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It was the day Harry was being aged to 16 and Draco was a near mess. After Harry was changed back, he's gonna have a boyfriend or something like that. He could finally date someone that he was at least a little interested in.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Severus asked and Harry nodded.

"Yeah I'm ready." Harry grabbed the vile and chugged it, only gagging a little, and then got incredibly sleepy. He lied his head again Draco's shoulder and then fell asleep.

"He'll be out for about an hour." Severus explained. "Do you two want to stay here or go to your respective houses after the change?" He asked and Draco furrowed his brows.

"I haven't really thought about this." He replied. "Honestly I don't think it would make sense if we went back to our houses. It's March and we'll only be in school for another three months."

"And you're comfortable here?"

"Yes very." Draco agreed.

"And break is in April so are you planning on taking him with you? I do believe it would be best if we'd like Harry to see our side." Severus explained and Draco shrugged.

"I haven't thought that far but I do believe he would not want me to leave him." Draco expressed and Severus agreed.

"Very well. Good luck Draco. You'll have off until Wednesday, should be enough time for Harry to return to normalcy."

"Okay, I'll see you later Severus." Draco gently moved Harry to fully sleep on the couch as he walked the potions professor to the portrait. Sev walked out and Draco decided to make himself some tea.

He glanced over to Harry who had already aged and looked to be his real age. Except instead of looking like himself, he was heavier but a healthy weight. He looked slightly muscular too and looked as if he reached Draco's height.

Draco took a deep breath and quickly made his tea to calm his nervous. Just forty five more minutes and Harry would be his. Or at least something like it. He had wondered if Harry still wanted to go through with it after remember everything.

He sat at the table and drank his tea until it was bone dry.

He casted a tempus and realized he had ten more minutes. That was if Harry woke up on time which he desperately hoped he would.

However his luck wasn't that good and he heard a groan from the couch. He sat up straight and watch as Harry sat up holding his head gently. He blinked around a few times before turning his attention to Draco.

"Hey." He rasped grinning.

"You're up." Draco pointed out. "Do you want some tea?"
"Love some." Harry agreed and stood up. His clothes from before still fitting him well because they were slightly on the big side at 14. He approached the table as Draco stood up to prepare the tea. An awkward silence settled between them before Harry cleared his throat. "So I remember everything."

"Yeah? So it worked?" He asked.

"It did and I wanted to thank you. You were the best guardian I could have ever asked for." He confessed. Draco handed him the tea and shook his head with a small smile on his face.

"You're just saying that."

"No, really. You were fantastic. You cared more about me than anyone has ever cared about me before. You made sure I was happy and you never yelled at me even though I'm sure I was a pain in your ass."

"Not really. You were actually very well behaved." Draco grinned and then relaxed a bit. "Do you remember anything from... your other past?" He asked and Harry bobbed his head from side to side.

"Yeah some of it. I do remember the... rapes but they're like a nightmare that never actual happened."


"I remember the nightmares about it and you handled it so well."

"You were scared." Draco shrugged as they decided to sit. Harry sighed and took a sip of tea. He swallowed and then grinned.

"I do remember what I asked you yesterday. It's still true. I do have a crush on you and I'd like to try it out but I want to go slow. If you don't mind." Draco was silent for a bit before smiling.

"I'd really like that." Draco admitted and Harry smiled. "So tell me about it. What do you remember most?" Draco questioned and Harry laughed slightly.

"I remember when I was three years old, I walked in on Blaise buggering you." He said and Draco blushed heavily.

"Oh Merlin." He buried his face into his hands. "I was having a bad day and he wanted to make me happy."

"Ah well I see he made you a little more than happy." Harry giggled. "Now he's with Neville which makes me incredibly happy."

"Yeah they make a great couple." Harry grinned and then frowned slightly. "I do remember Ron... Weasley hurting me. I appreciate you and Blaise helping me."

"It's our pleasure."

"And I apologize for my fourteen year old self. I was an insufferable prat, I know."

"No." Draco laughed shaking his head. "You were fine. I actually like the teasing a lot, you're adorable." He said and Harry blushed. He bit his lip and looked at Draco through his lashed.

"C-Can I something?" He asked and Draco nodded. He got up and gently straddled Draco's lap. He leaned in and awkwardly pecked Draco's lips. It was a literal peck and then blushed. "S-sorry, I've never kissed before." He admitted. Draco grinned slightly and leaned in again placing his hands on either side of his face.

"Just relax, okay?" He whispered and Harry nodded. He placed his lips against Harry's and waited for Harry to move. Once he did, they started to have a proper kiss. Harry moved his lips slowly against Draco's and something that should feel so wrong, because Draco practically raised him, felt so right. When they pulled away, Draco placed his forehead against Harry's. They both closed their eyes in bliss and Harry sighed,

"I love you so much Draco." Harry disclosed and Draco smiled. He pecked Harry's lips gently and then rubbed his nose against the other boy's.

"I love you too little man." Draco said causing Harry to let out a loud laugh. Yes. He was happy to be back.


They walked hand in hand to the Great Hall. Harry was a bit apprehensive about making an appearance so abruptly but Draco told him it was better late than never.

They walked in and the entire place went silent as they made their way to the Slytherin table. Blaise and Neville were absolutely shocked because they were not told Harry was being aged back to 16. Neville was so excited that he hopped up from the seat and ran over to Harry engulfing him in a big hug.

"You're back!" He exclaimed. Harry had dropped Draco's hand and hugged Neville back just as tight. Draco grinned and made his way to the table to sit next to Blaise.

"He's of age!" Blaise shouted. "I thought he was gonna be aged three weeks from now."

"He was supposed to but he wanted to be 16 again. I agreed and here we are." Draco grinned.

"And you two?"

"We are dating." Draco grinned. "An official couple."

"That's great Draco." Blaise bellowed and hugged his best friend. Harry and Neville walked over to the two friends and Harry grinned at Blaise.

"Can I get a proper hug?" He asked and Blaise laughed standing up.

"Of course little man." Blaise laughed and hugged Harry. "I guess not so little anymore! You're almost as tall as me."

"I guess I am." Harry laughed. He hugged Blaise tightly and whispered something in his ear that made Blaise swallow hard. He kissed Harry's cheek and then whispered something in Harry's ear. When they pulled away, Harry kissed Draco's cheek and sat next to him.

"What did you say?" Draco questioned and Harry smiled.

"I said thank you." He answered. "And that I loved him."

"And he said?"

"That he loved me too and that I was oh so welcome." He grinned and Draco smiled planting a kiss on Harry's cheek. Harry grimaced and scrunched up his face. "I'm not much for public displays of affection."
"You just kissed my cheek." Draco pointed out and Harry shrugged smirking a bit.

"Whatever." He told Draco who just rolled his eyes. "I was wondering if I could run something by you."


"No a little later, when we're alone." He told Draco who smiled.

"Okay yeah that works." Draco agreed. He poured himself some soup in a bowl and started to eat as Harry piled some meat onto his plate.

"You don't understand how much you've increased my appetite." Harry moaned. He bit into a roll and moaned at the taste. Draco rolled his eyes and continued eating until a presence was made known.

"I see you're back to normal." A voice said. They looked up and it was Hermione Granger. She looked peeved off with her eyes narrowed.

"Yeah it's great to be of age, isn't it?" Harry taunted. "Now I can finally date my boyfriend." Harry smiled teasingly. Draco's heart swelled at Harry calling him his boyfriend. Sure they were official but he didn't think he'd call him his boyfriend.

"You're still gay?"

"It's kind of like how you're still a mudblood. You can't change who you are." He spat and Hermione looked like she had just been slapped.

"How dare you Harry Potter?!" She screeched and Harry stood up quickly.

"No how dare you!" Harry spat. "I was a defenseless little child and you chose to fucking take Weasley's side! He slammed me against the fucking ground when I was three! Three! I couldn't fight back. You chose to still be his friend after I came out and I thought after everything, you would be there for me. But no, you're a fucking mudblood bitch who doesn't care about anything other than yourself." Harry seethed. "I am happy without you in my life so if you bother me again, I swear to god, you will wish you didn't." He growled and she took a seething breath. She turned around and stormed out of the Great Hall.

Harry took a shuddering breath and turned to the other three who were looking at him stunned. He sat back down and closed his eyes.

"I don't think all muggle borns are mudbloods." He told them. "I just think she's a dirty person with distorted thoughts." He told them. Draco wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his arm.

"Shh." He hummed. "We know that took a lot out of you to do and I am very proud of you for doing so." Draco told him and Harry grinned slightly.

"Thank you Draco."

"Of course. I hope she doesn't bother you again." Draco said and Blaise snorted.

"Me neither. Little man, you're frightening when you're angry." Blaise joked and Neville grinned.

"You don't know the half of it." He answered. "We applaud you Harry and I am sure now, everyone will accept you."

"I don't care if they do or don't. I meant what I said, I can't change who I am and I am incredibly happy to be this way." He expressed and Draco didn't care that he didn't like PDA. He pulled him in for a searing kiss because in that moment, he couldn't have been prouder to have a boyfriend like Harry Potter.


They were cuddling in Draco's bed, planning on spending the night together, Draco's head was on Harry's chest.

"So what did you want to talk to me about in the Great Hall before?" Draco inquired and he felt Harry tense slightly before relaxing.

"I want to be adopted." He revealed and Draco looked up at him.

"By who? I mean it's great and I'll support you but who would adopt you?" He asked and Harry sat a bit encouraging Draco to do the same. They sat up and Harry grabbed Draco's hands in his own. He looked the blonde in the eyes and said,

"I want to be adopted by the Dark Lord."

So there's  a chance I won't update tomorrow (3-26-17) because I have work all day. I tried to make this chapter longer (this was 300 hundred more words than yesterday) to make up for it. 

Hope you liked the cliffy xox

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