Chapter 20

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The two lovebirds rested their heads against each other still gasping after their passionate kiss.

Neil (smirking) : You tastes so good my Angel. I really loved it.

Avni : Neil.. It was awesome. It's my first kiss (chuckling)

Neil : Just awesome ? It was beyond that. Even it is my first kiss avni.

Avni : Seriously ?

Neil : What do you mean ? You think I am that type of boy who kisses random gals ? (Pouting)

Avni (laughing) : Awww no my sweet Neilu. I was just teasing you.

Neil (grinning) : As if I was serious.

Avni : Neil... I will kill you.

Neil : Oh no Avni. I want to taste you again. How can i do that if you kill  me ? (Smirking).

Avni turned tomato red by blushing hearing that which didnt went unnoticed by Neil.

Neil : Oh my Angel. You looks super hot while blushing. I just yearn to kiss you when I see you like this (by approaching towards her luscious lips by holding her face).

Avni (pushed him childishly) : Not again Neil Khanna.

Neil : Avni pls yaar. Just one more. (winking)

Avni by blushing hard hits Neil's chest.

Neil : Ufff Avni. I can't handle your blushing dear. If you blush more, I will eat you.

Avni (all innocent) : Then eat me. What are you waiting for ?

Neil (surprised) : Really ? You have no problem ?

Avni : Problem for what Neil ? You were kidding right by telling you will eat me. Even I says the same to Mishtu when she looks super cute.

Neil : Oh my avni. You are a tube light.

Avni : Tubelight ?

Neil : My dear Tubelight. There is some other meaning when a guy tells a gal about eating her. It's not like you telling to mishtu.

Avni (pouting) : Tell me na Neil. What it means. I really dont know about these. I never had a boy friend you know.

Neil (sighing): Lucky me. My dear, It means that i will make you mine.

Avni : Neil. I am already yours.

Neil : Oh my tubelight...

Avni : What's this Neil ? Make it more clear. I dont understand these hidden meanings.

Neil (taking deep breath) : I will eat you means I will mark you as mine by having SEX with you. I cant explain more than this.

Avni (shocked) : NOOOO. You can't. You cant eat me.

Neil (By suppressing his laugh) : Oh you had told that you are already mine. All of a sudden, you are not mine now ?

Avni : I am yours only. But to mark me yours, I should be officially yours by marriage.

Neil : Oh ho my tigress, you reached up to marking level ah.

Avni : Neiiiillll. I am just replying to your words. Now Be serious Neil.

Neil (becoming serious) : Ok avni. Come I need to talk to you something serious.

Avni (worried) : What Neil ?

Neil : See Avni. There are some tensions between our families which is oblivious to us. I really dont know what is the exact reason behind that. No one is ready to share that with me too. I had tried a lot to know that before. But it was in vain. So unless we comes to know about the reason, we should be like before in front of all. Nobody should know that we came to know about each other. Understood ?

Avni : But Neil. Ayesha ma and Neela ma? I shares everything with them.

Neil : I know avni. But you have to hide this. I can't be away from you again Avni. (Cupping her face)

Avni : Even I dont want to get away from you Neil. I wont be able to live without you. I had asked Ayesha Maa about the issue  but she kept mum saying that she had promised pappa that she wont disclose it to any. N Neil I am sure Bhai too knows about me.

Neil (curiously) : Really ? How you came to know that ?

Avni : That day from office, when I took Ayesha Maa's name, I had felt someone calling me "Doll". But when I asked bhai, he told he didnt utter that name. But I am sure now, he only called me Doll and he even called me by my second name "Mehta" when I told him only Avni while introducing myself. He surely knows that I am your Angel.

Neil (after thinking about Arnav) : You are right Avni. That's why he was all soft towards you. He never talked to outsiders the way he talked to you. You were always so special for him. His sweet little sis.

Avni too resumed her Sherlock Holmes avatar.

Avni : N I am sure Ayesha Maa too came to know that you are my superman.

Neil : How ? She didn't even see me.

Avni : Yes. But yesterday night when I returned home after meeting you, she asked me how you are now and also your name. I told her that you are fine and name is Neil. She asked me whether its Neil Khanna and she was behaving strangely ever since I affirmed her doubt regarding your name. I was unable to grasp that then, but I am sure now that she got to know that you are Superman.

Neil : Hmmm. That's why I told you Avni. Let us be like before. I am Neil and you are Avni. We dont know that we are childhood besties ok ?

Avni : Oh ohhkk Neil.

Neil hugged her again and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Neil : I love you Avni.

Avni : I love you more Neil.

Neil (raising eyebrows) : Friend type I love you ?

Avni (hitting him) : Noooo.

Neil : Then ?

Avni : You dont know ?

Neil : I want to hear from you.

Avni : I love you like every life partner loves their soul mates. May be beyond that.

Neil embrace her again and they breaks the hug when someone knocked at the door. It was Neela ma.

Neela Ma : Avni.. Avni. It's been a long while dear. Come out with your friend and have juice & noodles.

Avni (in a loud voice) : Yes Neela ma coming.

Avni (to neil) : Come Neil. Let's go outside.

Neil : What will you tell her ?

Avni : About ?

Neil : About why I am here ?

Avni (biting her nail) : What should I tell ? I never lied to her.

Neil : Tell that you are helping me to find a friend of mine.

Avni : Ok. Come let's go out before she breaks the door.

Neil (laughing) : Ok.

Outside the room, in the hall :

Neela and mishti is sitting on the sofa and having noodles while watching TV.

Neela (by seeing Neil) : Oh you are the one who saved mishti yesterday right ? You are Avni's friend ?

Neil : Yes Aunty.

Neela : I am sorry son. I forgot to ask your name yesterday.

Neil : Neil Khanna. My name is Neil Khanna.

Neela got in to some thoughts hearing the name but shrugs it off.

Neela : Have something Neil. Sit here (pointing towards sofa). And avni you too.

Mishti : Superman. Come and sit near me.

Neela : What did you call him Mishti ?

Avni and Neil gets tensed.

Neela is closely watching Avneil and Mishti.

Mishti : You dont know Mumma ? He is Angel's Superman.

Avni : Wha What Mishti ? Who told you that he is Superman ? Did I tell you ?

Mishti : No

Avni : Did he tell you?

Mishti : No

Avni : Then ?

Mishti : I know He is your superman.

Neil (curious): How baby ?

Mishti : You had helped me like Angel's superman always helps her.

Avni (sighing) : It means he is superman ?

Mishti : Not only that.

Avneil (worried) : Then ?

Mishti : Just like your superman, he too has brown eyes.

Avni (relieved) : Mishtu.. Not only Superman but others too can have brown eyes.

Mishti was not ready to leave them soon.

Mishti (by taking Neil's mob) : Type the password Superman.

Neil : Bu.. But Why dear ?

Neela : Just type it Neel. Her confusion need to be clear. (With a stern look).

Neil (gulping) : Ok Aunty.

He unlocked the mobile and gave it to Mishti.

Mishti (showing the wallpaper) : This is superman's childhood pic. I had seen this yesterday when he unlocked the mob from ice cream shop. I saw the same pic yesterday with Ayesha Aunty. She was caressing the photo and when I asked her, she had told it's her lovely son Superman.

Avneil with a shocked expression kept staring Neela, when a tear escaped through Neela's eyes.

Neela (cupping Neil's face) : Neil.. kid. I can't believe that you are in front of me. I was sure that you will come to us one day.

Neil smiled with tears in his eyes remembering the sweet aunty who always got him the chocolates whenever she visited his home.

Neil : Cho.. Chocolate Aunty ?

Neela : Yes dear. Tillu's chocolate aunty. (Laughing)

Avni cries happily seeing the bond of her superman and neela ma.

Neela : So you both came to know about each other right ?

Avneil : Ye.. Yes Neela Ma.

Neil : Sorry Aunty. Can I call you Neela ma ?

Neela : Of course kid. And avni, you tried to hide it from me aah. How could you think that you can hide anything from your Neela ma. I can easily catch you dear. I can read your face more than Ayesha Di and we all knows that too.

Avni : Sorry Neela Ma.

Neil : I had told Avni not to tell you and Ayesha Ma. I didnt want anyone to know about it unless we find the actual tension between our families. Can you help us Neela ma ?

Neela (sighing) : Even I dont know the real reason kids. We were not here then. We were in USA. Everything was going fine and when we returned after vacation, things were changed. I got tired of asking Ayesha Di about what happened. But she was adamant that she wont break her promise to jeeju.

Avni : Can you tell us all that you know Neela Ma ? We both hardly remember those days.

Neil : Also promise us that you wont tell this to anyone.

Neela : Promise my kids. I wont let anyone know about this until you both reveal it yourself. I am forever with you both.

Mishti : Me too.

They happily hugs her.

Mishti (by breaking hug) : Mumma, Tell me about the story of Angel and Superman. I want to hear that. I promise I wont tell to anyone. Pinky promise.

Neela : Not only Superman and Angel. There are some others too in this story.

Neela started narrating story.

Past unveiling slowly..

Boy : This baby is so cute. I always wanted a cute sis like her. Can I be her bro ? I will always protect her.

Ashish : Why not son ? She is your sis from today.

Girl : But Papa, she is my little sis. How can she be his sis ?

Ayesha : Just the way you love him like your bro. (Pointing towards the small baby boy playing on the lap of Swetha).

Girl : Ohhhkk then no problem. He will always be my little bro and I am his one and only one big sissy. (Directing index finger at the baby boy and giggling)

Boy : But I dont like you playing with my bro.

Girl : Then I won't let you to be the big bro of my sis.

Boy : Ok ok. You better play with him then. But remember, still we are enemies.

Girl makes faces at him and hides behind Prakash.

Boy : What The ? I. HATE. HER.

Their parents laughs at their antics.

Precap :

Mishti : Mumma, Who's that Boy and Girl ?

Avni : Khush & B..

Before avni could complete.

Neil : and Bhai ?


Sorry for the late update friends.

Thank you for all the love. Keep reading.

Also I would like to share with you all that 14 September will be celebrated as Wattpad Writers Day as informed to me by @shivanshimshra.

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