Chapter 28: Three Inches Minimum!

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Small smutty scene...

Season 3

June 1, 1985


Jim turns towards Amelia's shocked voice as he stands in their bathroom, nothing but a towel as he grooms his face. He was getting bushy a little bit wanted to make a small change. His razor freezes mere inches away from his half shaved cheeked, but he wanted to keep the mustache.

"What did you do to yourself?" Amelia stifles her laugh.

"What?" He frowns at her and looks in the mirror. "Did I miss a spot?"

Amelia giggles, "You look like Tom Selleck!" She holds her belly in laughter. "Why would you do that?"

Jim gives her an annoyed frown, "You said he looked hot." He mutters, rinsing his razor.

Amelia continues to laugh, clutching the door frame to steady herself, "Oh, my god, I'm gonna pee on myself. Babe! You're so much hotter than Tom Selleck. But...hee hee hee...that's not working for you." She walks towards him and reaches to cup the shaven part of his face. Still seeing that frown. "I'm sorry for laughing. Don't be a grizzly. I love you no matter what. You could be bald, and I would think nothing of it." It was true. He could get bald and fat, and she would still love him no matter what. Honestly, he was looking a little chubby. But she didn't mind, and she wasn't going to say anything. Just wishes he would stop eating all that crap he buys. What's wrong with just having her snacks?

Jim sighs and leans to rest his forehead against hers, "You're lucky that I love you, too."

"If you want to keep this..." She strokes his mustache with her thumb, "I'll be fine with it. You'll always be my handsome grizzly man." She gives him a crooked smile.

Jim slowly smiles down at her and leans to kiss her gently, chuckling at her squeal. He pulls away and looks down at her, "What?" He snorts.

She rubs her nose, "That tickles."

Arching a wicked brow, "Oh, it does, huh? I wonder if I can tickle other places with this." He wags his brows, making her giggle in fits.

"Finish shaving and we'll see." She smirks and heads towards the bedroom.

"Oh, we'll definitely see!" He calls out and hurries with the shaving but making sure he doesn't cut anything. Once he got his face clean shaven, he washes the left-over cream off his face and wipes his face down, he walks into the bedroom with a grin as he sees Amelia in bed, waiting for him. Dressed in nothing but a t-shirt and panties.


Two years, they've been together. Two wonderful years...and it never gets old with her. He never wants to change anything with her. She's perfect. Dropping the towel off his body, he crawls over the bed and stalks her.

Amelia giggles as he makes growling noises, catching parts of her clothes with his teeth and gives it a yank. He lets go of her shirt once he had it up and exposing her firm breasts. Covering her body with his, he holds her down and begins kissing every inch of her, making her laugh and squeal.

"Tickles! Tickles!" She laughs and shrieks.

Jim reaches and tosses the blankets over their bodies. Both of them squirm under the sheets, laughing and shrieking in glee. Soon, moans begin, and Amelia's clothes were tossed out. She giggles as he managed to get everything off her and the sheets form a large lump. The lump moves down, and Amelia begins to squeal and giggle, but moaning starts again. Licking noises were made and Amelia moans a little louder. Jim moans at her taste and reaches to grip her breasts as he feasts. Squeezing them gently as he digs his tongue around, sucking on her pearl.

"Ah!" Amelia cries out and arches her body. She tries to look down, but it was so dark under the sheets. "I want to see." She whimpers.

With a wet pop, Jim lifts his head, "Just feel, baby. Just feel." He whispers and continues to eat her out, making her moan and cry out. Especially when he had his fingers inside her again, touching that spot that had her gasping and crying for more. Amelia squirms under Jim as he pleasures her body, making her so wet for him. She was aching for more. When he begins to finger her, sliding in and out, she couldn't stop her moans. But she wanted his big grizzly, not his fingers. And she wanted him to join her orgasm like he always does.

She smiles and giggles as she feels his lips trail up her body. She trembles as she feels his tongue lick every inch of her flesh. His mustache continues to tickle her all over. When his lips found hers, he moans as he gives her a passionate kiss, using his knees to shove her legs apart. She could feel him, he was so hard. Aching as bad as she was. She cries out against his lips when he gives her a shove. He couldn't hold back his lust for her.

Honestly, it's been a while since they've been together due to the fact that Mike comes over every freaking day, sending Jim's blood pressure to the sky. The rule of the house, when Mike was here, her door had to be left open by 3 inches or more. No less. But tonight, Mike wasn't here, he had a family thing to do.

Jim couldn't be happier, especially where he was now. He moans and groans loudly as he pounds inside Amelia. Their movements made the bed scrape against the wooden floor.

"Augh! Oh!" Jim moans and cries out as he moves his hips rapidly. Grinning at the feel of her nails digging into this back. Like old times.

"Jim! Ohhh! Ah!" She cries out, gasping softly as she meets his movements, but he was becoming erratic. Like he couldn't control himself. Honestly, he could never. Not with her. It was always a miracle that he could meet her at the end.

"Oh, god! I can't...ugh!" Jim grits his teeth, struggling to hold on. Sweat trickled down his body as he struggles to hold back the end. "OHHHHH! OHHH!" Jim begins to twitch deep inside her, filling her up hard with his cream, still thrusting to help her reach her end.

Amelia moves her hips to meet him and finally, she cries out as she tightens around him, gushing all over him. He groans and shouts at how sensitive he felt while going through the aftershocks. Her ending made his whole body shake violently.

"Ugh! Oh! OH!" He twitches as his body jerks while she forcefully squeezes his last drop. "Ah! Ahhh! Shit!" He grunts. He was a little disappointed with himself that he couldn't hold back, but at least, she was happy. Was she?

Amelia whimpers softly under him. She was sore, throbbing, but so good. She knew he wasn't going to last long, but he would never leave her unsatisfied.

Panting, Jim collapses over, his eyes were rolled back. That was the best. Always getting better and better, but he worries about his stamina. That was the first time when he came before her. He couldn't help it. She was getting too much for him.


June 6, 1985


Amelia shrieks as she walks into cabin as everyone shouts and cheers, blowing horns and throwing confetti at her. Will and Jonathan held up a sign with the words 'Happy Birthday Amelia' painted on it. She covers her mouth, laughing at how sweet everyone was with surprising her on her birthday. She was so touched. El, Mike, Max, Lucas, Will, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, Joyce, Bob, and Jim were all there.

"You guys..." She laughs. "I almost pissed myself!"

Everyone laughs and cheers as El rushes towards her, hugging her tight, "Happy birthday, Mom."

"Aw, thank you, my Starshine." Amelia smiles big and hugs her tight.

Music plays in the background as everyone basically hangs out in the cabin, eating cake and food, chattering and dancing. Ever since Bob showed Jonathan his JVC camera, he became addicted. He recorded everyone during the party, making them wave and smile. Jim was chatting with Joyce and Bob while Amelia was laughing with El, Mike, and Max. Dustin couldn't be there, sadly, due to the fact, he was away at Science Camp. But he sent her a letter, wishing her a happy birthday. And sent her a gift. Her own swissarmy knife.

"So, you guys are going to do it? You're really moving?" Jim asks Joyce and Bob.

Bob exhales heavily, "We've been talking about it for months and... well, I finally convinced her to go for it." He grins.

"But we're still going to wait. After the summer is over." Joyce says and looks over to her boys, sighing softly, "They deserve one more summer together with their friends."

Jim nods, agreeing with her as well as Bob was.

"But...I have to go ahead and get everything settled first. The house still needs to get through inspection, I need to get started with my new manager position at the Radio Shack." Bob sighs and looks down at Joyce, "Just to get everything ready for my family." He grins.

Jim eyes him, "Wait a minute...did you.... are you two?" He points at them both.

Joyce smiles and holds up her hand, showing off an engagement ring, "He asked the other night."

Jim exclaims, "Congratulations!" He hugs her and Bob. "How are the boys taking it?" He asks as he pulls away.

Joyce's smile grows, "They're completely happy with it. They love Bob." She sighs out.

"We're still working on the date for the ceremony. Johnathan agreed to be my best man. But will you be one of my groomsmen?" Bob asks.

Jim grins, "You bet I would." He shakes his hand.

"And I want Amelia to be my maid of honor and El my flower girl." Joyce says, smiling as she looks over towards Amelia and El, who were hugging and chatting with Mike.

Jim grins as he looks over to her, watching her smile and laugh. His heart always pounded when he looked over towards her. If it could burst out of his chest, it would do cartwheels and karate kicks all over the forest just for her.

"So, are you going to ask her?" Joyce's voice snaps him out of his thoughts.

"Hmm? What?"

Bob and Joyce both chuckle, "Are you going to ask Amelia to marry you one day?" Bob asks.

Jim stammers, hesitant with his words, "Uh, well...we...uh...never really talked about that. We never really sat down and talked about the future. I mean...just two years ago we started dating, but we never been on a real date before. Now...we're adoptive parents to a 15-year-old girl. And we're living together."

"But do you want to marry her, Hop?" Joyce asks.

Jim sighs heavily and looks back over to Amelia, watching her again as a smile grows on his face. Thinking about her walking down the aisle in a beautiful wedding gown. Growing old with her. Maybe...maybe even have a few more kids with her. Watching her belly grow and feel his child move. He would do better this time if she got pregnant. He wouldn't mess up this time or risk his kids' health again. Like he did with Sarah. He wouldn't.

"Yeah." He grins and looks back at them both. "Yeah, I do." He nods.

"Well, what are you waiting for? It's her birthday...just ask, then go ring shopping." Joyce smiles.

Picking at his cup, Jim sighs, "She deserves more than that, Joyce. I want to ask her...when the time is right. Take her out to a nice restaurant, wine and dine her." He chuckles with them. "And...get on one front of all our friends, the town and tell her how much I love her. And then I'll ask."

Joyce gives him a touched look, "She would love that."

Jim grins and nods, sighing heavily. He was growing nervous now. To ask Amelia for her hand in marriage. His heart was pounding so hard at the thought. He looks over to her again and watches kiss El's forehead as she moves away so Mike and El could have time to themselves. Dance to the music together. She turns and looks over towards him, sending him a smile. He was going to do it. That is his new personal mission...ask Amelia Holloway to marry him.


June 29, 1985

Amelia sighs in exhaustion as she walks into the cabin. The new mayor has been on her back about the catering with the 4th of July celebration. Mayor Kline has been asking...more like demanding...her to open up her own booth at the fair. For charity, he claims. When she walks inside, she's greeted with the sight of Jim sitting in his chair, eating tortillas and salsa while drinking beer and watching Mangum P.I. Amelia chuckles at the sight. Just like a man. She grimaces as Jim lets out a loud burp.

She walks over towards him and sits on the armrest, taking the chips away from him and the salsa.

"Hey, babe." He says, giving her a guilty smile, knowing that she has told him several times about eating so many chips.

"I'm gonna let this go because I had a hard day today. But, baby," She cups his face and picks off the crumbs from his mustache, "Come on. Doc says you need to lose some weight. I want my big bad grizzly man to be nice and healthy." She leans down and kisses him softly.

Jim grunts in annoyance, "Sorry, Babe. It's just...I'm not even hungry. It's stress eating." He sighs.

"Why?" She frowns.

He gives her a 'seriously?' look. He pulls her closer against him and slowly pushes back the chair to show her where the stress was coming from. They both were lowered till they could see El's room. The further the chair went, the more they could see Mike's back...then they could see El and Mike making out on her bed.

"HEY!" Jim shouts.

El and Mike both break apart with a gasp and El waves her hand to slam the door shut. Jim scrambles to get out of the chair to get to El's door. Amelia sighs and gets up before he was going to make her fall.

"Three inch minimum! Leave the door open three inches!" He shouts and grips the doorknob but it was locked. He glares at the door. "El, open this door. Open then..." He mutters angrily and shoves the door open.

El was lying in bed reading a comic while Mike was sitting on the floor, reading as well. Both of them look at him in confusion. As if nothing happened.

Mike simply smiles, "What's wrong?"

Jim growls lowly, smoke was about to expel from his ears. Amelia moves and stands in front of Jim before he really yells at them both.

"Okay you two." She places her hands on her hips, giving them both a frown, "You both know the rules. If you continue to break them, Mike is gonna be spending less time here. Do you want that, El?"

El sighs, rolling her eyes, "No."

"Less attitude, Starshine. I know you guys love each other and all but come on...a little respect here." She sighs and chuckles as she looks over towards Mike, "And by the way, it's time for you to go anyway." She looks at her watch, "Isn't that new movie premiering tonight?"

Mike gasps and looks at the clock, "Oh, shit!" He gets to his feet and grabs his stuff. "I gotta go. I'll be back tomorrow, okay?" He says to Eleven.

She nods and smiles at him, giving him one last kiss goodbye. Mike turns and watches Jim glaring down at him, ready to just wanting to jump him and wham him. If Amelia wasn't holding him back and if El didn't have her powers...he would. Mike scoots around them both and heads out the cabin.

Amelia sighs and turns towards El, "Get some sleep, Starshine. Time goes by faster as you sleep and before you know it....Mike will be back." She smiles and turns to shut the door as she gently pushes Jim back.

She rests against the door and looks up at Jim with a small smile, "Hey, she's a teen and you remember how it is."

"Yet she and that son of a bitch are really disrespecting me." He grumbles and moves back to sit down in his chair.

Amelia chuckles and moves to sit in his lap, holding on to the back of his neck for support as he wraps his arms around her, "Grizzly Man. She's a teenager. They both are. They're still rebelling against authority figures, but she still loves you and respects you."

Jim snorts out a scoff and soon, they both hear Eleven giggling and Mike's voice over the COM that Mike gave her on her birthday.

"My god, that was priceless. Did you see his face?"

"It looked like a tomato." El giggles.

"Yeah, a fat tomato."

Jim turns back and looks at her, giving her a very annoyed look after they just heard that, "You were saying?" He mutters.

Amelia sighs, "Maybe the three of you should sit down and talk about this." She watches an idea pops in his head, "Without smacking someone." He grumbles at her and she plays with his mustache, "Be a teddy bear. Not a grizzly."

Suddenly, a commercial pop up. It was Mayor Kline's campaign commercial. Amelia makes a displeased sound and rests her cheek on his shoulder.

"Augh, I cannot stand that guy." She mutters.

"You and me both babe." He grumbles.

"What a hot dog." She snorts and gets up. "I'm starving." She sighs, "That guy definitely has compensation issues."

Jim snorts, clapping as he laughs. Eleven was coming out of her bedroom as she heard that comment, "What's 'compensation'?" She asks as she heads to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Amelia giggles, "It's when someone who has a really, really small situation, they need to do big things to make up for it."

Jim had to cover his mouth to stop laughing, "That guy definitely has a very small situation." He reaches and get his beer, taking a swig.

"Actually, Kline's case is more of a Ken doll situation."

"PFFFFFT!" Jim spits out his beer, coughing in fits and laughing at the same time. Eleven looks at them both weirdly, totally missing the whole joke. She sighs and shakes her head as she gets a glass of water and heads back to her bedroom.

Coughing still, Jim heads to the bathroom to get rid of the beer that he snorted, blowing his nose, but laughing still.

"Babe...I absolutely love you." He snorts with tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

"I know." She giggles and turns to fix herself some dinner. She was happy that Hopper managed to feed himself and Eleven while she was stuck at work. But she hates missing time with her man and her Starshine.

As she turns on the stove, suddenly, the power shuts off. Amelia looks up and frowns. She turns fast as she hears Jim hitting something in the bathroom.

"OW!" He shouts.

"Starshine?" Amelia calls out and hears the door open.

"It wasn't me!" Eleven says.

Jim stumbles out of the bathroom, fumbling to find a flashlight. He opens a few drawers and finds one, turning it on and shines it around the room.

"Everyone okay?"

"Yes." El nods and frowns, "What's going on?" She frowns.

Amelia turns and goes out the door, sometimes from the cabin porch, you can see the whole town light up, especially the mall since he was absolutely covered with neon lights. She frowns when she sees nothing.

"It looks like a blackout. The whole town is out. That's so weird." Amelia says, frowning in deep confusion.

"Maybe the city is doing some upgrades and had to shut down the power grid. It should come back on soon." Jim shrugs.

Amelia, however, was feeling something. She couldn't put her finger on it. Something about the dark that disturbed her. She always hated the dark, ever since she was a little girl. This just didn't seem right.

Suddenly, the power was back on. Jim exclaims and holds up his hands in triumph, "See? Nothing to worry about." He grins.

If only they knew...if only.

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