Unfading Memories

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Infinite just couldn't quite come to terms with the pain. It had been five, maybe six months since it had happened... he couldn't quite remember through the fuzz of illusions and glitches that muddled his mind and heart. All he could clearly see was the hallway he was storming through; empty as ever, and full of an eerie, violent light that provided no escape from his unalterable reality.

His squad was dead. And it was his fault.

Why were you so stupid? If you'd just listened to her, they'd still be alive! Infinite scolded himself endlessly, with various different phases highlighting what he had lost, some more personal than others. You would've been married to the love of your life and could have had a child on the way now! How could you have done this to yourself?! To them?!

He halted his storming advance through the darkened hall at a door, then shoved it open and stormed into a small room. Slamming the door behind him, he ripped off the metal mask that concealed his identity.

A tall, thin window stood across the room from him, with a bed to his left, and a mirror attached to a cluttered table on his right, a little closer to the window than the bed. A small, less cluttered desk set right next to the table, with a box underneath it. The room was long instead of wide and was small compared to the other huge rooms in the building.

The table's clutter considered of several daggers, a shotgun (or maybe two... he couldn't quite remember where one of the guns were,) and various papers and other trinkets.

He'd lived here for months, ever since he had fully joined forces with Eggman after the incident at Aqua Road... the incident that took the lives of the only people who had ever loved him... He had chosen to live in this small space to feel like he was in control, turning down various large rooms offered to him. Infinite wanted to convince himself that something in his life was still stable, that he was still in control of something; but the jackal knew the truth: he had no control over himself or anything he touched.

Pull yourself together, Infinite! He placed his mask onto the smaller desk and sighed, then growled as his sigh was much more mournful that he wanted to admit.

The Phantom Ruby implanted in his chest glinted with a lethal, yet intriguing, streak of red light.

Infinite's lips parted slightly to reveal his sharp fangs as he stretched out his palm, beginning to summon the Ruby's power, then slammed the illusions into his chest once he deemed he had summoned enough.

His emotional pain dulled almost instantly, but his vision became blurry and he stumbled.

"Ugh, Going to have to remember to sit down before I attempt that once more." Infinite felt around the tiny space to find his bed, then flopped down onto it until his head felt clear and he was able to see again. He had no idea what inflicting his power onto his own brain would do to him, other than that it messed up his memory, but the result of eased pain was worth it to him.

Tampering with his own head was the only way to make Infinite feel at ease. He was alone, without anyone looking out for him or his needs.

To Eggman he was just a vicious killer, to the world he was the same thing, only violent and cold-hearted were the adjectives used... no one thought of him as anything but a killer and someone whose life was worthless.

Infinite once had people who cared about him, who thought he was more than just what his rough exterior portrayed, and he sent them to their own destruction. Now, he could never get them back; nothing eased the pain, even killing others hurt him after a while; seeing the living gather around their dead and mourn like he did several months before.

Infinite growled to himself once more. He could not keep thinking about the Jackal Squad; it just hurt him too much. Forcing himself up, Infinite walked over to the window, trying desperately to prevent himself from returning to his grief.

He stared out at the landscape, a burning day bleeding into an unstable night, focusing on the flames of the destruction that he'd caused doing the same thing that he was currently doing: Trying to forget about the deaths that he couldn't help but feel responsible for; trying to end his emotional pain.

He was able to force all of them to the back of his mind. All but one.

He couldn't keep from thinking about the jackal he adored, Amara, his feisty late fiancèe.

She had saved him from an adult mercenary when they were toddlers, and they were inseparable ever since. At least, until her death tore them apart.

Once he had remembered the day when they first met, their memories flooded into his head.

"Hey, Infi-Boss!" A child Amara called, jumping down from a high ledge and landing theatrically in front of a now ten-year-old Infinite.

"Mara, hey! What's up?"

"Meee!!" She jumped all around him, then scaled a small cliff above him and looked down with a huge grin. Her fluffy tail wagged and Infinite began laughing.

"Mara! Get down from there! You could fall!"

Amara squealed with self-satisfaction and began to leap down. "I'm the queen of the world!" She declared to the cliffs of their desert home, before stopping right in front of Infinite's face. "And you can be my king!"

Infinite chuckled at the memory, shaking his head as tears ran down his muzzle.

"No way! I'm the king of the world, and you can be my queen!" Infinite proclaimed with intense pride.

"Ok!" She nodded over and over again. "But that still makes me the queen of the world!"

They laughed and fell on top of each other, rolling around and curling up in each others' tails.

As the flashback ended and the young Infinite and Amara faded away, the full-grown Infinite found himself on the floor, unable to stop sobbing.

He turned his head in the direction of the box underneath his small desk, then crawled towards the table, pulled out the box and begun to dig through its contents.

His paw settled on a frame, he pulled it out and whimpered as he looked upon the photo inside.

The photo was of the Jackal Squad when they were young teens, no older than thirteen. But what caught Infinite's attention was Amara's smile: the brightest smile he had seen from her young years.

"I told you that you could do it, and now look at you!"

Amara laid in Infinite's bed, shaking slightly, with deep audible breaths every so often.

Infinite bent down and brushed her hair away from her forehead. "How do you feel?"

She smiled softly and met his gaze with golden eyes that were growing stronger for the first time in her life. "I can't believe... I'm actually... free... no one told me I'd ever be free."

"I knew you could do it..."

"Thank you, Infy... I can't ever tell you how much this means..."

"Don't worry bout it, Mara... so tell me, what do you want to do for your first day of not being an addict?"

Amara grabbed onto Infinite's broad shoulders and shakily pulled herself up to him. "I just wanna spend time with you, honestly... Maybe we could go watch a duel or something?"

Infinite smiled and wrapped his arms around her body, stroking her face. "Of course! We can watch several if you'd like..."

To Infinite's surprise and pleasure, Amara tucked her head into his neck and kissed him on the base of his chin. "You are my raksai..."

"Raksai?" Infinite had never heard the word before, but didn't want to upset Amara.

"It's from the deepest dialect from the Defied Slums... it means both "One Who Heals Me" and "One Who Sets Me Free".... you are the one who healed me and the one who set me free..." She chuckled a little. "Kinda funny that such a screwy place has a word like that, huh?"

The two buried their heads into the other's neck, embracing each other tenderly.

"I'm honored to be your raksai..."

Infinite looked up from the framed photo and turned to the burning sky outside, clutching the photo against his chest. "I'm so sorry, Mara... I was not who you needed me to be..."

Infinite was so consumed with the memory that he didn't even notice his door open, much less see the little red robot come in.

"Commander Infinite, the Doctor-"

Infinite quickly faced the robot, which turned out to be Orbot. Just what I need, one of the Doctor's stupid little bots, not like he's much of a doctor anyways... He glared at the robot.

"He-uhh..." Orbot stuttered at facing the former mercenary, somehow with the notion that he interrupted something.

Infinite sighed and turned back to the frame and the memory of his lost love, causing Orbot to wheel over.

"What is that, if I may ask?"

Infinite growled a little. "Doesn't matter... they're gone anyways... She's gone..." It hurt to say that they were gone, but he had to keep telling himself. Maybe one day he'd accept it and it wouldn't hurt so much.

"Are they coming back? What did you do to make her leave?"

Infinite growled, then stood up quickly and waved his paw; the sound of illusions smashing Orbot's metallic body against the outside wall was heard quickly after. He waved his paw once more to close the door from across the room. Rub it in, won't you, Orbot?

No one dared to understand him, and everyone who had happened to hear him out always assumed that anything bad that happened to him was his fault. Not that they were completely wrong, there were several instances where the issue was Infinite's fault, but hearing it over and over didn't help anything.

He sighed and turned back to the box, then picked up the frame and placed it onto his table before bending down and continuing to look through the contents of the box, which activated yet another memory, this time one from only a few years before.

"Hey, Infinite." Amara stood leaning against the wall of the Squad's dirt home, rolling her shoulders up against the wall, holding a decent-sized wine glass.

"Oh, don't tell me. You went and got yourself drunk again?" Infinite smirked at her, she just replied with a shrill laugh, only making the new-adult male more certain of his reply.

"Maaybe." She waltzed over and pressed her weight into the crook of Infinite's collar fur; he wrapped a sturdy paw around her and took the glass away, her goofy behavior blatantly saying she was drunk; however, he couldn't quite tell how drunk she was.

"You've already had one addiction, Mara, don't be adding things to the list of addictions I've had to help you with." He stroked her head gently, running his fingers through her hair as she stayed nestled in his chest, eventually running his fingers down her arm.

She sighed happily and cooed. She then looked up into his eyes, catching his attention with her own sparkling, gold eyes. "Infy? Mind if I ask you something a little serious?"

"How serious?"

She smiled calmly, but also a little seductively. "Depends on how serious you think it is..."

Infinite chuckled, he knew that look, he'd seen it on her face enough to know she wanted something from him. "Alright, what is it?"

"Well, we don't last forever, and our job is definitely more lethal than the rest..." Amara's voice traveled up and down in an unsteady pitch, Infinite recognized the change in her voice quite easily, she'd clearly been drinking someone under the table; he was going to have to keep a closer eye on his slippery vixen now that she was getting older.

"Alright, Mara, quite toying around. What do you want?" He hoped a stern approach would help her act a little less drunk.

"A puppy."

Infinite was a little stunned, but also kinda relieved that she had said something. He had no way to tell if she was being serious or if the statement had come from her being loopy, so he decided to play low and try to hold her off until the alcohol wore off. He kept running his paw down her arm to distract her until he decided what to do.

She probably shouldn't go to her own room, she'd be unsupervised. Even though she had been twenty-one for a while and should technically be a strong, independent woman, Infinite knew too well that he should never leave Amara alone when she was drunk. It was too risky for her, and just worried him.

He finally decided to take her back to his room to keep an eye on her; she'd been there so many times that Infinite hoped she'd settle down just like she would in her own room. However, he also knew she might attempt to have a child with him. It wasn't like he didn't want an heir with her... he just knew she'd get extremely cranky if she was drunk and he just went with it.

Amara had also never mentioned a desire to have a baby, so there was no way for poor Infinite to figure out what his girl wanted.

He picked Amara up and took her to his room, laying her on his bed gently before covering her with a blanket and sitting next to her. He stroked her head until she yawned a little bit. "Don't fall asleep, Mara, I have no idea how much you've been drinking and I don't want something to happen to you." He bent down to kiss her forehead; she reached around him, pulling him down and placed a kiss on his neck. "Alright, Mara, enough." He paused, thinking about what to do next. "I'll be right back." He stood and left the room, keeping a worried eye on Amara as he left. Once he was outside, he quickly went to a cave further into his squad's territory. "Cor?"

A jackal with brown fur of various shades walked towards the entrance of the cave. His ears were tipped in black, black hair that had the tips dyed light blue draped over the left side of his face. Black stripes ran across his arms and tail, which had a light brown tip. "At your service, Captain Infinite." Cor bowed deeply to the mercenary.

"Amara's drunk, again. I have no idea how drunk though, but she keeps acting really strange."

"Of course she is... she's drunk!" He looked into Infinite's eyes and saw a genuine worry. "But what do you mean by 'acting really strange'?"

"Well..." Infinite leaned close to the medic's ears and whispered the whole story into them, Cor let them perk up a little.

"Well, that is kinda strange, you're sure she's never once mentioned a baby before?"

"Yeah, I always give her my first attention when she talks, unless I'm dueling off a target, but she never talks personally while on a job, I've never heard her say anything about a pup."

"Well, she is twenty-one now, so there might be something about the fact that she's grown up that has sparked this instance, but she definitely needs to be checked on, I'll go back with you."

"Thank you so much, Cor, mind if we head back now?"

"Of course, Boss, I can tell that you're getting quite anxious to see her again."

The two jackals left Cor's cave and ran towards the main outcropping where the Jackal Squad lived, then quickly entered Infinite's den.

However, Amara was sitting up completely when they entered, and seemed a little confused. "Infinite, what is Cor doing here?" Her voice had returned completely to normal, and she seemed to have returned to her normal demeanor and manner.

"Amara! You're up!"

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, when I left to get Cor, you were acting really drunk and odd."

"Oh, please. I wasn't that drunk."

"Mara, you were acting like you had no personal space-"

"I always do that."

"You weren't just doing that, Mara, you were acting extremely drunk, I could tell in your voice."

"I never said I wasn't drunk. I just said I wasn't that drunk." She leaned up against him and gave him another one of her seductive smiles. "So, how 'bout that puppy, Infy?"

Infinite chuckled a little, then nuzzled the side of her pointed face. "Sure, Mara. We'll have a puppy... Or at least try anyways." He turned his head and winked at Cor, who did a solitary wave and left the room, drawing the concealing curtain at the entrance closed.

Amara twirled her large tail around Infinite's body, then pressed his paws against her stomach and kissed him firmly on the lips.

Infinite sighed again as another memory of her ended, but this time upon a note of what never came. The couple had tried to have kids since that day, trying hundreds of times over the years, but Amara never got pregnant. Not even once, she insisted. 

Actually the truth was, she had conceived once a couple of months before her twenty-fourth birthday, but the child died a week or two after she started showing signs of her pregnancy, the whole scenario ending in a bloody mess for the wanna-be mother. The couple was so horrified that they didn't try to have another baby for years.

No one talked about it. It was quickly decided that all members of the Squad, including anyone living on the territory, would pretend that it never happened.

Naturally, it was extremely distressing to Amara, who had no idea why she couldn't get pregnant with a surviving child after years of trying, and this upset Infinite too, who needed an heir but had found more than just an unborn heir in Amara.

He'd found a life-long partner.

"You wanna do something tonight?" A now twenty-six year old Infinite stroked the tip of his girlfriend's ear.

The couple sat at a bar, half-drunk thugs filled the small dugout building, it was a favorite place for the Squad, their reception had only been improved by their status in Bloodpool. Amara was having a long, rough day and Infinite had decided to take her for a drink to try and have her relax.

"What can I get for you two tonight, your majesties?" An orange-tan caracal approached the two at the bar, laying his paw across the table revealing the maroon swirl on his glove; he discreetly kept his eyes on Amara while completely avoiding any eye contact with Infinite until the jackal cleared his throat, pointing to a bottle of wine behind the caracal. "Very well, would either of you like a lace?" He turned his eyes back to Amara, his intentions unclear but base.

Infinite caught onto the caracal bartender and snarled. "Raziel." His voice was full of warning. "Neither of us wish for a lace, just the drink. I will check."

Raziel let a small silence fall. "Yes, your majesty." he quietly slinked away from the jackals, taking the bottle that Infinite had pointed to with him.


"We tried last night, dummy."

"And yet we're still at a bar drinking... I'm sorry, who's the dummy?"

Amara's face visibly cringed, her eyes darted off to the side. Her whole demeanor changing from sassy to solemn. "Oh, so you weren't talking about that, I'm listening." She forced herself to smirk at him, leaning a little closer.

Infinite held her paw knowingly, causing her smirk to crumble. He didn't expect for his retaliation to have bit her so intensely. "How about something sorta fancy, just you and me?"

"Like a date? We haven't had one of those in a while."

"My thought exactly." He stroked her muzzle, a smile returning to her face.

Raziel returned to the couple and slid two full wine glasses next to Infinite. "Here you go, enjoy, you know the refill routine." He walked away from the couple.

Amara took a few steps to go from her seat to being behind Infinite, waiting for him to hand her one of the glasses. "Infy, I can drink arsenic and be completely fine, why you gotta be so protective?"

"I don't really trust him, and if one of us is going to be drugged here, I'd want it to be me, not you." He then casually wrapped his arm around Amara's midsection, gently laying a paw on her stomach. He smirked when she noticed, hoping that being sassy towards her would make her laugh at him instead of upsetting her, since he realized that he didn't think about the act before he did it.

"You're a nerd, you're lucky you're cute." A thought then crossed Amara's mind that they might have gotten lucky after all the years and were finally going to have a baby. "But, uh, thanks for the concern." He removed his paw and reached for the glass that he'd been sniffing.

"No problem. Here you go, Mara." He then handed her the glass.

"Sweet, thanks babe." She kissed the base of his large ear and sat down, taking a drink. "Got us something softer, didn't you?"

Infinite nodded. "If we've got a kid on the way, you can't drink, so I thought I'd get something that didn't have as much alcohol in it so maybe you'd get used to drinking something a little decent, especially since there's no telling if it will inherit your drug tolerance."

"Fair." She took another drink, closed her eyes for a second, then sighed and opened her eyes, traces of tears present. "I hope we have a kid soon."

Infinite nodded, taking a drink out of his own glass. "I'd say something here, but you seem a little... out of it, so I'm not going to say it."

"Tell me. Now that I know it's coming, I won't be offended. Not that you typically offend me, that's more Hunter or Remy's style, but you know." She shrugged, trying to stay neutral.

Infinite nodded, then shrugged. "I was gonna say that maybe if you'd take better care of yourself, this wouldn't be so hard."

"Eh, talk to my mother about that, she's the one that screwed me up."

"That's why I didn't say it, because I didn't want you to take it towards you personally." He paused for another second, thinking about whether he should further comment on her statement. "Also because I know how you feel about your mother." He finished the wine in his glass then watched Amara finish hers as well. "Wanna go?"

It was now Amara's turn to shrug. "Sure, why not? I wasn't craving another glass anyways, and there's not too much to do here."

"That's a good sign."

"I'm not an alcoholic and we both know it."

"Alright, alright." He took her paw and they walked out, heading for home.


"You almost ready, Amara?" Infinite waited outside her den.

"Yeah, just let me finish up." Amara then walked out with in a stunning black dress. It only covered one shoulder and hardly crossed across her chest on the other side.

Infinite couldn't help but gape, he tried to form words to describe how beautiful she was, but he was unable to do anything but let his mouth drop.

She was stunningly beautiful and she knew it. Amara took her paw and ran it down the side of Infinite's face and giggled slightly, wrapping her tail around his and leaning slightly into his shoulder as they walked outside once more.


Later that evening, the couple sat on a cliff that overlooked a small valley-like depression in the surface of the planet, seeing a sunset of perfectly blended reds, oranges and blacks of every hue. A golden yellow outlined all forms in view, providing a fantastic view to an almost desolate location.

Amara curled up in Infinite's tail, her head laying on his shoulder and her arms wrapped around his chest, almost unable to take in the natural beauty of a scenario so rare in Bloodpool, Infinite observed both his beloved and the stunning sunset with marvel. "It's so beautiful," she began, her voice an awed whisper. "it's just like the sunset we saw when we fell in love... isn't it?"

"It is... although it might be better..." Infinite pulled her up to stand with him, caressing the side of her face. He didn't know how the next thing he'd planned was going to turn out, but he felt like it was the right time to do so. "Amara, I don't know what I'd do without you, I don't know if I would even be here today if I hadn't of had met you back when we were just pups..."

"Infinite?" Amara began to become worried about what he was going to say.

"I would have been trapped in a worse place without you, I can take you for granted sometimes, but I wouldn't have been able to do anything that has made today possible if you didn't stand up for me that day... you were the first person to ever love me, and you still love me today throughout all my flaws... how I don't understand... I've been thinking about it, and I want to do my best to return the favor, though I may never fully repay you to the point where I've felt I've done enough for you." He took a step back, then a shaky breath, before he bent down on one knee, pulling out a ring. "Amara Primrose, will you marry me?"

Amara began to cry and wrapped her arms around him. "Yes, Infinite! Yes!" She pressed her head into his and began to fan herself, on the verge of hyperventilating because of her pure joy, whispering 'yes' over and over.

Tears of joy also began to roll down Infinite's face, he leaned a little closer to her and kissed her lips, she quickly joined in on the kiss.

As they pulled back, their paws stayed joined and they gazed into each other's eyes. Infinite gently took Amara's left glove off and slid the ring onto her scarred paw, she lifted her paw up and gazed at it with an almost disbelief.

"I'm getting married..." She whispered, then hugged Infinite tightly, a second wind of joyful tears pouring down her face. "I love you, Infy, I love you so much..."

"I love you too, Mara, I can't even begin to tell you."

"I'll stand up for you the best I can, until I can't be there for you anymore, I won't abandon you, Infy."

"I know you won't, Mara."

The newly-engaged jackals continued to hug each other before returning back home, where the others quickly noticed the ring on Amara's paw.

"Amara! Where'd you get the pretty ring?" Remy asked.

"Wait. Ring?" Hunter deadpanned in surprise.

"Aye, Amara's got a ring on her paw." QuickStrike promptly replied to the shocked male. "Doncha know what that means, or are you two too busy messing around to understand?"

He waited for the two higher-ranked jackals to respond with confused gestures and faces. "Aye yi, maybe you two should spend less time in the bar, it means she and the boss are getting hitched."

"Ohhh!" Remy proclaimed with understanding. "Wait, what's 'hitched'?"

"I second that 'aye yi', QuickStrike." Both Infinite and Amara butted in with flat monotone voices in sync.

"Ooh, I guess that's a 'we second' then." Amara added, noticing the in-sync statement.

"Uh, hate to be the one speaking 'gainst the boss but, we're Bloodpool thugs, we don't 'get hitched,' it's kinda against the way we run things down here. We get born, get thrown out at a young age, survive long enough to become fertile, then spend the rest of our short lives trying to have offspring and keeping ownership of the other parent until the kid's old enough to get thrown out itself. We don't run stuff like those civilized people from Mobius do, there's never been a married couple, it's like law." Hunter tried to state that marriage in Bloodpool just did not exist.

"You forget we're bred to break the law, Hunter." Infinite stated.

"Yeah, but not Bloodpool law! That's what keeps us from making ourselves extinct, even if it is pretty much a complete opposite of Mobian law."

"Me and Infinite are getting married, Hunter, now accept it." Amara snarled, revealing knife-sharp fangs.

"Wouldn't challenge Amara, she outranks you by quite a bit of authority, and you know the boss will fight on her side." QuickStrike warned.

Hunter growled, but stood down. "Don't say I didn't say anything..."

Amara looked at Infinite and smiled, then looked down at her ring.

"You like it?" Infinite looked at it too, it looked just as lovely on her as he had hoped.

"It's beautiful, I can't believe you'd actually do something like that... especially for me."

"Of course, you're my one and only, it was just right."

Infinite turned to the others. "Me and Amara are going to our den, now."

They walked to Infinite's den, then he pulled the curtain across the door.

"So this is our den now?" Amara asked, looking around. "Now that we're engaged and all?"

"Yep, I figure that we can use your den for the baby when it finally comes."

"Heh, we'll have to do a lot of cleaning out in there to make it appropriate for a baby."

"It's not impossible, and even if it was, I've already accomplished one impossible thing." He winked at Amara, she just chuckled, took her shirt off and flopped onto the right side of the bed, he soon followed, curling up next to his fiancée before they fell asleep.

Infinite pulled his left glove off as the memory faded away, revealing Amara's engagement ring on his own paw. He'd gotten it from her body after Shadow killed her, knowing that she wouldn't be left to rest in peace if knowledge got out that it was still on her body. 

He missed Amara dearly.

She had died a month before their wedding was supposed to happen. She was twenty-seven. Infinite was twenty-eight both now and then, and the thought of living an entire life without her hurt.

He adjusted the ring on his paw then clutched his paw into a fist and pressed it against his chest.


He looked around, searching for who called his name. "Who's there? Who... who are you?"

"Someone who has been watching you, although you have not been able to see me."

The voice sounded like it was from outside, so Infinite crept towards the window where the sky began to twist, almost like the colors were collapsing in on themselves, and a black void formed, taking a canine shape before two gold eyes formed in its black head, glowing as they turned to face Infinite.

He yelped as the void came towards him, flaring out the paw with the ring to get the creature to stop.

The void glitched as color returned to its body for split-seconds at a time, silver hair in a ponytail, black fur, golden eyes, and a fluffy tail that ended in silver.

Infinite couldn't believe his eyes. "Amara?!"

"Yes. I am here. I never left your side, but I could not physically return to you instantly after death." Amara reached out a black, inky paw and stroked Infinite's face, he did the same, or tried anyways.

"Why can't I touch you, Mara? You can touch me."

"I must touch you first, apparently." She laid her paw back on his and he returned her loving stroke.

"I missed you so much."

"I know. I couldn't bear to see you mourn any longer, so I went to the angels' King and begged to be allowed to visit you. He said yes."

Seeing that she was still touching his paw, Infinite pulled his late fiancee into the room. "I was thinking about all of you guys today... how are the guys?"

"They are well, no pain or sickness exists in Heaven and for angels, no sorrow or trouble. However, as wine exists but becoming drunk or addicted is impossible, you can only guess what they've been doing."

Infinite laughed, Amara did too. "I sure can, oh boy..." he continued to laugh a bit more. "It's nice to hear your voice again, even if you are a black hole."

"I only appear as a black hole. You are corrupted, my beloved, you've let the ones who hired you rule and have let grief consume you, and that's why I appear as a void."

"You can turn back to normal, right?"

"Only if you can defeat your corruption and believe in me as well as yourself. But don't worry, I won't disappear again."

Infinite gripped onto her. "Thank you, this time, you are truly my raksai."

"No problem, Infy, this was my vow to you."

Even with her comforting whispers, Infinite continued to cling to her spirit.

She had come back for him, and he was comforted.

Now it was time for him to show his gratitude by working to avenge her fully... but also show her just how much her love meant to him.

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