Are they on a date?

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Sting let out an embarrassingly loud yelp as the door to his office crashed open with a sound akin to thunder. He was tempted to repeat said yelp when his eyes locked with those of a livid looking lightning dragon slayer. Sting, however, managed to keep his cool, and simply asked, "Can I help you?"

"Tell your weird, emo, minion to stay the hell away from my friends," growled Laxus, angry static radiating off him making the fur of his jacket stand up like the fur of a startled cat.

"Emo minion... Do you mean Rogue? First off, he's not my minion; he's my partner. And secondly, what has he done exactly?" enquired Sting as countless scenarios flashing through his mind, most involving Rogue harming various people because he believed Frosch was in some way threatened. Rogue had been visiting Freed for the past week or so; they had been trying to learn from one another's magic, and, to Sting's knowledge, had been getting along very well with one another. Although, Rogue had told Sting he was worried he might accidentally destroy relations between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail.

"He's been harassing Freed."

"Harassing? Rogue's not really a confrontational person. I doubt he'd 'harass' anyone."

"He's a bad influence. In case you don't remember he tried to destroy Crocus once." A shadow crossed Sting's face. He then walked slowly up to Laxus until the two of them were face to face and met him with a furious glare.

"The person that tried to destroy Crocus was not Rogue. Rogue is a delightful person and a brilliant influence on anyone. I seem you remember you and your goons tried to destroy Magnolia not so long ago, so if you have a problem with him or anyone else in my guild I will-" Laxus held his hands up in defence.

"Look, that maybe... that maybe came out slightly wrong. I know... I know that wasn't Rogue. I'm sorry. I'm just stressed. I think you'd get it if you came with me," said Laxus already dragging Sting out of his office.

"Hey! In case you didn't know, I'm Sabertooth's master! I have stuff to do!" complained Sting trying to wriggle his way back to his paperwork.

"No, you don't, Angel Boy. You're coming with me."

One excruciating train ride later, Laxus and Sting were hiding in a bush, and staring intently at Rogue and Freed who were having coffee together. Said pair were talking to one another quite animatedly and had their chairs pulled close together so that their shoulders and legs were brushing. Then, during a break in the conversation Freed lovingly brushed Rogue's hair out of his eye and behind one ear which resulted in Rogue blushing and smiling back at Freed.

Sting stared at the sight. A part of him was in shock. Another part was upset. And the last part was angry. Confusion was really the first thing that washed over him. Was this... was this what it seemed like? Rogue had never dated anyone before. Sting, in fact, had thought he was asexual. Rogue loved his personal space. But here was Freed, touching his hair like it was nothing. Was this.. was this a date? Sting tried to ignore the throbbing that now grabbed at his heart and the feeling of tears lining the balcony of his eyes. Why would Rogue date Freed and not him? Did Rogue not see him as attractive? He dropped all the flirty hints he could to the noirette without seeming too obvious, and Freed was his first choice? Freed? Seriously? What was he doing wrong? Sting started glaring daggers at Freed, which he knew was unjustified, but he did it all the same.

"Now do you see the problem?"

"Are you sure you're not just jumping to conclusions?" questioned Sting desperately.

"Seriously light for brains? Do you see the way they're looking at one another?"

"I... I mean, they're both perfectly entitled to date whoever they want and-"

"Cut the crap Sting! Your hands curled up into fists the moment you saw them and you look like you're about to cry!"

Sting rubbed his eyes self-consciously. "How long has it had a romantic edge?"

"Basically the entire week. They've been hitting it off like a house on fire since day one. They're both so intelligent that I can't understand half the things they say to one another. They're already so close, and it's only been a week. I don't really know what to do. I'm worried I'm going to lose him."

"Wait a second! You like Freed?" said Sting who felt that he needed something to spit out in shock.

"That's only just occurring to you now? Oh Mavis, you are going to be no help. We're both so fucked. Also, if you tell anyone I will kill you."

"I mean, do we even have any right to interfere? If they like each other and make each other happy... maybe we should leave them be?" ventured Sting although the very words burned his tongue.

"To hell with that. Just how pathetic are you? We have got to at least let them know there are other options on the table."

"And how do we do that?"

"Like I have a fucking clue! Look, step one is to just keep them the hell away from one another, and, well, maybe, if they like one another, step two is acting like them."

"What, I should act like Freed?"

"Well, if you like Rogue, and that's who Rogue likes, it makes sense doesn't it?"

"I don't know... isn't it healthier to just be yourself?" questioned Sting.

Laxus smacked his palm into his head, "Sting, life isn't some kind of fairytale. I'm not giving you some kind of pep talk about rainbows and unicorns where we hold hands and sing about acceptance ourselves. I'm being real with you. Rogue and Freed don't like us as we are. This is real life. In real life you need to make compromises."

Sting nodded, "I guess, I guess that makes sense," said Sting as memories of paperwork floated back into his mind, "I should really be getting back to Sabertooth, but thanks, Laxus, for trusting me. I won't tell anyone your secret. I promise."

"No problem, Angel boy. And Sting?"


"I won't tell anyone your secret either."

Sting gave him a quick smile and then turned towards the horrible train ride home.

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