A Hostile Return - Part One

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Author's Note: This is intended to be a short 3-Part story based around the Jackal Squad and a new character ^^

The exact number of parts may vary.


A middle-aged jackal dashed through the burnt, harsh landscape of the Bloodpooliean desert within the Canyon, on all fours as he panted from the heat. He knew he wasn't being chased, he just had an odd adoration for pushing himself to sprint long distances and with where he was headed, he was going to need it. With great speed, he bounded over fallen rocks from a recent landslide as he approached his destination, the territory of the Jackal Squad. Ducking over to the side of the valley walls, the male tried to get as far into the area as he could before getting caught.

However, an ever-attentive male watched the horizon, spotting the older male the instant he came into sight of the post. "Hey!" He growled, staring down at the intruder. "This is my ground. You have no business here."

The older male nearly collapsed at the voice, crouching to the ground. "I-I know... I wish no malice!"

"Then leave."

He hesitated. "I am looking for someone... I have great reason to think they are here."

"You're seeking my female, are you not?"

"Uhh, yes, but-" The middle-aged jackal was cut off by the young male jumping onto him and pressing his claws into the intruder's shoulder.

"Amara is not for claim. If you wish her and her pups, you must fight to the death."

"Woah! I do not wish to take her from you! I just wish to reconcile a past relationship."

"Who are you? Amara never spoke of anyone but her mother."

The intruder desperately attempted to creep backward, stammering. "I don't know what I may call myself, just what I may call her."

"Okay then, what is it?" He snarled, pressing harder into the male's shoulder.

He gulped. "My name is Lusk; I seek Amara... my daughter."

"Amara!" Infinite stepped into the den system with a tone that was more professional than the jackals were used to.

A strong female with glowing gold eyes and fine features stepped out from a corner, pronouncing herself with a roll of her chest. "Boss."

Lusk, who was standing right behind Infinite, gasped at the visual of his daughter.

"There's someone here to see you, Amara." Infinite stepped to the side to allow Amara to see her father.

She bared her teeth and snarled instantly upon his presence. "Lusk. I told you never to come searching for me if you valued your life."

Remy, seeing Amara's anger, gulped and ducked further into the den system.

Lusk gulped once again. "A-Amara..."

While Lusk shook at the sight of his powerful daughter, Hunter, Remy and QuickStrike had ducked off to safely view the scene. "Who do you think that is?" Remy whispered.

"I don't know, but Amara sure seems to." Hunter muttered back.

"The boss seems oddly okay with him being in the den and talking to Amara, so he must not be trying to take her." QuickStrike whispered with curiosity.

"He seems too old to be a new member, though... and we have enough guys here anyway, five-to-one ratio. If we're getting new jackals then we need girls!" Remy near complained.

"Remy, hush your muzzle! Quit worryin' about females!"

"Both of you get quiet! No one can hear over you but if you don't shut up then the boss will hear you!" QuickStrike snapped through a whisper.

"Why do you still come after me?" Amara snarled.

"Amara... my daughter..." Lusk reached out for Amara's paw, enraging the female.

"Oh! So now I'm your daughter?! Now after refusing to come for me for twenty-three years?!" She clenched her teeth and her fists and her breaths changed to snarls in a panting pattern.

"I didn't know you existed! I never knew she was pregnant with you!" He reached out and touched the fur on her neck, lightly brushing the white-tipped fur downwards. A little marking in the shape of a dove formed. Lusk then took Amara's paw and brushed the fur on his neck the same way, revealing a swirl marking in the exact same place. "I'm sorry for what Taruna did to you, if I had known I would have braved her a little while longer to save you. I don't want to spend the rest of my life pretending that I never had a child, to do the same thing the rest of Bloodpool does, I want to make this right with you. I want you to be my daughter... I want to be your dad, but I can't do that if you don't forgive me."

Amara's breaths began to grow shaky, everyone present watched her to see what she'd do.

Both Infinite and Lusk kept their eyes closely on Amara, hoping for her forgiveness.

Amara shook her head and ripped away from Lusk, voice in a wailing shriek. "Infy!" She bounded into his arms and buried herself there, sobbing.

Infinite clutched her close to himself, then looked up at Lusk and shrugged.

Lusk looked down and sighed.

His daughter sure had her mother's fury.

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