Chapter 24

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Arnav (dialing Aman) : Aman, ask the staff to send that Khushi Mehta to my cabin. Make it fast.

He hung up the call getting a positive reply from Aman.

Neil : All good bhai ?

Arnav : Yup

Neil : Pls control your anger. You remember what I told you right.

Arnav : Of course. I do.

They heard a knock at the door.

Khushi (by peeping her head inside) : May I come in ?

Neil : Please come in.

Arnav : Take your seat MISS KHUSHI MEHTA (gritting his teeth)

Khushi (not looking at Arnav) : Thank you.

She takes the seat and looks at Neil, all ready for the interview.

Neil : So Ms. Khushi Mehta. Our designers liked your previous work and you are qualified well for this work too. We just need to know something more from you and if you cleared this level, we are happy to welcome you to our new venture.

Khushi (happily) : Thank you Sir. I am ready to face your questionnaire. I am confident enough that I can contribute lot more to increase the fame of Khanna Enterprises.

Arnav : We dont need any of the outsiders contribution for the goodwill of our company. We are reputed enough at the market.

Khushi : Sir, I didn't mean that.

Arnav (giving stern stare) : Then what did you mean by those words Miss Khushi Mehta ?

Khushi (looking down) : I just meant that I will do my best so that the clients will be happy with my work.

Arnav : You first have to learn to look straight in to people's eyes when they are talking to you. This only shows the lack of your confidence.

Khushi (looking in to his eyes) : No Sir. See I am looking at you. I am confident Sir. I can give my best.

Arnav : You might be good at work. But you still have to learn the importance of eye contact to become more confident.

Khushi : Sorry. I will take care of that.

Arnav : Neil, Do you want to ask something ?

Neil : Yes. So Miss Khushi Mehta.. which one will you prefer, the choice of your clients or your own choice of designs for them ?

Khushi : Sir, I will ask the choices of the client. After all, it's their Adobe. Everyone will have their own personal dreams and choices about how their dream home or office should look like. Ultimately it's them who's going to live or work inside those walls. So, they should love it whole heartedly. They will love it more, if the design is more beautiful than what they had imagined about their to be home/work place. I will enquire what exactly they want to include to embellish their dream place and will design it accordingly by  proffering with my ideas too to make it look more good.

Neil : Perfect. One more question from me, what will you do from your part to market your designs ? We have our own marketing team, but what will be your contribution towards your work ? Only designing or will there be more ?

Khushi : I will definitely market my works through my social media pages and through my sister's blog. My sister is one among the popular bloggers in London. She has many followers from India too. And if our work is good enough, the clients itself will share the word and I will also ask them to give testimonials.

Neil for once got stuck with the word sister and blogging.

Neil (in mind) : Wow so my gal is a famous blogger too. I am very much proud of you my angel.

Neil : Good one. Bhai, now your turn.

Arnav : Let it be. She won't be able to answer my question.

Neil looked at Arnav with astonishment.

Khushi : Sir, How can you judge me without even interviewing me ?

Arnav : So you are damn sure that you can answer Arnav Khanna ?

Khushi (with full confidence) : Yes. I am pretty sure.

Arnav : Ok. So tell me.. How will you tackle a client, if their budget is lesser for the design they are looking for ? Suppose, they are not ready to increase their cost estimation and they want luxurious design too. As per your words, they won't be content if the design is not more beautiful than what they expected.

Khushi looked at him with wide opened mouth. Neil was so impressed with the talent of his bro. Arnav was never got in to the business of Interior designs and even then he knows very well about that field too, thought Neil.

Arnav : Any answer Miss Khushi Mehta ?

Khushi : How can that be possible ? If they want luxurious design, they should pay well too right.

Arnav : That's not an answer Miss Khushi Mehta. I want a clear solution for that.

Khushi just kept looking at him.

Arnav : So you have no answer for that ?

Khushi (sadly) : No.

Arnav : See.. I told you, you cant answer my question.

Khushi (daringly) : I accept my defeat. But I would like to know an answer from you for that question. I think no one will be able to answer it.

Arnav : Who told ? Only because you dont know how to answer it, doesn't mean that there is no answer for that.

Khushi : Then please tell me the solution for the same.

Neil too looks at Arnav eagerly because he was very much sure that his bro will be having a great reply for that.

Arnav : The first step of designing is to understand what exactly the client is yearning for and the direction you would take to move forward. Dreaming a home or work place is lot more than just owning a piece of land and then handling the construction process and design work over to a reputed firm. You should make them understand that. If a person is so keen to make their dream home/office, they will for sure will listen to you. You can take a look at the many existing models available in market today. Referring the works can always bring up better ideas and understanding.

Khushi : But what if the client requires different models than the one that is already in the market.

Arnav (looks at her all irritated) : First get this in to your head that Arnav Khanna doesn't like anyone interrupting while I am talking something serious.

Khushi : But that's my doubt and you have to clear that.

Arnav : You can shoot any doubts after I finish my explanation.

Khushi (nodding and pressing her lips) : Ok.

Arnav : By referring work, I doesn't mean copying them. Every masters will keep referring the works of others to improve their own work, they are neither copying the work of others nor they are getting unskillful or amateur by doing so. Got it ?

Khushi : Yes

Arnav : You have to do a homework on the design that you got out from the client's perspective about their dream place. Design a rough work and check with the experts about the technical feasibility and complexities. Show the rough work to the client and make them understand about the cost estimation and if they are unwilling for that amount, you can cut short certain parts which wont effect the charm of the design. If the client really liked your work, they will definitely demand for the full design and will agree for the cost estimation too. Good observation and decent creativity are more than sufficient to get the job done.

Neil : Wow bhai. You are too good.

They looked at Khushi who was still looking at Arnav awestruck.

Arnav : So Miss Khushi Mehta, you are appointed.

Khushi (with wide eyes) : What ? But I couldn't answer you.

Arnav : That's right. But still you are in to Harleen Interiors.

Khushi : I am very thankful for that. But I don't need this job.

Neil (shocked) : Why ? You were so excited to get this.

Khushi : Yes. But I dont think Mr. Arnav Khanna will be happy to have me around or I can work well up to his expectations. His expectations are beyond anyone's imagination.

Arnav : Why Miss Khushi Mehta ? Got scared ?

Khushi : I am not scared.

Arnav : Then I challange you to accept this offer.

Khushi (daringly) : Khushi Mehta is not afraid of anyone. I accept this offer and I am ready to join Harleen Interiors.

Arnav was laughing inside (in mind) : Welcome to hell Miss Khushi Mehta.

Arnav : You can join our new venture from next month. You can leave now.

Khushi : Thank you SIR. (Gritting her teeth).

Neil : Congratulations Miss Khushi Mehta.

Khushi (smiling at Neil) : Thank you. Bye.

She left the room with a mixed emotion.

Neil : Awe bhai. You are really great. No wonder how you became this much famous at this tender age. You are brilliant.

Arnav : You are not bad too. After all my bro (by winking).

They both laughs and then studied themselves for the next interview session.

At Mehta Mansion :

Khushi entered all tired and exhausted.

Khushi : Mumma... Mummaa..

Ayesha : Yes dear. You reached ? How was the interview ?

Khushi (smiling) : I got the job mumma.

Ayesha (happily) : Great. I knew that you will get it.

Khushi : Get me something to drink and eat mumma. I am pretty tired.

Ayesha : Go and change your dress. I will bring juice and snacks.

Khushi : Ok Mumma.

Avni and Rhea was getting down the stairs.

Avni : Hey khush

Rhea : Di, how was the interview ?

Ayesha : She got the job kids.

Avni : Awww that calls for a celebration.

Rhea : Ofcourse.

Khushi : We can think about it later. Let me get fresh first.

Rhea & Avni (shrugging) : Ohhhkkk

Noon at 2 PM At Khanna House :

Bebe : Why were you both late ?

Arnav : Sorry bebe. Interview was a bit lengthy.

Neil : Yes bebe. Bhai is right. N we are tired.

Bebe : Freshen up fast and come for lunch. We are all waiting for you both.

Neil & Arnav : Ok bebe.

They changed their office attire and joined the family for lunch. The whole family had their lunch with talks and laughs. The evening too went well with the family sports and games and they all dispersed to their rooms to get freshen up after the sweaty sport.

In Neil's room :

Neil got the call from Avni while he was lying on bed after a cold shower.

Neil (on call) : Hey my gal, I missed you a lot today. There are lot of things to tell you.

Avni (excited) : What ? N I missed you too my superman.

Neil : Khushi di was there with us in Office today.

Avni (surprised) : Really ? She came to your office for interview ?

Neil : Yup my sweety. And you won't believe that it was so much fun watching them fighting. (laughing)

Avni : Tell me what all had happened there.

Neil : Wait. I will tell you in detail at night.

Avni : No no. You have to tell now. We have class tomorrow. So we can't stay awake for long at night. We have to meet tomorrow right (smiling).

Neil : Oh yeah. Then I will tell you tomorrow from college.

Avni : No. Tell me now.

Neil : My darling. Bebe and mom will kill me if they dont find me in hall. Sunday is a family day my sweety.

Avni (by faking sadness) : Oh so I am not your family ?

Neil : To avoid this complaint of yours, I will make you my family soon my love.

Avni (blushing) : Oh Neil you are so cheesy. Now go to your family. We will meet tomorrow. Message me once you get free ok.

Neil : Ok honey. Muaaaah.

Avni (smiling) : Muaaaaaaah. I love you my superman.

Neil : I love you too my angel.

Precap :

Neil : Wow. You look so beautiful today.

Mithali : Thank you Neil. Can I sit here ?

Neil : Why not ?

Avni was fuming with anger seeing all these along with Rhea and Ali.

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