Ch.17.Do It For Her.

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{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader}

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The moment they entered the place something was off, the bar felt cold than lively, it felt unnatural. the eyes watching them from behind the bar from a young woman whom was cleaning the glasses, Dabi wondered what it was with bad guys and bars however he knew there had to be more to this place than a simple bar. the woman behind the bar spoke "What can I get you boys?" she was on high alert as her eyes scanned the pair.

Martin was never one for small talk, but she knew everyone who came into this bar and what their intention's were. but these two she was slightly aware who they were for one was a hero and the other was a villain, the villain however was quick to answer "I'd like to meet your boss" he spoke "Offer him a deal of sorts" her blood ran cold at that for those wanting to make a deal with the boss never ended up alive in the end unless they actually went through with their end of the deal. "Because rumor has it he's after somebody very dear to me".

This man was either insane, or he was protecting someone. Martin saw it, she knew that look it was the one of a father willing to do anything to keep his family safe, the news had it all wrong the villain in front of her was just somebody caught up in this as much as she was. "The boss comes and goes as he wishes" she spoke, voice low as she lowered the glass she was cleaning placing it on the counter. "However he is most certainly always at his place of work" she was quick in grabbing a card from behind the bar and handing it to the man, "good luck with that plan of yours" she spoke. her quirk already alerting her of why they were here the moment their hands brushed each other.

Dabi gave her a thanks, as he and Hawks were on their way. Martin could only hope that man would burn, burn for all the sins he committed against them all. and maybe than they would finally be free, for the trio whom had heard the conversation from upstairs could only make their move now. instead of following their bosses orders they would go against it for even if they feared death, feared him they would do anything to be free once again.

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{Y/N}'s cried worried the lizard like male as he tried to calm her, the storied that Dabi had told the small child before weren't helping his stories of his past didn't help calm her either. he was unaware as to what was going through her mind as he set her down for a moment to begin packing for their journey. once he was done he picked her up again, walking around the small workspace that would soon only be a figment of what it once was.

"I have the explosives set up" Compress spoke, he ever since the incident with his lost limbs had grown quite close with the man. unaware of to whom the child actually was for Lee had told the magician it was his niece, and they were wanting a fresh start away from this all for some bad people were after her for what Lee's 'brother' had done.  "they should go off when this button is pressed" he gestured to the small device in his hand, carefully making certain he didn't accidently press it to set off the chain of explosives. "you know Lee I've been meaning to ask, but do you have nay other family?".

"I had another brother once before I transitioned" Lee spoke, finally getting the child to calm down. "though he is unaware of where I am at this point in time, and I doubt he'd care ya know" he got the baby carrier ready getting {Y/N} settled inside before lifting it. the tall man moved closer to the masked man leaning down and pressing a kiss to the masks mans head "Thanks again for ya help" he told him "You were a good friend". he made his way out of the building after that.

Compress couldn't help but wonder what could of been if the man had decided to stay, but for now he had a job to do for his friend. in an hour he would be pressing the button, and in that hour the heroes would be swarming this place for the plan had only just began one Compress barely even knew the full truth about. after all the man was just helping out a friend, one that one day the masked magician could of been more. 

But alas it wasn't in the cards for them, and it probably would never be.

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{Three more chapters to go, double update today because why not, it's quite sad this would of went different lovely readers but a simple vote has doomed a certain someone after all~}

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