Chapter 27

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At Khanna Industries :

Arnav : Hello Nita

Nita (Receptionist) : Hello Sir. Good morning.

Arnav : Good morning. Did Aman reached ?

Nita : Yes Sir. Aman Sir had a meeting early morning with Aduze Team. Just now the meeting dispersed and he went to cafe.

Arnav : Ok. Ask him to come to my cabin when he is back.

Nita : Sure Sir.

After sometime, while Aman was walking back to his cabin by munching a donut.

Nita : Excuse me, Aman Sir.

Aman : Yes Nita. Anything urgent ?

Nita : Sir, Arnav Sir want you in his cabin.

Aman (confused) : Arnav.. I mean bhai ? (By checking his mob) Shit, I forgot to change it from silent mode. Already 3 missed call from him. Anyways thank you Nita. I am going there.

Nita : Ok Sir. Have a nice day.

Aman : Wish you the same.

Aman at once rushed to Arnav's cabin.

Aman (knocking door) : May I come in ?

Arnav (from inside) : Don't waste the time and Get in.

Aman (getting inside Arnav's cabin and settling on the bean bag) : I am so sorry bhai. I forgot to call you. Actually was really busy with the meeting and I forgot that mom had asked me to call you.

Arnav : Aman. Stop calling me bhai at least when we are alone. I am getting irritated.

Aman (teasing) : Why Arnav ? You only wanted me to call you bhai infront of others since childhood. You wanted to show that you are the biggest one among us. (Laughing)

Arnav : Yup. I know. I had told to call me bhai infront of others and to call me by my name when we are alone.

Aman : What to do Arnav ? I got used to the word bhai that it is only coming to my mouth.

Arnav (irritated) : What the ? Stop it now. I need to talk to you something urgent. I have been trying to get you. But this tight office schedule didnt let me to do so.

Aman (a bit concerned) : Oh yeah. Jokes apart. Come to the point. What's bothering you Arnav ?

Arnav, Aman and Akash are not only cousins but also best friends from childhood. They always shares anything and everything with each other. Not all aware of it since the adamant Arnav doesn't want others to know about his lighter side.

Arnav : You don't know Aman, how restless I am since a week. I couldn't contact you or akash too to talk so that i can lighten my tension. Damn this busy work.

Aman (worried) : You are worrying me Arnav. What's the matter ?

Arnav : Aman, I have seen her.

Aman (confused) : Her ? Whom ?

Arnav : I am worried Aman. What if the thing I was scared of occurs ? I can't see her suffering man. Neither I can see Neil offended or sad.

Aman : Do.. Doll ? Avni ? Is she back ?

Arnav (sighing) : Yes. I saw her. Infact she is studying in the same college of Neil. In the same class.

Aman : What ? Neil recognized her ?

Arnav : I think no. As you know they were too small then that I don't think they remember their real name.

Aman : Hmmm. But how is she ? Just like before ?

Arnav (smiling) : Exactly like before. Cute, bubbly, daring yet caring.

Aman (smiling sadly) : I knew it. How can she change. She was a sweet heart. How we wished we had a little sister like her. And we had treated her like our sis only. If those incident doesn't had happened, she would have been with us. Right Arnav ?

Arnav (in deep thoughts) : Hmmm. Fate.

Aman (with a naughty smirk) : What about the other one Arnav ?

Arnav (furrowing his brows) : Other one ? Which one ?

Aman : Khushi.

Arnav : Urghh Aman. Don't you talk about her. She too is the same like before. Very very irritating.

Aman : Haha. So you still remember her and you met her too ? Not bad.

Arnav : Not only me. You too remember her right and you too had met her.

Aman (perplexed) : Me ? When ? How ? And how can I forget her. If Avni is the first love of Neil, khushi was your first enemy right.

Arnav : Don't make me remember that. N by the way, She is the same khushi Mehta.  Our new designer of Harleen Designs.

Aman : OMG. That's her. I can't believe.

Arnav : You have to believe. I don't know how we can tolerate her.

Aman : We ? You. Only you have to handle her.

By saying that he bursted in to laughter.

Arnav (gritting his teeth) : Amannnn

Meanwhile, at ABC college

Neil was running behind the cousins.

Neil : Avni.. Avniiii.. Ali.. Rhea.. Stop there pls.

Ali and Rhea turned around when they heard Neil calling out them, whereas Avni was standing there still.

Ali : What happened Neil ?

Neil (panting) : Where are you all going ?

Avni turned to face Neil, when she heard him asking that question.

Avni (by keeping her hands on her hips) : Where ever we may go, you don't need to bother.

Rhea : Avu. Don't tell like that dear. Poor Neil. See he is sweating. Were you running, Neil ?

Neil (still panting) : You ppl are so fast. I wonder what you all had in the morning. I literally had to run faster to chase you all.

Avni : And may I ask you, why you wanted to chase us ? You were enjoying sitting near Mitali.

Neil : Avni.. Yaar..

Ali : You both talk. We will just come. Come Rhea, let's get something to drink. I am very much thirsty.

Avni : what to talk ali ? I am coming too. I too need a soft drink. I am exhausted.

Neil : Pls avni. I need to talk to you.

Avni : I don't want to talk to you.

Ali : Just listen to him once na Avu. We will be canteen. You both come there after that.

Rhea : Ohkkk then we four can go somewhere.

Avni : Not four. We three.

Ali dragging Rhea and speaking to Avneil : That's all your wish. We will wait for you in the canteen.

Neil : Thank you Ali. We will be there.

Ali and Rhea went to canteen.

Neil : Please Avni. Dont be mad at me. I know you are upset with me. I am really sorry yaar.

Avni : You know what. I was really excited to talk to you in the morning but you. You were ignoring me the whole time and you just needed your Indian beauty. My foot.

Neil : Please Avni. Just listen to me.

Avni : Why should I listen to you ? You go to your mitali.

Neil : Wha.. what ? My mitali ? Seriously ? You think I am after her ?

Avni : Then what was that ? By the way, you both were looking good together.

Neil (with shock and worried face) : What the hell are you talking my angel ?

Avni was really enjoying all these.

Avni (in mind) : You tried to make me jealous right. Now see what i will do.

Avni : Neil, I didn't know that you like girls who adorns themselves that too in Indian wear. I have never even worn any Indian clothes. And i know i am not beautiful too. You are right. Mitali is beautiful and she is good for you.

Neil (really worried) : Angel. What are you saying my love ? You are the most beautiful girl for me. You think I would choose anyone else over you ? You don't have trust in me ? In Whatever attire you are, you are my angel, you are my princess and you are my love.

Avni (laughing from inside) : No Neil. You are lying.

Neil (by holding Avni's hand) : Please Avni. Dont punish me like this. You know that I love you a lot. Please please my love. Don't be angry with me. I was just trying to..

Before he could finish his line, a boy came running to avni.

Boy : Hey Avni, you here ? What a pleasant surprise.

The boy pushed Neil aside and hugged avni.

Avni was hell surprised to see him. One can tell that by seeing her shocked widen eyes. Poor Neil too was all confused, jealous and angry seeing his love in the arms of another boy.

Precap :

Convo of Avni and the new boy. Jealous Neil.

Who can the new boy be ?

Any guesses friends ?

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