Ch.8.Do It For Her.

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{I Don't own BNHA or the Reader, very shitty drawing of Lee done by me}

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"Lee I swear stop trying to give the kid a gun" Magne had snatched yet another gun from the male whom sighed, the jacket he chose to wear today was slightly opened showing off the red bra he had decided to wear, he was quite lazy and all of his binders were in the wash so he was stuck with this.

"Oh come on just one gun" Lee frowned, the snake like male annoyed he kept getting caught by the beauty in-front of him, it was annoying to say the least, she's already taken at least ten of his guns, and let's be honest he had a lot of them on himself. As he was begging he was slipping a dagger from his bra, ready to give the child some sort of weapon.

Just for Magne to snatch it from his hand with a sigh, "No guns, no knifes no weapons" she told him bluntly, "she's a kid wait till she's older" the woman was annoyed yet quite intrigued about something, "you resemble a kid I know in the league, goes by Spinner he has a thing for knifes".

"Doesn't ring any bells darling" Lee told her, his face unchanging, though it couldn't be said about his thoughts, 'So that's what the kids doing now a days, wonder how Ma's doing if he's a villain now?', "I think she may need a diaper change" he turned his head to the small child whom was chewing on a teething ring.

He had smelled the unpleasant smell with his sensitive sense of smell, and so he grabbed a clean diaper and some rags, and so he and Magne got to work changing a small child, without any trouble at all.

And Magne learned that day that Lee indeed would never stop trying to slip a baby a gun.

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He starred at a picture with a frown, his green scale covered hands gripped the edges of the slightly burnt photo, it was old by the looks of it and he couldn't help but feel sad by looking at it, "Spinner it's time to go" Compress spoke looking at the male, watching from behind his mask as the lizard like male shoved the photo back into his pants pocket, "Are you alright, I've seen you stare at that photo multiple times, do you wish to talk about it?"

"Maybe another time, we don't want to keep Shigaraki waiting" Spinner told his companion, he didn't feel like bringing up past scars at the moment, he didn't feel like remembering something that only brought pain, deciding to forget about it for now.

And so the two exited, unaware of the black haired man that had caught a glimpse of the photo with a frown, following after them silently, 'Lee you have some explaining to do' he thought, because in that photo he saw a younger version of his neighbor.

A Version that didn't look as broken as he did, a version that stood next to a a very young version of Spinner, Dabi would probably bring up the topic when he got back or leave it to chance, he wouldn't pry because Lee trusted him, and he well he trusted his neighbor.

Because Lee was a damn good one that he didn't want to loose.

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