I smirked.

"Oh shut up!" he said throwing a pillow in my direction and in return I let out a shriek.

"You don't have to throw a pillow at me you know?" I said putting the pillow away as I looked at my twitter to find something interesting.

"Oh boy..." I said as it got Tubbo's attention.

"What is it?" He said coming close to see as I shifted my phone to show and he started to snicker.

"Can't believe they are yelling at each other like a married couple on the twitter thread." Tubbo said as I nodded.

"Foolish and Anne should seriously start dating and fast." I said as I saw their exchange in a twitter post while majority of the people were just freaking out or enjoying the show. 

This reminds me of Amber. I wonder how she is doing right now. We do chat with each other in our messages but I haven't been with her physically and I really miss her. She said that she's been able to handle Emily and Jason without me which I am very glad to know since it shows she's okay.

I don't really regret coming to the UK cause I have been wanting to meet up with Tubbo for a long time now and it's finally happening. Then of course I met Gogy, Jack, Phil, Wilbur and Tommy. We did some cool vlogs with each other and I enjoyed them.

Maybe one day I can bring Amber into these. I honestly feel bad for Riley since she doesn't want to be involved in these but I don't blame her. Considering she said she's not confident being seen and the fact that she doesn't stream and all.

I don't know I am highly doubting her words but I guess it's just me being curious most of the time. Speaking of vlog, I remembered that I will be doing a charity stream a few days later. I quickly added this to my schedule or I will forget.

"Anyways, I am gonna go and start streaming. I know you will be streaming a bit later so yeah." Tubbo said leaving the room as I nodded.

I slowly laid down on the bed and turned to the side. I thought of taking a nap now cause I have been feeling pretty exhausted and I didn't wanna seem tired during my stream. I quickly set an alarm on my phone and closed my eyes. The last thing I could hear was Tubbo greeting his viewers as he started to stream.

- A/N -

Hello guys!

Yeah things are getting pretty dramatic left and right but hey it's worth it!

Again sorry for the slow updates!

I have pretty much planned out on how the story will progress and hopefully I'll be able to finish this book and move onto the next one which will mostly show about Foolish and Anne along with the side story of Tommy and Addie!

I can't really promise if I am gonna be able to write that book but if I don't then I can solely vouch that they do become a couple later on!

I am not gonna leave anyone heart broken in this book!

Anyways I hope you liked this book!

Please Vote, Comment, Read and Enjoy!

Peace Out!


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