The Bonus: Sequel

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Me: Enjoy the final part. Wow this took a week to finish....I could have finished it one day, but life happens.

~Le time skip five months brought to you by (G)I-DLE releasing a whistle teaser....Literally, someone is whistling in the teaser. There is no one there, but someone is whistling...what else did you think I meant? Oh and to people who say or think this, (G)I-DLE is not copying BlackPink. I love both groups, but BlackPink didn't create girl crush concepts. 2ne1 did, as far as I know. They created those concepts, but they don't own that concept. It is just a damn concept. Anyone can do any concept they want, so stop saying that someone is copying someone else when they have the same damn concept. Back to the story.~

My Pov:

Jongdae runs into the room and asks, "Did I miss it?"

Minseok, Byunghyun, Daniel, and Chanyeol look at him and say at the same time, "You sure did....They are all redheads...."

Jongdae pouts and whines. He says, "Ah wae~"

Minseok whispers, "Shhh Baekhyun is sleeping..."

Jongdae whispers, "Okay....wait what are their names?"

Chanyeol says, "Taemin, Jongin, and Jangjun."

Ever since the wedding five months ago, Chanyeol and his parents worked a deal that Chanyeol would inherit the company when he and Baekhyun get married. 

~Le time skip six years brought to by my laziness.....~

When the triplets were three, Baekhyun and Chanyeol got married and happened to have a double wedding with Niel and L.Joe at the beach. Jangjun didn't keep quiet at the wedding at all and was talking throughout the whole wedding. Both Jongin and Taemin broke a lot of things at the wedding and Jimin was supposed to be watching them, but Yoongi, S.Coups, Mingyu, Jeonghan, and Wonwoo had other plans for him. 

Yifan, Junmyeon, and Minseok ended up watching the triplets, while Jongdae tried to eat some food without anyone noticing. 

Currently, it is a Saturday and both Baekhyun and Chanyeol don't have work. They decided to leave Jangjun, Jongin, and Taemin with L.Joe and Niel because everyone else said they were too busy to babysit. Wonwoo and Mingyu are going on a date. Same for S.Coups and Jeonghan. Jimin and Yoongi are at the beach. Suho is helping someone deliver their child and Kris is in the middle of a heart surgery. Minseok is working at a wedding and Baekhyun doesn't trust Jongdae enough to leave his kids with him after the last time he agreed to babysit him. Let's just say that he lost the kids expect Jangjun was actually sleeping in his bed (where he left him), while Jongin and Taemin were hiding outside his house, since Jongdae agreed to play hide and seek with them (he forgot that he agreed to it). Also, Jongdae got Taemin into pranks and discovered Taemin's love of horror movies. 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol don't know if L.Joe and Niel are busy, since they didn't ask them but they don't care.

Baekhyun rings the doorbell and L.Joe answers the door. Baekhyun says, "Watch Jangjun, Jongin, and Taemin please. Thank you~"

L.Joe says nothing as he watches Baekhyun run back towards the car and Chanyeol drives off. He looks down at the triplets and asks, "Do you want to watch some movies and play a prank on your parents later?"

Jangjun yells, "YES!"

Jongin nods and Taemin smirks. L.Joe smiles and says, "Come inside, kids. It is time to start planning."

Jongin, Taemin, and Jangjun walk inside. Niel looks away from the kids movie playing on the tv to the triplets. He sighs and says, "Come on...."

Jangjan, Taemin, and Jongin sit on the couch near Niel. L.Joe says, "The next movie will be a scary movie."

Jongin's eyes widen and he grabs a pillow. Jangjun clears his throat, so he can scream and startle Jongin. Taemin smirks as he thinks about all the ways he is going to scare Jongin throughout the movie. Niel just pulls Jongin closer to him because he knows what Jangjun and Taemin are planning to do. 

~Meanwhile at the restaurant where Chanbaek are~

Chanyeol says, "I kind of feel bad for just leaving our kids with Niel and L.Joe without asking them if it was okay..."

Baekhyun sips his alcohol and says, "I don't. I already knew they were just going to stay at home and watch movies."

Chanyeol says, "Oh okay."

When they are ready to pick up their kids, Baekhyun gets a text from L.Joe that makes him sigh. Chanyeol asks, "What did he say?"

Baekhyun says, "He needs up to pick up our kids because Jangjun is being Jangjun, which is very similar to me and Taemin is being Taemin...Jongin is an angel?"

Chanyeol says, "Okay let's go."

When they get there, the front door is open and Baekhyun turns around then heads right back to the car. Since he knows Jongdae, he knows there is a prank nearby. Chanyeol keeps going. 

Baekhyun says, "Three two one..."

As soon as Baekhyun says 'one', Chanyeol screams and he laughs. Jangjun runs out of the house screaming, "YAY~ WE SCARED DAD!"

Taemin walks out of the house with a smirk on his face and holding Jongin's hand. Jongin smiles smugly. 

Baekhyun screams when he hears someone slam their hand down on the driver's side mirror. Baekhyun looks at L.Joe and frowns. L.Joe just smirks and says, "Next time ask."

Niel helps Chanyeol out of the house and L.Joe walks inside. Niel and L.Joe wave bye to  the triplets then close the front door when the triplets wave back and get into the car. 

Me: And they live happily ever after. The End....This is what the kids will look like when they are all grown up and yes they are all redheads like their parents. That was intentionally.

1) Taemin 

2) Jongin (Kai) Now, I don't know his hair is red in this picture, but it doesn't matter. Just looks like it is red anyway....

3) Jangjun

I hope you enjoyed this.

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