6 ⚡️Back to Korea

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A mother can change darkness into light and light into darkness.

"Taehyung... Taesoo is missing."

The cell phone almost slipped from Taehyung's hand. "W-what?" He croaked. He thought he had heard something wrong but her answer remained unchanged.

"Someone had kidnapped her. They are against me but used my daughter as bait- I don't know- I had no idea-" Sri kept on rambling from the other side. She sure was tensed out of her mind.

Taehyung felt like someone had knocked the air out of his lungs. Even Sri's rambles failed to reach his ear. The world became a chaotic haze around him. Taesoo was his most precious person, his daughter. How could she be kidnapped?? Moreover, he was not with his family at present. He should have declined the offer to Korea. He should have stayed with them. He should have protected his family. There were many things he 'should' have done but the past couldn't be changed.

He was brought back to reality when he heard a sniffle from the other side of the phone. She was crying. He heard her sobs after a long time. It made his heart ache. He knew she was an expert in hiding her emotions but this time it was her daughter, her life's light, her and Taehyung's most precious little one.

He needed to act strong for both of them. He had to do something. He had to act like a responsible father. He composed himself and asked, "Where are you right now?"

"I- I am in the forest. I came to find-"

"What the hell are you doing there alone?? Go back to the house! I'll be back by evening!" Taehyung raised his panicked voice. He couldn't belive she went there alone.

"No don't! They will target you too. I can't lose both of you at once." She almost shouted. Taehyung's heart clenched at her words. She was vulnerable and he was not there to console her. He was not there to hug her and lend a chest to cry upon.

"Take a deep breath and calm down." She did as she was instructed. "Again." Another exhalation was heard. Taehyung spoke as gently as possible, "Now listen to me very carefully. Don't panic. The Soojung I know is much stronger than this. Go back to the apartment and wait for me. I will be there in some hours. We'll sort out something. Our daughter is okay. We will get her back safe and sound."

"Taehyung, you are not getting it! They are dangerous! They have taken her to Korea!"

"How can you be sure??"

"I know I am! I will explain to you once I get there. I am coming."

"Soojung No! You can't. The police will arrest you!"

"Do you think I care?!" Taehyung flinched at her sudden scream. There were some more shuffling before she spoke again. "I-I am sorry. But trust me. I can manage."

"Fine. I'll pick you up from the airport." He ended the call. He knew he couldn't argue with her. She already had a lead.

Taehyung threw the phone on the bed and leaned heavily against the wall. Just when he thought they had overcome the darkness of their lives, all these began. It was his little daughter this time. He could do anything for her. He bit his lips until they bled. Some stray tears dropped on his T-shirt. His nerves almost dried at the thought of Taesoo being mistreated.

He kept on staring blankly at the wall infront of him for uncountable minutes. After pulling his hair until they hurt, he concluded that thinking would not do any good. Thus, Taehyung took a deep breath to calm himself and stood up. He then dashed out of the room.

"Where are you going, Taehyung??" Mrs. Kim asked in confusion. Taehyung was in a hurry. He replied while hastily wearing his shoes, "I am going back to Seoul, Eomma! There has been an emergency. Take care of yourselves." He opened the door, "Hyung, I am borrowing your car!" He closed the door without hearing the reply.

Seokjin was equally confused. He didn't understand what was the emergency. Was it from Saviour? He had noticed the bloodshot eyes of his brother. Was Taehyung crying? But why will he cry because of a hospital emergency?

Taehyung reached the airport around the time Sri's flight was supposed to land. Many people were coming out of the exit. Taehyung impatiently waited for his wife. A part of him still hoped Taesoo would accompany her. But he knew better.

"Taehyung?" A familiar voice reached his ears. He searched for his wife but couldn't spot her in the crowd. Not until she called him once again, Taehyung noticed a woman with a bob cut, brown hair wearing sunglasses.

"Sr- Soojung??" He couldn't believe she had disguised herself so perfectly.

Sri laughed which failed to reach her sad eyes, "I had to avoid getting caught."

"The car is parked there", He pointed at his car and both walked towards it.

Sri hugged him once they were near their ride. Both exhaled simultaneously. They were away from each other for a long time. Taehyung cupped her cheeks and observed her features. She looked tired. The spark in her eyes was missing.

Taehyung leaned in and pressed his lips on hers. She responded to the kiss almost immediately. The kiss lacked passion but it had love. Sri was once again on the cliff of emotions. She didn't realize when her eyes started to overflow and her breathing became uneven.

The male disconnected their lips and hugged her tightly. "Don't worry. We will get our daughter back." Some stray tears made their way out of his eyes. As he buried his nose on her soft hairs.

"I am so sorry, Taehyung. I should have been more careful. This is my fault."

"Don't blame yourself like that. I am positive that our daughter is doing good. She is strong and she has your blood."

She broke the hug and weakly smiled, "I hope so."

The couple went to Taehyung's apartment. Tae made themselves an instant coffee and both were seated on the sofa.

"So... you mean, it all started some days after I had left?" Taehyung's voice sounded graver than usual.

The female just nodded. Her dark eyes were fixed on the coffee mug in her hand. "I tried my best to protect her, but I had never thought they would target her in school. Then again, I did underestimate our enemies. They know me, they know about Titans."

Taehyung released a sigh of exhaustion. "Now what? From where shall we start?" His question was replied to with silence. Sri was lost in her thoughts. Only she knew what was cooking in her mind.

He finally stood up. He was desperate to get back to Taesoo but at the same time, he wanted to act carefully and wisely. "I'll get some groceries. Stay here do not try to go anywhere without me."

A scoff vibrated through Sri's mouth, "As if you are the Gangleader and I am your dainty queen."

Taehyung's eyes darkened as he hovered over her with his intimidating gaze. "If it's to protect either of you two then", he growled the last words, "I'll go as far as making S kneel infront of me."

Sri's wide eyes were locked on his intimidating ones. For a moment she forgot to breathe. Her stomach got filled with unusual warmth.

She didn't realize when Tae had already left. The sound of the door brought her back to reality. What's with him? She mentally asked and then the lips parted to form a grin. She wasn't angry she was moreover happy at his words. She loved getting dominated by one and only Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung exited the bar. He was too stressed out with the current happenings. He needed to cool his mind. He was not the type of guy to drink like no tomorrow but, at that moment a glass or two of whiskey was the best solution.

He preferred to walk back home. He was slightly tipsy but he could manage his gait. The chilly wind brushed through his slightly red face, refreshing it. The stars twinkled just like his eyes. They reminded him of his star, Taesoo. He choked back a sob and walked faster, grocery bag dangling in his hold.

Kim Taehyung opened the door of his apartment only to get greeted by a hostage tied with a chair.

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Just Taekook shamelessly ogling at Namjoon's Bapsae hip thrust- 🤡🤡🤡

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