Chapter 15

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At the beach side :

Vidyut : Guys, I am so in love with this beach. Feels so good to be here.

Gang : Same here.

Juhi : Why avni and Neil taking this much time ? It would be nice if they were here.

DD : They will come yaar. Still there is time.

Sunheri : By the way, where is mitali ?
Cant see her anywhere.

Juhi : You are right. Where did she go ? We didnt notice.

Ali : She is not a kid man. She will be somewhere here only.

Rhea (herself) : I feel something fishy about this mitali. I am not liking her. Why I feel that she is so behind avu and Neil ? She is always making excuse to go in between them.

Ali : What happened baby ? What are you thinking ?

Rhea : Ali come here. I need to tell you something.

Ali goes near Rhea.

Rhea (in ali's ear) : I think Mitali has gone to beach house. She is acting weird when avu and Neil are together.

Ali (in low tone) : Why baby ? You are just interpreting something. Why she will feel insecure about avu and neil ?

Rhea : I dont know. May be she doesn't like Avu with Neil. May be she likes Neil.

Ali : Awww my gal too became detective like avu ? (With a teasing smile)

Rhea : Stop it Ali. Why cant I think like avu ? After all she is my sis.

Ali : Okay my darling. Let's see whether Mitali is with them or not. If she is with them, I will agree with your thoughts.

Sunheri (seeing Ali and Rhea talking in soft voice) : Oh love birds, so secretive talk going on ah ?

Ali : No yaar. We were just talking about family matters.

DD : Oh bhai. Here too ? Discuss family matters at home or when you both are all alone. Not when with us. It's time to enjoy man.

Ali : Ohhhhkkkk Sir

Just then they saw Avni and Neil coming hand in hand & Mitali walking miffed just behind them.

Juhi : Oh my God. It seems we got a new love birds.

Sunheri : I am sorry guys. But this couple has beaten all. How lovely they look together. Awwww.

Vidyut : Right guys. They looks so good together.

DD : Made for each other.

Rhea and Ali were smiling seeing their Avu with Neil but swiftly their eyes went on Mitali. They could clearly make out that she is totally annoyed with their closeness.

Rhea : See baby. I had told you. Look how annoyed she is.

Ali : You are right darling. We have to keep an eye on Mitali. I am sure she has crush on Neil. Don't know whether Avu and Neil loves each other or not. But still we have to take care of Avu. Jealous girls can do anything yaar.

Rhea : Absolutely. But I am telling you sweetheart that this boy is not just a friend for avu.

Ali : How do you know ?

Rhea : I will tell you in detail later.

Ali just nodded.

Avneil and mitali finally got to the spot breaking the awestruck moments of the gang seeing the lovely couple hand in hand.

Neil : What happened guys ? Why you all look stunned ?

Vidyut : Neil, first of all tell me. Are you both together ?

Neil : What ?

Vidyut : Are you and avni together ?

Avni : What a question yaar ? Cant you see that we are together ?

They all looked at avni with utter shock.

Avni : What's wrong ?

Juhi : You both.. you both are seeing each other ?

Avneil : Whhaaat ?

Neil (in a low tone to avni) : Avni, see this is why I told you that you are still a kid in this matter.

Avni pouts at that and Neil again got aback with her cuteness.

DD : Tell guys. We cant die with anticipation. Can we expect a new couple ?

Neil : What yaar ? You very well know me.

DD : Then why hand in hand ?

It's then that avneil realized that they are still holding each others hands. They took back their hands.

Avni : Why ? Friends cant walk with hand in hand ?

Rhea and Ali : Of course. Friends too can walk like that.

Vidyut : So you both are just friends ?

Avneil : Ofcourse.

Sunheri : Every couple says the same quote at first. "WE ARE JUST FRIENDS". Even Juhi and Vidyut kept telling that right ?

Vidyut : Yup. Right.

Juhi blushed hearing that and punched Vidyut on his abs.

Vidyut : Ouch. Punch me with love sweetheart.

Juhi hides her face behind his shoulder.

Ali : Someone is blushing hard remembering old days (winking).

Everyone laughs.

Neil : We are just good friends guys. You all know that I am already committed.

Avni (in mind) : Why am I always feeling bad when I hear that Neil already has a gf ? This is not right Avni.

Mitali (in mind) : Eventhough I knew that Neil is committed, I was sure that I always has a chance. Because Neil never shown up with his gf. But this Avni is making me go nuts. Why they are always together ?

Sunheri : Whatever it is. But you both makes a lovely couple guys. Just Perfect.

All except avneil and mitali : We agree.

Avneil couldn't tell a word since they had mixed emotions. They are happy to hear their names together at the same time confused thinking about their childhood buddies. Mitali is fuming hearing all these praises for avneil.

Vidyut : Anyway Neil. I just loved this place man. Awesome whether too. Can we come here often ?

Neil : Dont know yaar. If Dad allows, then we can definitely come.

DD : Can we play some games ? It's going to be 3. We got only an hour left since gals need to go by 4.

Juhi : Actually we need to reach by 4. But today we can make some excuse. We all can reach home at least by 4:30 if we start at 4 from here.

All gals agreed with that.

Ali : So which game should we play ?

Sunheri : I got an interesting game.

Gang : Which one ?

Sunheri : I have seen my sis playing with her friends. We will write some "things to perform" in a few paper chits and will put those chits inside a box. Each of you have to take it and perform accordingly. It's a couple task. Since I am familiar with this game, I will be the judge.

DD : What's this Sunheri ? I so wanted to play with you as a partner.

Sunheri puts her tongue out and teased DD.

Sunheri : So the pairs are Vidyut-Juhi, Ali-Rhea, Avni-Neil and DD-Mitali.

She prepares the chits, placed those chits inside a box, shuffled it and called out the first couple to take the chit.

Sunheri : Ok so Ali & Rhea, you both come forward to take your chit.

They both took a chit together and gave it to Sunheri.

Sunheri : You both have to tell a strength and weakness of each other.
First you have to tell me in my ears about their respective strength and weakness and then have to tell us about the strength and weakness of the other.

They both went to Sunheri and told her about their strength and weakness.

Sunheri : Now Ali tell us what's the strength and weakness of Rhea.

Ali : Her strength is me and weakness is makeup.

Sunheri : You are half correct. Weakness is cosmetics but strength is family.

Ali : So what ? I am a member of family too

Rhea : Yup. He is right.

Sunheri : Nope. He had to tell the same.

Ali : Rhea, what baby ?

Rhea : I am sorry honey

Sunheri : Now Rhea tell about Ali's.

Rhea : His strength is Nanno and weakness is family.

Sunheri : Absolutely right.

Ali : Love you sweetheart

Rhea (blushing) : Love you too honey.

DD : OMG. These lovebirds.

All laughs.

Sunheri : Next pair is Avni and Neil.

Neil asks avni to take out a chit. She took one and gave it to Sunheri.

Sunheri : You both have to propose each other in a very convincing way.

Avni : What's this yaar ?

Sunheri : Its just a game baby. Do it.

DD : Take it as a challenge guys.

Neil : Avni, come let's show them.

Avni goes near Neil. Neil took her hands in his hand and pulled her towards him. They had an eyelock. Everything was unplanned and spontaneous.

Neil (without breaking the eyelock) : Avni, Ever since I saw you my heart keeps swaying towards you. Your innocence, your courage, your attitude, your helping nature, your beauty, everything keeps attracting me towards you. I dont know whether we will be life partners but I will be forever your friend.

Avni (still looking in Neil's eyes) : Whatever life may bring, whatever happiness and sadness I face, I would like to share each and everything with you. I may not be a perfect one for you but you will always be a perfect one for me.

All were looking at them without blinking their eyes. It looks so natural. How perfectly they adore each other.

Neil : I love you Avni.

Avni : I love you more Neil.

Mitali : Nooooo

Avneil's gaze got broke with Mitali's screech.

Ali : Shit

Juhi : Why did you scream Mitali ? It was going great. You just spoiled that.

Mitali : I am sorry guys. Something got pricked on my foot.

Rhea (with a disgusted look) : Might be getting pricked due to the perfection of Avu and Neil.

DD too sensed something wrong about Mitali, so he decided to change the topic.

DD : We will beat them. Right Mitali?

Mitali : Hmmm yeah.

Precap :

Ali : Avu, can you pls wait for us at cafe ? Neil will accompany you. I have to take Rhea for a surprise treat. We will reach there soon so that you and Rhea can go home together.

Avni : Hmmm Ohhkk.

Avneil together.

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