» Chapter Thirty Six «

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- Note -

Okay so I know Bill left the US but boi I am changing stuff up again so leave me alone!

I love Billzo (/p) very much so I can't have him leave too soon! >:3

Anyways you guys have reached this part so get ready for a wild ride!

Amber's Point of View~

It's literally been like a week that has passed so far with majority of the folks practicing for MCC that happened on the eleventh of December! Right now it's literally the seventeenth of December and Christmas is just around the corner! Christmas shopping might be a huge pain.

Though it was worth it seeing Mark with reddish pink dyed hair for MCC. We couldn't find green so we decided to go with that and he was dying internally so badly and just to make him feel better I decided to dye my hair with the same color but only the front parts of my hair and that's it.

He was pretty convinced that it would take a day which I thought too as well but I didn't mind keeping it for long but he was dying when he saw chat saying that it was gonna last a week. I was literally laughing the entire time but luckily for him, he was able to wash it off and I decided to do the same.

Though the most funniest thing during MCC was Captain Sparklez swearing cause that has caused a huge uproar in the entirety of the game. I was kinda sad that Green Elves didn't win but they did well and Teal Turkeys were good in the end.

We did celebrate Aimsey's birthday with Crumb, Bill, Freddie, Tommy, Addie, Riley, Tubbo, Mark and Purpled. It was a fun day for us. Mostly Crumb pulling away asking what has happened and she's still fed up with Tommy for ruining the moment which was me and Mark gonna kiss and all.

Luckily he didn't come after Tommy cause I don't want Tommy knowing what the freaking heck was gonna happen before him coming inside and shouting that he and a few people had come back. I did notice Bill and Mark talking with each other from a distance but I didn't think much of it since I see them talk all the time so it's normal.

Though whenever I remember how Mark's attire for MCC was, it just makes him look like a leprechaun who instead steals gender and nothing else. The red hair just makes it me more funny and I have teased him about it a lot already.

Right now, we were just working our way around the house feeling lazy as always so we decided not to go anywhere for the day. I was talking to Riley and Addie about random things. Mostly about MCC and how Kaceytron said she was gonna delete her channel if my brother won gamer of the year awards which he did. I hated her a lot for how she mistreated my brother.

We also talked about where we were going tomorrow. Apparently we were gonna go to Universal Studios tomorrow and I was pretty excited to go since I will be going with these people and it will be a fun experience. We were also having Bill, Aimsey, Crumb and Freddie tag along.

That was when I heard my phone go off. I excused myself as I got up and went to a corner to see a message from Crumb on Discord. I opened the app and went over to our messages to see what I literally saw.


Crumb: Meet me and Aimsey at Starbuck's which is... you know where it is! We have things to discuss for tomorrow! >:3

Celeste: Alrighty! Imma go and get changed real soon! Meet you guys in a few!

Crumb: Oki!

Celeste: ✌️

I put my phone away as I ran up the stairs and quickly went in my room and threw on an outfit and got quickly changed. I decided to not tie up my hair and just went with it. Then I quickly went downstairs and wore my shoes.

"Are you going somewhere?" I heard a voice say and I looked up to see it Jack.

"Oh hey Jack and yeah! I am meeting up with Crumb and Aimsey at Starbucks." I said.

"Oh alright! Have fun then." he said.

"Thanks and if anyone looks for me, tell them I am with Aimsey and Crumb." I said opening the door and going out after locking the door behind me. 

I decided to take a taxi since they said they won't be walking since it takes time. After a few I reached the place and already saw Aimsey and Crumb at a table with a tray of drinks which were frappes or latte.

"Hey guys!" i said as they waved back.

"Glad you made it on time!" Aimsey said motioning me to sit as Crumb passed me my drink.

"Yeah same. I was bored at the AirBNB but I was talking with Addie and Riley for a bit." I said.

"That's cool! I am more excited for tomorrow!" She said taking a sip from her drink.

"Same!" Crumb said slightly jumping in her seat as I smiled. 

"But are you sure you want us to tag along? I mean you guys do have your own meetups and should be doing it with them and all?" Aimsey asked me as I shook my head.

"Nah we don't mind extra people joining us plus Addie, Elaina and Riley aren't in the dream smp and they came because we wanted them to so you guys are okay." I said.

"Thanks Am!" They both said smiling.

"Anytime!" I said drinking my frappe.

"Now let's discuss the main thing." Aimsey started as I looked at her with a perplexed expression.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What she mean is you and Mark becoming a thing! We are seriously thinking that tomorrow at Universals when the sun is setting you confess to him!" Crumb said.

"Oh my god... should have seen this coming." I said as they both snickered.

"This is the perfect opportunity! Many people confess their love at that place in a good spot which is nearly everywhere!" Aimsey said excitedly.

"You can't chicken out! Otherwise you won't be able to confess before Christmas like you just have to do it!" Crumb added as I let out a sigh.

"Okay okay! I'll do it. Just pray I don't chicken out like an idiot." I said as they both cheered.

"Yes finally!" Crumb said high-fiving Aimsey as I rolled my eyes as I looked around and I thought I saw someone but I decided to shrug it off thinking it was nothing.

We decided to talk for a bit longer. The fact that they are so determined for me to confess my feelings makes me feel confident about myself. Maybe I can do it tomorrow! I have to and I don't want to chicken out anymore. After a bit, I checked the time to see it was getting late.

"I gotta go now! My brother would be taking turn in making lunch so see you all tomorrow!" I said as I waved at them.

"Bye!" They both said as I walked off.

Yeah now I am wanting to walk the entire way to the AirBNB. The place isn't far but it will just take a few minutes. Hopefully i can reach there before lunch. Though my mind was mostly filled with the right timing to confess tomorrow.

Hopefully when no one is around or it is less crowded. I sighed as I continued walking and trying not to bump into people. I have to do it tomorrow or I will never get the opportunity to do. All I can hope is that he feels the same and not get rejected.

Timeskip brought to you by the author somehow finding time to write this chapter when she said she won't be able to but is somehow~

"Hey you guys done!? We're leaving in a minute!" I heard Foolish yell from outside.

"Yeah we're coming! Give us a sec okay?!" Anne said putting on her shoes as I came down the stairs along with Riley and Addie.

"You guys really know how to take your time." I heard Foolish say who was standing by the door.

"Says you Mr. I-have-to-look-hot-everytime!" Anne said as Foolish laughed.

"I mean you could have just told me that you find me hot other than come up with a nickname like that." Foolish said as Anne punched him in the arm.

"Oh shush!" She said looking flustered as she headed out and Foolish looked at us.

"You guys ready?" He asked.

"Yep!" All three of us said as we went out and Foolish locked the door behind him.

"Great to see you guys have made it!" Jack said as Addie gave him a high-five.

"Bill, Aimsey, Crumb and Freddie said that they will be coming to Universal Studios from their place." Mark said.

"Okay noted." I said smiling and feeling my heart beat. God I have to confess to him today.

"Everyone's here! Get in the car you guys!" I heard Wilbur tell us as we all got inside the car as Wilbur started to drive.

This time I got the window side of the car with Mark beside me looking at his phone. I looked out the window as I saw people walk by on the streets. I was technically just thinking of how I am gonna confess. I know I should be simple but I want to do it where I won't be interrupted in doing so.

"Amber?" I heard Mark say from beside me as I looked at him.

"Hm?" I hummed in response.

"You okay? You seemed lost." He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah sorry. I was feeling kinda sleepy." i said. It was true that I was kinda sleepy still. Mostly because I nearly stayed up all night pondering.

"You can take a nap now if you want. It's gonna take a while for us to reach Universal Studios." Niki suggested as I nodded.

"Okay I'll try to fall asleep on the car." I said returning back to look outside the window.

Niki wasn't lying when she said it was gonna take a while to get there, so I had decided to doze off for a bit. When I woke up, I literally saw that i was resting my head on Mark's arm. I slowly got up and checked the time to see that we had a few minutes before reaching our destination.

"Sleep well?" Mark asked as I nodded and tried rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Yeah." I said yawning slightly.

After a bit of staying in the car while getting a leg cramp, we finally reached Universal Studios. When we got down from the car we saw the Four Musketeers literally waiting for us by the entrance of the place as they came forward and greeted us.

"Great to see you guys made it!" Aimsey said.

"Hopefully you guys weren't waiting for too long." Riley said as Crumb shook her head.

"Nope you're good!" Crumb said.

"Hey Tommy!" I heard Freddie say as Tommy and he both shook hands.

After everyone had come, we all got our tickets as we tried to think of which ride to take first. As everyone was doing so I saw Mark taking a video of the place by panning around until he stopped at a point where there was a picture of Shrek and Princess Fiona kissing and it made me laugh a bit. He was definitely gonna post that on TikTok.

"How about we go to the boat log ride form the Madagascar?" Aimsey suggested as majority of the people agreed.

"Alright that's the first ride come on!" Wilbur said as everyone followed him.

I literally noticed Dream and George holding hands. I quickly took a picture of that and decided to keep it for myself. I showed the picture to Mark who seemed to laugh a little at it. This was just too fun.

All thirty four of us waited for the party to come by so we could get in next. The funny thing was that the ride could carry at least thirty-four people each and it was funny enough on it's own. After a while we all got in and got nearly wet during the ride but it was fun nonetheless.

Then we decided to go some other rides like Ferris wheels, merry-go-round rip off type of rides and so on. We basically looked around almost everywhere and went on almost all rides here until we decided to take a break since most of us where getting a headache or something especially Mark who nearly or so have blacked out during the roller coaster ride.

"You okay?" I asked as he nodded still trying to see if he was alive and all.

"Yeah I am okay. At least I didn't die." He said as I sat down beside him while the others were doing whatever they wanted to.

"You really don't like roller coasters huh?" I asked as he smiled awkwardly.

"Yeah you're right. I don't. I may have gone on a few but in reality I still don't like them but here I am riding them and nearly blacking out." He said as I patted him in the shoulder.

"At least you ain't dead. Can't have you perishing yet." I said as we both laughed.

"Yeah me too." He said smiling making my heart flutter.

"Hey Ranboo you good?" Clay asked coming up to him.

"Yeah I am good! I am still recovering a little but I should be able to walk around here." He said getting up.

"Okay if you say so." Clay said patting him on the arm.

"You guys literally acted like brothers during the entire MCC stream to be honest." I said as he chuckled.

"I mean, he is a really cool teammate and I have always hoped we would be in the same team together one day." he said as I sighed.

"Well I don't blame you." I said.

"Hey! You two coming!?" I heard Bill shout over at us as we both nodded.

"Yeah coming!" I said as we ran over to catch up with them.

We decided to watch the Water World show and decided to sit in the wet zone since none of us wanted to get wet and it would be a big of a hassle to anyways. The show was pretty fun. I watched the movie a while back with my family and it was really good. 

Then we decided to go and have lunch at one of the restaurants or cafe's that were lying around in the place. All of us went to different places to eat in groups. Me, Mark, Tubbo, Riley, Bill and Aimsey went to one place to eat and it was good.

We then proceeded to go to other places after finishing our lunch. We bought a few souvenirs for ourselves. I basically got director's cap and a clapperboard which I liked very much and can use for my own benefit in the future.

Right now we were just walking around the place. It was really peaceful and fun to look at the rides going on from below. It was nice to see children with their families having fun here. Reminds me of the old days back in Florida.

"Hey I am gonna go to the washroom for a bit! I'll be back in a few!" Riley said to me as I nodded.

"Alright but the bathroom closest is pretty much far so if you get lost, give us a call or a text and we'll come and find you." I said as she nodded and ran off as Toby was looking at something that has caught his eye in one of the souvenir shops.

Riley's Point of View~

I basically ran off after I told them where I was gonna go. Amber wasn't kidding when she said that the bathroom closest from where we were was far. I looked around the place to see a lot of rides and souvenir shops.

Most of the shops were selling Christmas like things like snow globes or stockings or Santa hats. It was nice seeing people get ready for the festive season. Reminds me of how mine and Amber's family always had Christmas with each other at their house or ours.

After a bit of looking around, I was able to find the bathroom. I quickly rushed inside there and did my business. I just hoped I wasn't making the others wait for long. This bathroom was kind of away from the place making the area more or so secluded.

After I was done, I quickly got out of the bathroom stall and washed my hands as I dried them with tissues placed in the dispensers or whatever people called them. I gave out a small stretch before going outside of the place. Considering i was not paying attention, I accidnetally bumped into someone.

"O-oh sorry! I hope I didn't hurt you." I said not looking at them.

"Well well well... if it isn't a pleasant surprise to see you here." I heard the voice speak.

My blood ran cold when I heard that voice. I could feel shivers down my spine as my fear grew. I was scared to see who it was but I could tell by the voice. My curiosity grew even more as I slowly looked up to see who it was.

When I did, I knew there was no turning back. My assumptions were correct when I saw the person's face as I took two steps back in fear. It was someone I never ever wanted to see in my life again. The one who ruined everything and wrecked me emotionally.


- A/N -

Haha cliffhanger!!!!! >:DDD

I feel so evil right now and you guys can tell something's gonna happen! >:)

You guys can attack me and hate me now! :'D

Yeah the chapter was kinda shorter than what I have written before but I wasn't really sure what to add but i did wanna add more but I decided against it and hopefully the next chapter is gonna be longer cause yeah!

Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Please Vote, Comment, Read and Enjoy!

Peace Out!


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