Chapter 5: I Mean What I Said

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Penny: Hey I'm not gonna talk about my day today. I hope you guys are enjoying this fic. If you have any suggestions for future chapters, comment or send a message to me. Take it away Annie! (she's writing this chapter. she likes this kind of stuff.)

Annie: Hi I'm Annie Penny's editor. I love Penny she's precious. Her accent makes me want to pull my hair out though. When we talk about the new stories her accent makes it hard to understand. Well, I hope you like my chapter!

Dick P.O.V.

Wally was sitting on the side of a building waiting for anything to happen. Little did he know that I was right behind him. "Hey! Did I scare you?" Dick asked as he watched Wally get up with a look of anger on his face. "Wally? What's wrong?"I asked concerned for my safety since I was near the edge with Wally getting closer and closer. "Wally you're scaring me! Get away from me!" I screamed pushing him.

"Do you know what it feels like to be shot in the leg? You're about to find out what death feels like." Wally said pushing me off the edge of the building.

Jason P.O.V.

I cried when I saw the news. Dick was gone and it was all my fault. No, it was that assholes fault. He pushed my brother and got him sad enough to seek comfort in me. I will never forgive him! I'll kill him!

Artemis P.O.V.

Wally walked around with blank eyes all day. I was starting to get concerned. Wally went out last night saying he would get his revenge. "Artemis! Dick Grayson was just found dead!" Zatanna the newest member of the team yelled. When I got to the living room everyone was crying.

"He can't be! No! He's too young." I said sinking to my knees. Everyone looked at Wally who just walked into the room.

"Maybe he killed himself or someone thought he was a brat and wanted to get rid of him." Wally suggested. 

"You killed him! I know you did! You... you... you're a murderer!" I yelled sobbing.

"He shot me! An eye for an eye." Wally yelled before realizing that he took the boy's life. "I killed him. No no no no." Wally said mumbling to himself. The computer voice announced "Recognized...

Penny: Who is it? Come on Annie tell me!

Annie: Nope. Well, I won't tell you right now but when you make your next chapter I'll tell you.

Penny: See ya! And give a big thanks to Annie!

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