Train to the Capitol

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Saying goodbye to my family was the most painful experience of my lifetime.

Tears pool at my eyes as I think of my sister and how I just saved her from her imminent death.  Questions swim in my mind as I wonder why I really saved Anil.  Then I realize that I've known the answer my whole life; it's because I love her more than anything else in the world, and she means more to me than life itself.  As I lay on the bed of lace and velvet in my personal train car, my eyes focus on a certain spot on the ceiling.  My blurry vision forms the spot in my head as a knife, and it digs into my stomach. 'This is how I'll die,' I think.  'I only have a few more days to live.' I have to face it. I need to face the fact that I'll never see my family again. That that moment in the Justice Building held my last words to my family in the air. 

I sob at the thought of everything I've ever known. My family... Mama, Papa, Anil.... Grandma Johanna and Grandpa Oak.  And then I realize there's the other tributes to think about.  The Mellarks are probably grieving more than ever in District Twelve.  Living in the poor area that was established for the people who needed to live there. Then there's the Odairs from District Four. They're all my friends, and if Boston or I is going to come out that arena alive, my friends will be have to be slaughtered. 

They would never be able to kill me, but I might as well be an easy, wimpy target for the careers.  I sit up and search around for some sort of TV remote, but what I find is some sort of slick glass material with shining buttons... Everywhere. It's covered in them and I decide that this must be what I'm looking for.  I play around with the buttons until one takes me to the station I'm looking for.  I watch the reapings in the Districts as I intently stare at the screen, trying to figure out my opponents. The careers are intimidating and I know imedeatly I'm going to die in the Bloodbath. 
I freeze as I watch me, myself and I voulenteer for my sister and see the tears streaming down her face as I step onto the stage.  'I wonder what Anil is doing right now.' But just the thought of Anil forces tears down my rosy cheeks, soaking my outfit. 

A knock on the door wakes me from my trance and the voice following it informs me imedeatly that it's Tontine Tomahawk, District Seven's Capitol escort. Tontine is the most bizarre woman, or human, I've ever seen in my life.  On her head hangs a droopy wig, off to the side so that her painted, shaved head shows slightly. The wig is silver, and doesn't match any of her outfits. Her right ear has so many piercings I can't even count without my mind blowing and they're all different colors, making them stand out unnecessarily.  Her lips are smack green and pop with the beads hanging down from her lips. She's gastly and one look at her makes me want to puke.

She comes in without asking or knocking again and exclaims excitedly that "dinner is waiting for you, dearie!  Your going to LOVE what's on the table for you!"

I roll my eyes and hop off the bed, and scamper out the door, not looking back. 
The glum look on Boston's face as he moved his food around with a single metal utensil tells me his last family conversations didn't go as he wanted. I totally understand his pain.

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