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It was Halloween and Draco decided to dress Harry up in a little costume.  Harry wanted to go as a baby lion cub so Draco picked up a costume for him from Hogsmeade.

          "Dwaco, what awe you going as?" He asked as Draco was dressing him.

          "I'm gonna go as the scariest thing in the world." He told the boy getting close to his face. "A Gryffindor." He whispered and then tickled Harry's ribs causing the boy to squeal. Harry let out a loud giggle and grinned widely.  Draco kissed the boy's head and then grabbed his hand. "Come on sweetie, let's show Blaise your costume before we go out to get candy." He directed the boy out of the room. The professors were overjoyed with the fact they had a child during Halloween. They gave Draco permission to go around and collect candy with Harry to allow the boy to have good memories of his childhood.

          "Okay!" Harry grinned happily. They walked out and Blaise was standing with Neville, who suggested he'd be there for Harry's Halloween, and they both lit up when they saw him.

          "Hi guys!" Harry greeted. "Woar!" He put his hands up in a defensive position.

          "Roar little man." Blaise greeted. "You look adorable."

          "Tank you Bwaise!" Harry gasped.

          "You're welcome bud." Blaise laughed. "Are you ready?"

          "Yes!" Harry grabbed Draco's hand again and they walked towards the portrait. Blaise went to grab Harry's other hand but Harry shook his head. "No Bwaise, you gotta hold Neviwwe hands 'cause he'd be wonewy." Harry emphasized. Blaise grinned and grabbed Neville's hand causing the other to blush. They started off and stopped at the hospital wing so Madam Promfrey could give him some candy. She gave him some candyfloss and he thanked her causing her to nearly die with adoration. She gave him a kiss on his head and let them hit the other places. They stopped at the kitchens and the house elves gave Harry some jelly slugs. When he thanked them, Dobby was incredibly happy to serve young Harry Potter. After the kitchens, they went to the Hufflepuff tower. They didn't just give Harry one candy, they gave him chocolate wands, sugar quills, no-melt ice cream, and toffees. After Hufflepuff, then Ravenclaw. They gave Harry salt water taffy, wizochoc, and some skeletal treats. Neville had provided the candy for Gryffindor and had given Harry some chocolate frogs. Blaise did it for Slytherin and had gone to a muggle shop getting one of everything for the boy.

          Some professors even gave Harry some candy like Snape, Sprout and McGonagall. By the time Harry was finished, Draco carried a very sleepy him and the large bag of candy he acquired. It was nearing Harry's bedtime anyway so when they all got back to Harry and Draco's chambers, Draco took Harry to his bedroom as Blaise chilled with Neville in the common room. Draco took Harry off Harry's costume and then dressed him in his pajamas.

          "Dwaco?" Harry whispered as Draco was lying him down.

          "Yes Harry?" He questioned. Harry went on his side and cuddled his dolly as Draco stroked his hair.

          "Tank you." Harry said and Draco grinned. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on Harry's forehead, on his scar. Harry fell asleep shortly after that leaving Draco with his bag of candy. He walked back into the common room and was struck with the sight of Blaise snogging Neville. The funny thing about it was Neville was straddling Blaise and holding his neck gently. 

          "Well this is unexpected." Draco muttered. The two didn't even pull away, just kept going at it. Draco took a piece of the candy and tossed at the back of Neville's head. Only then did they pull away.

          "What?" Blaise hissed. "We were in the middle of something." He glared and Draco sighed.

          "Yes, in the middle of my common room." Draco rolled his eyes. "If you must... go further, you're more than welcome to leave." Blaise didn't need to be told twice. He lifted Neville up and held him as Neville wrapped his leg around Blaise's waist as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

          "Bye Drake, see you tomorrow." Blaise mumbled. They left the common room so Draco rolled his eyes and put away the candy. He walked into the bathroom, took a shower, and then got dressed in his pajamas.

          "Dwaco!" Harry called so Draco walked through the conjoining door.

          "What's the matter?" Draco asked him Harry. The boy was crying slightly and he was sitting awkwardly in bed.

          "I went potty in ma bed." He told Draco and Draco sighed. It was the first time Harry wet the bed so Draco just gently took him out of it and stripped the sheets. He stripped Harry of his clothes and put him in clean ones.

          "It's okay Harry, accidents happen. Did you have a bad dream?" He asked Harry but Harry shook his head.

          "No I haf dweam whewe I was on da potty." Harry shrugged and Draco grinned. He picked the little boy up and tickled him slightly.

          "Sorry my little prince, I should have made you use the toilet before you went to sleep. How about you stay with me tonight and the house elves will give you new sheets in the morning?" Draco suggested. Harry nodded and stuck his thumb in his mouth as Draco took him into the other room. Harry rarely ever sucked his thumbs now that he was four. He only ever did it when he was overly tired or when he was scared.

          Draco placed the boy down and then got in next to him. Harry curled up to Draco and placed his head on the blonde's chest. He popped his thumb out of his mouth and kissed Draco's chin. It was the first time Harry ever kissed Draco.

          "Night Dwaco, I wuv you." He said and Draco swallowed hard. He kissed Harry's head.

          "I love you too buddy. Goodnight."


          The next morning, Sunday, Draco walked with Harry to the Great Hall holding his hand. When he walked in, he saw Neville sitting with Blaise at the Slytherin table.  When he approached closer, he noticed love bites all over the two teen's neck.

          "Mowning!" Harry greeted.

          "Morning little man, did you enjoy your Halloween?"

          "I did." Harry nodded his head and then gasped. He stood on the bench of the table and touched Blaise's neck gently. Blaise winced and gently grabbed Harry's hand. "Wha' happen?" He asked.

          "Oh little buddy, my neck is just a bit sore." Blaise replied.

          "Okay though?"

          "I am perfect little man." Blaise ruffled his hair.

"Good!" Harry smiled and Blaise couldn't help but smile as well. "Hey how about you spend the day with me and Neville, let Draco have a day to himself?" He asked Harry. He wasn't expecting the boy to look so horror struck as he turned to the blonde.

          "Do you not wuv me anymowe?" He asked in very small voice.

          "Har-" Draco started but Harry sank to his butt and let out a wail. He covered his eyes and started sobbing into them. "Blaise." Draco growled.  Draco gently picked Harry up and allowed him to cry on his shoulder. "Shh Harry."

          "H-Hawwy sowwy." He cried into Draco's shoulder. "So-sowwy. D-Dwaco no wuv." Harry sobbed so Draco stood up and gently rocked him.

          "Shh sweet boy, I love you very much. You're okay, shh." Draco bounced him up and down as Harry gently calmed down. "I love you Harry. Blaise isn't gonna take you away."

          "D-Dwaco no g-go?" He asked and Draco kissed his head gently.

          "I'm not going anywhere." Draco promised. "How about we cuddle and watch films today, would you like that?"

          "Yes." Harry sniffled. He put his thumb in mouth as Draco continued to sway him.

          "Okay, you need to eat something and drink lots of water." Draco advised and Harry only nodded. Draco sat back down and glared at Blaise.

          "Hey I'm sorry little man." Blaise frowned. "I'm not gonna take you from Draco."

          "Hawwy no go wif Bwaise." He told Blaise taking out his thumb.

          "Now he's talking in third person again." Draco sighed.

          "Harry, Blaise isn't gonna take you. I'll keep him occupied all day." Neville winked at Blaise and then smiled at Harry. Harry grinned back and then sat up.

          "Tank you Neviwwe."

          "You're welcome sunshine. Eat up yeah?"

          "Okay." Harry nodded. Draco gave him some oatmeal and he ate up most of it along with drinking all of his water.

          Harry was still a bit mad a Blaise for 'threatening' to take him away from Draco so when it came time to leave, he didn't bother saying goodbye, he just hid face into Draco's leg.

          Draco just passed it on as separation anxiety and held the boy's hand all the way back to their chambers.  When they got there, Draco was able to hook the telly up to the common room so they could sit on the couch. He made him and Harry some hot chocolate, put on a film and covered them in a blanket. Harry sat directly next to Draco causing the boy's arm to go around the little Potter.

          As the first film ended, Draco placed Harry on his lap after thinking for a bit about Harry's behavior.

          "Harry, are you tired?" He asked but Harry shook his head. "Are you sure?"

          "Yeah, I not tiwed." He told Draco. "Why, awe you?" He asked and Draco smiled. He shook his head and kissed Harry's forehead.

          "No sweetheart, I'm just worried you're not getting enough sleep." Draco admitted. "Would you tell me if you want to nap?"

          "Yes Dwaco."

          "Do you promise?" He raised an eyebrow and Harry nodded.

          "I pwomise." He said and then wrapped his pinky with Draco's. "Can we watch anudder film?" He asked and Draco nodded.

          "We can but then we have to eat in the Great Hall then got outside for a bit." He told the boy who pouted a bit but agreed. 

          "Can we pway wif-."

          "Try 'with' Harry. Put your tongue on your top teeth at the end of the word."  Draco interrupted.

          "W-wa... with." Harry smiled in triumph. "Can we pway with Bwaise and Neviwwe?" He asked and Draco dropped a kiss on his head.

          "Of course we can but you have to apologize to Blaise for being mean when we were leaving. He seemed sad you didn't say bye to him." Harry pouted at that and looked up at Draco with sad eyes.

          "I no want him sad." He told him and Draco nodded. "I apowogize." He agreed and Draco smiled.

          "Good boy. Come on, let's watch another film."

          They ended up doing as planned and Harry kept his promise in apologizing to Blaise. He even let the other boy hold him to go outside but that was only if he could see Draco and when Draco was not in his eyesight, he'd panic. That was settled as soon as Draco went in his view again and when he had enough of being held, he held Blaise's AND Draco's hand as Neville held Blaise's vacant hand.

          They played tag for a while along with hide and seek. When they had enough, they sat on the ground against a tree and that's where Harry grew tired. He curled up on Draco's lap and fell asleep.

          "So are you two together now?" Draco blurted to the other teens. Neville blushed as Blaise grinned.

          "After last night and this morning, I think we better be." Blaise answered and Neville placed his head on Blaise's shoulder.

          "I agree."

          "So it's settled, yes we are." He grinned and Draco did as well but it was more forced. He wanted desperately to be with someone as well but now that he was taking care of Harry, it was hard. Some nights he just wanted someone to lean on and tell him he was doing okay.

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