Chapter 6: The Monster

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For hours, Joyce waited for any sign for Will's life. Sitting by the phone with it lying on her lap. She never moved for anything. During the hours, she nodded off as she waited.

Suddenly, she's jerked out of her sleep as the phone rings. She quickly picks it up and shoots to her feet as she clutches on to the phone as if her life depended on it.

"Hello? Hello." She says quickly and waits for an answer. She was almost afraid of it being another phone call from neighbors or someone she knew wishing her prayers and such for Will. Or Hopper telling her about the search.

But all she could hear was muffled breathing again.

"Who is this?" She says, demanding someone to answer her. She stammers as she continues to listen to the breather. She knew that breathing, a whimper escapes her lips as tears form in her eyes, "Will?"

Will's muffled breathing continues, and she could hear some sort of noise happening on the phone. Why was he so quiet? Why won't he talk?

Joyce begins to sob softly, "Will, it's me. Talk to me. I'm here. Just tell me where you are, honey. -I can hear you. Please." She sobs out.

Suddenly, a static noise happens and the lights around her fizzle, and at the same time, a familiar voice finally calls out to her over the phone, "Mom?" Will's voice distorts.

Joyce lets out a relieved gasp, finally letting out the breath she didn't know she was holding, "Will!" She sobs, "Yes, it's me. It's me. Where are you? Where are you? Just talk to me--" She begs out, but before Will could say anything else, the phone shocks her violently again.

Joyce screams in pain and drops the phone. She gasps in terror and drops to her knees as she grabs the phone, seeing the charred receiver, "Oh, no, no! No! No!" She sobs hard and tries to get the phone to make a dial tone, but it was no use. It was dead. "Oh, no! No, no... No!" She screams and sobs in anger as she throws the phone across the room. She had him! She was so close!

She sobs harder as she sits on the floor in frustration, "No!" She screams and wails as she pounds and kicks the floor in anger. What is she going to do now? How can she save him? Where was he?

Suddenly, Chester begin to whimper. She slowly looks up and sees the lights around her. They were...moving.

She frowns with tears dripping down her red face. She slowly gets up and follows the light. It lead her down the hallway. She thought maybe Jonathan was home.

"Jonathan? What..." But he wasn't home. She was alone. What was going on? Then, the lights shinned brightly through Will's bedroom door. She slowly opens the door and walks inside. She jumps and gasps when the boom box suddenly comes on and music blares in the room.

Her eyes widen when she realizes that was Will's favorite song, 'Should I Stay or Should I Go'.

She whimpers softly and walks over to the boombox. Just hearing that song made her heart crack. "Will..." She whispers. She could almost feel him in the room. She gasps when she hears soft crackling of electricity and sees the lamp flicker. She moves closer and touches the shade as she looks at the light. "Will..." She sobs softly, "Will, is that you?" She gasps when the light grows so bright. But, she jumps when the lamp and the music shut off. She whimpers softly as she stood in the dark room, but she begins to hear something.

She slowly turns, her eyes widening in pure terror as she watches the wall beside her begin to move. As if something was moving through the wallpaper. It growled lowly at her. She knew that growl. The same growl from the phone. She could see it's form pressing into the wallpaper. It's claws and teeth trying to tear through to get to her.

Joyce screams in terror and runs, but slams into a figure. It was Amelia!

Amelia yanks Joyce out of the way, holding on to her in protection as she holds up a hand, "NO!" She shouts and light burst from her hand, making the creature shriek in pain.

Joyce turns away as the bright, glowing light shines throughout the house, forcing the creature back into the wall where it came from. It roars once last time before retreating back into the wall.

Panting, Amelia drops her hand, and the light was gone. The two of them watch in shock as the wall before them slowly return to it's normal form. The wallpaper heals and morphs back to where it was. Joyce stutters and looks at Amelia with wide eyes.

"Oh, my god!" She covers her mouth and backs away till she slams into the hallway wall, making a few pictures fall and shatter on the floor.

"Joyce, wait. Just wait, please." Amelia holds up her hands, showing her that she won't harm her. "Please, listen."

"Oh, my god! Oh, my god!" Joyce slowly slides down the wall, sobbing in terror with what she just witnessed.

Amelia slowly kneels in front of her, "I'm so sorry you had to see that. Please, believe me. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm one of the good people." She begs.

Whimpering, Joyce muffles her cries as she looks up at Amelia in shock.

"I'm your friend. Always." Amelia says softly.

Joyce sniffles and removes her hand from her mouth, pointing behind Amelia with a shaking hand, "He was here. He was here! He...he played his favorite song to me!" She sobs.

Amelia nods, "I know."

Stuttering, "How" She couldn't find the right words to ask.

"I know I have a lot to answer for. I need you to calm down first. Can you get up?" She asks as she holds her hand out for her.

Whimpering softly, she nods and grunts as Amelia helps her to her feet, "I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy, am I?" She asks.

Amelia hugs her tight, letting her sob against her shoulder, "No, of course not. You're not crazy." She rubs her back in comfort.

Joyce sniffles and sighs, then gasps when the music comes on again. It was Will! He was still here.

Amelia and Joyce look back at the boombox. Joyce looks up at Amelia with hope.

"It's him. I know it. It's him."

Amelia nods, "Yes. It's him."

Crying again, Joyce felt like her body was about to give out. Amelia had to help her walk into the living room.

"Joyce, please, listen to me. You cannot tell anyone about this." Amelia says as she gently lets Joyce sit on the couch.

"What? But...but we need to help him. We need to bring him home!" She exclaims.

"I know that, but how...think about that. How can we help him come home?" Amelia says as she brings up the most important question.

Stuttering, Joyce couldn't think, she just had to tell someone, maybe someone could help them. Help him come home.

"Joyce, I'll do everything in my power to help Will come home. I won't ever give up. I promise." Amelia says strongly.

Sniffling, Joyce wipes her nose and nods, "How did you stop that thing? Your...your glowed!"

Amelia sighs softly, "We'll talk about another time. Seeing that thing must have been too much for you. I couldn't let it harm you. Just know that. Okay?"

Joyce nods, "Thank you. Thank you." She cries and hugs her tight, so happy she had her as a friend. Her protection touched her heart.

"It won't be coming back anytime soon. Will should be safe...for now. But we really need to bring him home. You need to be strong for him. Okay? Be strong for Will." Amelia states.

Sniffling, Joyce nods, "Okay."

Amelia slowly pulls away, "Now, I have to go. Don't worry, it's going to be okay. I sent that monster packing." She grins, making Joyce laugh in relief. "If it tries to come back..." She looks over her shoulder and clicks her tongue. Theo pops up and jumps on the couch, snuggling on Joyce's lap. "He'll protect you."

Joyce frowns, "Your cat? Against that thing?" She scoffs.

"He's more than a house cat." Amelia smirks knowingly. "Trust me."

Theo purrs and meows softly.

Amelia looks down at Theo and chuckles, "Okay, smart ass." She snorts and looks up at Joyce, "He prefers the term 'familiar' than cat."

Joyce stutters, "You can talk to him?" She frowns.

"Constantly." Amelia scoffs.

Meow..."Hey, you're no picnic either, drama queen." Meow... "Just watch over Joyce and Johnathan from that thing. And you can have all the whipped cream you want." Meow... Amelia rolls her eyes, "Okay, okay, cherries too. You greedy asshole." She scoffs at him.

Theo sticks his tongue out, "Pffffft!"

Amelia sighs and looks up at Joyce, "Warning, he's really addicted to whipped cream. Can't get enough of it. But he'll protect you." She says softly.

Joyce frowns at them, but takes Theo into her arms and pets him, sighing softly. She felt a little better knowing that she wasn't alone and she was protected. But where was Will? She needed him back.


Jim grunts as he wakes up, groaning softly. He looks at his watch and sighs, seeing that it was time to get up and head towards the Department of Energy to find Will. He sighs deeply and grunts as he gets up. Showering, grooming, dressing, he was ready to go. He walks towards his truck as he slips on his jacket, but shouts in surprise when he sees someone sitting on the hood.

"Moring, Chief." Amelia says as she sits crossed leg, wearing a tight skirt with a white blouse and jacket that matched her skirt.

His eyes trails up from her black heels as the tap gently against his truck, up her legs that were covered with a thin layer of stockings, was that a garter belt strap? Her black skirt hugged her hips, showing off her sexy curves as her blouse gave him a wonderful eyeline of her lacy bra and the outline of her breasts. Towards the sexy smirk on her red lips.

"Like what you see?" She giggles and lowers her professional looking glasses with horn rims.

Shaking out of the lust fog she created for him, he quickly changed his shock into annoyance, "What the hell are you doing here?" He grits his teeth.

"Like I said yesterday, Jim. You're going to need my help. And this..." She waves her hand over her body, " what's gonna get you in that building. Trust me."

Gritting his teeth, Jim scoffs at her, "I'm not going to bring a civilian like you into what could possibly be a dangerous situation. You are going home right now. I'm not going to use your body as a smoke screen."

Amelia scoffs loudly, "Jim, you're going to trend on government soil who are trained to hide from people like you. But they can't hide from me. No one can. And, plus just so happens, I made an appointment with them this morning." She giggles as his jaw slacks in anger. "You're welcome." She smiles and holds her hands out, wiggling her fingers, "A little help? It wasn't easy climbing this truck with heels."

"You're not gonna give up, are you? I'm just gonna be flapping my gums till my lips fall off before I can get you to listen to me, right?" He glares at her.

Giving him a mocking thinking face, "Pretty much. Now, come on, I don't normally wear heels and they're already killing me. Let's get a move on." She says as she urges him to help her down.

Hopper glares at her but reaches and helps her down. She felt so light in hands and when she holds on to his shoulders as she slides down his body, the whiff of her sweet scent engulfs his nose, making his body and soul tremble for her. He wondered how sweet her lips would taste.

He clears his throat and lets her go to move away, "Isn't this a bit much? You look like a hooker." He scoffs as he walks towards the driver's door.

Amelia scoffs and chuckles as she walks around the truck, "And yet, Mr. Grizzly likes the view." She smirks, remarking about the hidden hardon forming in his pants.

Jim grumbles and adjusts himself before getting into the truck. Did she just name is pecker?!


After Jim picks up Callahan and Powell, they headed on towards their destination. Amelia was starting to regret this. She begins to feel a heavy weight pressing on her chest as they drew closer and closer towards the large white building. She sighs shakily and frowns when she felt eyes on her. Callahan was leaning behind her, catching him looking down her shirt.

"You like them?" She glares at him, making him jump and fall back to sit normally.

Jim sends a death glare at Phil, "She's not eye candy for us." He snaps and sighs as he looks over towards her. Worried that this might not work, he didn't want any harm to fall on her.

He slowly pulls up towards the Department of Energy, AKA Hawkins National Laboratory. His heartbeat picks up as they get closer and closer to the security booth. He was anxious to get inside and find some kind of proof that Will could be there. But he knew it was going to be hard.

"There she is. Emerald City." Powell jokes.

"I heard they make space weapons in there." Callahan says in wonder.

"Space weapons?" Powell scoffs at him.

"Yeah. You know, like, Reagan's Star Wars." Callahan says.

"I guess we're gonna blow the Ruskies to smithereens." Jim mutters sarcastically.

"I'm one of the few who believe in 'Make Love Not War'." She scoffs at the men and laughs at their faces. Especially, Jim when he blushes a little.

Jim pulls up towards the security guard and stops, he rolls down his window as the guard moves towards the truck.

"Hey, can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah. We're here for a tour." Jim says casually.

"Oh, we don't give tours." The guard shakes his head.

"Okay...A quick look around." Jim says.

"You have to get clearance for that. You can contact, uh...Rick Schaeffer at the Department of Energy." The guard states.

"Maybe you seen it on TV. We got a local kid that's missing. We have reason to believe he might have snuck in here." Jim makes his own statement.

The guard sends Jim an uncaring look, "Like I said, you have to speak to Mr. Schaeffer."

Amelia clears her throat, gaining all attention, "Excuse me. I'm sorry." She turns and crawls over Jim's lap and leans over the door, her elbows and abdomen resting over the window, "Forgive me for interrupting, but what's your name?"

"Patrick, ma'am." He says, trying to avoid the sight of the woman's exposed chest.

Jim grunts as he tries to avoid touching her body as she flirts with the guard. This was making it very awkward for him and his boner was coming back after getting rid of it.

"Patrick, I happen to have an appointment with Mr. Schaeffer. He's expecting me. Since these gentlemen need to see him as well, I thought for the good of this community I could squeeze them in since the Chief of police happens to have a panicked mayor, and reporters breathing down his neck and a very upset mother. Please, for his and your sake, would you mind speaking to your boss and confirm my appointment with him and please let him know that they are included. My name is Amelia Holloway, by the way. I would really appreciate it. Please?" She gives him a sexy smile as she plays with the buttons on his uniform and his badge. "Just ten minutes, tops." She pouts her sexy lips and gives him a coy brow.

Patrick clears his throat and straightens his pose, even though it was obvious that he fell for her charms, he gives her a smile in return, "Give me a few minutes to make the call, ma'am." He turns and walks back into the booth.

"Thank you." Amelia smiles and giggles as she slides backwards and scoots into her seat, giving the men who carried shocked looks at her an innocent smile, "It worked." She shrugs.

Jim, however, was NOT happy with her trick. Even though that got them inside, he was going to give her an earful afterwards.


Patrick, the guard of Hawkins' Lab managed to get in touch with Mr. Rick Schaeffer and Schaeffer came down as soon as he hears the police were at the gates. He guided them to where they wanted to see. The storm drain where they found the piece of hospital gown. Jim exams the drain, shinning their lights through the hole to see if there was anymore clues.

"And you think this missing boy may have crawled through there?" Schaeffer scoffs.

"Well, that was the idea." Jim grunts as he gets up from where he knelt.

"Yeah, I just don't see how that'd be possible. We've got over 100 cameras. Every square inch covered, plus all my guys. No one breaks in here. Certainly not some kid."

Jim moves and looks around the area, "Those cameras, you keep the tapes?" He asks as he spies security cameras.

Schaeffer was growling internally in anger. Last thing he wants is some hick town police force to discover their secrets, so he must do as they ask, yet hide the truth. He leads Hopper and his men through the halls of the lab. Leading them towards the security room. Passing by the hallway that was covered in biohazard warnings and zipped up tarp.

"If you don't mind me asking, what do you guys do in here?" Amelia asks.

Schaeffer chuckles, "You're asking the wrong guy, ma'am."

"Staying one step ahead of the Russians?" Jim asks.

"I expect." Powell scoffs.

"Something like that." Schaeffer says.

"Who's in charge here?" Jim asks.

"That'd be Dr. Brenner." Schaeffer asks.

"And he builds the space lasers?" Callahan asks excitedly.

Schaeffer looks at him weirdly, "Space lasers?"

"Ignore him." Jim rolls his eyes and waves it off.

Soon, they had the security tapes running and fast-forwarding to the night where they suspect Will was hiding. The tape makes whirring sounds as they view the video.

"This is the night of the 6th and 7th we're seeing here?" Jim asks.

"That's correct."

They could see the drain, but soon, there was a big static and white noise. Then the tracking went back to normal. Jim frowns when the tape stops.

"Is that it?" He scoffs.

"Like I said, we would have seen him." Schaeffer states.

Amelia studies the man before her, watching him turn and gives her a kind smile, but she catches a twitch in his left eye. She scans his body language and sees the tremble in his right pinkie.

Soon, the guards show them out and Patrick was sending Amelia a friendly smile, too friendly for Jim's liking.

"If you're not busy, how about I buy you a drink tonight?" Patrick asks.

Amelia chuckles, "Hmm, that actually sounds nice..."

"She's taken." Jim steps between them and grabs her, pulling her away as he glares down at Pattrick.

"Bye, Pat." Amelia calls out before Jim shoves towards the truck, "Easy!"

"We came here to find answers, not screw around. Literally." He scoffs as they walk towards the truck.

"If you haven't interrupted me, I was going to turn him down...gently." She scoffs at him and grips his arm to lean down and take off her heels. "I can't stand these damn things. Who made these?" She hops on one foot as she yanks off the other shoe.

"The night of the 7th, we had a search party out for Will. You remember anything about that night?" Jim asks his deputies.

"Mmm, not much to remember. Called it off." Callahan says as he shrugs.

"'Cause of the storm."

"Yeah, a lot of rain that night."

"And there was no rain on that tape." Amelia says as she faces Jim.

Jim nods, "Mm-hmm. Did you read anything off them?" He asks her.

"Plenty. When you mentioned Will, Schaeffer had a twitch in his left eye. He avoided eye contact several times. And I noticed how quickly he wanted us to avoid the tarped hallway. As if he was hiding something." She points out.

"What are you thinking?" Powell asks.

"I don't know. But they're lying." Jim states as he opens the passenger's door for Amelia to get in. He walks around and gets into the truck and starts it up. Tires screeching as he takes off.


After dropping off Callahan to go on his patrols, Jim was having a tough time swallowing the bullshit the lab fed him and his deputies. Something about them was nagging him and he felt that there was a connection between Will's disappearance and the lab. But finding proof...that was going to be tough.

"Turn up here and go straight. My place is just on top of the hill." Amelia says as she points the way to her house.

"Can't believe you decided to live all the way up here." Jim scoffs as he makes the turn and follows the small, paved path.

"And in a haunted house of all places." Powell frowns in the backseat.

Amelia looks over her shoulder in surprised, "Haunted?" She laughs, "So that explains all those love bites I wake up to." She jokes, giggling at Jim's glare. "I'm kidding." She scoffs, "You know, it wouldn't hurt to relax a little bit, Sheriff. I recommend a deep tissue massage after this is all over."

"For god's sake, is everything a joke to you?" Jim scoffs.

She leans on her seat and studies him, "Easy, Mr. Grizzly. Those guys bothered me as well. If you want to really nail them, follow the sacred rule." She states.

"And that is?" Jim snorts.

"'Know Thy Enemy'. You can't beat'em if you don't know'em well. And there's only one way to get to know them."

"What's that? Accept Patrick's offer for drinks?" He mocks in a high-pitched voice.

"Archives." She scoffs at him as grunts as he pulls up to her house, parking the car in her driveway, "And I don't sound like that, Mr. Blue-eyed monster." She scoffs as she gets out of the car to head inside her house.

He double takes at her in shock, "Are you saying I'm jealous? Hey! Hey!" He was really losing his patience with this woman. He scrambles to get out of the truck to stalk after her and give her a piece of his mind.

Powell scoffs as he watches them both head inside. No way was he going in that house while they were bickering like an old married couple.

Amelia walks inside with Jim tailing behind her, "You're really full of yourself, aren't' you?" He glares at her as he slams her door.

She turns and walks backwards, "Says the man who claims I'm taken." She smirks as she turns again to head upstairs.

Jim stutters, "I only said that because I knew he made you uncomfortable." He states.

Amelia chuckles and leans on the wooden rails on the second floor, "Even if I wasn't uncomfortable, you still would have said the same thing." She smirks and heads towards her room.

Jim opens his mouth to argue, but all he could do was stutter his words, knowing she was telling the truth. Why was that the truth? She wasn't his girlfriend or his wife. Why would he care if some guy asked her out? Yet, deep down, it bothered him. But he didn't want to admit it. He sighs and grunts in frustration as he looks around the house. It was very old looking. Carrying a lot of history.

He sees a record player and becomes curious. What does a woman like her listen to? He scans through the records and frowns in shock. She had an amazing taste. He exclaims as he picks one up that was a favorite. 'You Don't Mess Around with Jim'.

"Son of a bitch!" He exclaims and looks upstairs in shock. He chuckles in disbelief.

She carried a very large library. He scans through the collection and picks out a random book. It was mostly about herbs and plants. Probably for cooking. He scoffs and places it back where it was. He sees a piano that was covered with pictures. He sees an elderly woman holding a very small child who carried a smile that could light up the universe. He chuckles at the sight. It must be Amelia when she was a little girl with her grandmother. He picks up a frame of a married couple. The man held the woman with a kind and gentle embrace as he caresses her pregnant belly. These must be her parents. But when he places the picture down, he frowns when he sees another with just the man holding a baby girl. The man carried a familiar pain in his eyes as he held the baby. As if he lost something very dear to him.

Jim sighs as he feels the pain come back. He reaches into his pockets and grips the pill bottle. But something told him 'No'. He breathes heavily and struggles to keep himself calm. He can't do this. To find Will, he must be sober. He sighs softly and tucks the pills back into his pocket.

"Ok, I'm ready." Amelia's voice startles him as she makes her way down the stairs.

"Ready for what?" He frowns at her.

"To go to the library with you. You're gonna need another set of hands and eyes to read through the histories of Hawkins Lab." She says as she wiggles her fingers and points at her eyes, then scoffs at his frown, "Come on, the worst thing that could happen to me is a paper cut. Unless you want to protect me from that as well." She snorts.


Amelia looks at him in surprise.

He shakes his head and stutters, "No! No! I mean. Yes. You can come. You're right about extra help. Who knows how much information the Lab has." He states.

Amelia smiles and nods, "Glad we've come to an agreement. That's a first." She smirks and walks towards the door.

Jim shakes his head and scoffs. He trails his eyes down her body, almost missing the tight clothes she had on earlier. He felt bad for calling her a hooker when she was far from one. Way far. But the jeans she wore still gave him a nice outline of her ass. Her blue flannel shirt gave her soft skin an innocent glow. Making it even more milky in the sunlight. That time when he caught her before she fell, he managed to get a feel of her flesh. Silk. That's what she felt like. Just like a warm, silk cloth.

She comes walking back into the living room, giving him an inpatient grunt, "Come on, let's go." She states and turns to head outside to get into the truck.

Jim sighs and shakes out of his wet daydreams. God, why was he acting like such a horny, awkward teen around her. He follows her out the door and shuts it behind him.


Jim screeches his tires to a halt as he parks in front of the library. Amelia grunts as her body jerks against the seat.

"Jeez Louise, Sheriff, you really put the new meaning to 'lead foot'." She scoffs and gets out of the truck, following Jim and Powell inside.

Jim sighs, ignoring that comment as they walked inside together. He opens the door and lets her in first. She may get on his nerves, but he was still a gentleman. He was anxious to get started on finding any sort of information about the lab. Anything that could help him find Will. There has to be some sort of information about that place in the papers. Anything that could give him some sort of leverage. But it wasn't going to be easy as Hopper sees an old flame behind the counter.

Sighing in guilt, Jim swallows his pride and walks up towards the librarian counter and stands before his ex.

"Hey, Marissa. How you doin'?" He gives her a charming smile.

Marissa, however, gave him a furious glare, "You have a lot of nerve showing up here."

Jim frowns, "What?"

"You could have at least called, said, 'Marissa! Hey, it's not gonna work out. Sorry I wasted your time. I'm a dick'." She says sarcastically and frowns as she sees Amelia. "Is she your new girlfriend? Didn't know you had a thing for teenager's, Jim. You should save your breath with this one, honey. What is she, 21? A bit young for you."

Amelia was taken back by the woman's attitude, "Boy, you have a real effect on women, don't ya, Chief?" She scoffs as she looks over towards him and back to the woman, "For the record, I'm 32."

"And I'm 12." Marissa scoffs at her.

"I'll pray the man who will marry you." Amelia snorts.

Powell makes a silent 'O' and covers his laugh with a cough and Jim moves to stand in front of Amelia, facing Marissa, giving her a bitter, guilty smile, chuckling awkwardly and rubs his neck, "Yep. I'm sorry. Uh...Maybe we could go out again next week?" He asks, trying to bribe his way. "Um, Newspapers? We need to go through the newspapers. Please? You guys got newspapers around here?" He asks.

Marissa sighs, still giving Hopper and bitter look, "We have the New York Times, the Post, all the big ones." She states. "Organized by year and topic. You can find the corresponding microfiche in the reading room." She says.

"Okay, we're looking for anything on the Hawkins National Laboratory." Jim says.

Marissa frowns at him, "Well, shouldn't you be looking for that missing kid?" She asks.

"Yeah. We are." Jim says, "Uh, so, why don't you start with the Times, and we'll check out the Post." Jim states towards Marissa.

Marissa scoffs and moves to get what he needs. Jim turns and faces Amelia with a glare, annoyed that she almost caused in a scene, in the library of all places.

"What? She started it. And it's your fault for not breaking up with her properly." She states and folds her arms over her chest.

*Couldn't wait to post this. Just too funny lol. Reminder, I'm done with season 1 and 2. But I'm working on season 3 and 4.*

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