Chapter 7: Simple Things (Where Have You Gone)

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Penny: OMG 100 reads! I want to thank you guys for commenting and favoriting my story. I'm working so hard and putting a lot of energy into this story so I hope you guys are enjoying it. Again thank you! I'm giving credit to people who help me come up with ideas.

Thank you: Ch276Zj for the idea!

Wally P.O.V.

It's been a while since I've seen something worth living for. Dick's been gone for three months now. He's not dead. It's taking Bats a while to find him that's all. I hope.

Bruce P.O.V.

The League of Shadows. That's who has my son. Alfred was sitting next to me with Jason crying behind him. "This is all my fault. Bruce, I'm sorry." Jason said shaking.

"Master Jason perhaps you would like to help us get him back home." 

"Alfred that's not the best idea. Jason would get caught up in everything and slaughter anyone in his path. Dick is what matters right now. Why did Ra's want him though?" I asked. He wanted me to be his heir but I quickly declined. Was this revenge?

"Master Bruce, you seem to be underestimating Master Jason's ability of self-control." Alfred said pointing to my oldest son.

"Everyone out!" I yelled. The two walked out of the room with grief and sadness. Please be okay.

Damien P.O.V.

My beloved was prospering in his new environment. He would laugh and jump up to a high place. I would find him two minutes later next to me holding my hand. At first, he wasn't as happy to be with me.


"You can carry me along through this long journey like no one else can. Talia my mother had me as well as a sister who has already conceived a child. They want a male as their leader. You will lead with me and we will raise the new heir together. How does that sound beloved?" I said taking his hand.

"I... I don't know. Can we just try some things first then move on to the more leadery stuff." Dick asked looking down at our hands blushing.

"Oh course beloved," I said.

End Flashback

"Damien? Are you okay?" beloved asked looking at me with his honest blue eyes.

"I think it is time for us to move on from hand holding beloved." I said tilting his chin up.

"Damien, I don't know if I'm ready yet. I'm devoted to you but I'm not ready." beloved said looking me in the eyes.

"Please just this once beloved." I said cupping his face in my hands. He nodded and I moved in to kiss him. One of my hands moved to his waist and the other buried itself in his hair. His arms were around my neck. We pulled apart for the assassins to tell us that there were intruders and that we should head to our quarters. "Of course. You take him to his quarters and lock the door stand guard. I want to fight these intruders myself." I said handing my beloved over to him.

"Damien, you can't. What if you get hurt?" beloved asked concerned.

"I will come back, I promise." I said before pecking him on the cheek. The guard disappeared with him down the hallway. I will see you soon.

Penny: Thank ya'll so much for reading.

Annie: Penny, you already have an Irish accent you don't need to add western on top of it.

Penny: Butt out Annie! Again that you to Ch276Zj for the idea! Who will give me my next idea? (Probably Annie.) It could be you! Send me a message of what you would like for the next chapter. I will try my best.

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