» Chapter Twenty Six «

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Amber's Point of View~

It's been four days. Four days since Riley's face reveal. Four days since our holidays have started. A day since Ranboo went to LA already along with Mark who went on a holiday with his parents. Right now I was alone in my room with my three suitcases. A day before I got LA.

I was nervous. Nervous the fact that I will be meeting up with many people face to face. I have looked up to them a lot and they have been my motivation to do streaming in the first place and my brother was the one who helped out.

I took a few deep breaths as I exhaled along with it. It was currently 9PM and I am supposed to be going to sleep so I can wake up at 7 in the morning and get ready since my brother would be taking me to the airport along with Sapnap and Clara.

I finally calmed down as I turned off my lights and laid down on my bed as I closed my eyes so I could fall asleep. It was a bit hard but I was eventually able to doze off. The upside of the meetup was meeting Ranboo and the others along with seeing Riley again so I know I have to meetup with them!

After what felt like forever I felt someone gently shaking me as I groggily opened my eyes to see it was Clay who was doing so. This meant that it was time I get ready. Good thing I packed my bag along with the two suitcases.

"Sapnap's almost done making breakfast. Get ready we'll leave in a few after eating." He said leaving my room as I slowly got up.

I headed to the bathroom as I took a shower and brushed my teeth. Then I quickly got out and dried my hair and wore my out fit as I stuffed my mask in my pocket and put my sunglasses in my sunglass case and headed downstairs to see my luggage by the door and my backpack on one of them. 

I saw that Sapnap was done serving, so I went over and sat down as I started to eat my breakfast quickly like everyone else since the airport was a bit far from our current location. After I finished, I brushed my teeth and wore my shoes and before going outside I checked if I had all my sanitary needs and all.

After checking everything I opened the door and rolled down my luggage near the car as my brother came running from behind and helped me put them at the back of the car. Later both Clara and Sapnap came as I sat in the passengers seat while Sapnap and Clara sat at the back.

After a while, my brother got in the drivers' seat after locking our house door and started to drive the car. It was pretty much silent most of the time or my brother would start listening to his own songs form time to time. Sometimes they would just talk about random things.

"Hey Am? You nervous?" I heard Sapnap ask as I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah kinda. It's my first time without you guys so it's going to be a bit scary but exciting since I will be meeting people." I said honestly with a small smile as I felt Clay give me a small pat on the shoulder.

"You'll be fine. We'll be coming at the start of December so we can all meet with each other." He said as I snorted.

"You're mostly excited to meet George since you can't stop blabbing about him." I said as I see him slightly choke on his words as I laughed. I knew well on how to make him flustered.

We eventually reached the airport after talking on about reassurance and whatnot. I slowly got out of the car along with Clay who helped out with the luggage while Sapnap found a good looking trolley as Clara handed me my backpack.

I helped my brother put the luggage on the trolley so it wouldn't be hard for him to do so. After that, Sapnap gave me a hug along with Clay and Clara. I hugged them back before pulling away from it.

"Safe travels okay?" My brother said as I nodded.

"Of course!" I said.

"Gonna miss you sis!" I heard Clara say as I smiled.

"Gonna miss you too. I'll miss you three a lot!" I said before waving goodbye as I pushed my trolley into the airport.

I looked around to see that the airport was slightly busy today. I went through all the boring things that I had to do before I could settle in a lounge. I was able to speedrun all those things and was glad to be able to sit down in the lounge.

I quickly got myself a plate of food but I only went for the deserts since I didn't feel like eating anything with salt. I sat down and ate my food and scrolled through twitter to see Ranboo taking a picture with Tubbo, Riley and 5up. This made me smile as I liked the post and put my phone down as I finished eating.

I had a few more minutes before I had to go to my gate. I decided to talk to Ranboo since I didn't have anything better to do and Mark was probably busy still so I didn't feel like bothering him at the moment.


Celeste: Sup Mr. Boo! I am currently stuck in an airport lounge!

Ranboo: Good morning to you as well!

Celeste: I just remembered! Isn't it like early at your place?

Ranboo: Yeah it is but I guess my sleep schedule decided to be a prick lol!

Celeste: must be nice! XD

Ranboo: BTW I will be the only one picking you up cause Tubbo and Riley are pretty much tired since last night!

Celeste: What did they do?

Ranboo: They tried pulling an all-nighter but in the end they kinda fell asleep around for in the morning. 

Celeste: oof!

Ranboo: When's your flight?

Celeste: if I am gonna be coming to LA lets say that my flight for the timing in LA will be 6AM and it's currently 5AM right now!

Ranboo: yeah and how long will it take you to come?

Celeste: Exactly four hours on the dot! Meaning I would reach the airport at 10AM!

Ranboo: Then I'll come at least ten minutes early to pick you up!

Celeste: aww! That's sweet of you! <3

Ranboo: I mean I am mostly excited to see you!

Celeste: You will be wearing the mask right?

Ranboo: Yup! We'll reveal to each other at the airport considering not many people are coming to LA so it's pretty much empty!

Celeste: yup!

I continued texting him until after a few I looked up to see the time. It was close to when they were gonna announce the boarding time. so I quickly sent a message to Ranboo saying that I had to go now.

I got up and rolled my small luggage outside of the lounge as I headed down towards my gate. I carefully checked the number until i reached the right one. I had to go through another final check before I could get inside.

The minute I did, I saw the person opening the door telling us to start coming in and I quickly bolted through the gate as I headed down the long bridge like thing and came towards the entrance of my plane as I showed the flight attendants my passport as they showed me where my seat was in Business.

I rolled my luggage down the path and sat down on the seat which had the window side to it. I put my luggage in the compartment along with my bag beside me since no one was going to sit beside me anyways.

I quickly hit Ranboo a message saying I was on he plane which will take off in a few minutes. I put my phone away as I saw that everyone who was supposed to go had arrived and with that I buckled my seat as the plane took off. I was officially on my way to LA.

Ranboo's Point of View~

I was literally laying down in my hotel room bed, bored. Tubbo and Riley were pretty much fast asleep in Tubbo's room. I would have somehow brought Riley to her room but I didn't feel like and plus I would love to see their flustered reactions when they woke up next to each other.

My phone went off as I saw a tweet from Celeste which showed that she took pictures of clouds on the plane which looked very cool. I set my phone down as I went downstairs to the diner to have breakfast.

I took a plate of sausages and eggs and a cold glass of orange juice. Luckily i didn't see anything that had beans related or I would have fainted. I sat down on an empty table for two and started eating my food. After I was done, I drank my orange juice and left the diner afterwards.

I decided to look around the hotel since it had many things and places to explore and look around for. I do remember Billzo saying he would be coming on 22nd and staying in this exact same hotel.

After a while I decided to go back to my room and watch anything that looks good on TV besides the news channels since they make me sad and all. I decided to watch the Avengers which was playing right now on &FlixHD since I was bored. Pretty much gonna start crying while watching too.

After what seemed like forever, I felt my phone buzzing as I took it out of my pocket to see Celeste sent me a message on Discord saying she will be landing in 30 minutes.

I quickly got up from the couch as I threw on a T-shirt and Jeans and wore my Black Ranboo hoodie merch. I got sped down the hotel as I went to the exit and hailed a cab telling them to go to the airport. 

The drive to the airport from the hotel was exactly 30 minutes away. I texted her back saying I am currently on my way. I may have sounded pretty excited to se her. God now I felt like a complete simp. I hoped Amber was doing okay though.

((Author: This guy's mind shifts from both Celeste to Amber knowing not so well that they are the same person!))

I eventually reached the airport and paid the Taxi Driver how much he was demanding and got out after thanking them. I took a deep breath as I headed inside the airport. After I did, i wore my black and white mask and took out my sunglasses as I texted her.


Ranboo: Where you at???

Celeste: I just passed a few checking and stuff! Where are you?

Ranboo: I am by the belt where the suitcases will be coming soon and I think it already started!

Celeste: Alright! Try to spot a girl that looks 5'7, has long straight dirty blonde hair and is wearing a blue and black mask along with a blue and black sunglass!

Ranboo: Alright and try to look for a 6'7 male that is wearing a Ranboo merch hoodie with black and white mask and sunglasses! Oh and has dirty blonde hair which has been chopped down and doesn't even look like a proper trim!

Celeste: Sure! XD

I waited as I looked around and my eye caught something. I whipped back my head to see a blonde female who was wearing the exact same mask and glasses pulling a suitcase. I raised my hand trying to get her attention which was successful as she started coming in my direction.

"H-hey!" I heard her say with a small stutter which was cute.

"Hello to you too." I said giving her a small hug.

"I really can't believe I am seeing you in person!" She said hugging back before letting go. 

"Same honestly. Let's get your luggage first then we'll do what we planned to do." I said as she nodded.

"Yeah of course!" She said as I helped her up with two of her big suitcases which were heavy as usual but managed to get them.

"Okay so I guess we do it now?" I asked as she nodded.

"Yeah. I am kind of nervous to do so." She said as I nodded.

"Same." i said until i felt a light bulb go off.

"I have an idea. Why don't we pull down our masks and take off our glasses at the count of three?" I suggested as she pondered before agreeing.

"Sounds about right! Let's do it." She said putting both her hands on the mask and glasses.

"Alright. One..." I started.

"Two..." She continued.

"Three!" We both said as I pulled down my mask and sunglasses but my eyes were closed.

I guess you could say I was afraid of seeing her reaction. I was very insecure about how I even looked and I seriously didn't want to disappoint her.

"Wait... Mark?" I heard her say which made my breathing hitch. How did she...?

I slowly opened my eyes too see what i didn't expect to see. The same blue eyes and that determined face that I always saw at school. The girl that was my only friend since the beginning in Florida.

"Amber...?" I said taken aback by this. By the looks of it, she was shocked too.

"Wait wait wait! Hold on! Mark you're Ranboo?!" I heard her say as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"And you're CelesteCloud, Amber?!" I spoke in the same tone of shock as her.

"Wait! You're telling me I have been friends with Ranboo this whole time?!" She said and I was so glad no one was around to notice us.

"Speak for yourself! I can't believe I was friends with Celeste my entire time!" I said as we both tried calming down before speaking.

"You're not disappointed are you?" I heard her ask which made me surprised.

"I should be the one asking that you know?" I said as I pulled her into a hug.

"I am glad it's you." I said.

"I am glad it's the girl i fell in love with." I said in my thoughts which I wished I could say right now but it wasn't my time to say it.

"I am glad to know you're Ranboo too." I heard her say as she hugged back but we had to pull away eventually.

"I am gonna have to get used this." She said laughing a bit as I did the same. 

"Agreed. Come one. Let's go. Tubbo and Riley are probably awake by now." I said as we both went away from the belt as she pushed the trolley towards the exit.

"Nice haircut." I heard her say as I groaned.

"Don't ask." I said as she giggled.

Luckily we found a cab which was gladly able to take us to the hotel I was staying in. We sat in the car in silence since we were kind of in shock but practically happy to say the least. I was glad that we had reached the hotel cause the silence was too good for my own sanity.

Before I could whip out my wallet, I already see Cele- I mean Amber paying the driver as she opened the car door to her side and got out and I did the same. I helped her get the suitcases out as I wheeled two of them inside the hotel lobby.

"My brother booked a room for me so wait right here." Amber said as she went over to the counter and talked about it.

I sat down as I saw a bellhop guy come in from the lift and put the huge trolley on the side. At the same time I saw Amber getting at least two room cards as the guy helped her put the luggage on the trolley. I got up from my seat as i went to another lift with her.

"What floor are you on?" I asked as she looked through.

"The seventh floor." She said as I smiled.

"Me, Tubbo and Riley are there too! That's great." I said as she smiled.

"You seemed to be overly excited to see me." She said.

"Yeah but knowing that it's you is the best part of this trip right now." I said being honest.

We got out of elevator as I followed towards were her hotel room was. To my surprise it was two doors away from mine but a door away from Riley's.

"I live two doors by. Just so you know." I said smiling.

"That's great! I didn't wanna be alone anyways!" She said as we both laughed to ourselves and by that time the guys came with the luggage trolley and put down the luggage near the door and left. 

She opened her door after unlocking it with the card. She then went over and pulled her luggage in as I brought in the other two. I did take off my shoe first before going in any further.

"This looks neat." I heard her say as I chuckled.

"Yeah it's pretty good. The service is good too which is the reason I picked this hotel along with Tubbo and Riley." I responded with a smile.

"Do you need anymore help?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Nah. I am good. I can take care of some things here." She said.

"That's great! So uh... do you wanna see Riley and Tubbo now or later?" I asked.

"I can see them now and then take a shower." She said.

"Good but before I go can I ask you a question?" I asked as she nodded.

"Sure Ran- I mean Mark." She said nervously laughing.

"You can call me Mark in front of them. I told them my name those few months back so it's good just not during live streams or anything." I said.

"Okay." She said nodding.

"So um... she is the Riley that Jason cheated on right?" I asked as she nodded.

"Yeah." She answered.

"I am glad that Tubbo has been taking care of her well even if she says she doesn't need anyone's help and that she's fine." She continued as I stayed silent but nodded.

"Alright." I said as we both headed out as I lead the way while Amber walked beside me. I stopped once I came around and rang on Tubbo's doorbell and waited and after a few the door opened.

"Hey Tubbo. Did you sleep well knowing Riley was beside you all night?" I asked snickering to myself as Amber stood there beside me.

"Of f*** you. You are Celeste right?" Tubbo asked her looking away from me.

"Yep!" She answered as I butted in.

"Also known as the girl I talked about that was my good friend in class." I added as Tubbo had a look of shock.

"Ohhhh! So she's the one! It's really nice to meet you! I am guessing you guys didn't know who you two were until at the airport?" Tubbo asked.

"Yeah we sure didn't. We literally were so shocked we started to scream." Amber said as I snickered and they did the same.

"Anyways Riley's still asleep but I can wake her up if you want." Tubbo said but was quickly interrupted.

"I am awake." Riley said from behind.

"Riley!!!!" Amber said slightly pushing through the door to hug her friend. It made me smile and I could see Tubbo smiling too.

"It's good to see you after so long." Amber continued as Riley hugged back.

"It's great seeing you too." Riley answered and after pulling away.

"How have you been?"

"I have been good just a bit tired from the flight is all."

"That's good to hear."

"Anyways I am just reminding you guys that we meet 5up later after two hours." Tubbo said after a while as Amber nodded.

"Alright then! I should go and take a quick shower! See ya later guys! See ya Mark!" Amber said bolting out the door.

"Bye Amber!" I said and when I looked back them they had a face which I didn't like.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that." I asked.

"She's the one isn't she?" Tubbo asked as I blushed.

"Well I mean um... yeah she is." I said being honest.

"I full approve of this!" Riley squealed.

"Thanks. I am just gonna head over to my room so see you two later!" I said closing the door and walking towards my room as I let out a sigh not of tiredness but one which showed that I was content.

This trip was bound to be the best.

Maybe he could confess her feelings to her during this.

He just hoped his feelings were returned when he does so.

- A/N -

Wooooooohooooooo yesssssss!!!!!! :DDD

Finally these two met up and found out who the other person is!!!! >w<

Now this is where the many things begin! >:)

I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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Peace Out!


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