The Break up

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Me: Enjoy the chapter. You kind of already know what will happen in this chapter, but okay.

Baekhyun's  Pov:

When I wake up, I notice that Chanyeol isn't next to me like he was last night. I shrug and sit up. I groan at the pain in my lower back(Yes they had sex last night as I mentioned in the Introduction. I didn't feel like writing it out. Tbh, there actually won't be any smut in this. Maybe next time...The mature rating is actually for curses words because I am not holding back on those...I like curse words, so yeah.). I walk slowly towards the shower trying to ignore the pain in my lower back. 

After I am dressed, I walk throughout the house trying to find Chanyeol with no luck. I shrug and head back to our bedroom to find my phone. 

When I find my phone, I see a note next to it. The only thing written on the note is the words 'I am breaking up with you, Baek.' I frown and look at the time. 


I hurry up and get dressed for work. I grab my phone then glance at the note. 

I don't have time to think about that right now. I will just think about that later because I don't want to know why he broke up with me if he can't tell me face to face...

I look away from it and shrug. I grab my car keys and head to work. 

When I get there, the first thing I see is a pouting Mingyu hugging Wonwoo tightly and preventing him from heading inside to work. Wonwoo is trying to inch towards the entrance without Mingyu noticing. However, I think he notices.

Ahhh young love. I remember when Chan used to do that...

I walk towards them, since the entrance is literally one foot away from them. I look at Mingyu then ask, "Doesn't your shift start in five minutes?"

Mingyu stops pouting then his eyes widen, since the Starbucks is thirty minutes away from where we work. He let's go of Wonwoo then kisses his cheek. He gets in his car and drives no speeds off.

Wonwoo smiles and says, "Thank you. His shift starts in two hours though...." 

I shrug and say, "He will eventually find that out."

I open the door and we head inside. We go straight towards the employee's room and Wonwoo looks at me then shakes his head no. As I put my stuff down in my locker, I asks Wonwoo, "What?"

Wonwoo asks, "Are you okay? You are limping again and don't make up some bullshit reason this time. I know you and Chanyeol had sex because of Jimin and Yoongi last week...."

Wonwoo frowns and seems to be really uncomfortable. I asks, "You heard them having sex?"

Wonwoo says, "Jeonghan and I both did. Let's just say that they forgot that they invited us and Jimin left the front door unlocked......Also, we didn't just hear them because they were in the living room...and well I don't know if they saw us because we ran out....Ughh and I could have been working on my assignment for my cooking class and club that day...and Jeonghan could have been playing either soccer or basketball or both...(they didn't go all the way, but Wonwoo and Jeonghan don't know that.)"

Wonwoo sighs and puts on his apron. He says, "I hope I never see something like that again. I had a hard time looking Jimin or Yoongi in the eye this week....also you didn't hear that from me..."

I chuckle then wave bye to Wonwoo as I head to the front to wait for customers to come in and Wonwoo heads to the kitchen.

When my shift is over, I head back to the employee room and grab my stuff. I know that Wonwoo has another hour left in his shift, so I wave bye to him. 

I head back towards my car and get inside. I look at my text messages and see that Jimin texted me, which is weird because he only texts me when something is wrong. 

I ignore Jimin's text (big mistake, but oh well.) and drive home.

~Le time skip a week brought to you by Infinite Myungsoo having his solo debut in fall of this year! I am excited and can't wait.~

It has been a week, since Chanyeol broke up with me and well I have been throwing up a lot. I wonder if I am sick.

L.Joe's Pov:

I glare at Chanyeol and say, "You couldn't just say no. Naw, you got to drag me into this shit."

Chanyeol sighs and says, "Sorry, L.Joe...but..."

I cut him off by saying, "No. You don't get to call me that, you asshat. You have to call me Byunghun. Only Niel can call me L.Joe...Oh and but nothing! I don't wanna hear it."

You not even my type, you overgrown Yoda....

Chanyeol sighs and I walk away. I hear him asks, "Wait, who is Niel?"

I don't answer him or look back or even stop. 

He doesn't need to know about him yet.

I actually haven't told Chanyeol about Niel because I never thought that either of the two had to meet, but I guess I was wrong. Oh well I have work to get to.

"Pssst L.Joe~"

I stop and look at Jimin. Jimin smiles and asks, "So who is Niel?"

I frown and says, "I have better things to do than to....."

My phone starts ring and I look at the caller then put my phone back into my pocket. Jimin smirks and asks, "Aren't you going to answer that?"

I asks, "Okay what do you want?"

Jimin says, "For you to tell me who Niel is."

I sigh and say, "Fine! He is been my best friend, since I left here.....and he is my roommate....."

Jimin looks at me and says, "So he isn't more than that....."

I give Jimin a look and with a straight face say, "Unlike your stupid older brother, I was actually planning on confessing to Niel on his damn birthday yesterday, but that arranged marriage happened before I could....Probably one of his worse birthdays ever. Even worse than when he go drunk and confessed..."

Jimin squeals and yells, "I HAVE TO TELL WONWOO AND JEONGHAN."

Jimin runs off and I blink then asks, "Who is Jeonghan?"

I check my phone and notice that Niel is outside.

Oh well I will worry about Jeonghan later. I need to get to my script reading before I am late. 

I turn around and start heading outside the Park family home.

Just because Chanyeol doesn't know about Niel doesn't mean that Niel shouldn't know about Chanyeol....I wonder if Chanyeol planned to stay marriaged to me or divorce me when he gets the company...I hope he doesn't actually think Baekhyun would wait for him because I sure wouldn't...Now, I know Niel said he would, but I don't want him to nor does he have to....

Me:...Normally, I would say something here or at least I try to say something, but I have nothing to yeah. Next part!

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