1 ⚡️Little Family

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The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

The morning was bright and warm. A forlorn trolley bag stood by the door of the Kim's residence. Its owner was too busy to care for it at present.

Taehyung kept on sucking his wife's lips as if there was no tomorrow. Her body was sandwiched between the kitchen wall and her husband. She felt the heat radiate from him. Her hands gripped his silky hair tightly while she enjoyed this little make-out session. He sensually held her waist to keep her in position and tilted his head in different angles to enjoy her lips. He wanted to fuck her so bad and his bulge in manhood only added oil to the flame. But he knew it was not the perfect time. Taehyung needed to leave soon or he would miss the flight.

Name: Dr. Kim Taehyung

Profession: World's most renowned cardiologist.

Likes: Family, friends puppies are his first love.

Dislikes: Lies, unnecessary violence.

"Umm... Tae..." She moaned between the kiss, "You should go now. The flight is in 2 hours."

Taehyung nibbled her lips one last time before pulling away. He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes in annoyance. Can life give them some time of privacy?! "If I were to rule then I would have made sure you won't be able to walk today." He purred, lustful eyes capturing her flustered shape.

"Oh, my 'not-so-bad-boy' you are making it harder for me now. I don't want to get pregnant when you will be away." She playfully licked her plump, luscious lips. Taehyung's smell was still lingering on it.

Taehyung's lips parted to form the infamous boxy smile. He remembered how he felt extra horny when he woke up. Probably because he wouldn't be able to see his gorgeous wife for about a month. And when his eyes fell on her morning, exposed body he couldn't resist it. Last night came crashing down on him as he desperately kissed her. "As you wish my lady. I am taking my leave now. See you after a month." He walked towards the door followed by her.

"Did you take everything required?" Tae nodded in reply. "Did you pack the food? And the joggers and-"

"God, stop! Are you my mother or wife??" Taehyung playfully scolded her. She crossed her arms on her chest and shrugged. "Can't be helped Mr. Hubby. You are such a pain in the ass."

"I won't deny that." He shot a wink at her and earned a blushing wife in return. He was glad that he had married her. She was much better than the one he had loved five years ago. She knew how to care, she knew how to smile and most importantly she knew how to love. He leaned down and pecked her lips, "Take care of yourself and Taesoo."

"I will. Call me after you land."

With that Taehyung finally left.

Name: Kim Soojung (Sri)

Profession: ex- boss of the mafia gang, Titans.

Likes: Family, action (the demon in her still longes for bloodshed)

Dislikes: Anyone who intends harm to her loved ones. She can be a living nightmare for the enemies.

Sri visibly sighed after she heard the elevator door. The house suddenly felt empty without her husband and five-year-old daughter. This one month is gonna be hell!

Sri and Taehyung were living in Australia since they reunited after her escape. They were blessed with a sweet daughter after some months of their marriage who was now 5 years old. The Kim couple worked in the Australian branch of the Saviour. Taehyung was one of the owners of the hospital. He even practised cardio surgery and was one of the most respected men in his work place. His wife worked as the matron. Being doctor was not easy, you need to study loads. She was okay with whatever job she could manage.

Seokjin, who didn't know Taehyung was living with the wanted woman of the country, had called him back to Korea several times. But Taehyung always refused. He didn't want to go back. He was sure Sri would face the criticism or worse get arrested. He was well aware that what she did as a Mafia was criminal offence but what could he do? He was in love with her. It was too painful for him to live without her. Moreover, Sri was trying to forget everything. She was trying to compensate for her sins. They had a daughter. He couldn't not afford to let her into the dark world. Her enemies might still be plotting against her. He didn't want Taesoo's friends to think bad of her. No one bothered them for the past six years. Taehyung thought they could live their remaining lives peacefully until... the second season of Doctor x Gangster began.

Last night Taehyung got an emergency call from his brother. One of the famous assemblymen had cardiac arrest and wished to get treated by him. He even paid a huge sum to the hospital. Taehyung at first denied as usual but he couldn't refuse the desperate request of his 18yr old daughter. On addition, Saviour was facing some issues and Seokjin needed help from his brother. As a result, Taehyung left his family and went back to Korea for about a month.

Sri didn't realize when it was already the time to pick up Taesoo from school. She took her purse and car keys and drove to the school.

The school bell rang and students rushed out like swarm of bees. Sri spotted her daughter skipping her way along with a friend beside her. Taesoo smiled widely when she saw her mom. It was a bright rectangular smile which she had inherited from her father. On contrary her sharp eyes were similar to her mother. Surprisingly, when she was happy she looked like Taehyung but when she was mad she depicted Sri.

Name: Kim Taesoo

Profession: Kindergarten student

Likes: Daddy and Mommie. Gifts, picnics and pranks.

Dislikes: Scary men, strict teachers and sometimes mommie.

Sri smiled faintly at her. She admitted that she couldn't be the sweetest mother because of her past. She could not help but radiate the cold aura around herself. But that didn't mean that she loved her daughter any less. She was ready to lay down her life for her. Afterall, that's what a mother does.

"Good evening, Mrs. Kim." The female class teacher greeted her.

"Good evening." Sri politely bowed and held Taesoo's wrist. The teacher then went in another direction. Taesoo was busy whispering something in her friend's ear. Sri cleared her throat to gain attention. The kids looked at her with innocent eyes. "Lets go, Soo, complete your secret tomorrow."

Taesoo knew though it sounded a bit stern but she was actually being polite. She was accustomed to her mother's nature. On contrary, her friend wasn't much familiar to Sri. She gulped at the elder's words. She backed off from Taesoo.

Taesoo saw the fear in her friend's eyes so she quickly managed in english, "I will talk to you tomorrow, Mia. Bye!" Without further words, the intelligent kid pulled away her mother from the scared child.

"Mommy, you scared her!" She whined after she got seated in the passenger's seat.

Sri bit her lips and sighed, "I am sorry, dear. I'll try to be more polite next time."

"Its okay Mommy. I know my mom is the best." Taesoo smiled at her and Sri returned it, though the intensities were not same.

Sri couldn't help but feel hurt at her words. Its been six years, she had left the life of a mafia. Then why couldn't she change herself? She thought she would change once she had stopped killing but it seemed tougher than that. Her nature, her character spoke more than her words. People somehow avoided her presence. It was completely fine with her when she was the Titan boss but when she started living like a normal person it felt absurd.

Initially she thought people avoided her because she was Korean, but latter she found out it was due to the unintended coldness she radiated off her body. Not that she wanted to be friends with them, but they could atleast maintain a decent relationship. The Australians were completely fine with Taehyung and Taesoo but not with her. Even the neighbours stopped coming to their house a while ago and smiled only at Taesoo when they came across on the road.

Sri felt her throat tighten at the thought of her child. Was negatively affecting her life? What if her friends stopped talking with her in school? What if she was harassed in school? Worse, what if she finds out about her past? Taesoo was mature than her age. Would she be able to forgive her mother?

"Mommy!!" Sri was brought back to reality by Taesoo, "I want an ice cream!" Her eyes sent hearts towards Sri. The little one had seen an ice cream parlour on road.

"We have a box kept in the fridge. Let's go home and have it, hmm??"

"NoOOO, I want it from that shop!" Taesoo was being stubborn.

"I will buy you from here after you finish what we have in our fridge." If it was Taehyung in place of her, he might have taken a u-turn and drove back to the shop. He played an active role in spoiling his daughter.

"Mommy please???"

"Taesoo." Her tone dropped some octaves. It was enough for the child to shut up her mouth. She felt scared under the intimidating gaze of Sri. She didn't want to get scolded. Sri was scary when angry.

The rest of the drive was silent, except the times Taesoo talked with random strangers at signals. Unlike Sri, Taesoo was a social butterfly from childhood.

Once Sri, had garaged the car in their complex, the mother and daughter got out of it. "Are we going to have the ice cream now?" Taesoo asked timidly.

Sri smiled at her naughty daughter. "Yes darling. You can have as much as you want." It earned her a melodious baby laughter. Some of the font teeth were missing but the laugher was jubilant as always.

Suddenly Sri's eyes fell on something or rather someone in black attire. He slowly went behind the huge pillars. She furrowed her eyebrows and pulled Taesoo behind her. "Who is there?!"

No body answered. It was an eerie silence. Sri was sure there was someone. She couldn't afford to risk it by checking on him since her daughter was with her. "I asked who-" Her words were interrupted by a loud roar of the engine and a car was seen speeding away through the gate. Sri kept on looking at the hazy car plate. There was too much smoke and moreover, the garage was dark.

"It might be our neighbour." Taesoo reasoned. Her wrist was throbbing from the tight grip of her anxious mother. Sri was covered in sweat. Her instincts were telling something was wrong.

Now what could possibly go wrong??

Thats with the 1st chapter. Hope you enjoyed this HUGE 1850 words opening.

Drop your views!

-Jeongsri 💜

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