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Not all those who wander are lost...

The weather turned cool after a heavy downpour. The bridge was painted crimson. Dead bodies lay rotting amidst the silence of the night. One of the streetlights was flickering. Tyre marks were visible on the mud that got collected in the vicinities of the road.

A humongous fight had taken place a few minutes ago. The most dreaded mafia of the underworld was almost killed by the most cunning gang leader. Jongki was sure that he had S on his hold until he met the unexpected.

1 hour ago.

"We got her. Now she is ours." Song Jongki stood up and addressed his men to pull Sri up on her feet. He was sure Sri had lost all strength due to multiple wounds and loss of blood. Her screams made him smile wide. He owned S, he would take down the entire world with her help.

However, Sri pushed his man aside and ran towards the railing. Jongki was about to go after her when he met with a punch much stronger than the ones Sri had inflicted upon him. Bewildered, he turned his face only to meet the blazing eyes of the Titans Leader.

Jungkook had dropped Taehyung at the hospital when Jimin's call came. The older one did a clever thing by informing them. Luckily, Jungkook wasn't too far from the location. He ordered his men to drive as fast as possible as he knew Sri would not be able to defeat all of them when her daughter was at stake.

However, the misled half of the Titans reached there a bit too late. Jungkook saw the hideous scene with wide eyes. His sister was kneeling in a pool of blood, her blood. His niece was nowhere to be seen and the wicked gangster was mistreating Sri.

JK was engulfed in so much rage that he was sure he would kill Jongki that night itself. For a moment, all rational thoughts left his mind. With one nod of approval from their boss, the Titan men attacked the half-dead army of the Eclipse. No wonder they had faced a merciless gangster woman few minutes ago.

The Titans were loyal to their leader. Most of them joined after S left the gang but they were well acquainted with her dread and power. They respected her. Seeing her so miserable not only did enrage Jungkook but also slapped the Titans men right on their faces. They were determined to kill every soul present in that place.

Jungkook punched right on Jongki's jaw, making sure to break atleast a teeth or two. "Tonight, you're the prey and I'm the predator." He rasped in an icy cold voice. A thunder struck above their heads. The winds increased its speed.

However, nothing could frighten him because his work was done. He wanted either to make S his ally or break her in an irrecoverable way and he succeeded in doing the second one. Jungkook still didn't know about Taesoo's death. He massaged his throbbing jaw and spat out two bloody teeth. "Fool."

Jungkook knew he had planned something. His eyes searched for Sri only to spot her trying to jump off the bridge. He didn't want to find the reason. His heart skipped a beat before he shouted, "Get her!"

Sherly killed her opponent and ran towards Sri. She pulled her back just in time. The later was a bloody mess and Sherly was soon soaked in her blood. Her bleeding increased the more she fought against her drowsiness.

"You cant bring the dead back now, can you?" The Eclipse boss's sinister laughter echoed in the bridge.

For a moment, everything was silent. The fights were paused. Another thunder rumbled in the night sky. The streak of lightning momentarily lit up the fearsome faces of the Gangsters. One of the street lights flickered.

Jungkook could feel his eyes string. He balled his fist so tight that the bones might have cracked. He loathed Song Jongki from the core of his heart. Even his death would not satisfy his anger. He wanted to torture him for years. The drizzles turned into a downpour.

"Boss! You should take her to the hospital!" Sherly cried from the periphery of his vision.

Jungkook unfolded his fist and took a deep breath. "If you go back to the base without Jongki, I'll burry you alive." He seathed. "Each and every one of you." As soon as he completed his words, his men pounced upon the Eclipse boss.

JK ignored the chaos and finally walked over to Sherly. The voices were muffled by the hammering rain drops. His heart clenched on seeing his sister bleeding so profusely. The rain failed to wash away the crimson colour. He picked her up in bridal style and walked towards his car when Sherly voiced out her concern, "Where is Jimin?"

The boss of the Titan took a sharp breath. He had completely forgotten about him. He wasn't used to see him in action. Jimin usually avoided fights. It was irresponsible of the younger to forget about him when he was the one who played the major role in the time of need.

"I'll search for him." Sherly ran back into the fighting zone.

Dr. Yoongi, completed his surgery and stepped out of the OT. He flexed his neck in fatigue. His family had set up a blind date that night and he was supposed to attend that. Apparently, they thought a man over thirty must have a wife and children. He sulked the entire way to his cabin. He would rather adopt a pupppy than marrying someone. Holly would even get a friend.

He plopped on his arm chair and relaxed his body. On switching on the cell phone he found about thirteen of miscalls from his family- 2 from elder brother, 5 from his father and 6 from his mother. He was supposed to meet the woman at 7pm but now its 8pm. He put the phone back on the table and closed his eyes, satisfied that he had successfully ditched his date. His bliss of solitude didn't last long as the phone rang once again. "Can't a man have his sleep in peace?!" He gritted his teeth and took the call.

"What the fuck do you want?" He didn't care who was on the other side and how he or she might judge him. He was too exhausted to deal with anything.

"Dr. Min?" A unknown voice spoke from the other side.

"No, its an octopus speaking." He mocked.

"Is Dr. Taehyung there?" The man seemed unbothered of his sarcasm.

Yoongi realised it was not the time to get hissy. He cleared his throat and spoke a bit formally, "Was he supposed to be here? And who are you?"

There seemed to be a commotion on the other side the man replied once it has subsided, "He was supposed to be there. I was trying to contact him but his phone is switched off."

As far as Yoongi knew, Tae was with the Titans. Who was this unknown person trying to contact him. He took some seconds to understand the situation. Once he did, he carefully dropped the next few words. "Dr. Kim is probably having an OT. Am I speaking with a Titan?"

The line was silent for a few seconds before he heard a snicker. "The boss."

The doctor could feel his throat go dry. He might want to kill every human in this world but the Titans would kill you even if you are an animal. "How may I help you?" He managed not to stutter.

"Sri has been wounded. She is bleeding. We will be in the hospital within five minutes. How do I stop the bleeding??"

His heart dropped at JK's words. Everything got messed up. He didn't want to think what happened to injure such a skilled woman. "Did you bandage the wound?"

"I changed it thrice in fifteen minutes."

"Is she conscious?"


"Better. Try pressing on the wound. I'll set up everything here. Oh, her blood group?"

"B positive."

"The best." Yoongi hung up the call and ran out of his cabin.

Sri will never let this slide...

Park Jimin never fails to amaze. This was one of the most powerful Jimin solos

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