Chapter 35: Hey Murray

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Amelia walks towards Joyce while she was getting a quarter out of her pockets. Amelia places her bag down and pulls a quarter from her pocket.

Joyce sighs, "Thanks." She begins to dial Karen's number.

"Joyce, they're okay. Trust me." Amelia sighs and leans on the payphone.

"I know, but I just want to hear his voice." Joyce says with a sad smile. "I tried calling the house, no one answered. I tried Dustin's, Lucas', and now, Karen's. Did El say where they were?" She asks with a curious frown.

Amelia shakes her head, "No, just letting me know that we got trouble in Hawkins. I'm worried, too."

"Oh, hey, Karen, it's Joyce. Yeah, I...I'm just checking on Will." Joyce says as she finally hears Karen's voice over the phone, she frowns as she listens, "At the movies?"

Amelia looks over her shoulder and sees Jim dragging out Alexei, who was slurping loudly on a slushie, while carrying another bag of items he purchased.

"Just keep your mouth shut, all right?" She hears him whisper loudly in Alexei's ear.

She frowns as she watches him head towards a car that belonged to a guy, who clearly watches a lot of Miami Vice. She watches the man yell at Jim. Basically, demanding him why he was putting his 'buddy' in the back of his car.

Joyce looks over as she hears the loud talking, covering the phone, "What is he doing?" She asks.

Amelia sighs and rubs her head, "I think he just got us a car...very illegally. We better go over there." She says as she begins to walk over, but stops and turns back to grab the phone from Joyce.

"Hey, Karen?"

"Amelia? Hi, I was just about to ask Joyce if she've seen you. Listen, I tried to go by the shop, but you were closed. Did you managed to get everything for the BBQ this afternoon?" Karen asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm not there. Something came up. But everything is ready. I keep a spare key in a fake rock by porch light at the shop. Everything you need is in the chiller. Again, I apologize that I can't be the one to deliver it."

"Oh, that's okay. Just as long as everything is ready. Ted will be happy to come and pick it all up."

"I what?" Amelia hears Ted's annoyed voice and Karen hushes him.

"Thank you so much again, Amelia." Karen says.

"No problem. Bye now. Here's Joyce." Amelia says and gives the phone back to Joyce while she turns and heads towards Jim who was arguing with the car owner.

Joyce was cutting the phone call short, "Uh...okay. Thanks, Karen. I'll call back later. Please, let him know I'm trying to reach him. Thank you. Bye."

Amelia frows as she hears the two men talking while Alexei was happily slurping down his drink.

"Todd." Todd, the car owner, mutters with a deep frown.

"Todd, listen to me." Jim says and points at Alexei, "That man in there, I know he doesn't look it, but he is one of the most dangerous men in the world."

Amelia stifles a giggle and walks up towards the men as she clears her throat, "He's very right, sir." She says behind them, startling Todd. She straightens her pose to seem professional. "He's...murdered many children." She stutters, trying to look disturbed.

Todd frowns at them both in shock, "What?!"

Jim's brows lift high in surprise that she was helping him, "Yeah, he's a true psychopath. I tracked him over two state lines." He says.

Joyce walks over towards them with a confused look, "Hey, what's going on?"

"Ah, Detective Byers. Detective Holloway." Jim says, giving Joyce a look to go with it.

Joyce stammers and places a hand on her hip, looking tough, "Uh..."

"This is Todd. He's agreed to lend us his vehicle to transport our dangerous criminal." Jim says, introducing them both to the very confused car owner.

"Oh, yes, he very dangerous, uh, forger er. Yeah." Joyce stutters.

Amelia groans softly, "Uh, child murderer." She mutters at Joyce.

"Child murderer?" Joyce frowns.

Alexei simply watched them all, no idea what was being said and sends the man a smile while sipping his Slurpee.

"We should really get going." Jim urges them both into the car. Joyce sits in the back with Alexei while Amelia sits in the front seat.

"Come on, 'Detective' Theo." Amelia calls out.

Todd frowns and yelps as Theo jumps into the car with a loud meow, settling on her lap. Todd stutters, "Hey, how do I get my car back?"

"You just call the station." Jim says as he gets into the driver's seat.

"What station?" Todd frowns.

Jim starts up the car and the radio blasts heavy metal music, "Ooh, I like the sound of that, Todd!" Jim grins.

"Hey, what station?" Todd asks again.

"You're doing the right thing!" Amelia calls out as Jim speeds away, tires squealing loudly behind them.

"Hey, what the..." Todd yells and chases after them, but stops, "Hey! Dude!" He was so confused with what just happened. He rushes into the gas station to report his car stolen.


It felt so good being off her feet while Jim drives them all towards his mysterious source. She could feel a dark cloud following them. She knew it was the thug. He was getting closer, and it terrified her. She sighs and pets Theo as he snuggles on her lap. Soon, they finally arrive to...a warehouse?

" this where your mysterious acquaintance is?" Amelia asks.

"Yeah. This is the place." Jim sighs and parks the car. The warehouse was surrounded by a gate. Junk covered the yard.

"Come on, let's go. Move it." Jim says as he urges Alexei out of the car and slams the car door shut.

"I thought you said this guy was a journalist." Joyce frowns in confusion of the state of his living arrangements.

"Yeah, he, uh he was." Jim mutters and holds on to Alexei as he heads towards the metal door that had an intercom next to her. He presses down on the button as it makes a loud buzzing sound.

"Was?" Amelia stutters as she holds a hand up in confusion.

Suddenly, a very familiar voice speaks through the intercom, "Look at the camera."

Jim frowns in confusion and leans closer to find the camera, but the voice grows irritated.

"The camera, above you to the right."

Amelia pats Jim's shoulder and turns to point at the camera up in the corner. Joyce awkwardly waves at the camera while Amelia frowns, knowing that voice so well.

"Wait a minute. Murray?! Is that you?" She exclaims.

"Identify yourselves."

Jim sighs, "Jim Hopper, Amelia Holloway, Joyce Byers, Smirnoff." He says, gripping Alexei's face.

"Alexei." "Alexei." The women say.

Jim rolls his eyes, "Alexei."


"I don't know." Jim shrugs.

"Family name!" Murray shouts.

"Yeah, I know. I told I don't know, okay? Open the damn door!" Jim shouts.

Amelia places a calming hand on his arm, "Babe. Calm down. Please." She looks up at the camera, "Murray, please, we've come a long way and we're very tired. We're being hunted by a Russian Terminator Wannabe. Please, for the love of the Goddess above, please let us in." She sighs deeply.

Soon, it went quiet and Joyce was growing worried, "Uh, Hopper."

"It's all right. Don't worry. He's a little bit eccentric, but he's completely harmless." Jim assures them both.

Suddenly, the door yanks open and a shotgun was pointed right in Alexei's face. Joyce gasps as Jim shouts in surprise, holding Amelia behind his back.


"Name." Murray demands, glaring at Alexei.

Alexei grits his teeth at Murray, "Get that out of my face, you bald American pig." He says in Russian.

Murray smirks at him. "I may be bald, but you're the one in handcuffs, Soviet scum." He laughs and looks over towards Jim and Amelia. "Hi, Jim. Hey, Amelia. Sorry about that. Can't be too careful." He continues to glare at Alexei and jerks his shotgun, "Move it." He demands and leads them all inside.

Big band music was playing in the background while Murray shows them all inside his home. Keeping his eyes on Alexei. Once they were at the entrance of his living room, he turns and stops them all.

"Wait." He says and turns to open a storage locker. He pulls out a geiser counter with a homemade metal detector attached to it, including jumper cables. He walks over towards them as it beeps loudly and whines. Theo meows in curiosity as he watches Murray begin to scan the device all over Alexie, it beeps as it moves over his body and beeps loudly at the cuffs, but he jerks away when he reaches his privates, afraid of what affects it could cause to his reproductive system.

"Watch it." Alexei exclaims in Russian.

"Silence, scum." Murray replies back.

Jim sighs, "How long is this gonna take, because I..."

"No." Murray cuts him off.

"No." Jim frowns, echoing his words.

"No. No, you do not get to question me." Murray states, tapping Jim's chest with the device. "You have dragged an enemy of the state into my home as carelessly as a child drags in shit on his shoe. I will search him until I am satisfied." He declares and continues to search him.

Joyce was growing impatient as well as Amelia and Jim were. But Jim had to have faith that Murray could get him to talk and tell them everything they needed to know.

"Jim. C'mere." Joyce clears her throat and pulls Amelia with her as she calls for Jim to follow them. "Just c'mere. I need to talk to you."

"Yeah, what?" Jim asks as she leads them towards the other side of the room.

"What is it?" Amelia asks as she stands next to Jim.

"This is not gonna work." Joyce scoffs.

"What do you mean?" Jim frowns.

"He's not eccentric, he's certifiable." Jim says as they watch how Murray was being.

"Okay, I gotta admit, this is a little bit further than 'lights on and nobody's home'." Amelia says. "But at least, he speaks Russian. That's a plus."

"Exactly." Jim nods and looks over towards Murray, who continues to scan his so-called device over Alexei. "Glass houses, Joyce."


"You know, pot calling the kettle black." Jim says.

"Oh, come on." Joyce scoffs, rolling her eyes and moves away.

"We just need to grin and bear it so he can tell us what these assholes are doing." Amelia states. "But we're really running out of time here." She says.

"I know, Babe. Let's just let him scan down Smirnoff and we'll get all we need." Jim states.

"Excuse me!" Murray calls out.

"What?" Jim says in annoyance.

"Do me a favor and move your lovers' quarrel elsewhere." Murray remarks.

"Oh, shut up, Murray." Jim glares at him.

"Spare me!"

Amelia stomps towards him, "What is your problem?"

"Please, stop talking!" Murray shouts at her.

Joyce gets in his face, "No! We have had a very long day. We have been shot at, nearly blown up, walked God knows how many miles in a hundred-degree heat, stole a car, all while being chased by this gigantic psychopath, all so we could bring him to you." Joyce pokes Alexie's and Murray's chests as she continues to vent out on them. "Because somehow, you're the closest person who speaks Russian, which I can't believe. But that doesn't matter because, unfortunately, we're here. So, if you don't mind, put that thing away, stop behaving like a jackass, and ask him what he's doing that's making my magnets fall off my damn fridge!" She yells and everyone grows quiet. "Please." She adds and shoves his device out of her way to stomp off.

Amelia and Jim look at Joyce in shock but impressed that she managed to shut Murray up. Amelia couldn't help but giggle as Jim makes Alexei walk into the living room.


Alexei speaks in Russian towards Murray as they have a short conversation. Jim explains to Murray to translate everything he says to Alexei, but this wasn't going to be easy.

"He says he's hungry and demands to have an American cheeseburger." Murray says Alexei's demands as he continues in Russian. "Two American Cheeseburgers, extra ketchup. Large fries. And smokes. And an extra-large Slurpee. Cherry."

Jim glares at Alexei, who simply smirks at Jim, "Tell him I don't have time to do his little shopping trip. We need to know what his buddies are doing in Hawkins, if he wants to stay alive, he will tell us everything."

"Jim, these guys are determined and committed to their country. It's gonna take a hell of a lot of effort to get a Russian to talk." Murray states.

Amelia rubs her face, "Jim, just do it. I don't want to argue or fight. Just give him what he wants."

Gritting his teeth, Jim grunts and gets to his feet, "Fine. Should I get anyone else something?" He asks sarcastically.

Joyce holds up a finger as well as Amelia and Murray do the same. Jim grumbles, regretting his words.

Amelia gets to her feet, "I'll go with you. I remember seeing a Burger King on the way here." She sighs and points at everyone, "Joyce, whopper with the works, small fries and small diet coke. Murray, double whopper, no bacon. large onion rings, and Dr. Pepper."

Murray stutters, "Uh," He holds a finger up at her with a deep confused frown.

Joyce places her hand on his finger, making him put it down, "It's a long story."

Jim rubs his head, his headache coming and going as he drives Amelia and himself towards the Burger King. He goes up to the drive-thru and parks behind a car. Waiting for their turn. He groans softly and rubs the bridge of his nose again. Amelia sighs, feeling bad for her poor grizzly. She scoots and gets into the backseat.

Jim frowns, "What are you doing?" He watches her sit behind him and feels her fingers press against temples of his head, circling clockwise. He begins to moan as she massages his head. "Oh, that feels great." He feels his body relax for the first time in the last couple of days.

"Can never stand to watch you suffer, even if it's just a headache." She says softly.

"Mmm, this has been a rough adventure, hasn't it?" He scoffs.

"I think it's been more rough on you than me and Joyce." She moves her hands down to the back of his neck and shoulders, feeling him grunt in bliss as she gives him a massage.

"Oh, yeah, I needed that. Oh!" He shouts as his shoulders pop and sighs. "God, I needed that."

"My Goddess, you're so stiff. No wonder you've been so moody. And I know you're still hurting after dealing with that giant." She pushes down on one spot, making another part of his body pop.

Jim grunts out a groan, then it turns into a long moan, "Ohhhh, that feels so much better."

She looks up as she sees the car in front of them begins to move. He protests as she gets back into the seat next to him, "Babe, we're next." She points and gets comfy, "When we get home, I promise to give you lots of massages." She gives him a gentle smile.

Jim chuckles and lifts his hand to cup her cheek, "When's the last time I told you 'I love you'?"

Amelia scoffs, "Three days ago."

They both chuckle as he drives up towards the speaker and looks over the menu. "Welcome to Burger King. May I take your order?"

"Uhh, Babe, what do you want?" Jim asks.

Amelia leans in close to speak towards the box, "Hi, can I have a double cheese whopper, no tomatoes, and medium fries, please." She looks at Jim, "The Slurpee sounds so good." She says softly.

Jim snorts and looks over the menu, "Uh, I'll have a triple cheese whopper, large fries, and large coke." He looks at Amelia, "What was the other stuff?" He frowns.

"One whopper with everything, small fries, small diet coke. One double whopper with no bacon with large onion rings and a medium Dr. Pepper. Two cheese whoppers with extra ketchup, and large fries. That'll be all." Amelia says.

After rounding everything up, Jim pulls up and loads up the car with the food and takes off to find the nearest 7-11 since the cops will be at the one where they just stole the Cadillac.

Jim grits his teeth when they finally find one that was several miles away from the Burger King. He grunts and gets into the car after getting the Slurpees and smokes while Amelia stayed in the car. Jim sighs as they finally made it back to Murray's. Amelia takes his hand, gently giving him a supporting grip.

"Hey, just breathe, Grizzly. We're going to get through this guy." She says softly.

Jim looks at her, so beautiful and calm, but he can't help but eye that bruise around her neck. It made him angry and guilty because he couldn't protect her. He takes his hand out of her grip and reaches to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb gently over her skin. So soft. He leans closer and kisses her lips softly, sweetly. He sighs as she feels her kiss back. So sweet. He wasn't sure how long the kiss lasted, but it felt like an eternity since they last shared a nice kiss like this. Resting his head against hers as the kiss breaks, he breathes her into his soul, relaxing slowly.

Together, they get out of the car, gathering all the food and head back inside as Murray lets them both in. Amelia helps Jim set everything down while he presents Alexei's food.

"Two Whoppers, extra ketchup, large fry, pack of Marlboro Reds, and one extra-large Slurpee. Burger King is nowhere near the 7-Eleven, by the way." Jim grumbles at Murray.

Murray shrugs as he digs into his own food, "Never said it was." He munches on an onion ring.

Jim grunts and sits in a chair in front of Alexei, who takes a Slurpee from Amelia as she hands it to him, "Let's try this again." He sighs. "Joyce." He lets her ask her questions first.

"Alexei, the generators, what are they powering?" Joyce asks.

"And tell him that we know it is not the Starcourt Mall, so he can stop selling us that crap." Jim states.

Alexei takes a sip from his Slurpee and grimace in disgust as Murray begins to question him, "Those generators you were working on, what are you powering? We know it's not the mall."

"This tastes like shit...ugh, strawberry." Alexei groans.

"What'd he say?" Amelia asks.

"He says, 'It's strawberry'." Murray says.

Everyone frowns at him and Alexei, "I'm sorry?" Jim scoffs at him.

"His Slurpee. He says it's strawberry." Murray says.

"So what?"

Amelia sighs and looks over at Jim, "Why didn't you get cherry?" She asks.

"Well, they didn't have cherry. They didn't have it. And it doesn't matter, because it all tastes the same, okay? It is sugar on ice. You tell him." Jim states."

"Tell him what?" Murray snorts.

"You tell him that it all tastes the ***damn same!" Jim shouts.

"Jim!" Amelia seethes and holds her hands up, trying to calm him down.

Murray scoffs and holds his hands up, 'let me handle this', and turns to face Alexei again, "It's all the same. Sugar on ice. No difference."

Alexei scoffs and points at Jim while speaking to Murray, "Tell that stupid man it is not the same in the slightest, and I would like the cherry I requested." He demanded.

Murray sighs, "It's not the same at all, and he would like...cherry."

Jim chuckles humorlessly, "Oh, yeah? You tell him he can forget it." Jim states.

Amelia sighs and reaches down to pick up Theo, Joyce looks over and her eyes go wide. She shakes her head vigorously, worried what Theo could do to their only source of answers.

Murray turns back to speak to Alexei, "He says forget it. No cherry."

"No cherry, no deal." Alexei laughs, thinking he had the upper hand.

"No cherry, no deal." Murray translates.

Jim smacks his lips, losing his patience with Alexeis' bullshit.

"Yeah." Murray nods.

"Hey, Babe." Amelia speaks up, stopping him from laying his hands on Alexei, "How about I introduce Alexei to Theo." She smirks.

Jim, suddenly, had a wicked smile growing on his face, "Oh-ho-ho, please. Please, introduce him." He chuckles, dying to see this.

Murray frowns in confusion as Amelia gets up, holding on to her cat, "What's so funny about him meeting a cat?"

"Translate for me, will you, Murray? Please?" Amelia asks sweetly, too sweet for Murray to like.

"Uh...okay?" He frowns.

Amelia holds up Theo, "Now, Alexei, listen to me very carefully." She says and Murray repeats what she says in Russian. "This is Theo. He's my most best friend in all worlds. You see, before he lived this world. He was actually a demon from the Underworld. An outcast. They all treated him like he was nothing. Until I came a long and saved his life. He's my companion. Sure, we do get on each other's nerves. But we're closer than friends. Hell, we consider each other as family. And Theo here...he'll do anything to protect his family. Now, if you don't tell us everything that we need to know, he's gonna transform and show you what he can do to you. He can become 8 feet tall, rip your stomach out...and slurp down your innards like they were spaghetti." She snorts as she begins to think, "Why even protecting those people anyway? I that you're with us...that makes you a traitor towards your people...even if you didn't tell us anything...they'll still kill you. No matter what you say. Like it or're one of us and we're the best chance you got to surviving."

Alexei grows quiet as Murray frowns at her after he finishes translating for her. Suddenly, Alexei bursts into laughter. Thinking she was kidding. Amelia chuckles and laughs humorlessly with him. Murray, Jim, and Joyce joins in, but Joyce sounded very uncomfortable as she gets up and begins to hide behind her chair as Jim does the same, carrying a knowing grin. Murray and Alexei slowly begin to stop laughing as they watch them hide.

Amelia gives him a wicked grin, "Oh, Theodore...time to play." She sing-songs.

Theo snarls as his head begins to twist till it was upside down, his bones crack loudly. Alexei scrambles to get up as Murray yelps in shock. Jim rushes to stop Murray from grabbing his shotgun.

"Don't even think about it." He glares down at him.

Amelia slowly puts Theo down to continue to transform. Alexei falls backwards, whimpering at the sight of the black cat slowly transforming into a bigger, ferocious being. A tall demon-like being with long arms. Long sharp claws. Theo growls as he stalks towards Alexei. Hissing softly, Theo watches Alexei back further away till his back slams into the wall with a loud thud. He whimpers as hot tears fall down his face as he stares into the creature's face.

Amelia moves and stands next to Theo, crossing her arms over her chest, "Murray, translate, please."

Murray continues to stare at the creature until Jim snaps his fingers in his face, "Focus, Murray." Jim says.

"Alexei." Amelia says and Murray translates in a shuddering voice, "Theo won't hurt you...unless you're a friend. You know I'm telling the truth about the consequences if that 7 foot Russian catches you. He will kill you. We can offer sanctuary."

"Bullshit we are." Murray scoffs.

Theo snaps his head at him and snarls, making him shout in fear, struggling to reach for his gun, but Jim continues to hold him away from the gun.

"Easy, Murray. Theo is a good guy. To friends." Jim states.

"Keep going, Murray." Amelia says and looks back at Alexei. "So...what do you say, Alexei? Friend...or foe?"

Alexei trembles in fear, thinking hard about what she said as he hears what the one called Murray translates. He looks over towards the creature, who growls softly, but lowly.

Theo purrs, "Friend...?"

Murray jaw drops, "Holy shit, it talks."

Theo growls and speaks Russian...making them all look at him in shock.

"You asshole! You never told me you could speak Russian." Amelia glares at Theo.

Theo growls and snorts with a shrug, "You never...asked." He hisses.

Amelia rolls her eyes and waits for Alexei to answer. Muttering, Alexei gives them his answer.

"I'm sorry, what did he say?" Joyce asks as she gets up from her hiding spot.

"He says he likes strawberry, too." Murray says, translating.

Amelia grins and takes Alexei's hand, slowly guiding it towards Theo. Alexei whimpers, but Amelia holds it tight, "It's ok. He won't hurt you."

Murray was about to speak, but Theo speaks in Russian, making Alexei and Maury frown. But soon, Alexei relaxes and watches Theo take his hand. Giving it a soft handshake.

"Friend..." Theo hisses and repeats in Russian.

Theo turns and walks towards Murray, who tries to run away but Jim holds him back, practically shoving Murray towards him.

"Jim, you son of a bitch! Let me go!" Murray mutters.

"Easy. He's not gonna hurt you. Right, Theo?" Jim says.

" not hurt...friends. Murray...Alexei....friends." Theo hisses softly.

Murray mutters, nodding in agreement, "Yeah. Friends." He holds a finger up at Amelia, Joyce, and Jim, "How come none of you freaked out about this?"

"Hmm, long story short...I'm a witch." Amelia says simply as Theo translates for Alexei.

"Oh...a witch...that explains it." Murray chuckles humorlessly, "YOU'RE A WITCH?!" He shouts, his voice echoing loudly throughout the bunker.

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