15. Social Drinker

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Meg and Aaliyah arrived shortly before noon the following morning. I was glad I'd slept in, because there was no way I was grabbing another nap before my shift started at 7:00 tonight. We all greeted each other with squeals and ooh's and aah's over each other's hair, clothes, etc. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed them until they walked in my door.

"Come in, come in," I said, tugging their suitcases inside. "There's a guest room with a twin bed, the couch, or you can all camp out in my room. I won't need the bed tonight anyway."

"Camp out," they said in unison.

"All right," I grinned, showing them to my room, and then giving them a tour of my apartment.

"You still decorate like a hillbilly," Aaliyah said.

I whipped around and looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed. "What did you say?"

Aaliyah put her hands up in defense, saying, "Whoa, back off, girl. You know I was only joking."

"I know," I said, letting out a small sigh. "Someone just called me that recently and I got a little sensitive about it."

Megan piped up. "You want me to bust her face?" We all laughed maniacally. It was a running joke between us. Normally, none of us would even hurt a fly but we were also fiercely loyal to each other, and none of us would hesitate to knock someone's block off if they hurt one of our friends.

"It's his face," I emphasized. "And no, I quite like his face." That statement, along with the pink creeping onto my face, told them that we had a lot to catch up on.

They froze, hands on hips, giving me the look that said, "Spill!"

I ignored them and went to the kitchen to make some chicken salad sandwiches for lunch. That was one of our favorite meals, chicken salad on croissants, served with pickles and chips, in true Wisconsin fashion.

"Seriously, Ellie, you've been holding out on us," Megan whined impatiently. Then she asked Aaliyah, "Did you know about him?" Aaliyah shook her head in dismay, indicating  that I hadn't told her anything. 

"There's nothing to know about us," I said, trying to downplay it. "He's just a friend."

"Uh-uh, girl! Back up the denial train," she replied. "We saw the look in your eyes when you said, I quite like his face. There's serious crushing going on here, at the very least."

"Okay," I said, rolling my eyes, as if I didn't really want to tell them all about him. But I did and they knew it. "But it's just a crush. He's a doctor I work with and he's maddeningly handsome. It's like I can't even describe his looks because I've never met anyone so ridiculously sexy before in my life. But he's kind of reserved and a little critical. Well, he was a lot critical when I first started. Our personalities are different, for sure, but even so, for some reason, we kind of clicked."

They knew I was leaving out details; their gazes threatened to burn a hole right through me if I didn't continue.

"And we kissed," I said shyly. "Actually, we made out."

"When were you going to tell us this?!" Megan yelled.

"When you decided to show up at my apartment after giving me twelve hours' notice," I spat back playfully. "Honestly, it was just too much for a text conversation. And I could have called, but I've been really busy. It's hard to carve out time for two-hour phone calls! Anyway, it's the best to be able to dish it all out in person, especially with both of you right here."

We sat down to our lunch, complete with cold Cokes from the fridge. "You'd better not leave out a single detail, Ell," Aaliyah warned.

I started with the moment I first saw him in the hallway after my interview. I told them all about his harsh, critical nature and how he irritated me to no end the first month I was at the hospital.

"Sounds like a winner so far," Megan commented, raising an eyebrow.

"Tough exterior, soft inside. At least that's what I've gathered so far," I explained. Then I told them about the rides home, the cocktail party, how he introduced me to his parents, and then how we ended up making out in the corner of a pub. Of course, I added our level-headed discussion, deciding together to not get romantically involved.

"You're already romantically involved if you made out," Meg pointed out. "He sounds a little unstable, to be honest. Just be careful, okay?"

"And he called you a hillbilly?" Aaliyah added. "Something's not right here."

I explained the hillbilly thing and that he apologized, and that I had actually made fun of myself later using the same term. I told them all about the time we'd been spending together, and that I was already regretting the agreement we had to keep things at a friendship level.

"You'd best keep him at a distance until you figure out what game he's playing," Meg advised.

I was frustrated at their reactions, even though I'd been thinking he was playing games not too long ago. The way I was describing Harry didn't do him justice, although all of it was, technically, true. "You know what?" I said in an exasperated tone. "You should just meet him. He offered to take you two out on the town tonight while I'm working, so maybe you can get to know him better."

"I'm not sure I want to head out with a psychopath," Aaliyah said snottily.

"He's not a psychopath!" I growled, somewhat playfully, but I was getting legitimately irritated. "You'll be doing me a favor, you know, get a feel for the guy. Maybe I'm not reading him right because I'm so obsessed with his smile." I stopped and grinned like a dummy. "Besides, the two of you will be together, so he can't get away with too much. And I think he is a really a good guy."

Meg looked at me skeptically. "Seriously!" I insisted. Oh, and just so you know, Dale did show up here, unannounced, forced his way in acted like he wasn't going to leave until I kissed him...or more."

Meg's mouth dropped open and she whispered, "I'm sorry."

"But, it was Dr. Styles, well Harry, who came to my rescue. I locked myself in the bathroom and called him. He was down here less than a minute later."

"Down here?" They asked in unison.

"Oh, yeah," I laughed. "I left that part out. He lives upstairs...in the penthouse."

"Penthouse?" Aaliyah said, her mouth practically watering. "I might like him a little more already."

"Gold digger," I teased. "Anyway, Harry threatened Dale, told him if he didn't leave, he'd rough him up."

"Mmhmm," said Megan. "Well, I guess we do have to meet him then."

At that, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. "They're here," I said when I heard his voice. He must have just awakened, and dear heavens, his voice was so low and seductive.

"I told him that you two might not be comfortable hanging out with someone you don't even know, so don't be shy about telling him you'd rather be on your own tonight," I said. "But, if you do hang out with him, remember that I've got dibs, okay?" I gave them a silly smirk and stuck out my tongue as I got up to wash the dishes.

I got my water and lunch ready for the shift at the hospital, including lots of protein as well as a little chocolate. Meg and Aaliyah got settled, and then they spent a few minutes wow-ing at the view from my apartment.

Harry showed up before long. Just before I opened the door, I turned and whispered to my friends, "Be nice," because I knew they already had mixed impressions of him in their minds, ones that I had unfortunately put there.

I pulled the door open and Harry gracefully entered, leaning down to give me a casual kiss on the cheek. Everything in my body surged at the kiss and the sight of him. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt that was actually too tight, but I didn't care in the least because it afforded me a nice view of his toned upper body and the tattoos underneath. There were more? Unfortunately, I still couldn't tell what they were. His dark skinny jeans were equally tight, and he wore simple gray tennies on his feet. His hair was once again pulled back in that sleek ponytail that ended with a curly little bun on the back of his head. It looked so good like that, I wanted to spend hours compliment him on everything, but I remembered my manners.

"Harry, these are my friends, Megan, and Aaliyah." I motioned to each of them.

"Nice to meet both of you, but please forgive me, I've got to wash my hands first. There was something nasty on one of the elevator buttons." He headed into the bathroom while my friends turned to me with exaggerated looks of shock on their faces.

Aaliyah was mouthing out Oh my god! While Megan's silent words communicated Holy fuck!

I nodded my head smugly, as if to say, I told you so.

Harry came back, extending his arms to each of them and greeting them with a warm hug. "Sorry about that. I'll have to ask the manager to have it cleaned."

"No problem," they both said.

Megan pulled Harry by the arm to sit by her on my small sofa. "Harry," she cooed. "Ellie has told us all about you." She glanced at me over Harry's shoulder.

I rolled my eyes at her, shaking my head in disbelief. Of course she was saying that because I hadn't said anything til today. 

"Has she now?" He asked, glancing at me with a smirk and I knew exactly what was on his mind. He was thinking back to when I had made such a big deal of him talking to his parents about me, the night of the cocktail party.

He turned back to Meg and Aaliyah, who had taken a seat near them on a chair. I sat down across from him, carefully trying to see if they were getting a good read on him or not, or they were freaking him out by descending on him like vultures. It wasn't too long before they let on that they really liked him because Aaliyah said, "So, Harry, Ellie told us that we have a date with you tonight. Where are we going?"

Now I had to roll my eyes at her, along with a relieved smile.

I caught a glimpse of shy Harry as he answered, "I don't know yet. What do you like?"

"Dancing!" Megan stood up and moved around a little until I muttered, "Sit down, you dork."

"I think I can come up with something," he said, responding to her dance with a chuckle.

"Just don't try beer without me!" I interjected. "I want to see your face when you try it. Oh, and don't go on the Ferris wheel without me, either."

He looked at me and answered, "I'll wait on the beer, but I don't think you'll ever get me on a Ferris wheel."

Together, we walked out to the beach for a while and enjoyed the sunshine. The girls occasionally grilled Harry with questions about where he grew up, how long he'd been a doctor, etc.

We sat down on the warm sand and Meg, being her usual blunt self, asked, "We want to be sure you're not a serial killer or anything because we love Ellie and only want the best for her."

I laid back and threw my arm over my eyes. "Please shut up," I told her, which made Harry chuckle. "I explained to you earlier that we are friends. And co-workers. Nothing else." But then I looked at Harry and added, "Still, I think the serial killer question is valid."

He threw his head back laughing. "I can assure you I'm not. I might have some idiosyncrasies, just like everyone else; otherwise, I'm a perfectly normal, well-adjusted human being."

"Good enough for me," Aaliyah answered.

"Sounds legit," Meg agreed.

"Sorry my friends are such dorks," I said quietly, but I knew they heard.

Harry just replied, "They're fine. I like them."

The three of them dropped me at the hospital on their way to paint the town. "I'll come back and get you at seven, if you'd like," Harry offered.

"I'll be fine," I assured him. "Remember? I'm a big girl. But I promise I'll take a cab with a respectable driver, okay?"

"Sure," he grinned and drove off, leaving me feeling reasonably jealous that I couldn't go with them.

My disappointment didn't last long because, as usual, I was swept into the managed chaos of the emergency department as soon as I set foot outside the staff lounge. I treated patients with everything from sunburns to gunshot wounds. I hit the ground running and barely had a moment to breathe until about 12:30 AM when I stopped to grab nourishment.

I was just settling at a table in the staff lounge, hoping to get at least twenty minutes to myself. I was startled when I heard the door open and Meg's cantankerous voice saying, "Hey, there you are!" I looked up in surprise, my mouth full of sandwich, and just a bit of mustard seeping out of the corner of my mouth.

Harry walked in behind her, with Aaliyah bringing up the rear. He laughed and came over, swiftly grabbing a napkin and wiping the corner of my mouth. "This is becoming a problem for you, isn't it?" He teased.

I swallowed the bite and took a drink before saying, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We wanted to see you on the job," Aaliyah said in a matter-of-fact voice. "You look hot in your scrubs," she added.

"Fuck off," I laughed, and Harry looked at me with amusement. "Sorry," I said to him. "Don't tell on me."

He laughed and sat down next to me as Meg and Aaliyah took seats around the table as well. I was surprised when he leaned over and murmured in my ear, "She's right, you do look hot in your scrubs."

I pulled back and gave him a curious look. "Have you been drinking?"

"Just a little," he whispered, pinching his index finger and thumb together to show me how little.

In shock, I looked at Meg and asked, "You got him drunk?!" Meg was kind of a party animal, and I could tell she'd been drinking as soon as she burst in with her loud greeting.

"Psh," she said, pushing her hand at me. "He got himself drunk." Then she proceeded to put on a purposeful grumpy attitude because I wasn't happy that she'd shown up at my job, wasted, along with my co-worker, who happened to hold a prominent position in the hospital.

I turned to Aaliyah, who still seemed level-headed. "Are you letting him drive? Are you guys stupid? Not only could he lose his medical license over this, you could all be killed! Or he could kill someone else! Or-"

"Shhh," Harry said, fumbling to grab my wrist. "She's driving. I let her drive. She's driving my Beamer." He pointed proudly at Aaliyah with his free hand.

I couldn't help but giggle at his inebriated stumbling. "Please tell me you're sober," I pleaded with Aaliyah.

"Yes, I had one glass of wine with dinner and that's it. Plus, you know me, I always have my bottle of SmartWater with me wherever I go."

"Good, well make sure you all get home safely. And for heaven's sake, get him out of the hospital before anyone else sees him like this."

"Fine," she teased. "You're such a party pooper."

"Me? You're in law school. You know what this would look like for you! He's a well-respected doctor."

"I already told you I'm not drunk, but okay," Aaliyah agreed. "I get it. Luckily we came in the side door." She was referring to the exit about twenty feet from the staff lounge door.

"And you," I said to Harry. "As a punishment for your crimes, I changed my mind. I do want you to pick me up when I get out of work at 7:00. All of you, in fact," I said, motioning to the others. "Pick me up and take me out to breakfast."

"Deal," Aaliyah said, pulling a still-grumpy Meg towards the door.

Harry stood up and clumsily pushed in his chair. He leaned in to hug me and nestled his face next to my ear. "I miss you," he whispered as he wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulders, trapping my arms next to my sides.

"Stop," I laughed quietly. "You just saw me a few hours ago. And the night before."

"I miss kissing you," he whispered back. His words cut straight to my heart. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him, too, but I wasn't going to take advantage of his drunk state, and certainly not at work. And not in front of my friends.

"Well, let's talk about that when we're sober," I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

When I stepped out of the hospital at 7:05 AM, my friends were waiting right there in Harry's car, with Aaliyah at the wheel. She always looked professional and put together, and I knew the sunglasses on her face were there because of the early morning rays.

The other two sported sunglasses, most likely to keep all light at a minimum so as to not to aggravate their hangovers. The top of the convertible was up, undoubtedly to shield them from noise and additional sunlight.

"Good morning," I quipped in an overly cheerful voice.

"Fuck off," Meg said, still grumpy. Her crazy mess of brown hair was even more out of control - it was her standard hangover look. 

I laughed as I climbed into the back seat with Harry, an arrangement that seemed somewhat forced. I couldn't imagine any other reason that Harry would want to sit in the back seat of his own car, except that he wanted to sit with me.

"Good morning, sunshine," I teased. His head was laid back on the seat, and he didn't bother to move or greet me at all, except with a thumbs up.

We rode in silence to a nearby IHOP, which was my favorite. We were about to get out and I couldn't resist another little poke at Harry. "You're buying me breakfast, right?"

"Of course," he murmured in a throaty voice, the sound of which traveled straight through me. The thought of me waking beside him in bed, hearing that sexy voice, flashed through my mind. I quickly dismissed it as we entered the restaurant.

"I was kidding, Harry," I whispered quietly once we were seated and browsing the menu. "This is my treat."

For the first time since they had picked me up, he removed his glasses and gave me a small grin that was just big enough to tuck in that dimple on his left cheek. "I insist," he said, squeezing my hand under the table.

I didn't want to make a scene, so I humbly accepted. We placed our orders, including a "gallon of black coffee," according to Megan. As soon as the java was flowing, everyone seemed to perk up a bit. Pun intended.

"So, what did you do last night?" I asked of all three.

"Danced, of course," Meg said, with the first hint of a smile I'd seen this morning.

"Where did you go?"

"Latin street dancing," Megan replied, coming alive even more. "There was a festival in Little Town."

"That sounds like a lot of fun, actually," I said. Turning to Harry, I asked, "You dance?"

He quickly countered, "You don't remember the first time we talked outside of work?"

"Oh right," I said, remembering the night at the club. "I guess I would have thought you studied ballet or something." He cringed, and I immediately realized that I had just laid a stereotype on him, much the same way he made little jabs at my rural heritage. "Sorry," I mumbled. I don't think he realized what the apology was for, but I didn't pursue it in front of my friends. 

After breakfast, we all returned to our building, to our respective apartments, of course, and everyone slept til late afternoon.  

* * * * *

What do you think of Megan and Aaliyah?

How long do you think it will be before Harry and Ellie kiss again? I hope that's not too much of a spoiler for anyone because you wouldn't be reading if you didn't want them to kiss again! lol :D

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