12. Elixirs

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I had just the right dress for the cocktail party. It was indeed pink, but nothing like the gingham number I'd described to Dr. Styles. It was a sophisticated pink, covered in sequins and it hugged my body in all the right places. The sleeves were maybe a bit too long for the season, but I didn't care. I felt fabulous in it, and I secretly knew it would knock the doctor off his feet, even if this was just a business outing. I also took the extra time to straighten my hair. It was no small task, but I liked the elegance it lent to my appearance when I took the time to do it right. 

My doorbell rang at precisely 7:30, the exact time he said he'd swing by and pick me up. I opened the door and literally felt my heart jump, and my hands started shaking. He had a suit jacket slung over his shoulder and a white shirt hanging open by a few buttons. I caught sight of those black wings again, but I didn't feel it appropriate to ask what kinds of birds they were.

"Black tie?" I questioned.

He produced one out of his pocket. "I hate ties. I'll put it on at the last possible second." His smile made my knees weak. "You look fantastic," he said.

"Thank you," I said, grabbing my clutch purse.

I was locking my door when he asked, "Your full name is Elloise, right?" 

I cringed at the old-fashioned name. "Ugh, yes. Why?" I looked up at him, my face still twisted in displeasure.

"I think it sounds more professional," he said.

"Well, no one calls me Elloise, except my granny," I said. "And I only allow it because she's like 95 years old."

"I think it's a lovely name," he countered.

"I'd rather be called Ms. Jansen," I suggested with a laugh.

We left our building and Dr. Styles hailed a cab. Oh, so the good doctor actually knew how to ride in a taxi. I guessed that he didn't want either one of us to have to drive home after a cocktail party, but I was tempted to remind him about his comment about cab drivers being untrustworthy, but I decided against it.

On the way, he briefed me on the evening. "Let's see, this is a fundraiser for a new pediatric emergency center at CMI. It's been in the works for a long time, and this is the first official push after CMI made the decision to go ahead with the renovation."

"So, the current emergency department will be renovated?" I asked.

"Partially, yes," he replied. "They plan to make an addition, too."

"How do they do that in Downtown Chicago? We're already on top of each other as it is."

"You'd be surprised," he said. "These architects are genius."

After a few moments of silence, he added, "I'm hoping they'll choose me as head of the new department." He was looking down at his fingers, fiddling with his rings, which I'd noticed a few times before. Every once in a while, I wondered about who he was, on a deeper level. He was this perfectionist, hard-working doctor but the long hair, tattoos, and rings didn't seem in keeping with the idealist image he presented.

I noticed that he seemed shy to tell me about his hopes for becoming the new department head. Like he was unsure of himself, something I'd never, ever seen before. He did seem awfully young, even for the position he already held but I knew he was determined and skilled enough to do just about any job.

We arrived at Soho House, which I'd never been to before. "This place is fantastic," I gushed as we entered the front door. The place screamed shabby chic, which was my absolute favorite, with some European nuances thrown in.

He shrugged. "It's nice, I guess."

"Nice?" I laughed. "I would decorate my entire house like this if I could."

"Oh," he said, less than enthusiastically. "Is that the look you're going for in your apartment?" 

"Yes," I beamed. "Thank you for noticing!" I knew his intent was to tease me, but I turned it around to accept it as a compliment. 

What was truly stunning, however, was the rooftop pool patio, where the actual cocktail party was held. I stepped out into the open air and I suddenly felt like the small town girl I was, mingling with women wearing diamonds and men with Rolexes, a completely different speed than what I was used to. But I could see how the hospital might have high hopes for raising some serious cash at this fundraiser.

In no time at all, a waitress came around with a tray of drinks, and we each selected one. Then the doctor proceeded to introduce me to the Chief of Staff. 

"Dr. Phillipps," he began, "This is Elloise Jansen, one of our new nurses in the emergency department." 

With just a hint of annoyance, I said, "Nice to meet you, sir, but please call me Ellie." 

We chatted a bit about where I was from and where I had attended nursing school. He was very easy to talk to, for which I was grateful. After that, we made our way around the room, with Dr. Styles introducing me to the next several people as Elloise, and each time, I politely revealed that I'd rather be called Ellie.

About an hour into the event, a very good-looking older gentleman took the mic and introduced himself. "Good evening, everyone. I'm Desmond Styles, the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Chicago Medical Institute. And this is my lovely wife, Anne." An intensely beautiful woman stood at his side, smiling warmly and waving at the crowd. Desmond and Anne Styles. I looked at the doctor, wondering if the name was just a coincidence. When Harry gave me an apologetic smile, I knew it wasn't. 

The chairman continued with his brief introduction of the rest of the Board of Directors, as well as telling about the history of the proposed project. "Now, here to further explain the great need for a pediatric ER at Chicago Medical Institute, is my son, Dr. Harry Styles." Dr. Styles was practically given a hero's welcome. How on earth was he so well-known and so well-respected at his age?

I was surprised by all the bits of information I'd just learned, but I didn't have time to process before Dr. Styles began speaking. "Thank you, everyone, for attending this event. I would have to say that I'm the most passionate about the inclusion of a pediatric emergency room at CMI. While I'm not a pediatrician by trade, I did my residency in a pediatric emergency department and I could clearly see the difference it made in providing superior treatment for the patients we saw. In an emergency department staffed with pediatricians, pediatric nurses and other pediatric specialists, children's needs can be addressed much more quickly. From the varying weights and sizes of children whose medications must be carefully calculated, to equipment that is designed for children, the advantages of this new department will keep CMI on the forefront of modern medicine, a reputation we've enjoyed for many years."

I watched the doctor, mesmerized by his confidence and knowledge, thinking that after his speech, everyone in the room was bound to cut checks for thousands of dollars. He finished his presentation with a dazzling smile that left my heart galloping, feeling like I was suddenly short of breath. For just a moment, I imagined I was there with him, on his arm as his girl.

"That was surprising," I commented dryly as he returned to my side. 

"What was?" 

"Let's see , your parents are on the Board of Directors-"

"Just my father," he interrupted.

"And you seem to be the favorite son of the hospital," I finished.

He shrugged. "It's always been that way, I guess." I had no idea what he meant by that. He tugged my arm lightly towards his parents. I quickly found a place to stash my almost empty cocktail glass since I didn't want to reveal how badly my hands were shaking. 

"Mom, Dad," Harry grinned as we approached his parents. "This is Elloise Jansen, the new nurse I've been telling you about."

My mind spun with irritation at his insistence on calling me Elloise, combined with flattery at the fact that he'd mentioned me to them. And maybe a little bit of discomfort that he would have talked about me at all outside of work.

Mrs. Styles leaned in for a faux cheek kiss and her husband did the same. "It's lovely to meet you both," I said. "But please-" I shot a sharp glance at the doctor, "Call me Ellie. I insist."

"Harry has told us so much about you," his mother said. She was stunning. I couldn't believe she was any older than him and her smile was so warm and comforting that I almost forgot to be disturbed by the fact that he'd been talking about me. To his parents.

"Not much to tell, I would think," I said humbly. "I've only been around for a few months."

"It sounds like you're the woman to watch," Mr. Styles added. I smiled uncomfortably and wondered why anyone would be watching me. 

Suddenly, it felt much too warm and crowded, even in the open air of the rooftop venue.  I excused myself and stepped over to the pool to get away from the throng. I picked up a folded newspaper from a small bistro table and began to fan myself. 

"Everything all right?" Dr. Styles asked before I even looked at him.

"I'm sorry, I'm really tired. I hope it's not too much...." I trailed off.

He nodded in understanding. "I'll say my good-byes."

Soon we were back in a cab on the way home. But we weren't even three blocks away from Soho when he blurted out, "Have a drink with me."

* * * * *

I borrowed the edit of Harry for this collage from Twitter. If you haven't had a chance to see Kris's work (hazstylestrash), you're missing out. Her edits are jaw-dropping and spine-tingling! I received her permission to use this edit here because it's a perfect image of Harry in a black tie!

The photo of the rooftop pool is the Soho House in Chicago, where Harry stayed during the midwest leg of the OTRA tour last summer. I think Niall was seen there, too. I almost drove the four hours to Chicago just to see if I could "accidentally" bump into one of them there, lol!

And just in case you're not familiar with the name, Elloise is pronounced EL-Louise. :)

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