Chapter 32: Terminator Stunt Double

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Jim snorts as he wakes up from the morning sunshine. He groans in pain as he begins to experience a raging hangover. He grips his head and winces. God, he drank way too much last night. He grunts and pushes the recliner up and locks it. He grunts as he sees he was covered with a blanket. He sighs deeply as he realizes that Amelia was home. He gets to his feet, shoving the blanket away and walks towards the bedroom. There she was, safe and sound, asleep with her back towards him. He sighs in relief but he was still upset with her.

He grunts under the shower spray, gurgling as water fills his mouth. He felt like complete shit. The shower helped a little bit he needed some Tylenol. Spitting out the water, he bathes himself, washing away yesterday's hell. Walking out of the bathroom, nothing but a towel, he grabbed a bottle of aspirin and shoves some in his mouth. He walks towards the fridge and grabs the carton of milk, opening it and just guzzles some milk down without even bothering to grab a glass. He grunts as he swallows the pills and burps. He frowns as he sees a note from Eleven. She was sleeping over at Max's. Good. He and Amelia needed to talk.

He looks over as he sees the bedroom door creak open. There's she was. Dressed in one of his shirts. But she looked like she didn't get a wink of sleep.

"Hi." She whispers, fumbling with her fingers.

He slams the fridge door shut, making her flinch, "'Hi'? Is that all you can say after last night? I haven't been stood up like that since Alice Gilbert in the 9th grade."

"Okay, I know your mad..."

Jim laughs humorlessly, "Oh, that's one I'm feeling right now." He says bitterly and moves to lean on the kitchen table, "Where were you, Lia?"

Amelia sighs deeply, "I was with Joyce. You see..."

He cuts her off with scoff, "Oh, Joyce, huh? What was so important with Joyce to miss a dinner date with me?" He asks sarcastically.

Amelia grits her teeth, she understood he was angry, but did he have to be an asshole?

She opens her mouth but loud knocking begins at the door.

"Hopper? Are you there?" Joyce calls out. "Hopper? Amelia?"

"Oh! Look who it is!" Jim says sarcastically as he grabs his uniform top and slides it on, leaving it unbuttoned as he walks towards the door.

He opens it and Joyce walks inside, "We need to talk." She says.

"Yeah, we do." Jim glares at her, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Did you tell him?" Joyce asks as she brushes past Amelia.

"Was just about to." Amelia runs her fingers through her hair as she turns and watches Joyce kneel in front of the fridge, dumping out her purse.

"What are you doing? Joyce." Jim frowns. "Hello?" He walks towards Amelia, watching Joyce with a confused look.

Amelia holds her hand up, "Just watch. This will explain everything."

One by one, Joyce tries to place magnets on the fridge but none of them would stick. Amelia gives him a 'see?!' look. But Jim frowns at both of them.

"Okay, you two are freaking me out." He mutters, getting worried.

"Okay, let us explain." Amelia says.

"Please." He scoffs, dramatically holding a hand out for her to have the floor.

"After you left the shop yesterday, I noticed Amelia's order magnets were on the floor. They lost their magnetism." Joyce says.

Jim sighs and rubs his face, he wasn't in the mood for this. "Oh, did they?"

"And the same exact thing happened at my house the day before."

"Wow." Jim says, unenthusiasmly.

"And I thought, 'Okay, that's weird'. Right? Why are all these magnets suddenly losing their magnetism?" Joyce frowns.


"And then I had a rat at the shop." Amelia says.

"A rat?" He scoffs at her in disbelief, all this fuss over a rat?

"Yes, a huge, infected rat. Which is impossible because I keep my shop nice and clean and I sealed any possible entrances for anything to get inside. It nearly bit my ankle if it wasn't for Theo. So I managed to catch it and called Joe, the exterminator."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Babe, the rat exploded." Amelia states and makes an explosion noise while he looks at her weirdly.

"Exploded." He scoffs.

"At first, Joe had no idea how that happened and then he came by today, completely weird. He wasn't even acting like himself. He claims that the rat ingested something to make him explode."

Jim shrugs, "There you go."

"Babe, rats don't just explode for no good reason." Amelia scoffs at him.

"So, we went and saw Scott." Joyce says.

"Scott. Who's Scott?" Jim frowns in confusion.

"Scott Clark. Will's science teacher? Remember? You met him." Amelia says.

"The science teacher?" He scoffs.

"He's pretty brilliant, actually. And I asked him, 'How is this happening?' And he built this magnetic field using an AC transformer and plugging it into a solenoid. And And with that solenoid, which basically..."

Jim holds his hands up, stopping Joyce, "Slow down, slow down. I just want to get this exactly right, okay?" He turns and looks at Amelia, "You stand me phone call, no apology, leaving me worried sick that something could have happened to you because you had to go to Scott Clark's house with Joyce. That about right, babe?" He asks sarcastically.

Amelia mutters, nodding. "Yeah. That's pretty much explains it." She winces.

Jim chuckles humorlessly, "You've outdone yourself, Babe. You really have. No, you've outdone yourself." He scoffs and heads to the master bedroom.

Amelia groans in annoyance, "Babe, don't be like that." She says as she and Joyce follow him, watching him head towards the bathroom, slamming the door in her face.

Joyce frowns when she realizes the bedroom and bathroom don't belong in the cabin's foundation, "How...? Never mind." She mutters, waving it away. "Hop, you're not even listening to us. Scott was able to demagnetize some of the magnets, and he thinks..."

Jim yanks the door open, glaring at them both, "I don't care what Scott thinks!" He snaps and slams it shut again.

"He thinks that a large-scale magnetic field could be built using some sort of machine or or experimental technology." Joyce says, ignoring Jim's behavior. Jim mutters behind the door, mocking her voice.

"And he says that there's a possibility that the machine could affect the rat population, disturbing their natural behaviors. Including making them seem rabid." Amelia says and moves to their shared closet to change.

Jim laughs sarcastically ,'"He's brilliant, isn't he? He's really brilliant. Is he single too?" He scoffs, getting his uniform pants on.

Walking out of the closet, dressed in jeans, a red tank, and boots, Amelia rolls her eyes at Joyce, getting fed up with Jim's attitude.

"What if it's them?" Amelia asks as she walks up to the bathroom door, feeling Jim freeze at that question. "To build a machine like this, you need resources. You need scientists, you need funding, tens of millions of dollars."

Jim sighs, "Babe..."

Joyce cuts him off, " She's right. It can't just be a coincidence, Hopper. It has to be them."

"Okay,  stop." He says.

"It has to be the lab." Amelia agreed.

"It is impossible." Jim scoffs, honestly, not wanting to deal with lab related bullshit. But he seriously doubted that the lab was still up and running after last year.

"Well, then, prove it to us." Joyce challenges.

"Prove it?" Jim scoffs as he frowns, throwing a clean shirt on.

"Yeah, take us back there." Amelia states.

"To the lab." Jim repeats, making sure he got that right.

"Yeah, we wanna go back." Joyce confirms.

"Because some magnets fell off your fridge. And because you got a rat problem at the shop." Jim says.

"Yes." "Yes." The women say.

Jim was quiet for a moment as he tries t process everything, "Okay, makes sense."He mutters.

"Thank you." Joyce scoffs, finally he understands but Amelia was shaking her head.

"It makes sense." Jim nods.

"You're not gonna take us, are you?" Amelia scoffs, already knowing the answer.

"Oh, no, I'm gonna take you both to the lab.  It's just I'm a little busy right now, but maybe we can meet up there, like tonight, like seven o'clock? You know, of course, unless something comes up which, you know, it will." Jim says sarcastically and continues to get ready.

Amelia scoffs, "You know, after everything that's happened, this is no joke." Soon, he hears the door shut while she spoke. Assuming Joyce left them alone to talk.

"No, I don't think it's a joke." Jim grits his teeth and sighs deeply. "Babe, I get it. I know what we have is comfy and easy right now, but I think when I asked you out, I think you got scared. I think you got scared, and now, you're looking for an excuse." He stops and sighs. "Just...tell me the truth, Babe. You're bored with me. Aren't you? You're bored and you're just trying to make an excuse to bring back the old excitement...or you want to end this. Now, wait, let me finish." He stops her from speaking and sighs deeply. "Now, I never want to end what we have right now. These last two years with you...they've been the best years I ever had. To me, it just gets better and better with you. Never gets old." He sighs, " But I'm getting old, am I?" He says sadly. He reaches and place a hand on the door, swallowing hard. "I'll understand if you want something more. God knows you deserve more, babe. But whatever choice you make, just always remember. I'll love you forever, Lia."

He sighs deeply, his heart heavy with emotions. He didn't want to lose her. It'll kill him if he ever did. But... if you love something, set it free. If she comes back, its meant to be.

He frowns when she becomes quiet, "Babe?" He opens the bathroom door and sees no one, he quickly throws his uniform shirt on, rushing out of the room. He looks around and sees the cabin was empty. His heart drops to his stomach. He runs out of the cabin in panic.

"Lia? Lia!" He shouts throughout the woods.

Suddenly, his shed door burst open. He jumps in surprise and sighs in relief.  Her leaving terrified him. But he scoffs in disbelief as he watches Amelia and Joyce come stomping out.

"What the hell are you doing?" He frowns at them both. He watches Amelia carry flashlights while Joyce carried Jim's bolt cutters.

"I need to borrow this." Joyce states, holding up the cutters.

"And I'm going with her." Amelia says as she walks with Joyce towards her car.

Jim rushes to get his boots on, struggling to catch up with them to stop them, "No, you're not going back there. Joyce...Amelia! Babe, you two are not going back there...!"  He hops on one foot towards them, struggling with his boot as Joyce gets into the driver's side while Amelia gets into the passenger's seat. "Son of a bitch!" He shouts in anger as he hops faster.


Storm clouds gathered above them as they drew closer and closer towards the abandoned lab, or was it abandoned?  Joyce wasn't so sure.  Amelias shivers silently as she eyes the lab that was just mile away from them.  Peeking through the trees, as if it was watching them.  When Jim finally got his boots on, he made Joyce and Amelia get out of her car and gave up with arguing.  The three of them headed towards the lab in Jim's truck instead.  Amelia sat next to Jim as he drove them while Joyce sat in the back.  The rain began to pour on them as they reached the gate.  

Jim sighs and stops the car, but before he could get out, Amelia holds up a hand and calls out in ancient Latin.  The three of them watch the chains fall off the gate and it begins to slowly open.  

Jim frowns and looks at her, "If you can do that, then why bother get the bolt cutters?" He scoffs.

Amelia shrugs, "Joyce wanted to be a badass, why stop her?" She snorts. 

Jim sighs and shakes his head in disbelief and drives on.  He pulls up through the loop and parks it in a spot to protect them from the rain.  They get out and walk around the truck so Jim could grab the bolt cutters.  He grabs them before they could and headed towards the boarded door.  With a loud grunt and strong force of his grip, Jim breaks the chain and pulls it out of the hole.  

He opens it and first thing they see is the shattered doors from their last encounter.  Escaping the demo-dogs.  Amelia watches Joyce hesitantly moves inside, trailing behind her and Jim.  Memories of the horror they experienced here flooded her mind.  

Jim walks in first, shinning his flashlight all over the dark, empty room.  The musty smell of the dust that coated the building over the months of being left alone.  So quiet, dead air.  

"Hello? Anybody home? We come in peace." Jim calls out sarcastically. 

Amelia rolls her eyes at him and shines her light in his face, "Very funny. I forgot to laugh." 

Joyce eyes that one spot that she'll never forget.  That one, single spot where she almost lost the love of her life.  If Theo didn't make it in time...she could almost imagine how it would have ended.  She could clearly see Bob standing before her, dressed in his scrubs, smiling in relief. came.  She could hear her own screams echo in the past.  Calling out for him.  Her stomach turns as she thinks how Bob could have died.  His blood squirting from his mouth as the demo-dog tears through his body.  She trembles as she could picture Bob reaching out to her with a blood-soaked hand. 


Joyce snaps out of her dark thoughts as Amelia calls out to her.  She feels her place a gentle hand on her trembling shoulders.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asks, watching her. 

"I'm fine." Joyce says, but Amelia and Jim could see how bothered she was with being here.  

"You want to wait in the car?" Jim asks. 

"I said I'm fine." Joyce says strongly and jerks herself away from Amelia's hand.  She turns and walks away from them. 

Amelia sighs and sends Jim a worried look.  He nods, knowing that she was thinking the same thing he was.  They needed to keep an eye on her.  Just to be safe.  Amelia hugs herself and turns to follow Joyce with Jim next to her.  All of them unaware of the security cameras snapping on...watching them.  


As darkness begins to take over, the storm grows worse outside.  They could hear the thunder roar and rain pound.  But Joyce and Amelia were determined to find answers.  Anything that could explain what was going on.  As they moved towards another room, Jim shoves away the clear tarp that separated them from the rooms.  When Amelia steps in, she recognizes it as the control room that led towards the gate.  But everything was sealed up.  Jim leads them both through the room and towards a cemented wall.  

Jim sighs as he eyes the wall, lifting a hand and smooths his palm over it.  Grumbling softly.  Solid still.  Not one crack.  He looks down at both women and sighs deeply at them.

"Nobody's home." He walks away and lets them both exam the wall.  

Joyce lifts a hand to feel it.  It almost seemed so hard to believe that it was sealed.  As if she was expecting something to burst out.

Jim turns and watches them, "All the cavities have been filled. I watched 'em do it, Joyce." He says. 

Amelia watches Joyce still thinks about the past.  Seeing Will in Upside Down.  Trapped in that cocoon and when he was possessed.  Amelia couldn't help but think of that feeling she always had when she saw this place.  This was a place of death.  

"It's over." Jim says and walks over towards Amelia, pulling her gently into his arms, "Okay, Babe? It's over." He says softly and holds her.  

Amelia sighs and feels his rough cheek on top of her head and snuggles against his chest, "Babe, I know it's over here...but you know me." She looks up at him as he lifts his head to look down at her, "I go with my feelings...and I really feel that something is wrong." 

Joyce moves and sits on a construction equipment, "I feel like I'm losing my mind." She scoffs. 

Jim and Amelia both look towards Joyce, "You're not losing your mind. Not any more than I am." He scoffs. 

"Or me." Amelia sighs.

"You know, the other day, I almost shot Betsy Payne's dog because it came rushing at me from behind this fence, and I... I swear to God, I thought it was one of those things." Jim sighs out. 

"It's true.  I had to stop him myself." Amelia says.

"And don't think I haven't been noticing that you haven't been getting much sleep lately." Jim says as he looks down at Amelia.  

Amelia sighs in guilt, it was true.  Since that night, she's been having nightmares about the lab.  Even sometimes she hears this...cold, dark voice calling out to her from the shadows.  

"Nightmares?" Joyce asks.

Amelia sighs and moves to sit next to her, "I keep seeing that Demo-dog dragging me through the hallways.  And... there are times when I hear someone calling out to me." 

Joyce frowns, "Jim?" She assumes.

Amelia shakes her head, "No, this voice is...darker...evil.  I always wake up in a cold sweat afterwards.  Only thing that could help me go back to sleep was being in Jim's arms." She chuckles softly and Jim gives her a crooked grin. 

With a soft grunt, Jim moves and sits in front of them, "You know that I'm keeping a close eye on things, right?" He asks Joyce. 

"Yeah." Joyce nods. 

"Because it's important to me. It is important to me that you feel safe. That you and your family feel safe.  As much as it's important to me that Amelia feels and is safe."

Joyce frowns at him, wondering where this was going.

"I want you to feel like this can still be your home." Jim says.  

Joyce sighs as she realizes where this was going.

Amelia wraps her arms around her shoulders and hugs her gently, "We understand you are moving in with Bob in California...but...we're gonna miss you and the boys so much." 

"I know.  But..." Joyce sighs deeply and places her hand over Amelia's.  "After everything that has happened...I nearly lost Bob because of all this, because of this place.  I nearly lost Will.  I can't.  I just can't do this anymore." Her voice cracks.  

Jim sighs, understanding how she felt, "After Sarah...I had to get away. I had to get the hell out of that place, you know? Outrun those, uh...those memories, I guess." He exhales heavily. "I mean, why do you think I ended up back in this shithole?" He scoffs. 

Amelia and Joyce both chuckle. 

"But you have something that I never had. You have people that know what you've been through. You have people that care about you. Right here. In Hawkins." He adds. 

"You mean...You mean, people like Scott Clark?" Amelia gives him a teasing frown. 

Jim glares at her, growling lowly until Amelia and Joyce both giggle.  Amelia covers her mouth, muffling her laughter. 

"That was a joke." Joyce states. 

Jim sighs, rolling his eyes in relief and chuckles softly.

"But do." Joyce says, smiling softly at him and Amelia.

Amelia smiles softly as she looks at Jim.  He reaches out and takes her hand in his, holding it gently in his grip.  

Suddenly, soft clanging was made in the distance, causing the three of them to jump in alert.  Amelia gasps and lets go of Jim as he gets to his feet. 

"What was that?" Amelia whispers. 

Jim heads for another door, shining his light through the pitch-black hallway.  He turns towards the women and holds a hand up at them. 

"Wait here."

"Be careful." Amelia says softly in worry.

Jim paces down the hallways as he hears the noises growing louder and soon begins to hear rattling.  He walks towards where the sounds were made and hears a door creaking. He grabs his gun from his side and cocks it in alert.  


Amelia moves to peek out the door. Watching in alert.  She gasps softly as she hears soft beeping and snaps her head up towards the sound.  


Joyce follows her eyes and gasps at the sight of a security camera.  It's light glowed through the darkness. 

"Someone's watching us." Amelia whispers. 

They both gasp as they hear the clanging again.  Amelia moves and heads towards the noise as Joyce holds on to her. 

"We're supposed to wait for Hopper." She whispers. 

"What if he gets hurt?" Amelia whispers and holds on to Joyce's hand as they catch up with Jim. 

"Don't leave me alone!" Joyce whispers and holds on to keep up. 

Jim made his way through a few offices and came across one door as the clanging became louder.  He draws his gun again and holds it up.

"This is Hawkins Chief of Police! Come out with your hands up!" He shouts. "You hear me? Hands up!"

He kicks the door open and storms inside, leaning on the door to scan around, making sure no one was here, but they were. Someone was.  The lighting flashes all around, lighting up the room.  He frowns as he sees the balcony door was open.  He moves towards the door and looks around.  All he could see was the pouring rain.  But...

Suddenly, someone grabs his from behind and knocks his gun out of his hands.  He grunts and shouts in pain as someone continues to punch him over and over into his back and side.  Tossing him around the room.  

Amelia rushes through the hallways and gasps as she hears the echoing of Jim's painful grunts and punches thudding.  

Jim shouts as he's forced face down on a table and grunts in pain as the punching continues.  He manages to break away and turns fast to backhand the attacker, but a fist comes flying into his face, knocking him to the floor.  Jim yelps in pain as the person kicks him over and over till he slams his foot into his face, knocking him out cold.  

Amelia rushes into the room and sees Jim on the floor, out cold as a huge man stood over him.  He gives her such a cold, death glare and paces towards her. 

Joyce rushes around the hallways, trying to find Amelia and Jim, "Hopper! Amelia!  Hopper!" 

Yelling in ancient Latin, Amelia throws her hands out and the man flies back with a shocked face as he's thrown through the glass window.  Joyce turns fast as she hears glass shattering and a man yelling.  She rushes towards the sound and hears Amelia's voice.

"Jim! Jim!" Amelia kneels next to him, cradling his face gently as she sees his busted lip and a bruise forming on his face.  "Oh, Jim." She strokes his cheek.  "Please, wake up, Grizzly." 

Joyce rushes into the room and gasps, "Oh, my god! What happened?"

"He got his ass kicked by the Terminator's stunt double." Amelia scoffs and gasps as they both jump at the sound of a motorcycle revving up and speeding away.  

Joyce rushes out of the balcony and manages to catch the sight of the license's pate.  

"Joyce!  Joyce!" Amelia calls out and watches Joyce run back inside, "Joyce, we gotta get him out of here.  He's really hurt." 

"How?  I dragging him out of here?" Joyce scoffs. "We need to call someone." 

"And we both get arrested for trespassing.  Brilliant, Joyce." Amelia scoffs sarcastically.  She sighs and turns towards a door, lifting her fingers into her mouth, she whistles.  

Meow...Meow! Theo comes rushing out and lets out a startled yowl at the sight of Jim on the floor.  Growling loudly, his body crunches and snaps as he transforms.  

"Hopper...hurt.  What happened?" He growls lowly.  

"He's very hurt and we need to get him home.  Can you carry him?" Amelia asks.

Growling softly, Theo moves and grunts as he throws Jim over his shoulder, "Heavy..."He grumbles.

Amelia rolls her eyes, "I know, I need to put him on a diet.  A very bad human hurt him, Theo.  We need to help Jim." 

Theo manages to carry Jim towards his truck and places him in the back.  Joyce searches for Jim's keys and starts it up while Amelia sits in the back with Jim's head in her lap.  Theo meows as he jumps into the truck in his cat form.  


Jim groans as he stirs from his sleep. His head was pounding, and his body felt like he was hit by a car.  He coughs softly and groans.  It hurt to even breathe.  He slowly begins to remember what happened.  He got his ass kicked.  He blinks a few times and squints to look at his surroundings.  The sun was up, the birds were singing.  And he was home in bed.  He lifts his head, but he hears an angel calling out to him. 

"Don't move so much.  Be careful." Amelia's voice echoes as she paces towards him, kneeling by his side.  

Once his vision clears, he sighs softly and smiles at the sight.  His beautiful love before him. 

"Amelia." He whispers lovingly. 

She smiles softly, "Hey." 

Suddenly, a wave of nausea hits him as bile begins to make its way up his throat.  Amelia scrambles to grab a pot as he begins to retch and helps him sit up.  

"Here. Here. Here." 

Jim coughs and vomits over and over into the pot.  Amelia grimaces and looks away.  She blows out a breath as he vomits more, even louder.  

"It's okay, Babe.  It's okay." She says softly. 

Grimacing, Jim falls back against the mattress and sighs as he wipes his mouth.  He groans and grunts in pain.  Placing the pot away and out of sight, Amelia holds a glass of water and some aspirin.

"Here." She hands him a few. 

"How long have I been out?" He grunts out as he takes the pills and swallows them down with some water. 

"A while." She sighs and gently touches his wounds, "You've been drifting in and out." 

Groaning softly, "Yeah, but how did I get here?" He asks. 

"Theo." She gives him a crooked smile.  "No way was Joyce and I able to get you home by ourselves." She scoffs. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Jim slowly sits up, "Some thug attacked me." 

"No, you need to rest." She tries to stop him.

He waves her off, "No, I'm fine."

"You're not fine, Jim."

"I'm fine, Babe.  I'm fine." He gets up and feels the sheets fall off his body.  He was naked!

Amelia exclaims and moves quickly to grab the sheets before Joyce could see what was hers, getting to her feet and uses her body as a shield.  Hopper grips the sheets and holds them against his privates.  Amelia couldn't help but giggle while Jim flushes in embarrassment. 

"Where's Joyce?" He mutters.

With a wave of her hand, Amelia makes the door shut, "Right outside.  Don't worry, she didn't see anything."

"Babe, where are my clothes?" He asks. 

"On the porch.  I think they're pretty much ruined." She winces.  "Don't worry.  I'm the one who undressed you.  I didn't want you to get sick." She sighs and reaches to cup his face, "I'm so glad you're okay." She caresses his cheeks, lightly brushing over his bruises and cuts.

Jim scoffs, "I don't feel okay.  I feel like I got hit by a train." He grunts. 

"A very big one." She remarks sarcastically.

He frowns down at her, "You saw him?"

"Oh, definitely." She moves away and grabs a notepad.  It had a drawing of a man. The very same man who kicked his ass.  

Jim frowns at the picture, "You drew the Terminator?" 

Amelia glares at him, "No, I drew the guy who attacked you.  He was dressed in black, tall, spiky hair.  He carried...really rough features.  Like..."

"The Terminator?"

"Babe..." She scoffs and turns towards the door and quickly wrap the sheets around him before the door opened. 

"Oh, thank god.  Are you okay?" Joyce says as she rushes inside.  

"I need a beer." He grunts and heads towards the kitchen.

Amelia sighs and follows him with Joyce, "Babe, you need to rest. No alcohol."

Jim grumbles and gets a beer anyway, "Did you see the guy?" He asks Joyce. 

"No...I-I... we were hoping that you might have recognized him." Joyce stammars.

He reaches the fridge and pulls out a beer, shaking his head, "Well, I didn't get a good look." He frowns at them, muttering sarcastically. 

"Well, I mean, he's gotta be government, right?" Joyce states. 

Amelia nods, "Yeah, but if he's government, what's he doing slinking around?" She hugs herself. 

"W-Why is he running?" Joyce stutters. 

"You know, why didn't we find anything down there?" Jim scoffs as he heads back to the bedroom to find himself some clean clothes. 

"Let's ask him." Joyce smirks as she holds up a note pad with random numbers and letters, including dashes.

Jim and Amelia both look at it.  He takes it and frowns at it, "What is that?"

"His license plate." Joyce says.

"So, you remember it?" Amelia asks, impressed, but she stops and frowns as she leans in close to Jim to read it better, "What are the dashes?" She asks. 

"Well, they're blanks. There was I think it was either an H or a P with the part rubbed off. And there was definitely a Y. For sure. And that, I think, was a B, but it could've been an eight. And that..." Joyce stammers.

Jim shoves the notepad back to Joyce with a snort, "I think you should stick to sales."

"Can't you run a search or something?" Joyce scoffs with hope as Jim shuts the door in their faces. 

He snorts behind the door, "I just think you have to lower your expectations. I mean, this is a state government agency. Gonna take weeks before they find a match."

"Weeks?" Joyce exclaims. 

"He's not kidding. That is, if we're lucky." Amelia sighs and rubs her head. 

"And, I mean, what are the odds that this guy registers a car in his own name?" He scoffs behind the door, getting dressed in his date night clothes since those were the only clean ones he had right now. 

"It wasn't a car, Babe." Amelia says. 

Jim frowns, freezing at her words as something snaps in his head like a lightbulb, he stomps towards the door, dressed in his light blue jeans and Hawaiian floral shirt.  He yanks the door open and frowns at them both. 

Joyce stifles a laugh and clears her throat to cover it up, "Uh, what are you wearing?" She asks. 

"What do you mean it wasn't a car?" He asks. 

"It was a motorcycle. I could hear the engine from across the parking lot." Amelia states and frowns as she watches Jim think deep.  "What is it?"

He looks up at her, "When I went to see Kline, there was this guy...he carried a biker helmet.  I didn't see his face, just the motorcycle helmet.  Was it black?"

"Yes! It was a black helmet." Joyce says. 

Amelia gasps softly, "I saw Kline talking to a guy at the fairgrounds.  He had a black leather jacket and a black biker helmet." 

Jim grits his teeth, "Let's go talk to that hot dog guy." He grabs his keys and badge as he storms towards the door with Amelia with Joyce following behind them. 

"Hot dog guy?" Joyce frowns in confusion as she shuts the door. 

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