Chapter 54: Disposable Heros

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While the others were heading towards the Creel property, Eddie, Dustin, and Psy prepared themselves to become the distraction for the army of bats. Eddie brought tools from their world and used everything around them to block every entrance the bats could get inside the trailer. Psy carries boards towards Eddie and Dustin and helps out with boarding the windows. He holds a board up and takes a nail, and uses his fist to slam the nail through the wood.

Eddie and Dustin watched in wonder and shock. Dustin's eyes widen as Psy continues to pound the nails into the wood. He looks up and sees the two humans staring at him in wonder. He snorts and moves away from them to continue to seal up the trailer. Eddie moves and continues to work on a few areas of the trailer.

"Is Psy your true name or is it short for something?" Dustin asks as he moves to stand by the demon.

Psy looks down at the human, chuckling at how brave he was. But he and his friends did go against creatures in the past, "My full name is Phineas Sirius Yolando. P-S-Y. Shorten due to my psychotic tendencies." He grins wickedly down at Dustin, who flinches in fear. He chortles and pats Dustin's arm. "Have no worries, little human. I'm only crazy in battle. And Theo would kill me if I harm any of his friends. I have to admit, I'm a tad jealous. Now I see why Theo likes you so much. And the one called Hair-Boy."

Dustin frowns at him, "Why jealous?"

Psy shrugs, "A demon to have human friends is a very rare opportunity. And forbidden to many. You humans react before thinking when it comes down to meeting beings you fear and don't understand. And the reaction is never good." He sighs, "But...I do wonder sometimes what it would be like to co-exist with humans. To have friends besides Thud and Theo."

"Well, you got more." Dustin states and pats the demon's arm.

Psy frowns and looks down at the hand on his arm. Dustin snatches it away and clears his throat.

"Friends, I mean. All you have to do is just ask. I'll be happy to be your friend." Dustin grins.

Psy snorts, "You're a very weird one." Chuckling as Dustin's face falls, "I like it." He pats his back, making his grin come back. "Now, I see why Thud likes you as well. Though, I do sense that others find you annoying at times. And I can see're not a bad...for a human."

Dustin frowns, "Um, thanks. I think. And you're not bad either...for a demon."

Psy grins and chuckles as he moves to yank a chain-link fence out of the ground and Dustin helps him nail it to the trailer.

Eddie drills the last screw and the three of them stood before the secured trailer, covered with boards and metals that sealed every entrance they could see. Thunder booms in the sky, igniting it with blood red lighting in the background.

"Not bad." Eddie smirks at the sight.

"Not bad at all." Dustin shares a grin with Eddie.

Psy crosses his arms over his chest, "I agree. Looks stable enough to keep those bats occupied." He nods.

Eddie chuckles and pats Dustin's arm in triumph, "Now for the fun part."

The three of them rush into the trailer and into Eddie's room. Dustin and Eddie freeze at the sight.

"Jesus Chr..." Dustin whispers while Eddie lets out a whimper. Both of them admire the beauty of Eddie's guitar. Upside Down guitar. It was even more beautiful than the real one he had in his room in their world.

Eddie slowly approaches it, "It's like... she was destined for an alternate dimension." He gasps and reaches out to take it, "What do you say, gentlemen?" When he removes the guitar, the strings let out a beautiful sound, like angels singing. "Are you two ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?" Eddie asks.

"That a rhetorical question?" Dustin scoffs.

"Only one question from me. Got another?" Psy asks.

"You can play the guitar?" Eddie asks.

"Thud has comics, I have music." Psy says as he points his thumb at himself with a grin.

Eddie amps up with an excited grin, "Let's do it." He slings the guitar strap over his shoulder and throws his guitar over his back as he rushes to another room that carried old guitars and they were just as beautiful as the one in his room.

Eddie hands him one and a pick, but Psy scoffs and wiggles his clawed hands, "Don't need it." He begins to do a guitar riff that had Eddie and Dustin looking at him in shock and awe. He mimics the famous Randy Rhodes lick, making Eddie exclaim. Psy smirks as he ends it.

"Holy shit!" Dustin exclaims.

Eddie broshakes him, "Dude, that was awesome!"

Psy chuckles, "Come on. Got a concert to do for Mr. Vecna."

The three of them move to gather everything they need to set up on top of the trailer.


Deep in the woods, Nancy, Robin, Theo, and Steve walked carefully, avoiding the vines to sent Vecna the alert of their presence. Theo scans around, making sure no surprises were in store for them in the shadows. He growls softly, shinning his feline eyes all around the darkness. Hearing the thunder clap above them, mixing with the sound of chittering in the distance.

"Uh... I don't mean to freak anyone out, but I swear we've seen this tree before." Robin says nervously.

Nancy frowns and shines her light over the tree where Robin stood by, "That's impossible."

"That would suck, right? If Vecna destroyed the world because... 'cause we got lost in the woods?" Robin scoffs.

"We're not lost, Robin." Nancy states and looks over towards Theo, "Right?"

Theo snorts and looks around, "We're drawing...close. I can sense...Vecna...near. His bat army." He snarls softly.

Robin chuckles nervously and begins to pace through the woods to scout ahead, but Nancy calls out, trying to stop her.

"Robin, hey. Watch out for the vines!" Nancy exclaims.

"Hive mind!" Theo growls. "Remember?" He says as he paces to catch up with her.

"Thank you!" Nancy scoffs.

Theo scoffs and looks behind him, watching Nancy and Steve chat back and forth, chuckling at their conversation. He growls softly in curiosity and moves close to catch what they were talking about. Hiding behind a tree as they both stop.

"I really shouldn't laugh. When I was a baby, I actually crawled backwards." Steve snorts.

"Crawled backwards?" Nancy frowns.

"You know, I'd push with my hands like this. Beep. Beep. Always in reverse, you know? Come on, it makes sense. You push to move, right?" Steve says.

"No, no, it doesn't make sense." Nancy laughs in disbelief.

"Well, it did to my tiny little Harrington brain. That is, until I reversed my baby butt down a flight of stairs and thumped my head really good. Yeah." Steve scoffs.

Theo drops his head against the tree, snorting softly in laughter, he could actually see that.

"Wow. That explains so much."

"Yeah." Steve chuckles, "I think it kinda does. I think, like, right out of the gate, like, I'm super confident. But I'm also, like, an idiot. Which is just... I mean, it's a brutal combination. But, I mean, the good news is, I get a big enough thump on my head, I can change, you know? I can learn. I can crawl forward. Listen, I guess what I'm trying to say in a really stupid, roundabout way is, um..." Steve stops and clicks his tongue, " thank you."

Nancy frowns in confusion, "Thank me?"



"For giving my head the biggest thump of its life two years ago. I needed it. It's changed my life. And now I'm crawling forward. Slowly. I just wonder sometimes... you know, if... some other girl had given me a proper thump before we'd met, would things have been different? Like, if we were meeting together for the first time right now, part of me... I dunno, part of me thinks we would've made it." Steve sighs. If they don't make it out of this, he wanted her to know how much she still means to him.


"Remember the dream I told you about? About the Winnebago? Seeing the country with my six lil' nuggets? It's all true. Every last word. But I left one part out. It's the most important part. You're there. You've always been there." He states.

Nancy's breath catches in her throat, she didn't know what to say. That was so beautiful. And it's a wonderful dream. To go on trips with the family and children. Be free from it all. To be with Steve.

"Hey, guys!"

The three of the snap their heads up towards Robin, who was rushing back to them breathlessly, "You guys! Awesome news! Looks like we weren't going the wrong way after all." She grins.

Theo sighs and walks out of his hiding spot, "Robin...bad timing." He growls annoyingly.

Robin frowns and Nancy and Steve glare at him for spying on them. Theo snorts and shrugs.

"What? What did I do?" Robin frowns at Nancy and Steve.

Nancy shakes her head, "Nothing. What did you find?" She asks.

"Come on. Let's go!" Robin urges them all to follow her.

"Okay. Ro... Slow down! Ro... Robin!" Steve calls out as he rushes to catch up with her.

Nancy moves to stand next to Theo, holding a warning finger at him, "One word. Just one word, Theo." She threatens.

Theo was laughing in snorts, looking down at the human woman as she glares at him with a cold look, "You entertaining." He drops his face to a serious look and places a clawed hand on her shoulder, " Don't...get...hurt." He growls.

Nancy sighs, taking in his words.

The two of them rush to catch up with Steve and Robin, skidding to a halt as they slide down a ditch and look beyond them. Just several feet away from them...was Vecna's house, covered in a swarm of bats. They looks over towards the playground and sees a soft glowing form in the rusted down rocket.

Robin sighs, "Erica."

They all rush to hide under the rocket, being as close as they can be to their source of communication.


Back in Russia, Jim, Amelia, Joyce, and Murray took the truck and drove back towards the jail. As Jim got closer to the security cottage, Amelia frowns when she notices that no one was there.

"Where are the guards?" She asks.

"Maybe this'll be easier than we thought." Jim says as he frowns, looking over the small station, seeing the lights were on and the door was wide open.

"I don't know, Jim. I got a bad feeling about this." Murray says nervously as he looks out the window with Joyce.

A cold feeling rolls down Amelia's spine, making her shiver in fear, "You're not the only one." She says and looks over towards Jim with worry, "Something's wrong."

Jim didn't like that tremble in her voice, she was seriously scared. And, to be honest, so was he. As he keeps on driving, passing the guard's station...missing the sounds of men screaming on the radios and ferocious growling mixed with gunfire.

Using a crowbar, Jim managed to get the manhole cover off, where they previously escaped out of. Seeing that it was their only way back into the prison. Murray moves to get down first, then with Jim and Joyce's help, they all lower Amelia down carefully.

"You got her, Murray?" Jim calls out.

"Yeah, I got her." Murray grunts as he kept his arms wrapped around her legs and carefully lowers her to the ground as they let her go. Jim helps Joyce down next and then himself, but before his upper body goes inside, he freezes at the sound of gunfire in the distance. He breathes heavily in fear as he hears the creatures snarl loudly from the prison. He could see lights flickering in several areas. He lets out a harsh breath and grunts as he moves down into the sewers. He grips the straps of the flamethrower that rests on his back and clicks on his flashlight.

"Let's go." Jim says and looks down at Amelia, "Stay close to me. All times." He states.

Amelia nods and sighs as he reaches and takes her hand, holding it tight as they walk through the tunnels, back to the prison.


Enzo lights up a small cigar and exhales softly as he continues to keep his eye on Yuri. Norman stood near to help. Enzo looks up at Norman in curiosity.

"Do you know Russian?" He asks.

Norman looks down at the human with an arched brow, "I know every language in all corners of the world. Most demons, especially the younger ones, think of it as a waste of time. Youth." He snorts.

Enzo chuckles, impressed with the demon, "And here I thought demons were evil creatures that loved to cause chaos on humans. Destruction towards mankind. Yet, you fight for it."

Norman sighs, "Like all humans, all life in every world...there's balance. If balance is disturbed, there won't be a world anymore. No life. Many demons love to terrorize. To kill and destroy. I admit, so do I...but...Amelia is a friend. My family has co-existed with hers for many generations. I only like to kill those who deserve it..." He looks over towards Yuri, "And wormy humans."

Enzo scoffs and shares a laugh with Norman. He exhales a cloud of smoke and looks towards Yuri.

"I have a question." He calls out.

"What if I don't want to answer?" Yuri calls out in Russian.

"Have you always been a coward?" Enzo asks.

Yuri gives him an angry glare, tossing his tools down to march up to him, "Yuri Ismaylov is many things, you traitor. But he is... no coward."

"If that is so, why do you continue to stall?" Norman growls, making him flinch, but Yuri decides to hold his ground.

"I'm not afraid of you anymore, foul creature. Go ahead. Eat me. Kill me. Do all you want to me." Yuri bluffs and turns to glare at Enzo, "What do I owe these Americans? Nothing!"

Enzo moves to stand close to Yuri with a scoff, "This isn't just about America, smuggler. They have warned us of a great evil in the world. An evil that does not rest, that does not respect borders. After it has consumed everything in their land, it will come for us. For our families. For our Motherland. You saw it with your own eyes. You know it to be true. And yet you continue to play tricks!" He shouts. Not missing the concerned look on Yuri's face, especially when he said the great evil will come for them next. He doesn't know what exactly he saw in that prison, was evil. He could feel it all around. Those creatures.

Enzo turns and looks back at him, "I was told the Peanut Butter Smuggler was once a great man. Before he lost his way to drink and cards. That he led his men to victory over the Chinese in Damansky. Is it true?"

Yuri sighs, hearing about his past, "It is true."

Enzo scoffs, "That hero, where is he now? Because I do not see him." He says and walks away.

Yuri grits his teeth, arguing with himself. Thinking about the past, how he was a great person till his life came down into the shit. He pulls out the bolt he removed from the engine of the helicopter and sighs heavily. He was a coward for doing this, but maybe...just maybe...he could be a hero again. He grips it in his hands and moves to place it back in the helicopter. Repairing the engine properly this time.


With Erica in the Rocket and the lanterns still in the family room continuously pulsing, Max and Lucas sat in the room next door. Thud stood in the family room, eyeing the lights with caution. Growling lowly as he could sense and smell Vecna all around the house. He moves and walks towards the room where Max and Lucas occupied. Kate Bush continues to blare through Max's headphones as they keep quiet.

Max looks up at Thud, wondering how 'slow' was he. Could he read? Could he write? She takes out her notepad and begins to write down something. Thud grunts softly and scratches his chest, watching with curiosity.

She holds the note pad up asks with her eyes if he could read this. Thud grunts as he looks down at the paper, he lifts his hand and gives her a wave. Alerting her that he could read 'Hi.' Max gives him a soft smile. She turns towards Lucas and holds it up, letting him see. She flips the page and writes more. Holding it up, 'Wanted to see if he could read'.

Lucas nods and looks at Thud. He holds his notepad towards him and gives him his pen, pretending to write and points at him. Basically, asking if he could write. Thud takes the pad and pen and begins to scribble on the paper. He grins and holds it up. It was all scribbles. That told them he couldn't write, but Max frowns and tilts her head, she could see something. She smiles and laughs silently to herself.

Thud hands both back to Lucas and points at the scribbles. Lucas frowns, confused as he shifts the pad around. Max rolls her eyes and points. Lucas tilts his head and reads the poorly written words, 'Heye'. Lucas stifles his laugh and Max slaps his arm, holding up a warning finger. Lucas presses his lips tight together, suppressing his groan. She gives him a 'seriously?' look and scoffs at him, but smiles anyway.

She writes something down and then holds it up for Lucas to see, 'I'm glad you're here'. It said.

Lucas gives her a soft smile and watches Thud lean in to read. He frowns and points at himself in question. Max gives him a smile and points at him and holds up two finger. Basically saying, 'You, too'.

Thud grins, grunting softly.

Lucas takes his notepad and begins to write, he holds it up, 'Me too!' It said. He smiles at her, gaining a smile back. Thud looks at the two of them, studying their habit. The last time he was around humans, they tried to hurt him. He liked that these humans were different. And he liked watching these two be nice to each other.

Lucas writes something down and holds the pad up for Max, 'Movie Friday?' He shrugs. Max gives him an uncomfortable look, but begins to write something down. Lucas tries to look, but Max hides her pad with a frown and continues. With a silent sigh, she holds her pad. Hidden against her chest. Finally, she shows it. It was a very poor drawing of two people, sitting in a movie theater. She gives him a soft smile and he returns one. He was determined to make it happen. To take her out again and be a better boyfriend to her.

Thud perks up with a soft growl as he turns towards the window. Max and Lucas both jump up and see a light flickering in the window. It was Erica. She was signaling them. Lucas picks his flashes light and begins to signal her back.

"Okay, the lovebirds have copied. Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna." Erica speaks out, knowing that the others in Upside Down could hear her.

Nancy, Theo, Steve, and Robin stood under the Rocket, just across the street from the Creel's. Ready to move in, but Max had to make her move.

"So far, so smooth." Robin sighs.

"Yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet." Steve scoffs.

"Patience, Hair-boy. Patience. A killer like Vecna...won't be able to resist. And he needs complete his mission." Theo growls out.

Nancy eyes the house from where she stood, gritting her teeth in anger, "Take the bait, you son of a b¡tch. Take the bait."

Back at the Creel's, in the real world, Max begins to prepare herself. She puts her shoes back on, tying the laces tightly. She grabs her lantern and begins to head towards the room. Thud grunts softly, gaining her attention. She turns and frowns at him. He holds up Lucas' notepad.

'Bee carFull' it said as he gives her a worried look.

Max sighs softly, giving him a soft smile. She inhales deeply and continues to walk towards the room, watching her lantern begin to pulse in harmony with the others. She looks back at Lucas, worried what will happen. She looks back at the lantern and slowly takes off her headphones. She reaches for her Walkman and finally, she clicks it off.

"Hey! asshоlе! I'm here. No more music. No more games. Do you hear me? What are you waiting for, huh? Come on! Do you want me or not?" She calls out, baiting him.

Thud growls softly and watches the lantern that sitting on the table go out and Max's lantern begins to glow brightly. She gasps, knowing that means that she got his attention. And she knew where he was waiting for her. Lucas follows her up to the attic and Thud wasn't far behind.

Once they reached the attic, the lantern begins to glow brightly. Thud frowns when he begins to sense something. Thud grabs Lucas' and Max's shoulders. They both look at him in confusion, trying to wave him off, but he points at something. Something that was in front of Max.

Lucas and Max both frown in confusion, until Thud takes the notepad and draws a sick figure. Both of them look at him in worry and Lucas takes the pen. 'Vecna?'

Thud grumbles, shaking his head. He begins to point at Max. Causing great confusion. Max's eyes widen and mouths at Lucas'. 'A girl?' She mouths.

Lucas' eyes widen and writes down the question. Thud grunts and nods.

Lucas quickly writes down, 'Our friend'. He pats his chest and points at Max. Thud grunts, understanding. He moves and stands next to Eleven, who stood in the void. Eleven looks up at the huge demon.

"I found them. They're not alone. A demon. Another demon is with them. Protecting them." Eleven says, speaking to Mike, Jonathan, Will, and Argyle as she was in a freezer full of water in a Surfer Dude's Pizza shop.

Thud grunts and nods, scratching his shoulder. Eleven frowns at the demon.

"You can hear me?" She asks.

Thud grunts and picks up the notepad and writes on it, holding it up for her, 'Frend'.

"Fre end? Friend? Is that what you mean? Friend?" She asks.

Thud grunts, nodding again and pats his chest. Saying he was a friend. He holds his finger finger over his lips, "Shhhh." He turns and faces Max and Lucas as Max continues to call out to Vecna.

"What are you waiting for, asshоlе? Hmm? I'm right here. I'm right here!"

Eleven frowns as she watches Max, "It's not working. Max's plan." She says as she continues to speak to Mike, hearing his voice echo around her, mixing with Max's voice.

"I know you can hear me. I know you can read my thoughts. Even the worst ones. Maybe mostly the worst ones." Max moves and sits on the floor, crossing her legs as she keeps her headphones close to her. She hugs herself as she speaks, "I thought about what you said. About how I wanted my brother to die. I thought you were just trying to upset me. To anger me. But you weren't, were you? You were just telling the truth. Billy, he made my life living hell. Every chance he got. So, sometimes... when I would lie in bed at night, I would... I would pray... I would pray that something would happen to him. Something awful. I knew that he drove too fast, so I would imagine him crashing. Dying in that stupid car. I just... I wanted him out of my life. Forever. I wanted him to disappear. The day that he died... I think that's why I just stood there. Watched. Not because I was scared or... weak. But because... I didn't know if he deserved to be saved. And I've tried to forgive myself. I've tried, but... I can't. I can't." Max sniffles as she admits her darkest secrets. "So now... now, when I lie in bed at night... I pray that something will happen to me. That something terrible will happen to me. So that's why I'm here. Because... I just want you to take me away. And I want you... to make me disappear." Suddenly, she grows quiet.

"Max?" Lucas frowns and quickly kneels next to her, "Max? Can you hear me? Max! Max!" He swipes his hands over her face, but she couldn't wake up.

Thud growls, whimpering as he stands next to Max and Lucas.

Lucas looks up at him with worried eyes, "He has her. Vecna has her."

Thud growls furiously, and whimpers as he watches Eleven rush to her side, holding Max's hand, "Max. It's okay. I'm coming. I'm coming. Just hold on a little longer."

Lucas gets his feet and rushes to the window, grabbing his flashlight. He begins to signal Erica. She signals back.

"Okay, she's in. Initiate phase three."


Psy grunts as he picks up several amps, helping Eddie set up as Dustin grabs exertion cords. Hooking them up to power sources. He kneels down and makes sure they were all at the right volume. Loud enough to wake the dead.

"She's in. Move on to phase three." Robin's voice erupts from the radio.

Dustin grabs his radio and answers, "Copy that. Initiating phase three." He grabs the cords and begins to finish hooking everything up. "Let's hope they hear this." He mutters.

"You kidding? Lucifer himself would hear us." Psy cackles. "Let's do it!"

Dustin clicks on the amps, hearing them whine loudly. He gives them both the signal and Eddie rips off the guitar pick from his necklace.

"Chrissy, this is for you." Eddie says strongly and lets out a heavy metal chords as the red light strikes brightly behind him.

Psy cackles manically and together, they both begin to play the chords of 'Master of Puppets'. Dustin grins and bangs his head. Psy's talon danced over the strings as Eddie continues to rock.

"♪ End of passion play ♪ ♪ Crumbling away ♪ ♪ I'm your source of self-destruction ♪" Psy shouts. Eddie headbangs with Dustin. "♪ Veins that pump with fear... ♪ WHOO!" He shouts. "♪ Taste me, you will see ♪ ♪ More is all you need ♪ ♪ Dedicated to how I'm killing you ♪ ♪ Come crawling faster ♪ ♪ Obey your master ♪ ♪ Your life burns faster ♪ ♪ Obey your master ♪ ♪ Master ♪" He cackles. "Here they come!" He sings. "♪ Where's the dreams That I've been after? ♪ ♪ Master, master ♪ ♪ Laughter, laughter... ♪"

"Eddie! Psy! We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!" Dustin shouts as they continue to play.

Psy makes his hair fly everywhere as they continue to do guitar riffs, he grins as he hears the bats approaching closer and closer through the music.

"T-minus 20!"

Eddie lets out a ferocious guitar riff and shreds a guitar solo.

"T-minus ten!" Dustin shouts, his eyes widening as he watches the swarm draw closer towards them, "Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"

Eddie's solo swells and trails away. The three of them rush to get off the trailer. "Move! Move! Move! Let's go!" He shouts and rushes Dustin and Psy to follow him as they jump off the trailer, using the truck next to it to soften their landing. Psy simply jumps from the height and lands with ease.

"Come on!" Psy shouts.

"Eddie, come on! Hurry!"

"Go, go!" Eddie shouts.

"Shit! Shit! Hurry! Eddie, shut it!" Dustin shouts as they rush to the porch that was covered in a chain link fence.

Eddie slams the gate shut and shoves the pipe down to lock it. The swarm slams into the metal gate, shrieking with rage. The three of them pant as the move back.

"Hurry! Come on!" Dustin shouts as he opens the door and lets them both in.

The three of them pant heavily as they stood in the trailer. Psy chuckles, missing this adrenaline that was rushing through his veins.

Dustin looks at Eddie and Psy with wide eyes, "Dudes! Most metal ever!!"

"Oh my... Oh my God." Eddie looks at Dustin in shock, he couldn't believe he just gave the most awesome guitar performance in history! With a demon!

Psy cackles manically, "WHOO!" He shouts as the boys holler together in excitement, jumping up and down. "I love you humans." He cackles and headbutts them, making them groan, but they continue to laugh and shout excitedly.

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