Chapter 25: Talk

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Soon, Amelia, Hopper, Mike, and Jonathan rush outside and towards the shed. Hopper opens the shed and yanks on the light switch. He looks around, it was a little cluttered, but...

"Yeah, this'll work." He nods and moves inside.

Together, they all begin to empty out the shed. Taking every last item, even a speck of dirt that could tell Will he was at home. Amelia grunts as she carries boxes out of the shed. Hopper moves and helps her carry them out. She sighs and drags the table out. Jim moves and grabs the other end of the table, helping her carrying it.

"I don't want you in the shed when we wake him up." He says.

She snaps her head up, frowning at him, "What? Are you kidding me?"

"I mean it, Lia. I don't want you near this thing while its after you." He stays strongly and moves around the table, gripping her shoulders to make sure he had her full attention. "I cannot lose you. I almost lost you once. It had you. I'm not letting it get you again."

"And it had you." She argues. "Don't you get it, Jim? If it wants me, it sees you as a threat." She says, remembering how angry Will looked when he was watching them kiss before Hopper went to the farm. "Because I'm with you." She shakes her head, "We should stick together. Will warned me once, he can do it again." She reaches up and cups his face in her hands, stroking his beard, "We already proved that we shouldn't go anywhere alone. Together, we're stronger."

He sighs heavily and leans down to press his head against hers, "Damn woman." He whispers.

Amelia giggles, "I'll always be your damn woman."

"You better be." He grins, chuckling softly. He sighs, "Okay. But stay near me. Don't go near Will." He says.

Amelia sighs and nods, "Okay."

"Okay." He sighs.

"Babe, I'm worried about our Starshine. She's out there." She whispers.

"I know." He pulls her into his arms, hugging her tight, "I know. Me too." He kisses her forehead.


Soon, they had the shed cleared out and tarps covered the window and the door. Will was tied to a wooden beam in the middle of the shed and lights shinned over his face, blinding his sight from seeing more of the shed and possibly finding out where he was.

"You sure this is gonna work?" Johnathan asks as he stands with Joyce, Jim, Amelia, and Mike.

"He knew who I was. He's still in there." Joyce sighs, "It's gonna work. It has to." She sniffles.

Amelia moves as she holds a box of salt. She spills it around Will's body, forming a circle. She chants ancient Latin as she walks around him. Calling forth the goddess for help to reach out to Will and bind the evil that was holding him captive. Once the circle of salt was formed, she slaps the salt shut and sighs, walking back to stand close to Jim.

"No matter what happens, do NOT break the circle. It's the only thing that can possibly weaken the creature long enough for Will to make contact." Amelia states and looks at everyone, "Okay?"

Everyone nods, understanding what she was saying.

Jim sighs as he holds up a jug of ammonia, "All right, you ready?" He asks.

Joyce nods, lips trembling, "Yeah."

Swishing the ammonia, Jim dampens a cotton ball and moves towards Will's unconscious body. He lightly presses the cotton close to Will's nose and, Will snaps his eyes open with a loud gasp. Will blinks a few times, scanning around the room as his eyesight clears. He looks around at the people and tries to move, but he couldn't. He grunts and begins to panic.

"What? What? What is this? What? What is this? Why am I tied up?" Will demands.

Joyce moves and kneels next to him, giving him a gentle, motherly look. She could see her son, but he felt so wrong. She made sure he didn't see that.

"Will, we just wanna talk to you. We're not gonna hurt you." She says softly.

"Where am I?" Will asks sharply.

Jim moves and holds up the picture of the shadow monster, the Mind Flayer, "You recognize this? Do you recognize this?"

Will shakes his head, he looked distressed, angry and frustrated. Confused. He snaps his head towards Joyce as she gains his attention.

"Hey. We wanna help you. But to do that, we have to understand how to kill it." She says softly.

Will glares at her in anger, "Why am I tied up? Why am I tied up? Why am I tied up? Why am I tied up?" His voice rises to rage as he struggles to be free.

Hopper grabs him, holding him down and making sure he doesn't hurt himself, but Will was acting like a rabid animal, screaming at his mother.

"Hey." Hopper tries to calm him, but Will continues to scream and fight.

"Why am I tied up? Why am I tied up? Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!" Will wouldn't stop screaming. Everyone jumps as they watch the lights flickering rapidly. The creature was carrying way too much power. "Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Let me go..." Finally, Will grew tired. "Go... Go..."

"It's working. Try calling out to him, Joyce." Amelia says.

Joyce sighs deeply and looks directly into her son's eyes, "Do you know what March 22nd is? It's your birthday." Joyce smiles at the memories. "Your birthday. When you turned eight, I gave you that huge box of crayons. Do you remember that? It was 120 colors. And all your friends, they got you Star Wars toys, but all you wanted to do was draw with all your new colors. And you drew this big spaceship, but it wasn't from a movie. It was your spaceship. A rainbow ship is what you called it. And you must have used every color in the box." Joyce laughs as tears form in her eyes, "I took that with me to Melvald's and I put it up and I told everyone who came in, 'My son drew this'. And you were so embarrassed." She chuckles and sniffles, "But I was so proud. I was so, so proud." She smiles.

Will breathes shakily at the memories flowing in his mind. He slowly turns as he hears another voice speaking to him.

"Do you remember the day Dad left?" Jonathan asks as he kneels next to Joyce. "We stayed up all night building Castle Byers...just the way you drew it. And it took so long because you were so bad at hammering." Jonathan chuckles with his mom, tears forming in his eyes as he begs to whoever was listening to give his brother back to him. "You'd miss the nail every time. And then it started raining, but we stayed out there anyway. We were both sick for like a week after that. But we just had to finish it, didn't we? We just had to." He sniffles.

Tears form in Will's eyes, more memories filling his head, then another voice speaks up. He turns and looks towards Mike.

"Do you remember the first day that we met? It was... It was the first day of kindergarten. I knew nobody. I had no friends and..." Tears fell from Mike's eyes, "I just felt so alone and so scared, but..." He sniffles, "I saw you on the swings and you were alone, too. You were just swinging by yourself. And I just walked up to you and...I asked. I asked if you wanted to be my friend. And you said yes. You said yes. It was the best thing I've ever done."

Will shudders softly.

Amelia moves, even though Jim held on to her to back away, she held his hand for support, Will looks up at her.

Amelia laughs, "When I first came to town and opened my shop, you and your friends practically stalked me. Do you remember that?" She asks with a smile. "Dustin dragged the three of you to spy on me. I think he had a little crush on me." She giggles and sniffles. "Then once you boys finally came into my shop, that was it. My shop became the new hangout for you boys. Do you remember what I made you boys that Halloween? You told me all about how you boys hang out every weekend in Mike's basement...playing Dungeon and Dragons. And you showed me a picture that you drew of your characters. I made cookies in the shape of you D&D characters. Just like how you drew them. You were so impressed. That was the first day you ever gave me a hug. The day we became friends."

Flashbacks of the cookies float in Will's brain. Will the Wise cookies. He remembers those! Will struggles inside, fighting the creature, but he was too strong.

Joyce calls out to him again, gaining his attention, "Will, baby...if you're in there, just please...please talk to us. Please, honey, please, can you do that for me? Please. I love you so much." She begs.

Will struggles, they could see him struggling as tears form in his eyes, but suddenly, his face goes blank, "Let me go." He demands.

Amelia sighs and turns away, rubbing her face, they had him. She could feel it, but that creature was so strong. Everyone looks defeated, thinking reaching Will could be impossible now. But Jim looks as he sees Will's fingers tapping rhythmically. He frowns, thinking Will was having a nervous tick, but when he listens, it was a code.


Jim rushes into the house with everyone following him. Max, Dustin, Steve, and Lucas jump up in alert, watching Hopper grab a piece of paper and a pencil, rushing towards the kitchen table.

"What happened?" Dustin asks and follows Hopper with everyone.

Jim and Amelia both sit as Jim draws what Will was tapping, "I think he's talking, just not with words."

Steve frowns, "What is that?"

Amelia and the boys speak in unsion, "Morse code."

Jim spells out what Will said, "H-E-R-E. Here."

"Here!" Amelia gasps.

"Will's still in there. He's talking to us." Jim says, rubbing his beard.

"The memories are working, but the creature is trying to keep him bound. The more memories we give him, the stronger Will gets enough to contact us. We need to keep going." Amelia says.

Jonathan rushes and gets his boombox, he places it beside Will and clicks it to play. 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' plays. He sighs and looks at his brother with hope.

"Do you remember the first time I played you this? Mom and Dad were both arguing in the next room. So I played you the mix tape I made you. And it was the first time you got into music. Real music." He says.

Will begins to tap rapidly over the wood and Jim uses the walkie to send the code back to the others who stayed in the house.

"Dash, dot, dash, dot." Dustin says as Lucas finds the letter from the paper that contains the morse code alphabet.

"Yeah, got it. "

"C." Lucas says and Nancy writes it down.

Mike tries again, bringing up memories of their D&D nights, "And then the party escaped into the sewers, and there were those big insect things, and you guys were still on level one." He says.

Jim repeats the tapping, and they search for the letter.

"L. O." Lucas says.

"Then you cast Fog Cloud and you saved us. You saved the whole party." Mike continues.


"You saw that little girl and she was in the sandbox, and she was crying." Joyce sits in front of Will, bringing up a special memory.


"You gave him your Tonka Truck and I told you we couldn't afford to buy another one." She says.


"You said she should have it because she's sad. 'She's sad, Mommy'." She says, sniffling at how sweet her little boy is to others. How caring he is.


"I love you so much."


"So, so much."


The tape ends and so did the tapping. They looked over the message Will was telling them.

"'Close gate'."

Suddenly, the phone rings from Joyce's kitchen, making everyone, including Will, jump in alert. Amelia gasps and watches Will react to the ringing, "Oh, no."

Dustin rushes towards the phone, "Shit. Shit." He picks it up and hangs up. Sighing in relief. But the phone rings again until Nancy yanks it off the wall, tossing it across the room.

"Do you think he heard that?" Max asks as they all look towards the shed with worry.

Steve shrugs, "It's just a phone. It could be anywhere. Right?"

Will's eyes begin to roll back and close, moving rapidly as if he was dreaming, but...he was searching.

"Hey. Hey, can you hear me?" Joyce tries to call out to him...

"Get away from him." Amelia gasps at the strength of the creature. It was too strong. She grabs Joyce and yanks her away, "Get away from him!"

Jim gasps, "It knows. It knows where we are." He says.

Joyce rushes towards the syringe, loading it up and injects it into Will's arm, "Oh, shit." She gasps and finally, knocking him out, but it was too late. They all jump as they hear the monsters screeching in the distance.

Mike, Jonathan, and Amelia rush outside the shed, hearing the creatures grow closer and closer.

"That's not good." Dustin mutters as they all look through the windows.

"They're coming!" Jonathan shouts.

Hopper quickly unties Will, "Come on. We gotta go."

Jonathan grabs Joyce and rushes her to get back into the house. Amelia runs behind them with Jim carrying Will in his arms. They run into the house; everyone grabs any weapon they could get. Jim places Will down on the couch.

"Hey. Hey, get away from the windows!" Hopper shouts, forcing the kids to move away from the windows. He turns towards Jonathan, holding a rifle. "Do you know how to use this?"

"What?" Jonathan stutters.

"Can you use this?"

Nancy grabs the gun, "I can." She cocks it, showing that she could with no problem.

Joyce rushes towards her room, "Bob! Bob, you need to get up."

Groaning softly, "What's going on?" Bob struggles to get up, "Is Will okay?"

"We're in trouble." Joyce says and jumps as they both hear the screeching getting closer. They rush out of the room and head towards the living room. Everyone grabs a weapon or hide behind those who had one. Lucas held his wrist rocket up, Steve had the spiked bat, Nancy had the rifle as Jim had the machine gun. Joyce rushes towards the kitchen and grabs a knife as Bob grabs a frying pan.

"Out of frying pan, into the fire, right?" He chuckles lightly.

Joyce exhales anxiously and laughs, holding on to his hand tightly. Loving those silly things he always says to make her smile. No matter what.

"Theo!" Amelia shouts.

Growling lowly, he transforms into the demon and stands by his friends, "Fight..."

"Yeah. Fight." Amelia says as she grabs a knife from her bag. Gripping it tightly.

Jim holds his gun up, ready to shoot.

The screeching grows closer and closer.

"Where are they?" Max gasps.

Suddenly, they all gasp as growling was made at the side of the house, moving around. They all focus their attention on the noise, following it. Suddenly, thudding was made on the other side. They were surrounding the house!

"What are they doing?"

Suddenly, the monsters begin to snarl as if an enemy was nearby, threatening them. They couldn't hear anything else. All of the sudden they hear an animal groaning in pain. The screeching begins again and then it just stopped.

Amelia and Jim both shared a scared, confused look. What was going on out there?

Suddenly, the monster crashes through the window, making everyone scream. Theo rushes to fight it, but he stops and watches it. It just laid there, unmoving. And it didn't look like it was breathing.

"Holy shit." Dustin exclaims.

Everyone still holds their weapons up, ready for any surprises, "Theo, is it dead?" Amelia asks.

Theo turns towards her, confused, "Dead...what killed it?" He asked.

Amelia shakes her head, shrugging, but gasps as they hear movement at the door. Jim and Nancy aim their guns at the door. Ready to shoot. They all watch in shock as the bolt chain moves by itself, jumping out of the lock and the doorknob clicks. Slowly, the door creaks open and a figure walks into the house.

Everyone looks at the door in shock, they couldn't believe who it was. After so long, she was back. Eleven. Dressed in new clothes, her hair slicked back, and black eyeshadow makeup around her eyes. Giving her a punk look. Mike steps forward and Eleven sees him. Tears form in her eyes. Finally, after waiting so long... she finally could say how much she missed him.

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