41⚡️JK Arrested!

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I wanted to give up but then I saw my scars...

[A/N: Play the song attached]

"I'll surrender." All three pairs of eyes were wide like saucers at the statement made by their boss.

"Jungkook, you can't do that!" Taehyung looked back and forth between Sri and JK.

"I know what I am doing. You need to get out of here. I'll have their attention." Jungkook placed his hand on Tae's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I can't let you go to jail after everything you've done for me and my child! Sri, you've to say something!"

"Don't mistake my duty with favor, Kim Taehyung. You're my family; Taesoo is my niece." His reply made the doctor shut his mouth. He mumbled a quick sorry. Jungkook adverted his gaze to his sister who kept on staring at him with an unreadable expression. "Don't worry Noona, Titans will keep on ruling the underworld."

Sri clenched her teeth. Her face was still filled with blood strains. Jongki's corpse lay not far from the trio. "I believe in you, JK." She finally spoke in a stoic voice. The Jeon siblings exchanged looks and nodded sturdily in affirmation. "Take care." She took Taehyung's hands and left the building.

Jimin stood there in silence. He was initially shocked like everyone but later he was happy with whatever decision JK took. It was his choice. His way of being grateful to her for protecting him in that dark alley twenty-nine years ago. He could atleast assure her a happy life after all she had done to shield him from the monstrous world.

"Jimin, go after her. Make sure the three of them leave the country safely." This was what Jimin didn't expect from his boss. His jaw hung loose as JK continued, "Sherly is already in their custody. I will be surrendering. Someone has to take care of everything while I am gone."

"But Kook... how can I?" The male trailed off.

"It won't be long until I am back." He smirked at his companion.

Jimin got his clue and smirked back, "Yes boss!" Then he ran in the direction which the couple went.


"Yes, boss!"

"No traces of the dead shall remain." Jungkook finally took a final glance at the dead eyes of Song Jongki and walked away. As soon as he stepped out of the building, laser beams incenerated the corpses leaving behind only ashes of sins.

The police aimed their guns the moment they saw the boss of Titans making his way out of the building. Sherly tried to get free but she was pushed on her knees by Officer Beomgyu.

"I surrender." Jungkook raised both of his hands. However, no look of remorse was found in his dark orbs. It was as if he was doing them a favor by giving up.

The policemen immediately cuffed his wrists behind him. "Where are others?" Officer Soobin held his index on the trigger for precaution.

JK poked his cheeks with his tongue, "Don't you think the boss of Titans is enough for a day?"

"What are you trying to pull, Jeon?"

"You are standing on my premises. With a single command, your entire force can be shot dead right here and now." JK's dark icicles sent chills down the police's spine but he didn't back down. "So act fast before I change my mind."

Soobin inhaled sharply and backed off. "Take them away! We'll hunt down the others very soon." The officers pushed JK, Sherly, and a few Titans they had arrested into the caged van.

"Jeon Jungkook has been arrested," Soobin called Hoseok and got into his jeep. "We are retreating."

"Let me get in first." Taehyung gently patted Sri's shoulders and walked inside the door. The Russian guards stepped aside for him to enter.

On entering he met with the star of his life, who was drawing something in her drawing book. Crayons were scattered over the entire room. One week without seeing her felt like years to him. "Soo-ah" He called to gain her attention.

"Daddy!" Her eyes lit up in elite. She ran to give him a bear hug. "I missed you!" Tae picked her up and hugged her back. "Why did you leave me?? I am angry!" She pouted and looked away.

"I am sorry, darling" He giggled and poked her puffed cheeks, "But I got a surprise for you."

Her eyes lit up once again, "Did you bring the new doctor's set I asked for that day??"

"Umm.. something better!" He scrunched his nose. "Check it out yourself." He placed her back on the ground.

Soon the door opened and Sri came into full view. Taesoo froze on her spot at the sight. She almost forgot when was the last time she had seen her mother. Tae moved aside to give them the mother-daughter moment.

Sri on the other hand gulped down the sob that almost left her lips after seeing her daughter standing in front of her, alive and healthy. She pushed back all the traumatic past that tried to cripple her brain and focused on how much she had grown in three years. It was her 8th birthday next week. Her hair was now longer and her face was more woman-like. She got some inches taller but all Sri saw was her baby girl.

On seeing her frozen state, Sri decided to approach first. She took baby steps towards her and knelt to match her height. "How are you, my child?" She huskily whispered.

"I have missed you, Mommy." She whispered back, eyes filled with tears.

Sri opened her arms and smiled with trembling lips. Taesoo ran into her mother's bosom. She felt safe and protected. She felt whole. Sri had dreamt of this moment every night during her stay in Russia. She hugged her tightly as if she would vanish if she loosened her hold. She finally let her tears loose. Taesoo didn't protest. Maybe she was equally scared to lose her mother.

"I love you so much!" Taesoo cried.

"Love you too my baby. Mommy loves you more than anything in this world." Sri sobbed.

The emotional moment made Tae fight back his tears. He saw his daughter opening her arms for him to join. He wasted no time and hugged the two most precious women in his life. The family felt whole.

Sri faced the team of Novans who supported her in this mission at the helipad of the Titan mansion. Taehyung and Taesoo were already inside a helicopter, waiting for her. Jimin suggested taking them to an island owned by Jungkook and then sending them off in a private jet as all public airports were heavily guarded by the Korean Police.

"Spasibo za value vernuyu podderzhku v etoy missii", she addressed the entire group with a small bow. "Tell Ivan, I'll never forget his favor."
(T. Thank you, for your loyal support in this mission.)

"We will, Madam!" One of them spoke and all stomped their left feet in respect. The group would be returning to Russia after the situation had calmed down. Sri was glad she could send off all men alive and healthy.

"I don't think I'll be visiting Ivan again in the future so tell him not to wait for me." She smiled. "I wish all the best to the Novans. Udachnykh poletov, gospoda." She turned on her heels and climbed up the helicopter.
(T. Have a safe flight, gentlemen.)

The blades began rotating as soon as she sat beside Taehyung. A Titan man was seated beside the pilot with a rifle for protection. Even Sri carried a gun just in case. The couple smiled at Jimin who stood on the ground as the helicopter hoisted up.
Sri saw his tiny wave, the entire mansion shrinking in size. She could get a clear view of the entire city.

She saw the ruins of the old Titan mansion. Taehyung saw the Lotte work tower and the Han river meandering through the heart of the city.  She recalled all the bittersweet memories of her homeland. She missed Arin, Seokjin, Yoongi and other important people of her lives. She remembered her encounter with Taehyung. A dreamy smile was plastered on her lips as she remebered the day she fell for Tae. Such a naive doctor he was...

Soon they spotted the vast ocean. "I'll miss them." Tae spoke as if he had read her mind. Sri closed her eyes with a hum. She embraced the air of her victorious conclusion hit her cheeks. It marked the end of an era, end of Doctor X Gangster series.

Taehyung tilted her head with his index and claimed her lips in a passionate kiss. Their hairs shone under the golden sunrays. The deafening sound of the rotating blades, the wind and Taesoo's giggles -- all faded in an euphoric bliss as Sri wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back lovingly. 

Jungkook heard the blades of a helicopter from the cell he had been kept. Of course, it wasn't the one that Sri escaped, but the sound eased his mind at the thought that she had left the country safely. He finally relaxed his body on the worn-out bed after last night.

Every news channel had his face. The internet was blowing up with cheers. Jeon Jungkook was the headline of newspapers. The police station was a chaos of reporters. He was kept in the tightest security and he was sure every officer was ordered to shoot him if he tried to pull any stunt. He would have a trial and be transferred to central jail in ten days.

He folded his hands to use them as a pillow and closed his eyes. The police kept on searching for Jimin and others, however couldn't arrest any till now. Not even Jung Hoseok would dare to step into the Titan mansion, with or without JK being in there.

Speaking of whom, the metallic door opened with a click and the commissioner stepped inside. "Nice to meet you again, Mr. Jeon." He mockingly looked down at Jungkook who kept his eyes closed and ignored his presence.

"I hope you'll cooperate or we try the hard way." Hoseok rolled his eyes at JK's nonchalance. How he wished he could crumble his pride but that was next to impossible. Jungkook had been to worse situations. However, he was interrupted by a call. He placed the phone on his ear.

The cell was dropped to silence as a result the person speaking from the other side was heard without even switching on the speaker.

"Lay a hand on my brother and your entire family gets burned into ashes. I'll be watching your moves."

Hoseok's eyes visibly widened in horror and his grip tightened in anguish. But before he could speak the line disconnected. He called back but it went straight to the voicemail saying the number was unreachable. She probably disposed of the SIM card. "I'll fucking pull you out of your den, S! Be it anywhere in this world!" He cursed.

"She isn't hiding. She is choosing peace over massacre. Be happy with whatever you have got." Jungkook chuckled with his eyes still closed.

"Going after her would be a suicide mission, officer." 


Hope You have enjoyed reading. Check out the next chapter for something interesting.

I'll upload an Epilogue and a Random Q/A chapter once the book reaches 10k reads.

Thank you,

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