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She was either wildly naïve or
Dangerously intelligent.

"I appreciate your work, Dr. Namjoon" Sri smirked and cut the call. She was seated in her car waiting for Jongki's next move. As predicted, she saw a black Porsche 911 roaring to life and zooming out of the mansion premises.

"Is it him?" She asked Jimin in the earpiece.


"Great. Let's end his chapter tonight." She started the engine and followed him.

Jongki didn't realize he was being followed until he saw Sri driving parallelly on his left. The cars were at a tremendous high speed and for a moment his heart leaped out of his ribcage and he almost lost his control on the wheels.

He couldn't risk getting engaged in a fight with her right now keeping in mind his conditions. That night 3 years ago, without her knowing, S had managed to cripple him for the rest of his life.

S slightly tilted her head to her right and locked her eyes with her enemy. Her gaze was darker than the pit of the ocean. A bone-chilling stare challenging the opponent to a battle of death. She stepped on the accelerator and sped some distance forward before she drifted.

Jongki came to an abrupt halt and simultaneously drifted. The car turned 180 degrees and now the Eclipse leader was retracing his path. The cat-and-mouse game went on for some more minutes before Jongki was blocked by some men in black. The moon was behind the clouds and it was too dark for him to identify the group of men. But he saw they were heavily armed through the headlights of his car.

He couldn't possibly drive past such a vast group. He had to halt and step down to save himself. If he went forward these unknown men would kill him whereas if he ran backward S would run him over. The look he got from her a few minutes ago made him choose a group of armed gangsters over a single woman.

He half staggered and half ran towards the men until he fell face forward infront of their feet. He wasn't in the state to get humiliated he wanted to live anyhow. "Help me! She is coming!" He shrieked not caring if the men were Titans. "I don't want to die!"

However, the group did not intend to kill him. They were astonished to see their boss crawling at their feet. "Don't worry boss! We will save you!" One of them proudly assured.

The word 'boss' perked up his ears. These were neither the Titans nor the Russians. The clouds got swept away from the sky and the bright moon lit up the entire area. They were his men. The loyal and most powerful group he had created to take care of S. In the fear of getting killed, he had forgotten his plan to isolate S and kill her in the middle of nowhere. Everything rushed back to him as he slowly got back his composure.

Suddenly he heard a 'thump' and saw all eyes were focused on something in the front. He turned around and sat on his butt. His legs were still a bit weak from the rush of adrenaline.

On the hood of his jet-black car sat a woman, crossing one leg above the other and leaning back on her hands as if she were the evilest character of a fantasy book. However, the reality was much more scary. She wore raven attire and matching Chelsea boots. Her hair was messed up in the strong breeze and her skin glistened in the silver moonlight. Her face was shawled by the tree leaves.

"You dared to mess with the monster in me." Her voice brought chills in all of their spines and they involuntarily held their rifles tighter. "Now you face the doors of death."

"Ha! These are my men." Jongki scoffed, "One snap of my finger and you will have numerous bullets inserted inside your body!"

"Today I will be a spectator in this hunger game. I have fought enough." The shadow of the leaves danced on her face. Her lips parted to form an amused grin.

Jongki couldn't quite understand what happened. All he saw were some white-skinned men with tattooed arms and necks rained down upon the group of Eclipses.

The Novans.

They were double the size of Koreans and fiercer than a beast. They were trained not to mercy any soul. Duty hours meant throwing away all moral values, all justifiable acts, and most importantly all emotions.

It was a bloodbath. Droplets of crimson sticky liquid sputtered in the air. S sat leisurely and watched the show like an intense-themed movie. This time she had all his moves checked.

It took just five and a half minutes and all thirty men lay rotting in pools of blood. Jongki stood up on his feet and began running to save his life. He looked like a survivor of a shipwreck; scared, injured, covered in dirt, and damped from the blood of his own men.

The Russians were about to chase him when S interrupted, "Ostanavlivat'sya!" She stepped down from the car and walked towards the corpses. Her boots got strained in blood but she didn't care. S relished the smell of death. "Prikonchite vsekh yego lyudey, ya pozabochus' o nem."
(T. Stop! Finish all his men, I'll take care of him.)

Once the Novans drove away to the Eclipse mansion. S began walking in the direction of Jongki. The man could still be seen staggering some meters ahead. His body failed to cooperate.

Jongki rolled down the edge of the road and found a huge building infront of him. The structure was covered in glass and looked large enough for him to hide. He turned around in fear of being followed by S. However, his paranoia made him run towards the building.

It was a dimly lit place with a glass corridor ahead of Jongki. It looked like a science lab. The Gangleader explored the path with curiosity. He had never been to this place. It didn't look old and abandoned. On the other hand, he couldn't spot a living soul inside. He turned around to make sure he wasn't followed but when he looked infront he came face to face with the woman from his nightmares.

"Without your men, you are nothing." She scoffed and folded her arms across her chest as she took steady steps towards him, heels clicking on the glass floor. "Look at you! You are worse than Kai from Dark Squads. Atleast he had put up a good fight against me."

He bared his teeth and attacked her with all his might. He wanted to control S so getting killed in her hands wasn't an option. He would kill her even if it cost him his own life.

His fist landed on a firm palm as someone blocked his punch just a few inches from her face. The impact blew her loose hair strands. S didn't even blink. Her sharp icicles were locked on her enemy's bulging ones.

"Don't you dare touch her." Taehyung sheathed and pulled him away. Jongki hit his back on the corridor wall. Tae kneed him in his stomach before he could stand straight. He pushed him against the opposite wall and backhanded him. Meanwhile, all S did was watch in satisfactory. She promised herself not to touch anybody in combat.

Jongki fell to the ground panting heavily, blood dripping from his nose. He gathered all his strength and tried to stand up. After falling twice he finally made a run further into the dark corridor. He didn't know where he was heading but he had to get away from them. Taehyung didn't look like he was ready to spare his life.

He ran down a staircase, probably in the basement. Since every corner of the building looked the same it was difficult for him to differentiate the surroundings. He faced a dead end as the metallic door before him seemed closed. He heard footsteps behind. He knew it was Taehyung who was coming for his blood. He desperately began banging on the door. "Fucking open already!!" He pressed on the finger sensor hoping it would do any good.

The footsteps got nearer as Jongki kept on banging until it suddenly slid open. The man stumbled inside. He looked around in awe. It was a circular space. Above him was a huge ceiling. The height of the room was more than twenty feet. Along the curved walls were empty aisles. On close examination, it looked like a battle arena.

Trepidation befell upon him. Did he just walk into an arena instead of saving himself? In no time Taehyung and S would arrive marking the end of his life. He was trapped. He kept glancing at the door in anticipation. Due to the same reason, he failed to realize someone was standing behind him.

He felt a shift in the air as the hairs on his neck stood up. The moment he turned around he met with a hard flying kick which threw him a few feet away on the ground from where he stood. 

Who is this someone? Tae, S or someone else??

Also, are you enjoying the fight?

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