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THE second Delilah and Belly sat down in their seat conversation halted for a small second, "hi," Delilah said to the girl Conrad was making out with last night when Shayla started talking to them, "is that bruise from last night?" She asked Lilah as they nodded, "here let me fix it," Shayla put on a full coverage makeup hiding the bruise.

"Thank you," Delilah thanked the smiling girl. "You two are Steven's sisters right?" Shayla asked glancing at the two Conklin girls, "yes," Belly answered her as Delilah went off talking to Nicole about Conrad.

"So you've been friends with Conrad since you were born right?" Nicole asked glancing at Delilah, "yes I've known him since I was a baby," they told her glancing at the food in slight hunger but also sickness, Marco and Steven walked over to the table stopping the conversation between the girls, "Hey Marco."

He smiled at the blushing Lilah as he poured the tea at the other side of the table while Steven whispered sweet words to Shayla as the girls talked about expecting the debutante experience to be like a conversion camp.

Marco walked over to the Conklin girl, "want to meet later at the beach?" They nodded quickly as he poured the tea smiling at the dolled-up girl.

All the girls looked at Delilah at the interaction as he walked away heading to other tables, "who was that?" Nicole asked, "he's a guy I met yesterday-" they started before Paige interrupted the conversation, "hello Debutantes," she began, "a few small housekeeping bits I'd like to go over, we have a lot to go over this season."

Delilah zoned out staring at the finger sandwiches in desire a small rumble escaped their stomach they quickly grabbed one while Paige continued talking as the girls started pouring alcohol into their tea.

"Hey little sisters," Nicole told the Conklin siblings, "hey," Belly said to her as Nicole held up the flask, Delilah took a small bite of the finger sandwich and continued eating the rest of the sandwich feeling all the stares on them even though no one is staring at them.

"So how does it feel living with both Fisher brothers?" One of the girls asked both girls, Delilah glanced at the girl, "just normal Conrad doesn't do anything and Jeremiah does everything," they told the girls drinking the tea feeling the burn on their tongue.

"Oh," one of the debutantes said as the table turns silent the tension becoming awkward, "so are you and Conrad a thing?" Nicole asked targeting the older Conklin girl, Delilah choked on their citrus tea as Belly rubbed on their back, "me and Conrad? Conrad and I? Maybe who knows this summer might be different," Delilah told the older girl honestly drinking their tea a small smirk on their face.

Nicole paused while grabbing a small dessert, "wait seriously?" She questioned as the younger girl smirked at her.

"Who knows," they told her, "now if you'll excuse me I have to use the restroom," Lilah stood up as fast as they could feeling the bile rise in their throat, they quickly ran off to the bathroom and the sound of their heels pounding on the floor.


Delilah quickly opened the restroom door and raced to a stall the bile escaping their throat not hearing their sister come in, "Lilah are you okay?" she questioned the sick girl.

"I'm fine Belly," they said more bile escaping them, "can you call mom for me?" they cried from the toilet Belly quickly pulled out her phone, "mom, lemon jelly belly," she told their mom talking about how Lilah needs her, "mom Lilah needs you, please hurry."

"Come on Lilah let's get you out of that stall," Belly told the older Conklin as the stall door unlocked showing a pale Delilah the food having freaked them out.

"Delilah," Belly said in a sad tone, "did you start again?" they nodded guilt filling the girl's face, Belly wiped off their fingers and guided them toward the sink, "I wish you would have told me earlier Lilah, you know you could always talk to me."

Delilah stared at themselves in the mirror, tears falling like a waterfall as the bathroom door opened. There stood Conrad, Susannah, and Laurel, "what happened Lilah?" Conrad questioned running over to the girl and hugging them tightly.

"It's nothing, I just wanna lay down," they told Conrad laying on his shoulder, tears hitting his blue sweatshirt.

He picked up Delilah bridal style escaping the bathroom, Laurel talking to Belly about what's happening to glance at her other daughter, sorrow etched onto her deep brown eyes.

Conrad felt Delilah snuggle into his shoulder, a small sad smile on his face as he glanced at the girl he loves.

The tea party did not end well for Delilah, to say the least, but it ended well enough for them.


DELILAH turned over in the soft bed their eyes still closed when they suddenly felt a hand on their waist, Lilah quickly opened their brown eyes to see a passed-out Conrad his brown hair fanning his forehead, they started at him before getting out of bed and putting a blue bikini, a white crop top, some light blue denim shorts, and a blue cousin beach hat.

Lilah picked up their phone to see texts from Marco one of them reading I am here, two minutes ago it was sent, and they quickly left the room glancing at Conrad one more time before heading to the kitchen.

There sat Laurel and Susannah looking ready to go to the book party, "where are you going?" mom said to the running teenager, "a date," Delilah told them honestly about to escape when Susannah stopped the girl, "with who?" she asked with an eyebrow raised, "Marco Torres, he works at the country club and his mom works with you," they said quickly as a knock on the door echoed throughout the house.

Laurel went to open the door, she opened it to see a smiling Marco holding white lilies. Delilah's favorite flowers, they heard loud footsteps hitting the dark brown steps.

"Lilah! Where did you go?" Conrad yelled as he raced down the steps, "in the kitchen Conrad! I have someone you need to meet!"

He strutted into the kitchen, his eyes slightly drooped in tiredness that filled his green-blue eyes. "Who's this?" Conrad wondered as he sat on the counter, "this is Marco we are going out," Delilah told the glaring teenager.

"Well be safe, we have to go," Laurel told her daughter while kissing their cheek as both the adults left, "ready to go?" Marco asked, they nodded as he took their hand.

"Bye Connie," they said blowing a kiss as the duo ran off into Marco's black car, Conrad smashed the kiss on his lips as he went to the fridge to get a beer as Jeremiah and Steven came running down the stairs, "you ready to go to the book party?"


THE sound of the waves hitting each other made the girl sigh bliss, filling Delilah's blood, "so wanna swim?" He asked the sighing girl, "do you even have to ask," Lilah jumped out of the car throwing off their hat and other clothes as they ran, Marco chasing after the laughing Conklin.

"That was unfair," he mumbled splashing Delilah, "besides what is going on with you and Conrad?"

"What? Me and Conrad?" Delilah scoffed dipping their head into the water, "the way he stares at you like you are the only person in existence and you burn brighter than all the stars in the sky," he told them honestly as he swam off.

"He doesn't stare at me like I'm the only person in existence," Delilah said, following him deeper into the water, "besides I like you and want to go out more."

That made him stop in his tracks, "really? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?" Marco asked the flustered girl, "seriously," that all it took for him to swim to the girl, "can I kiss you?" Delilah nodded as they felt his soft lips smash onto theirs.

The full moon shined down on the kissing teenagers when a familiar red Jeep showed up on the beach, "stop making out with my fucking sister!" Steven yelled getting out of the car.

Lilah sighed detangling themselves from Marco, "what do you want Steven! Can you let me fucking live my life!" they got out of the water as Conrad got out of the Jeep, "Oh was this your idea Conrad?" they yelled, "did you three also ruin Belly's date too?" the boys looked down feeling the girls wrath hit them hard.

"I'm not the little doll you can fuck with and control! So leave before I do more than just yell at you," Delilah muttered pushing a drunk Conrad into the car.

"I do not want to hear about how another boy broke your heart, Lil," Conrad whispered gazing at the angry girl, which made Delilah stop in their tracks of heading into the black car to get their clothes, "you barely talk to me Conrad and when you do you break me more and more each time."

He studied the girl as they threw on their clothes as the boys drove off, Conrad's gaze stayed glued on the Conklin as the duo started getting smaller and smaller.

"I'm sorry about them," Delilah told Marco as they both got into the car, "it's no big deal, I have a twin sister who acts exactly like them very protective," he told them, "wait you have a twin?" they questioned, "yeah their name is Romana she's a debutante like you."

"Oh, when do you think I'll get to meet her?" Delilah asked him, "well how about going to dinner with me in two days?"

"Of course," Lilah started, "where are we gonna go?" they wondered as Marco got closer to the Fisher's beach house, "that will be a surprise, isn't your birthday tomorrow?" he asked causing the girl to look over, "how do you know that?"

"Let's just say, Susannah and my mom have dinner together a lot, and you and Belly are all they talk about," Marco told them honestly tapping on the wheel to the soft sounds of the last shadow puppets, calm like you.

"You like the last shadow puppets?" Delilah asked him nodding their head to Alex Turner's voice, "like? I've been to a few of their concerts along with the arctic monkeys."

Delilah gasped, "lucky." Marco pulled into the driveway, "did you know that the arctic monkeys are coming to Cousins?" that made Lilah pause as they were about to get out of the car, "seriously!" Marco laughed at the girl's reaction, "and I have four tickets, so do you want to go with me, they are playing in three days."

"Yes!" Delilah screamed, "of course, I would love to go with you," Lilah leaned over to the driver's side kissing Marco when their teeth collided as suck it, and see play throughout the car.

Marco broke the kiss and started singing along as he kissed them after every couple of lyrics as they climbed into his lap not seeing Belly and Cam come into the driveway, as the two were in their own world, the feeling of Marco running down their body as he sang "be cruel to me because I'm a fool for you."

Delilah kissed him as he started leaving wet kisses down their neck, "Marco I have to head in," they mumbled not wanting to leave the car, "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

He bit a part of their neck causing a small hickey to form, Delilah, kissed him one more time before heading back into the passenger seat to head inside, "call you later!" they yelled to Marco blowing a kiss to see him smash it on his cheek.

Delilah strolled into the house with a love-sick smile etched onto their face as they went into the kitchen to grab a lemonade and a cookie when Conrad said, "how was your hot date, Lil?"

Lilah scoffed, their smile slowly leaving their blushing face, "don't talk to me Conrad, you might have been kind earlier at the tea but now you have been such a dick!" they yelled at the drunk boy, "okay, relax. We were just having a little fun," Conrad told the tired Conklin, "Is this about what happened two summers ago? The fact you took my virginity and now you think you own me?!" Delilah told the boy.

"Lilah listen to me," He whispered, "listen to you! I've done nothing to you for the last summer and now you think you can ruin another date for me! This is a great guy who genuinely makes me happy and you hate the fact it's not you don't you!"

Belly stood behind the door near the steps, her heartbreaking into tiny little pieces but she always knew Conrad was never hers, his heart belonged to her adopted older sister.

"Stop acting like you don't care Conrad! You know exactly how you feel and I'm tired of being some girl you can use as a ploy for your feelings! Why don't you go and smoke some more pot and make out with girls since that's all you seem to do."

"Why don't you call your little boy toy and read you're stupid little fantasies," he spat out regret filling his veins right after he said that.

They glared at him, "you were my best friend, I wonder what happened to you, I gave you my heart and soul, this is what I get," Delilah walked off in tears. This is not what Lilah expected for their first date in a long time, and God Delilah wanted to punch Conrad and his annoyingly hot face.


Sorry for the long awaited new chapter I've been traveling! I'm super excited for Delilah's birthday chapter that will come out either tomorrow or the day after! Don't be a ghost reader tell me everything you thought and vote! Tell me if you caught those Arctic monkeys references!

Word count: 2431 words

( made by folklorepoets )

Also shameless plug if you loved the movie too gun maverick I do have a book called Separate and ever deadly go and check it out! Give it some love!

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