Chapter 20: Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner

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Penny: So, I'm thinking around four more chapters. I'm having a really hard time coming up with the perfect ending. I think I've finally got it though. These chapters are going to be longer than the others. Just a warning. Enjoy.

Dick P.O.V.

We were finally cleared to leave the Watchtower. I sat in my new costume wanting to kill Damien myself. Jason, Kori, Roy, and Garth were next to me. 

"I feel a presence in the ocean," Garth said holding his head in his hands.

"Can't you take down whatever is in there?" I asked.

"He's working on it," Roy said putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"It's them," Garth said turning around. 

"Should we not do the killing?" Kori asked flying toward Jason.

"No, I want to kill him myself," I said cracking my knuckles. "He hurt me, he hurt Wally, and he will pay for everything he's done. Nobody puts baby in a corner." I finished running toward the docks with the rest of the Outlaws behind me. 

"There are dozens of people on the boat. What should we do boss?" Garth asked Jason.

"Kill them all."

"Got it."

Water covered all of the people but one. Damien is mine. I shot him in the back of the head and dragged his body over to the side of the fight. It was then I realized that he was wearing a helmet and was faking.

"My beloved, how are you?" He asked standing up and grabbing my chin.

"You used me, you took me from the people I love." I yelled at him. 

"Yes, and I can do it again, Richard." He said with a sickening smile.

"Not if I kill you and hide the seven hundred parts of your body all over the world."

"You're just as sick as your brother." He let go of my chin and took my hand. "Soon you will be forgiven, soon." He said before disappearing.

Wally P.O.V.

I sat in the cave with my banged up teammates. Their costumes were bloody and their skin was bruised. Dick should've been here an hour ago.

"Where's Robin?" M'gann asked.

"Probably with his brother." Artemis said. We sat watching the news when Cat Grant came on with a fight in the background. Water was everywhere and gunshots were sounding. A fire was illuminating the area.

"This is Cat Grant reporting live from Gotham bay. There seems to be a fight between the team called The Outlaws and some people using katanas of some sort. The Outlaws seem to be winning but, it's not looking good. Renegade was just taken by one of the people. We have to go!" The news cut to static and Atremis shut off the T.V.

"We have to help them!" Connor yelled punching the table. "That kid is like a brother to me."

"Let's go save him then." I said running to grab my suit. We ran to the Gotham bay to find destruction and most of the Outlaws conscious. Jason was standing over his brother who was crying. "Dickie!" I yelled speeding over to him. A hot redhead girl and a boy with black eyes were standing back with Roy.

"He got away! How did I let him get away?" Dick cried into my chest after standing up.

"We'll get him, I promise."

Penny: 552 words.

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