Chapter 23: A Shocking End

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Penny: Marcus is here!

M: Yeah whatever.

E: We love you, Marcus!

Annie: MARCUS!

Penny: Ending party!

Annie: Why are we doing this during class.

E: Cause we can!

M: You guys are doing this in class? Mom's gonna kill you.

E: She doesn't need to know. *wink*

M: Whatever go on do your thing.

Ricky P.O.V.

Two years later I'm still a girl and developing. I don't faint when I see blood anymore. I found out some things about me. I attract people, I'm bendier, I can distract without makeup, and I can hear a lot better. Seventeen really is the age when you have no idea of what can happen. Wally was right all those years ago. 

We walked through the park and went to our special spot. I had moved to Central City so people wouldn't suspect too much. I would graduate this year and join Wally in the land of the free. We would be able to do anything. He joined the Outlaws and Artemis joined as well. Artemis and Kori got along really well. 

Wally walked me down to the river and we sat putting our toes in. I put my head on his shoulder.



"Are you okay?"


"Do you love me?"

"Of course, do you love me?"

"Always and forever. I just wanted to make sure." He said before getting on one knee.

"Before you say anything, yes," I said as he took out a blue sapphire ring. "I will love you always and forever as well." I said before kissing him. One year later we would be walking down the aisle and I would be Ricky West.

The End

Penny: Thank you guys so much for reading! I love happy endings! Again thank you guys soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!

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