Chapter 15: He's Back

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Penny: Welcome back me. All I need is eight more views to get to 500! I never knew that I could get this far. Thank you all so much for joining us on this journey. We might do about ten more chapters. 

Annie: Bring in more Damien!!!!!!!!!!!!

E: YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Penny: We will bring in the Damien!!!!!!!! This chapter. Oh my fucking god, 530 views!!!!!!!!

E: She's throwing stuff.

Annie: Let the excitement run its course.

Penny: Okay, let's write the chapter. 

E: Stay calm.

Annie: I'm fucking calm!

Damien P.O.V.

I sat waiting for someone to come up with a plan to get my beloved back. Mother was not being helpful and neither were the servants. "Fan out and find him. Blend in with the crowd. He will be mine!" I yelled to the people just standing and talking.

"Sir, we can't, the Batman will find us."

"You will kill the Batman if he gets in your way." I ordered as the men went out to find my beloved. The speedster will pay.

Wally P.O.V.

I saw Dick talking to Artemis and they were laughing. "Really? You lost your virginity at age fifteen? How is that fair?" She said flicking Dick on the nose.

"Yup and life isn't fair. We both know that." Dick said looking sad and down. "You know Artemis, we could be really good friends if we tried."

"I don't think your boyfriend likes me." She said laughing.

"You're the p-word with my brother's b-word. We are going to be really close over the next nine months." Dick said hopping on her back.

"Yeah, I guess we will be." Artemis said. The alarm started to go off. Artemis ran with Dick on her back to the mission room and put him down. I thought that was my thing. Batman walked in along with the rest of the team.

"Damien Al Ghul and his minions have invaded Gotham. Robin and Artemis are taking this mission off. Kid Flash, you have to be careful not to get into any dangerous situations. Which is why we are releaving you from superhero duty and taking you up to the Watchtower along with Robin and Artemis." Batman ordered. Why did Artemis get this mission off?

"This will be fun! We get to see the Watchtower." Dick said running to the zeta beams behind Batman. Artemis and I glared at each other as we stepped into the light.

Penny: DOOOOOONNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE, with this chapter.

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