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Harry was apprehensive about the whole situation. He couldn't believe he agreed to being deaged to a bloody toddler. Ron had been mean to him in the days leading up to the first potions class. He and Ginny would call him a faggot and Ginny went as far as trying to "convert" him.

But he was still really nervous about the whole thing because it was Malfoy!

"Are you ready for this Potter?" Malfoy whispered to Harry as he sat down.

"Malfoy, I think I jumped the gun when I said yes. I mean, who's going to take care of me?" He asked and Malfoy raised a pale eyebrow.

"I was thinking me, Potter."

"You?" Harry nearly yelled. "What do you mean?"

"Well who else would take care you Potter? Your godmutt is dead and your friends are bastards." Draco growled and Harry frowned. Malfoy was right, he didn't have anyone else. Before Harry could say anymore, Snape walked into the room.

"Alright you pathetic heathens, today we'll be making a deaging potion. Weasley you're with Zabini, Granger you're with Bullstrode, Potter and Malfoy..." He started naming off so the pairs went to their stations.

Draco observed that Potter was incredibly quiet the whole time and he was worried that he wouldn't want to do it.

"We're finished Potter, do you want to do this?" Draco whispered and Potter met his eyes.

"Let's do it." He said. Draco nodded and then sneered at Potter.

"Dammnit Potter! You bumped into me!" He yelled and Potter growled.

"I was walking there Malfoy! You saw me!"

"Well I was standing here." Malfoy sneered.

"Potter, Malfoy enough." Snape tried to intervene but Malfoy shoved Potter causing the potion to spill over him. Everyone, save for Snape and Draco, watched in horror as Potter shrunk. When he stopped shrinking, the robes miraculously shrinking with him, he looked at the two people surrounding him. "Mister Malfoy, look what you've done." Little Potter was about two feet tall and he had the biggest green eyes ever. He didn't say anything, just blinked through his glasses.

"Malfoy! What did you do?" Granger screeched. Harry quickly covered his ears and whimpered causing Draco to pick him up.

"Come off it Granger, you're scaring the poor kid." He hissed. "Besides, the whole school knows you and Weaselbee are no longer his friends. Don't bother." He growled and she flushed.

"Mister Malfoy, come with me to the headmasters office and we'll discuss the situation there." Snape glowered. Harry was swung on Draco's hip and the older boy nodded. "Class dismissed." Snape swung his robes behind him and stormed out of the room with Draco following him. Once they were far enough, Snape nodded at Draco. "Very good work Draco."

"Thank you Severus." They walked the remaining way in silence and then entered the headmaster's room. He was very surprised to see them and was more surprised to see a child Harry.

"Severus, what's going on?" Dumbledore asked as Draco sat down with the toddler. Harry hadn't uttered a word just allowed himself to be brought around.

"There was an incident in the potions class today. It seems that Mister Malfoy pushed Mister Potter into the potion and it had deaged him." Snape explained.

"Ahh." The old man's eyes twinkled and he smiled at the little boy. "Lemon drop Harry?" He offered and Harry blinked at him before turning his face into Draco's chest. Dumbledore looked Severus. "Well we need to reage him as soon as possible."

"Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to reage him into his sixteen year old self. I can do it in increments. But each potions takes a month."


"I can age him to four then six, then eight, ten... So on until he is 16." Severus explained. "So it'll take until the end of the year."

"Then a guardian must be instilled. We can get the Dursley's to watch over him until he is of age."

"Actually I do believe Mister Malfoy should watch over him... seeing as he is the one to be responsible." Severus explained and the old man's eyes twinkled.

"Great idea Severus." He clapped his hands together.

"Wait a minute! I can't take care of Potter! I have a life!" Draco sneered.

"Well Mister Malfoy, your new life is being a guardian." Dumbledore told the blonde.

"I..." Draco stopped and growled. "Fine, I guess I'll take care of Potter."

"Perfect. I shall assign you your own chambers since it'll be easier for him. You will be dismissed from your classes today but today only and Harry will be attending classes with you." He said and Draco groaned rising from his seat. Harry lifted his head and looked at the others. "I will be notifying Professor McGonagall and your parents of this misfortune. Go collect your things from the Slytherin dorm." He told him and Draco wordlessly left. He cradled Potter through the halls.

"Well it's me and you Pot- Harry. I guess I should call you that from now on." Draco grinned. "Do you know how to talk?" He asked and Harry just furrowed his brows. "Can you say Harry?" He said softly. Harry was confused as to where he was and why this blonde boy was holding him. He couldn't remember anything on how he got there or where he was. "Okay we can try to talk again later." Draco spoke gently. Harry just nodded and allowed the blonde to take him. They stopped in front of something and the blonde said something funny before he was taken into another room.

"Draco!" A darker boy rushed over. Harry quickly hid his face into Draco's chest. "You did it!"

"I am that good." Draco smirked. "Isn't he so precious? He doesn't talk much... well at all but he's so tiny. Who knew Potter was so cute as a child?"

"Well he's a cute teenager so he must be a cute child." Blaise said. Harry lifted his face. "Hi there cutie." Harry didn't say anything just blinked at Blaise.

"I think he's shy."

"Ah the great Harry Potter shy?" Blaise teased and Draco grinned. He scrunched up his face thinking it would be easier if he got his stuff alone.

"Um do you think you can look after him while I get all my stuff?" He asked and Blaise nodded before going to take Harry. Harry's eyes widened before grabbing Draco's shirt. He shook his head quickly. "Harry its okay, Blaise is just going to watch you." Draco went to gently take Harry from him but Harry held harder and started to cry.

"Oops." Blaise mumbled dropping his outstretched arms.

"Hey Harry shh, its okay." Draco said. "I just need to do something before we go to our new room." Harry just held on to Draco and continued to cry. "I'll just bring him with me." He mumbled. "Come on Harry." Draco started to bounce Harry gently, trying to calm him. He was actually pretty good with kids, he'd be a babysitter a lot for his parents' friends so he had experience. He walked into his room, Harry still crying a bit, and opened his trunk. He pointed his wand at it. "Pack." He ordered and everything started to slowly pack. Draco gently placed Harry on his bed and wiped away his tears. "I think you need a nap little one." Harry just shook his head. "Yes, you're a bit cranky." Once everything stopped packing, Draco shrunk it and picked Harry up. "Come on." He said and started walking off. He walked down the stairs and into the common room.

"So where are you gonna be?"

"He hasn't said yet but I'll let you know."

"Awesome." Blaise grinned and hugged his friend. He ruffled Harry's hair before the pair left the room.

Draco left and Severus was the one to tell him that he was to live behind the portrait of the safari just near the hospital wing incase Harry had an emergency. Draco walked there and said the password which was Tusks.

The room was equipped with two conjoining bedrooms, a bathroom, a common room and even a kitchen, incase Harry got hungry during breaks. It was all wood paneling with no indication of any house colors which made Draco a bit grateful.

"Okay Harry, let's bring you to your room." Draco walked him into the room closest to the bathroom guessing that it would be his. It was and it was finished with a toddler bed with railings so he didn't fall, a dresser for all of his clothes, and bunch of toys. "Okay little man, this all yours. I'm sure we can go to Hogsmeade later to get you something to wear." Draco through the conjoining door and was pleased with his room. There was a king sized bed with two dressers and an armoire. There was something else, it was a screen looking thing that he didn't know what it was so he figured he'd ask Severus. He pulled out the trunk, enlarged it and said "Unpack." It started to unpack and Harry's eyes widened at the things moving by themselves. "That's called magic Harry. Once you're old enough, we'll teach you how to do it." Draco told the boy. He brought him back into his room and placed him on the bed after moving the sheets. He tucked him in and grinned. "You take a nap. I'll be right outside." Harry's eyes widened as he started to get up. He went to scramble to make the blonde stay but he blonde tucked him too tightly. So he did what worked last time, he started to cry. Draco sighed and looked at Harry. "I'll be right outside, you need a nap." He said. Draco went to leave again but Harry started crying harder.

"No go." He pleaded. "No go." Draco was shocked. He was beginning to think Harry wasn't able to talk yet.

"Aww it's okay." Draco plucked Harry up from the bed. He held him close as Harry cried into the teen's shoulder. "You need a nap Harry." He started bouncing him again. He walked him outside into the common room and sat on the couch with him. He continued rocking the small boy before he cried himself tired. "Do you want to nap now?"

"Hafta potty." Harry spoke quietly and Draco sighed. He stood up and brought Harry to the bathroom. He helped use the toilet and then washed his hands before bringing him back to his bed. This time, he stayed with Harry until he fell asleep. He left Harry with a stuffed baby hippogriff under his arm and then sat in the common room. This was going to be harder than he thought.


Harry slept for about an hour and when Draco walked into the little tyke's room, he was struck with an adorable sight. Harry was sitting up with his thumb in his mouth, he was holding the stuffed plushy to his chest and looked up with wide eyes.

"Did you have a good nap Harry?" Draco asked as he walked over to him. Harry nodded and Draco grinned. "Good, are you hungry?" Again Harry nodded so Draco picked him up and brought him into the kitchen area. It was a little bit before lunch time so Draco wasn't able to take him to the Great Hall so he was grateful for the kitchen. He placed Harry down in the booster seat and then walked over to the freezer. It was stocked full of nuggets, mini pizzas, veggie patties, and some hot dogs. "Harry, do you want nuggets?" He turned to the boy who shrugged. He pulled them out and used his wand to cook it. He didn't understand muggle technology so the oven was out of the question. He put them on a plate and then sat them down in front of the boy. "They're hot, give them a few moments to cool."

When they were cool enough, Draco broke a piece off and went to feed it to him. Harry furrowed his brow and took his thumb out of his mouth. He distinctly remembered that at the other place he couldn't eat until everyone else was done. He couldn't remember what the other place was but he remembered that that was a rule.

"Hawwy eat?" He asked Draco whose eyes widened.

"Yes, you eat it." Draco explained going to feed it to Harry but the boy moved his face.

"Dwaco eat fiwst?" Harry asked and Draco shook his head.

"No Harry, you eat it."

"Hawwy no eat. Dwaco eat fiwst." Harry rationalized and Draco sighed.

"No Harry, this is your food. You need to eat it so you can be big." Draco told him and then brought the food to Harry's lips. Harry opened his mouth and Draco fed him. Harry chewed and then swallowed. For the first time, he smiled.

"Mmm." He hummed and Draco smiled ruffling the boy's hair.

"Atta boy Harry." Draco spoke. "Eat up and then you can play."

"Pway?" Harry questioned.

"Yes play. Then I'm gonna see if I can get you clothes for you." Draco explained. Harry only nodded. He was never allowed to play, he couldn't wait so he ate his lunch all up. Draco cleaned his face and then brought some toys into the common room where Harry played with them.

Draco watched Harry thinking of their encounter at lunch. Why on earth would he think Draco needs to eat first?

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