Chapter 6

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At XYZ Mall :

Khushi entered the mall with Nanno.

Khushi : So where should we start with shopping nanno ? I dont know any shops over here.

Nanno : Dont worry moi bachi. I am here na. Will direct you where to go (with a wink).

Khushi : Aw nanno. You are the best grandma one could ever get. Friendly, stylish and modern (laughing).

Nanno : Enough is enough. Come let's move to shoppers shop.Need to buy some suits for myself and shirts for ali.

Khushi : Ok Nanno

At College, in MBA class :

Ali : Avuuuu

Avni and Rhea was so engrossed in talk with Tara and Sitara when they heard Ali calling.

Avni : Oh finally you got time for your sis hah.

Ali : Sorry sorry avu. Please forgive your bro. Pleaaaase. I got so busy yaar. I swear I will do whatever you ask me to do. Rhea tell her na.

Rhea : I am with Avu this time. You didn't even meet or call me for a couple of weeks. Anyone does that with their gfs?

Ali : Oh Come on Rhea. I had told sorry many a times to you through messages. Pls pls forget that n forgive me sweet heart. I missed you so much.

Avni : Ahem Ahem. You both miss each other so much and you missed meeting us too. You won't get forgiveness easily Ali brooo. We will decide what to do with you after discussing with Khush. Are you ready ?

Ali : Of course I am. No give me a hug sissy. It's long since your bro got your hug.

Avni (smilingly) hugs Ali followed by Rhea. Avni punches him on his tummy.

Ali : Ahhh Avu. You are more boyish yaar. Sometimes do something like the girls does.

Rhea : Avu to be Girlish ? In our dreams sweet heart.

Ali : Ha Ha true.

Avni makes a face at them.

At Shoppers Shop :

Arnav : How long it will take Dad ?

Prakash : Just 5 mins son.

Arnav : Daaad, you have been telling the same since one hour. (Irritated)

Prakash : What to do son ? I am getting confused about what to buy for bebe. Her bday is coming within a few weeks.

Arnav : Buy something which she likes na.

Prakash : I am very much confused. You come and help me na.

Arnav : Ohhkk let me see.

Prakash sighs in relief and smiles at him.

By the time Khushi too reach there with Nanno and started searching for dresses for Nanno and Ali.

At College :

Neil : Oh finally. Here they came.

DD : Thank God. Only 5 mins left to begin class. Hurry girls.

Mitali and Sunheri comes running.

Neil : How long were we waiting for you both ?

Mitali (shyly) : You were waiting for me ?

Neil : Not me. WE. We were waiting since ages.

Mitali's smile turns off hearing that. She has a secret crush on Neil since she saw him for the first time and that's the reason she befriended with Juhi & Sunheri to get in to their friends gang. None of their friends knows that. Sunheri is a fun loving gal who always loves to taunt and play pranks on others.

Sunheri (by hitting the back of DD) : Wasssup man. Missed me ?

DD (with wide grin) : Very much

Sunheri : Why you are showing your whole teeth ? Is there any toothpaste ad going on ? (Laughing)

DD at once closed his mouth and murmured to Vidyut : This gal will kill me with her jokes.

Vidyut laughs seeing his state. He knows that DD likes her. But DD himself is not sure whether its love or more attraction.

Vidyut : So friend's move to class.

They all agreed and went to class.

Neil's eyes were searching for Avni. There she is sitting on the first bench in the first row turning towards back talking to Ali and Rhea who were sitting on the second bench. She is quite different from other gals, he thought.

Ali : Hey guys.

Ali called out his friends bu gesturing to come towards him.

Ali : Meet Rhea. My gf.

Rhea : Hello guys. Ali had told about you guys but could never meet u all.

Ali (pointing towards Avni) : This is my cousin, Avni.

Avni : Hey squad, this is Avni Mehta.

Everyone smiled at them and introduced themselves. Its then Neil showed up from the back.

Avni : You ?

Neil : Hi, I am Neil Khanna.

Rhea : Oh so you are Neil Khanna. Heard a lot about you man. Ali always talks about you and your bro. You both are great aah. Oh forgot to introduce myself. I am Rhea Mehta. Ali's GF (with a shy smile).

Neil smiled at her.

Avni : Hi, I am...

Neil : Avni Mehta right. Ali told us.

Avni : Oh.. so now you got all information about me. Nice..

Neil : Not actually. I would like to know more about you.

Avni : Excuse me. Not needed ah.

Neil : Why ? Are you scared ?

Avni : Avni Mehta is not scared of ANYTHING.

All were looking at them with shock all these while.

Neil was about to say something but was stopped by Ali.

Ali : Guys. Stop. Stop. Since I know both of you, please dont get in to any argument ok. Chill guys.

Avni and Neil (together) : Whatever. (N looked in to each other surprised)

Ali : Ohkkk. So guys from now onwards we have 4 new friends to our gang. Rhea, Avni, Tara and Sitara.

All smiles hearing that.

Avni & Neil (thinking by looking at each other) : There is some connection between us. Why I feel that we know each other so well ? Why I am feeling happy to talk and fight with this person ?.

Their thought gets break with the entry of Professor.

Professor : Good morning students. Pls take seats. We will have an introduction session after that.

At Shoppers Shop :

Arnav was searching for gift for Bebe with Prakash, suddenly a group of gals surrounded him.

Gals : Hi AK, pls can we have your autograph ?

Arnav looked at his father.

Prakash gestured him to carry on and leave the place to attend a call.

Arnav : Ok.

He then gives autograph to the gals. The last gal asked him to sign at her bare back. He has been used to this scenario, so he easily agreed to that.

Khushi was looking for a kurti, when her eyes fell on a guy patterning something on a girls upper back. She felt so angry.

Khushi (herself) : Yuck. London is much better than here. What's this guy ? Dont he have shame to make patterns on his gf in an open place ?.

And turned her face. She mistook the gal to be his girlfriend.

After giving autograph, arnav moved from there only to be stopped by another gal again for autograph. She needs it on her wrist and he was doing the same. Khushi saw him again.

Khushi : This guy again. Wait. Now he is with another gal. Shameless.

After that arnav went again in search of gift. Finally he found a beautiful jewellery box for his bebe. Prakash too got back after the call.

Prakash : Son, Did you find any ?

Arnav : Yes Dad. How's this ? Bebe has been telling that she need a jewellery box. I think it will be a perfect gift for her. Anyhow you ordered designer saree and ornaments for her for bday. So I think we can take this.

Prakash : Ofcourse son (smiling).

Arnav (to the sales man) : Gift wrap this.

Prakash : Arnav, You come to the counter. I will make the payment by then.

Arnav : Ohhhkk.

Salesman took the jewelry box for gift wrapping. Nanno happened to see the jewelry box with salesman and she really liked that.

Nanno : Wow. It's so pretty.

Arnav heard that. He is for sure is an arrogant man but he is always good to elder people. (Mehtas are exceptional case for him).

Arnav : Aunty, you liked it ?

Nanno : Yes son. I loved it.

Arnav to the salesman : Do you have another piece on that ?

Salesman : Sorry sir. It's the last piece.

Nanno's face dropped hearing that.

Arnav : I am sorry Aunty. We bought it for my granny. Her birthday is coming. So..

Nanno : No problem, son. It's ok. I will find some other one. You dont feel bad about it. And convey my wishes to your granny. She is lucky to get a grandson like you. God bless you, my kid.

Arnav thanked Nanno and left from there.

Khushi found nanno sad and arnav leaving the place.

Khushi (thinking) : Nanno looks sad. For sure that arrogant person should have made her sad.

Khushi (to Nanno) : What happened nanno ? Why you seems to be sad ?

Nanno : Nothing dear. There was a pretty jewelry box. But unluckily it was the last piece and that gentleman bought it.

Nanno was about to tell khushi that he took it as a bday gift for his granny, but before that khushi dashed behind arnav.

Khushi : Hey Mr. I want that Jewelry box.

Arnav : Excuse me. What ?

Khushi : That jewelry box that you picked up for your gf, I want that for my granny. You can select another one.

Arnav : What The. Who are you to command me ?

Khushi : I am khushi.

Arnav : Look Miss. Who ever you are. I just don't care. I have picked that jewelry box first. So its mine and that's final.

Khushi : No. I will take that.

Arnav : Dont you dare to mess with AK. (Gritting his teeth)

But khushi is stubborn, she came in front of arnav and blocked his path.

That was it. Arnav's anger outbursts and he couldn't control himself now. He twisted khushi's hands at back and  bawled at her angrily : I had told you not to mess with me. I was being nice to you and you are taking advantage of that.

Khushi was scared seeing this nature of Arnav and she was shivering.

With tears falling through her eyes, she spoke in a low voice by trembling: Please let me go. Its hurting.

Arnav : Not so easily Ms.Khushi. You have to pay for what you have done.

Khushi : Please. I beg you.

Arnav saw his dad making payment for the gift.

Arnav : I dont have time to waste for silly gals like you. I warn you not to come in front of me again. The consequences will be bad for you.

By saying that he left her and walked to his dad.

Khushi wept silently and went to Nanno by wiping her sad tears.

Precap : Angry Avni & Cool Neil

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