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            Draco decided to take his mother's advice and try to date while Harry was sleeping.  So that morning he had walked up to Gregory Goyle and said,

          'Goyle, you and me. Date tonight, my place. Eight thirty.'

          Greg of course had been confused but did agree to go over. That night, Draco got Harry to bed on time, read him a bedtime story, waited for him to fall asleep and then prepared for his date.

When there was a knock on the portrait, he opened it.

          "Hello Greg." He grinned. Goyle was dressed in nice robes and he was holding a bottle of red wine.

          "Hi Draco." Goyle grinned. "This is for you." He handed him the bottle of wine and walked in. "I know that it's not your usual taste but it was sort of last minute."

          "I totally understand, make yourself comfortable. Dinner is almost ready." He told him and Greg grinned.

          "Okay." He sat on the couch as Draco walked back into the kitchen preparing the rest of the lasagna.  He had decorated the table very nicely and even lit candles to set the atmosphere. He placed a piece of lasagna on each plate along with setting a salad and then called Goyle in. He had poured the wine for each of them and sat as Greg joined him.

          "Thank you for the wine Greg, you didn't have to." Draco spoke gently.

          "Ah yes I did, you invited me over. It's a very nice place you have but um where's Potter?" Greg inquired awkwardly.

          "He's sleeping in his room." Draco informed him. He took a bite of his food and then grinned. "Thank you for coming."

          "Thank you for having me." An awkward silence filled the room so Draco took a sip of his wine.  He swallowed and then began again,

"Um so how's your term so far? We haven't really talked that much."

          "Yeah, you're busy I get it." Greg told him. "Term is fine, even better now that Weasley is gone."

          "Yeah the blood traitor deserved it. The mudblood should be next. The glares she

gives Harry and I are repulsive."  He scoffed and Greg smirked.

          "Crabbe and I could take care of it for you... you know, like old times."

          "No it's fine, she isn't worth our time." Draco explained and Goyle's smirk turned into

a smile.

          "I've missed you Draco."  Goyle spoke honestly.  Draco raised his glass encouraging

Greg to do the same. They clinked the glasses and Draco grinned.

          "I missed you too Greg." He told him honestly.

          It wasn't long after dinner that they were in Draco's room having sex. Draco couldn't

care less about be held or having a relationship with Greg, he didn't like him all that much,

he just needed relief. And he got his relief before he curled up with Greg and fell asleep.

          The next morning was awkward because Harry was awake and he was upset that Draco didn't invite him to his 'sleepover'. But Draco told him that it was an adult sleepover so he got over it quickly. Draco rushed Greg out of the chambers and then fed Harry some breakfast.

          "Are we gonna see Nevy and Blaise today?" Harry asked as Draco placed some pancakes on his plate.

          "Do you want to?" Draco inquired sitting with Harry. He winced a bit but it was unnoticed by Harry. He cut Harry's pancakes as Harry spoke,

          "Yeah! I want to play outside, can we do that?"

          "Yes we can." Draco answered. He cut his own pancakes and then bit into it. "Do you want to spend the day with them instead of me?" He asked but Harry looked at Draco with such horror.

          "Do you not want me around?" He asked.

          "Of course I do. Just figured you'd be bored all the time with just me." Draco replied sticking his hand out and gently soothing Harry's hair. Harry sighed and then shook his head.

          "No I like it when you're around. Can we go to Hagrid's and play with the creatures? Please?" He looked at Draco so innocently and adorably that Draco's heart swelled.

          "Yes little prince, we can. But you need to eat all of your pancakes and read for at least an hour before we go outside."

          "Okay Draco! I'm almost finished with my book anyway, can we get more? I'm running out on one's I haven't read." He told Draco.

          "Yeah I can sent an owl to Flourish and Blotts to get you some more. What genre are you most interested in?"

          "Fiction, it's nice to create a new world in my head, I like using my imagination." Draco smiled at Harry's answer.

          "That's great love, eat up yeah? The faster everything is done, the faster we get to go outside." He told him and Harry nodded. He ate at a steady pace making sure that he didn't get a tummy ache from eating too quickly.

          When they were finished, Draco cleaned their plates and then sent Harry in his room to get dressed and to read.

          While Harry was doing that, he took a long shower allowing the hot water to engulf him. When it ran cold, he got out and toweled himself dry before dressing in casual clothes for the day.

          He let Harry read for longer before the boy came barreling out with Jerry in arms. He really loved that doll so much.

          "Are you ready sweet boy?" Draco asked.

          "Yeah! Do Blaise and Nevy know where we're going?" He asked.

          "I sent them an owl while you were getting ready to meet us there." He told him and Harry nodded. He bit his lip and then looked up at Draco with those big green eyes.

           "Yes Harry?"

          "Can you give me a piggy back ride?" He questioned. Draco smiled while nodding and squatted down as Harry climbed on top. Draco stood up and Harry held Draco's shoulder tightly but Draco put on a sticking charm so he didn't fall. "Can you hold Jerry?" He whispered so Draco did. They walked out of their chambers and all the way down to Hagrid's hut.

          Blaise and Neville were already there petting Buckbeak when he lifted his head watching them approach.

          "Look Draco! It's a real hippogriff!" Harry wiggled from Draco's back. Draco lifted him off and placed him on the ground so Harry could go over there.

          "Hey little man, you gotta bow before you approach him." Blaise said so Harry slowly bowed. Buckbeak bowed back. "Okay he likes you, come here."

          "Draco come on!" Harry bellowed.

          "I'll stay here Harry, I'll watch you."  Draco called back. Harry looked crestfallen but Blaise pulled him close.

          "Draco's a bit afraid, Harry." He told the little boy.  "He's okay where he is."  Blaise explained. Harry nodded slowly and turned his attention back to the hippogriff. 

          Draco stayed back ways watching Harry interact with Buckbeak. He was petting him, hugging him, and he even got to go for a ride. Eventually Hagrid came out with other creatures but Draco still stayed back allowing Harry to have some fun.  He was never to fond of the creatures after Buckbeak.

          After about two hours of playing, Hagrid put all the creatures away and asked the boys to join him for tea. Draco agreed and Harry was so happy that Draco was joining in again that he grabbed his hand, holding it tightly. 

          When they were all sat down, Harry insisted on sitting on Draco's lap but Draco didn't mind at all, he just wrapped his arms around Harry and drank his tea.


          Harry was watching some television on the sofa as Draco sat on the arm chair reading his book.

          "Draco?" Harry whispered. Draco looked up from his book and noticed Harry was holding his nose.

          "What's wrong?" Draco hopped up from his seat and rushed next to Harry.

          "My nose is bleeding." Harry told him so Draco gently took his hand off his nose. Blood was oozing out of Harry's nose.

          "Were you picking it?" Draco inquired raising his eyebrow. Harry blushed so Draco took that as a yes. He pulled out a handkerchief and pinched Harry's nose gently to stop the blood.  "You're gonna stop doing that, yeah?"
           "Yeah I promise." He said. He paled considerably so Draco put his legs onto the couch. 

          "Just focus on me, you look ready to pass out." Draco soothed.

          "I'm not feeling too well." Harry admitted.

          "It's the blood. You don't like the sight of it but it's okay." Draco let go Harry's nose noting the blood had stopped.  Draco wiped the blood off his face that remained. "Are you okay now?"

          "Yeah I am." Harry nodded. Draco leaned in and kissed Harry's forehead. "Draco?"

          "Yes Harry?" He asked looking down a bit.

          "Why aren't my parents here?" He asked and Draco sighed. He soothed Harry's hair before pulling him into arms.

          "Harry when you're older, I will tell you."

          "But Draco." Harry whined. "You said that when I was littler!"

          "Younger." Draco corrected. "I know I told you that but you're not old enough to understand." Harry pouted at Draco and wiggled out of his grip.


          "Not tonight Harry." Draco stroked his hair. "Okay? I will tell you some other day." Draco promised.


          "I promise but not until you're older, okay?"

          "Okay."  Harry cuddled up to Draco and hugged him tightly. Draco wrapped his arms around him and held him. "I love you Draco."

          "I love you too Harry." Draco told him. "Get ready for dinner yeah? We'll go to the Great Hall."

          "Can we stay here?" Harry asked him.

          "You don't want to go see Blaise or Neville? We had so much fun with them today." Draco pointed out but Harry shook his head.

          "I jus' wanna be with you tonight, if that's okay?" Harry questioned.  Draco sighed but agreed.

          "Okay, what do you want to eat? Some fish sticks?" He asked.

          "Yeah that sounds good, some chips too yeah?"

          "No not tonight. How about some broccoli?" He questioned.

          "Okay." Harry said and Draco kissed Harrys head.

          "Go get ready."

          Draco knew the reason why Harry only wanted him because he was upset. He knew he clung to Draco when he got like this and Draco didn't mind. He didn't mind being the one to make Harry happy.

          So after dinner was served, Draco allowed Harry to cuddle with him on the couch as they watched a film about a fish that got kidnapped and his father set off to find him with a fellow fish. Harry had his head in Draco's lap and Draco played with his hair until he fell asleep.

          Draco frowned and kissed Harry's head.

          "I'm so sorry Harry. Your parents are dead but don't you worry, we'll get revenge. Not only because of Dumbledore but those wretched relatives of yours." And he meant it. Once Harry was sixteen again, he would seek vengeance.

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