A Hostile Return - Part Three

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Author's Note: This chapter was co-written with JustThatOneFox from Fanfiction.net. I am extremely grateful for his help.

As a result of the collaboration, this part contains some slight coarse language that normally would not appear in one of my works.

But still, please enjoy ^^

Edit: Ack, I literally didn't realize that I left a huge chunk of this story out until just now. Oh well, it's in there now. :)


The next morning, Amara woke up in Infinite's room. It took her a moment to realize where she was, as the last thing she remembered was Infinite whispering into her ear on the couch, telling her that everything would be okay. "Ugh..." she groaned as she awoke, trying to orient herself. "Infinite?" She looked to her left, which was where her lover slept, only to find his place empty. "Must've already gotten up... which is a little odd, he usually sticks around until we're both up." She stood herself up to look around, then walked outside.

"There she is." Infinite's voice welcomed her. He walked up and brushed his paw against her face. "Are you better today?"

She nodded, placing her own paw over his paw which was on her face.

"You want something to eat, Amara?" Remy asked.

"I'm not hungry, Remy, but thanks." Amara's expression seemed worn.

Remy just nodded and left, motioning for the others to follow as soon as he had a notion that the pair wanted to be alone.

Infinite took both her paws in his and pulled them to himself. "Come with me."

Amara followed, letting him hold her paws as they walked.

Infinite took her out to a ledge that jutted out from the area of the main den system. He sat down, leaning against the wall with Amara next to him.

"I can't believe I slept this late." Amara muttered, looking at the sun high in the sky, near midday. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You needed the rest, Mara, especially after your breakdowns yesterday." Infinite then gripped her paw and gave her a look that told her that he wasn't mad about her breakdowns, keeping her from taking offence. He kissed her forehead, causing her to smile a little. "You were so tired yesterday, you couldn't process anything." He stroked her side, still bare from the night before.

"Yeah..." she sighed. "I'm just..."

"Scared? I know, babe."

Amara took off her gloves, which she'd fallen asleep wearing, and stared at the scars on her paws.

"They hurt?" Infinite looked into her eyes, concern etched on him.

"No more than normal, just the thought of... ya know..."

"I do, but he's trying, Mara. He's trying so hard to show you that he's not her. You've just gotta give him a chance, babe."

She looked down at her paws again, then clasped them together. "Are you sure he won't hurt me?"

"Give him a chance, Mara..." Infinite then leaned towards her, whispering. "but if he does hurt you, I'll tear his throat out. 'Kay?"

Amara smiled and nuzzled him. "Okay."

"You're willing to start over with him?"

Amara looked down at her scarred paws again. "I'll see if he earns it."

Infinite nodded, then lifted one of her paws and brushed his fingers over the scars. "I'll be right back." He kissed her forehead and left. He looked back at her before walking off. He didn't want to have to take down Lusk for Amara, but if he was just playing them both, Infinite would have to do what was necessary to protect her.


Amara travels away from Jackal Squad's base to find her father. According to a few clues she got from nearby passerbyers, a middle-aged jackal was heading towards the lush and dense forests of Bloodpool...


Amara slowly approached the entrance of the dark forest. As she peered into the darkness, all that she could think about was why her father would even come here in the first place. Did he have some sort of emotional attachment to the location? Or was it because he wanted to get as far away as possible?

Of course, Father just had to venture into this place. Does he even realize this is enemy territory?

Amara shook her head. "Hmpf. No matter, I better go find him right away before I lose someone I might care about."

The jackal checked the ground beneath her, and sure enough, there were shoe prints embedded in the soil.

"Tracks..." *sniff sniff* "...and they're fresh too. It's got to be Lusk." She immediately dashed into the forest, unaware that a pair of red eyes were watching her from above...

Meanwhile in the deepest part of the forest...

"Urk, I should've never shown my face to her..." Lusk muttered. "All those years... wasting my life away drinkin' and gamblin'... when I should have been looking for her!"

Lusk violently slammed his fist against the bark of a nearby tree. Panting, Lusk slowly checked his paw. It was bleeding; his knuckles cut open from the brutal punch.

Lusk continued to stare at his now profusely bleeding fist. Then he frowned. Tears slowly leaked from his eyes as he winced; not in pain, but in sorrow. Suddenly, he kicked the same tree with all the force he could summon, then fell to his knees.

*sniff* "All my life... I could have been with her... My daughter... All my life I could have been searching... for Amara..." Lusk said under his breath.

"Because I've been gone for so long... I've become such an untrustworthy person. The many lies I've told over the years may have not meant much to me during my time as a young jackal, but... if I knew I had a daughter then..."

Lusk clenched his paws in tight fists. "I could have been better... better than that poor excuse of a mother Amara had. She didn't deserve to be raised like that, no child should. It's my fault as to why she's the way she is now. And she hardly even trusts me..."

All the middle-aged jackal could do was just sit there, unmoving. If he couldn't be the man he used to be, let alone connect with his own daughter, then who was he now? Just some washed up old jackal with no purpose? A drunk? A worthless mutt who should be wiped off the face of Mobius?

"No... no, I'm not any of those things." Lusk got back up from his position. "There's still Amara... She's my will to live." He said proudly.

A sudden rush of wind blew by Lusk, snapping him out of his ordeal. Immediately, he pulled a pristine metal sword from his sheath and searched frantically around him.

"I know you're there... eavesdropping on me, huh?" He spoke aloud. "You got real nerve to be spying on an old guy like me who's hit an all-time low."

"Yep, you absolutely did." A feminine voice snarked back.

Lusk's eyes shot wide open. "A-Amara is that-?" On cue, the young female jackal dropped down from above and looked her father in the eyes.

"Did you really mean it?"

"Which part?"

"All of it." Amara laughed a bit. "Is your life so pointless without me that you would feel so... worthless? Am I that important?"

"Amara... I've spent my whole life running away from problems. I've spent even more getting into them. Twenty-three years ago, I was a young lad who hardly didn't care about anyone or anything. Little did I know that I would be the cause for making such a beautiful thing that would mean the world to me."

Lusk started to tear up a bit. "I threw away all those years being such a stuck-up piece of junk... when I should have been there for you. I'm sorry, little one..."

Amara stammered herself. Could she really be that special to someone who neglected to come for her throughout all her needs during the painful time called her childhood? He caused all her pain, even if he wasn't the inflictor... so why was he so concerned now? Was he just sorry that he had consequences from when he was her age, or is she really his last will to live? He said that he's spent his whole life running from his problems... that's probably the only reason that he came back... but he seems to be just completely trashed, there's no way that I'm that important to him, is there? Am I really the only thing his pathetic life has left?

Do I really mean the world to him?

Their eyes locked, father and daughter, two sides of a broken bridge. Neither could remove the other from their view. It was almost as if both Lusk and Amara were trapped by the thoughts and doubts they had towards the other.

Suddenly, a spear whooshed right between the two jackals, landing just at their feet. Lusk and Amara both were stunned, but not paralyzed. They both immediately noticed that the way the spear was thrown meant that it came from above. So the two of them checked the trees, searching for the culprit.

"I don't we're the only ones in this forest, Daughter." Lusk said uneasily. Amara on the other hand shook her head.

"Father, I don't know if you realize this but..." Amara was about to continue, when once again, more spears came flying towards them from above.

Lusk and Amara dodged as many spears as they could, hoping to not get punctured by one of them. Then a figure appeared from the dense canopy above them. Without much light, it was hard to make out what exactly the creature was.

"You! Invading territory you are! Leave now or else!" The shadowy figure shouted from above the jackals.

Lusk of course was quick to talk. "You really think I'm just gonna walk away after you threw a bunch of spears and nearly killed my daughter? Hell no! I ain't leaving until I kick your butt!" He snarked.

"Keep your mouth shut, Dad! This is the territory of—"

Before Amara could finish, more spears flew towards them, and once again, Amara and Lusk had to avoid another attack. Amara was starting to think that having her dad around may be a bad idea. And just when it couldn't get any worse, more shadowy figures appeared above from the dark canopy of the woods. Each figure dashed rapidly towards different tree branches, jumping back and forth to confuse the enemy. (The enemy being the jackals of course.)

"Ugh... these things are givin' me a damn headache..." Lusk complained as he spun in circles to keep his eye on the blurs rushing past him. Amara on the other hand wasn't having it. Closing her eyes, she focused and honed her senses on where exactly they were coming from. Then with blinding speed, Amara unsheathed her blade and sliced one of the shadowy figures without hesitation. Amara let out a heavy breath, looking down at the enemy she had just slain.

"Damn I knew it..." Amara groaned.

"Knew what, dearie?"

"Look for yourself." Amara pointed at the dead body. "Hyenas." She answered. "We're in their territory."

"You must be joking? You're telling me those rascals are camping out here in this forest? That's bull."


Amara was smacked straight across the left side of her head by a very hard weapon. Since the figure was moving twice as fast, the attack was far more powerful, and thus leaving a quite visible gash on the side of her head.

Lusk dashed over to his daughter to see if she was badly injured. "Amara, talk to me! You alright?"

Amara winced in pain as she could feel the gash on her head. She attempted to touch it, but it only ended in even more pain. Though on the verge of tears, Amara did her best to stay strong.

"Dad... I'm fine really... let me fight-"

"Dearie, you stay low and keep pressure on that wound." Lusk handed her a rag in hopes it could help her for the time being.

Just behind Lusk, all of the Badlands Gang members stopped their rapid movements and landed perfectly onto the soft soil beneath their feet. The grunts all aimed their spears and bows at Lusk, who was kneeling by his daughter.

"We now bring great leader, Remi!" A grunt yelled. Sure enough, a tall looking hyena with a gun holster stepped out from the crowd of pawns.

"Well well well, looks like we got ourselves some rule breakers, boys." Remi snickered as he smoked his cigarette.

He stood, tall and dangerous before Lusk and his downed daughter. "Thought you fancy hounds were aware of our boundaries... or is nothin' swell enough for 'your majesties?'"

At the conclusion of his speech, the pawned crowd erupted into cackles. "Hah! Your cap'n is gonna pay this time!" One of them howled in laughter as he punched his paws together.

Remi approached Amara specifically. Lusk prepared to fight back, but the hyena ruler began to talk to the wounded female. "You, I know, are your captain's favorite of all females. It would produce a fair price to take you from him as punishment. However, both you and I know that there are only two uses for a female... and based upon what I've heard, you fail at the greater one."

The hyenas once again erupted into cackles. "Yeah!" Another one of them proclaimed. "When the great Jackal Squad goes extinct, it's gonna be all your fault!"

Amara forced herself upwards, shaking as her pain kept her down. "Now just where've you been hearing this lie?! In a bar where everyone's drunk stupid? The Captain wields his own desires, nothing more."

The leader seemed to snicker. "If I took you, even for the use I'd know you'd fufill, we'd both find out the truth soon enough. Wouldn't we, your majesty? All it takes is once..."

Amara cringed both in pain and disgust. "I'd rather the rumors be true than bring a child before you. Save two of the potential three from misery."

"You see, you are in my territory now and have fallen to me and my gang here. You don't really get a say... maybe it'll give that heterochromia-d mutt a good knocking. Teach him that sentiment doesn't keep tales alive 'round these parts, only heirs do. Maybe then he won't leave his legacy in the paws of a solitary female... although I can see his reasons. You're quite fine." The leader gripped Amara's face with his paw, holding her up while he looked her over, nodding. "Seize her, boys."

"Amara!" Lusk tried desperately to leap between her and the hyenas, but Remi shoved him down. Two other hyenas prevented him from getting back up while Remi took what he desired.

The hyena gang took Amara for themselves without problem. Multiple others held the female in place, forcing her to submit, while their leader crudely snarked once more. "You may be useless for creating pups, but you'll be priceless for morale. The boys will just love having you for their own.... And of course, I will too."

Amara snarled, her snarls turning to whimpers as the crowd of males tightened their grips on her. Lusk would have to quickly develop an effective plan to get her back.

Lusk suddenly felt a chilling feeling come over him. A feeling that he had rarely felt in all his years. Lusk struggles to break free of the brutes who held him to his knees, forcing him to watch his daughter being taken away from him once again. Through all the pain, Lusk saw his daughter; tears were falling from her eyes. Then, in a cry of agony, Lusk snapped.

"RRRAAAGGGHH!!!" Lusk screamed, breaking away from the brutes. Lusk started to beat the living hell out of the hyenas who were closest to him. Every punch he threw at the enemy was full of rage and bitterness.

Remi analyzed his situation and thought not that he was in serious trouble. All he did was snicker to himself.

"Heh heh, look at that." Remi whispered into Amara's ear. "Someone is trying to fight for you. How nice..." He gripped Amara by the face tighter. "But he stands no chance against my gang." He said sinisterly. "Seize the bastard!" He ordered.

On command, more Hyenas appeared out of nowhere. Of course, Lusk wasn't phased by the sudden appearance of more enemies. Almost on instinct, he whipped out his .345 revolver from his holster, and started to fire at the incoming enemies. One by one, Hyenas were getting shot and brutally attacked by Lusk. When Amara's captors joined the fight, Lusk wasted no time in mercilessly killing them. One Hyena, who was the first one to get his paws on Amara, and his brains blown out at point blank range by Lusk.

Amara could do nothing but just watch her father go on what could only be a killing spree. She knew that he was fighting back for her, but she saw something different in her father's eyes. A dark red tint clouded his eyes, and even Amara noticed a black aura radiating from Lusk as well.

"No no, please, don't kill-" The grunts was cut off; his neck being snapped by Lusk. Finally, all of the Hyenas were either killed, or fled from battle. Now it was just between Lusk and Remi, the leader of the Hyena Gang.

"Wow I'm impressed, old man." Remi calmly said, slowly clapping. "You really showed those useless goons how to fight, now didn't you?"

Lusk started down Remi, the rage clearly showing. The jackal growled fiercely, preparing to take another life.

"Nah ah, forgetting something?" Remi then gestured to Amara, who was still being held onto in his grasp. "Make one move and the girl gets it."

Lusk still growled, even revealing the sharp and deadly canines. He gripped onto his sidearm, getting ready to fire, but he then heard a voice.

"Dad..." Amara called out to him.

Slowly, the dark red hue in Lusk's eyes disappeared, returning to a normal amber color. He looked at his daughter once again, but he didn't feel the rage that had clouded his mind. Instead of feeling furious at the sight of her, he felt... calmed. He had expelled his anger in a violent blast and now that he had no more fury harbored inside, his rage eased.

"Listen up you mutt, let go of my daughter. Or else..."

Remi chuckled. "Is that supposed to be a threat or something?"

"I said: let. her. go."

"Oh yeah sure, I'll let her go..." Remi aimed the gun to Amara's head. "But not until I kill her first."

Amara shut her eyes, bracing herself.


A loud gunshot rang throughout the forest, and after a few seconds, the sound settled. Amara opened her eyes, wondering why she wasn't dead. Then she heard a pained groan coming from right next to her. Amara jumped at the sight. It was Remi, lying on the floor in pain; grasping his rapidly bleeding hand. He gaped for a moment before beginning to scream.

"My hand!" Remi cried out. "You shot my hand you crazy jackal!"

Lusk could only smirk and chuckle to himself as he watched the pathetic hyena groan and turn on the forest floor.

"Listen mutt, I warned ya and you didn't listen to me." Lusk remarked. "Maybe next time try not to ever lay a hand on my daughter, you hear?"

Remi growled at the old man's words. "Screw you!" Very sluggishly, Remi used his left hand in an attempt to pull out another pistol.


Another gunshot rang out, and another pistol came dropping to the floor. Remi, once again, had his hand shot by Lusk. Only this time, both of his hands were blown to pieces.

"A-ah- y-you crazy..." Remi stuttered as he helplessly stared at his destroyed hands.

Lusk approached Remi and put a gun to his head, and then spoke very calmly to him.

"Listen carefully, pal. You and your little gang of misfits are no match for me, my daughter, or even our entire jackal clan. So I suggest, you get your butt out of here and never show your face around here ever again... UNDERSTAND?!"

"Y-yeah.... I hear ya...."

Lusk rolled his eyes. "Get outta here before I'm forced to put a bullet in your head. Go on, get!"

Remi ran away as fast as he could from Lusk, hoping he would never see him for the rest of his days. At long last, the gang battle was over, and Lusk holstered his weapon and sighed in relief.

"Phew, thank Chaos I'll never see those hyenas again." Lusk chuckled. He turned to his daughter and saw that she was still tied to a couple of ropes Remi bound her in. "Whoops, almost forgot to free ya." With ease, Lusk untied his daughter.

"Did those damn hyenas hurt you badly? Did they try to touch you in an inappropriate-"

"Dad!" Amara shouted. "I'm fine, really."

"You sure? Cause' I swear if they did-"

"I think they've learned their lesson, Dad. Besides, you shot the leader's hands off." Amara remarked.

"Yeah that is true... ah come here you." And Lusk embraced Amara in a cozy hug. It caught Amara by surprise, but she warmed up to the feeling.

On the inside, Amara felt all warm and fuzzy. She hadn't felt like this in years. (Except when she was close to Infinite at certain times.) After a brief moment, the two released each other and looked into one another's eyes.

"You doing alright, Amara?" Lusk asked with concern.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Amara replied, folding her ears back. "Thanks for.. saving me of course. I- I should've done better in that situation, but I..."

Amara started to tear up. Worst part, in front of her own father. She never cried around anyone but Infinite, but this was the first time she ever got this emotional over something not completely tragic.

"Whoa whoa whoa- hey listen. You were nearly defenseless and badly injured. Those creeps thought they had ya but your good ol' dad stopped em'! Haha!" Lusk said with cockiness.

Amara laughed at her father's words. For an old man, he sure knew how to lighten up the mood.

"But really Dad... thank you." Amara spoke, once again hugging him.

"Anytime sweetie, your dad is always here to protect you. Now, let's get back to the Jackal Squad, shall we?"

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