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Once again, I don't know her name...but at least she comes to the same school I do.
I caught up to Nick, who slammed his locker door and started walking to first period.
"Hey!" I say.
He looks over, a grin spreading on his face. "Hey, man! How's it going?"
"I found that girl that I told you about...I ran into her again."
Nick bursts out laughing. "Dude! Why do you keep doing that?"
"I don't mean to. I was just walking when she stepped into my way, and...."
He laughs again. "You are just meant for her, aren't you?"
"Why are you asking?" I ask, but he just shakes his head, smiling, and says nothing.

At lunchtime, I walked into the cafeteria with a lunch pale in hand, looking for a spot to sit. I would have sat with Nick, but he got detention today for talking, and now he has to help the librarian shelve books. So I have no idea where I'm going to sit for lunch.
"Hey, over here!" I hear a girl say. I know she's probably not talking to me, but I look anyway.
We connect eyes, and that's when I realize, it's the girl I ran into twice now.
I look around before pointing at myself. "Me?"
She nods, waving at me to come over. So I did.
I sit my lunch down, and slide myself down under the cold table before saying, "hello again."
She looks away and mumbles, "hi."
"'s your day going so far?" I ask awkwardly.
"It's...going. How about you?" She asks, biting into one half of her meat and cheese sandwich.
"Same. My friend, Nick, got detention. Do you know Nick?"
She thinks for a little bit, allowing herself to finish chewing and swallowing the food in her mouth. "Nickson Barlowe, or Nicholas Grey?"
She looks at me, her eyebrows furrowed. "You know he's a troublemaker, right? He gets everybody that's his friend into trouble. Just remember that I warned you the next time Nickson gets you and him into trouble."
I smile. "I'll keep that in mind."
We go quiet for a second as we eat our lunch. Mom packed me a PB&J that was cut in half, a string cheese, a granola bar, a bag of pretzels, and a bottle of water.
I looked over at the girl's half eaten lunch, which still had the other half of her sandwich and some chocolate covered pretzels.
"Um...could I trade half of my PB&J sandwich for your sandwich?"
She looks down at her half sandwich, looks at my untouched sandwich, before looking up at me. "Sure!"
I let out a breath. "I don't really care for PB&J sandwiches, so thank you."
"You're welcome," she says as we switch sandwich halves. "What's your name, by the way?"
"My name's Benjamin Benson," I replied. "What's your name?"
"My name is Ember James ." She replies, a shy smile.
"Well, nice to meet you, E.J." I say, a wide, dorky smile on my face. Why did I have to be so dorky?
"And nice to meet you, Benson." she says back, giving me a teasing wink.
She gets up and walks away, leaving me frozen and speechless. That girl is hot!

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