Chapter 29

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Ali (turning to Arman) : Arman, this is our best buddy Neil Khanna.

Arman (forwarded his hand to Neil for a handshake) : Nice to meet you Neil.

Neil (least interested) : Same here Arrrrma...

He couldn't complete his sentence, before that Avni dragged Arman from there.

Avni : Enough of talking. Let's get going. We will go home now.

Rhea : Why dont you join us Neil ?

Neil : No Rhea. May be..

Avni : Why are you disturbing him Rhea ? Let him enjoy with his beauties ?

Neil (in mind) : Shit. I am finished.

Ali : Ok then Neil. Will call u later ya. BYE.

Avni (in mind) : Neil khanna. You were trying to make me jealous right. Now I will show you what Jealousy really means.

Arman : Avu. You don't know how much we missed you, di, mishtu n all. I am so excited to meet them.

Avni (by pulling his cheeks) : Oh mannu. You are soooooo sweet.

Arman gave a shy smile to that. The cousins started to Mehta Mansion with their best buddy Arman.

Whereas our Hero was standing still with his eyes popped out, all burning and gritting his teeth.

Neil (murmuring) : Mannu ? Like seriously ? How could she.. How could she call that Arrrrmaan Mannu ? I hate that. I just hate that. I dont like my Angel calling anyone a pet name. I only have that audacity to be called by a sweet name from her. Oh God. Why this has to happen to me ? Damn it.

Neil was lost in his own world of jealousy till DD came from behind and patted on his shoulder.

DD : Neil, Where are you lost man ?

Neil (facing DD) : No.. No where DD. I am.. I am not feeling well. I just want to go home.

DD : What happened ? All Ok ? Why all are feeling bad and bunking class today ?

Neil : I dont know DD. I am just not feeling good. Everything is going wrong today.

DD : What yaar ? You are sweating ? What's wrong ? Tell me na.

Neil : DD. I am quite restless yaar. I dont know what to do. I am so clueless. I feel like the ground is slipping away.

DD : What are you talking about Neil ? Tell me what happened. Why to be restless when I am here for you, my dear friend.

Neil : I... DD, what if your girl friend get miffed with you. You just tried to make her jealous and in turn some other guy comes up, get close to her and make you jealous ?

DD : Are you talking about Avni ? Do you love her ?

Neil (stammering) : Mmmm... Mmme ? And Av.. Avni ?

DD : I am your friend yaar. I can see the spark between you 2. You both look so great together yaar. Trust me. She is the best girl for you.

Neil : DD, Me...

DD : I know Neil. You have a love since childhood, you love her a lot and you are waiting for her. But how long ? How long can you wait ? How can you be sure that you will find her ? Avni is a great girl yaar. She is so good at heart, helping, caring, loving, sweet and a beautiful girl. As you know she is a natural beauty, not like other girls with tons of make up. She is so good for you Neil. I know you like her too but may be somehow your childhood love is coming between you 2 and sometimes I feel Mitali too. You and Avni need to be together yaar. Not only me, even Sunheri, vidyut and Juhi felt the same that you both are made for each other. N they too love avni a lot. She is perfect. Dont miss her Neil. Go propose her before anyone else do the same.

Neil (panicking) : No.. No... DD.. I wont let that happen.. She is mine. She is only mine.

With that Neil ran from there. DD was smiling seeing him running for his life.

DD (all smiling) : I knew it Neil. Your love for Avni can be purely seen in your eyes. Likewise I am sure avni too loves you a lot. You both need to be together. And I promise you buddy, this friend of yours will always be a cupid to bloom more love between you two. Not only me, I am sure all our friends will be ready to act as a cupid for you and Avni. She is like my sister, the sweetest girl and you are the most deserving one to get her.

At Mehta Mansion :

Ali parked the car while the girls together with Arman were still engrossed with the plan to surprise all.

Arman : Ok. So as we planned, I will get inside by covering my face with this shawl.

Ali : Rhea, Good that you forgot to take this shawl of yours yesterday.

Rhea : Hmmm Rhea always comes for the help to all

Ali & Avni : Enough of self Praising Ri.

Rhea : Ok Ok

Arman : So let's go ? Are you all ready ?

Cousins together : Yesss

Rhea : Ali, Dont make it a flop by overacting Ok.

Ali : Me and overacting ? You... you are the one who acts over.

Rhea : Me ? It's you.

Avni : You two. Stopppp

Arman : Yeah. Why you two always fighting ? Comes let's go inside.

Ali and Rhea : Ohhhkk

They all got inside the mansion. Dayawanti, Ayesha and Hetal are sitting in the hall and Khushi is laying by keeping her head on Dayawanti's lap.

Ayesha (seeing Avni and all) : You all came ? No class today ?

Hetal : Yeah. Why so early today ?

Khushi looked up to see them coming, while Dayawanti eyed on the person covering the face with the shawl.

Dayawanti : Who is the new person with you all ?

Ayesha : Right. Who is this kids ?

Avni : Ohh. She is our friend. Came to see you all.

Hetal (going near Arman) : That's nice. Come dear. Sit with us.

Hetal touched Armans hand and she felt something odd.

Hetal : Why are your hands rough dear ? Usually the hands of the girls of your age need to be soft.

Ali : Aunty.. she is a very hard working girl. She cooks well. Not like your kids. And she also goes to gym too.

Hetal (confused) : Still...

Dayawanti felt suspicious. She made khushi to get up from her lap and proceeded where Arman is standing. She looked Arman from top to bottom.

Dayawanti : What's your name ?

Rhea : Arrr..

Dayawanti : I didnt ask you Rhea. I am asking her. What is your name dear ?

Ali : She is a shy girl dadi. See, that's why she is covering her face with the shawl.

Dayawanti : That's very rare. Shy to tell the name as well ?

Avni : Dadi her name. Her name is Armaa..

Dayawanti : What ??

Avni : Armaani.. armaani

Dayawanti : Oh Armaani ? That is a very nice name.

With that she tried to pull off the shawl from Armans face. But before she could pull it off, Arman took off the shawl and said "SURPRISE".. Avni, Ali and Rhea too repeated the same.

Dayawanti, Ayesha, Hetal and Khushi were dumbstruck seeing him. Ayesha and khushi were crying too with happiness.

Dayawanti (smiling fondly) : Arman. Son. You here ?

Arman touched Dayawanti's feet. She blessed him and hugged him.

Dayawanti : Its a great surprise Son. I am very happy to see you here. And you naughty kids, Armaani heh ?

They all laughed. Arman gave a group hug to Khushi, hetal and Ayesha.

Arman : We missed you all so much.

Khushi : How u dear ? When's Muskaan and Jia coming ?

Arman : I am fine di. They too will be coming soon.

Ayesha (kissing the forehead of Arman) : I missed you too son. Are you not eating well ? You lost your weight a lot. 

Avni clicked the photo of them and smirked.

Precap : Neil's plan to pacify Avni with the help of DD, Ali and Rhea.

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