Chapter 10

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Outside Arnav's cabin :

Avni : Neil...

Neil : Yessss

Avni : Thank you (smiling)

Neil : Welcome. But for what ?

Avni : For taking me here. If you didnt take us here, I wouldn't be knowing the truth and would have continued my stupidity without knowing the actual reason behind their fight.

Neil : Good that you admitted that you were acting stupid.

Avni : Neillllll. Dont eat my head again. N for your kind information, I do accept my mistakes and I will stop my close ones from doing mistakes too. In this case, your brother was wrong for hurting khush. But he was not fully wrong too bcoz khush had irritated him by not talking to him nicely. She should have at least requested him if she really need that jewelry box for nanno.

Neil : Now what's this jewelry box and all ? I am damn confused.

Avni : I will tell you. Just now bhai told me everything.

Neil : Wah Avni. Bhai haan.

Avni : What's the problem in me calling him bhai ?

Neil : No probs at all. You were here for taking revenge from him. Did you forget that ?

Avni : See Neil. Every human makes mistakes ok. The goodness is in rectifying that mistake, my Neelama always says like that.

Neil : Now who is this Neelama ? Your mom ?

Avni : Nope. She is my mother's sis. I call her Neelama. She treats me like her own child. You know she got a sweet daughter too. Mishti. My sweet cutie pie.

Neil : Hold on Avni. Too many stories and too many names. I am getting confused yaar. Tell me all these bit by bit each day ok.

Avni : Why should I tell you ? You seems not interested.

Neil : No yaar. I would love to know. But not now. My head is feeling heavy with too much confusions.

Avni : Hmmm ohhkk. N thank you so much for giving me a brother (with a happy smile)

Neil : You are welcome. You are indeed lucky avni. Bhai don't easily get close to others outside family. Here he allowed you to call him bhai too. Me and kareena only calls him bhai. Kareena is our cousin. Now you are a part of our family. So will you be my friend ? (By forwarding his hand)

Avni : I thought we are already friends. We are in same gang right.

Neil : But you were always treating me like an enemy. Always fighting with me.

Avni : Dont you know, cute fight do happens between good friends.

Neil : Oh is it ? So I am your good friend. N what about others ? They are not your good friends ?

Avni : Argh. Nothing like that. There will always be a special friend right.

Neil felt so happy hearing that.

Neil (thinking) : Oh so she too feels the same like me. There is some special bond between us.

Avni (by shaking Neil's hand) : Best of friends. (Giggling)

Avni : Neil, I dont like to hide anything. I really feel more close to you, as if we know each other from long. You are really a nice guy. I want you to be my second best friend.

Neil : Second best friend ? So who is first ?

Avni : First is always my bf. He is my first best friend and love of my life.

Neil's smile at once faded hearing that.

Neil (to himself) : Why I am feeling strange by knowing that Avni already has a boyfriend ? Even I have my angel right. Even then why I am getting attracted towards avni ? Am I imagining too much ?

Neil (to avni) : You. You have boyfriend?

Avni : Yup. Why ?

Neil : Nothing. But you never mentioned that.

Avni : Its because only my siblings and moms knows about that. N now you too since you are my best friend.

Neil (smiling) : Ok. But what's his name ?

Avni : I dont know his real name.

Neil (thinking) : She too doesn't know her boyfriend's real name just like me ? What a coincidence ? We are indeed good friends made for each other.

Neil : Why ?

Avni : Because I always heard his family calling his pet name.

Neil : Even then you should know his name right.

Avni : That's a long story. I will tell you that later ok. Now I need to rush home. Else mom will kill me.

Neil : Alright. Let's go down. Rhea too might have got bored.

They went to the reception chitchatting.

Rhea was chatting with Ali and by seeing Avni & Neil coming, she sent Ali a bye message and stood up to walk to them.

Rhea (surprised) : What the hell happened there Avu ? You both are looking so cool now.

Avni : All sorted out Rhea. I will tell u in detail from home ok.

Rhea : Ok babes. Lets go. I am starving.

Avni : Oh Rhea. Me too.

Neil : Can I get you both something to eat.

Avni : No Neil. We will get late again. Mom will kill us.

Neil : Ok. So I will drop you both at college and you can leave in your car.

Avni & Rhea : Fine.

Neil dropped them at college and waited there till Avni & Rhea started to Mehta Mansion in their car. Then he drove to Khanna House.

At Mehta Mansion :

Ayesha and Hetal was waiting impatiently for their daughters.

Avni and Rhea entered home at 4:30 PM.

Ayesha & Hetal : Where were you both ? (All worried)

Avni : We had to go to our friend's place for an important work.

Ayesha : At least you should have informed us right. Why didnt you pick my call ?

Avni : I didnt felt like attending then mamma. I soon started from there by seeing your call.

Hetal : Ok ok. Now you both go change your dress and have something.

Avni & Rhea : Yeah we are damn hungry.

Ayesha : What is this kids ? What was that important work that you both skipped the lunch too ?

Rhea (worried) : Its. It's about upcoming project Aunty.

Hetal : College started now only and they started giving project ?

Rhea : Its Post Graduation mom.

Hetal : Hmmm

Ayesha : Now both of you, go, fresh up and come here soon. I will get you pasta. The favorite of both of you.

Avni : Oh mamma. I love you.

Ayesha (smiling) : Now go sweety.

Avni : Yes mamma

Ayesha : There is also a good news for you sweety.

Avni & Rhea : Good news ?

Ayesha : Yup. Neela, kabir and mishti are shifting to Mumbai (smilingly).

Avni : Wowwwww. Its indeed a great news. When will they reach ?

Ayesha : May be within 3 months.

Avni : Yeeeee. Today is a great day overall.

Rhea : Now come to room Avu. I am hungryyyyyy

Avni : Yup coming.

Precap :

She is just the same bebe. As sweet and innocent as before.

Bebe (to herself) : Tillu's sweety


Dear Friends,

My sincere thnx to each and everyone who voted and commented. I am so sorry for the late update and also sorry that I couldn't reply to you all. Got damn busy and still busy days going on. So pls excuse me for this short chapter too. I will update after 2 days bcoz I won't be at home for 2 days.

Hope you all will like this chappy too.
Keep supporting.



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