25. Terminal

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Before I even opened my eyes, I reached my arms up over my head and let the stretch consume my body all the way down to my toes. Chloe was already up and I could hear her downstairs, chattering away to Catniss. It made me happy to think that I could still visit my kitty when I came home, that I didn't have to give her away to some stranger and never see her again. This was the perfect situation all around.

I stopped in the doorway of the kitchen, overcome by a yawn, followed by another hearty stretch. My mom came over and kissed my cheek. "How did you sleep, sweetie?" 

"Wonderfully, as always," I smiled, lazily making my way to the coffee pot. Slowly pouring the blackish fuel into my cup, I looked around for my favorite creamer, which my mom set directly in front of me with a grin. 

"I didn't forget," she winked. "So, what time are you heading to the festival?" She asked.

"Aaliyah isn't free til after lunch, so we were thinking mid-afternoon," I told her. "But I want to see Thomas, too."

"Why don't you wait til tomorrow?" Mom suggested. "He's likely to be tired out today after transitioning from the hospital to home." That sounded reasonable, but it felt almost careless to postpone an opportunity to see him when he was slipping away so fast.

Chloe came strolling in with Catniss happily purring in her arms. "Is Harry your boyfriend?" She asked.

My mother gave me an amused look out of the corner of her eye.

"We had a short video call last night before bed," I informed her. And then I filled Chloe in. "I guess you could call him my boyfriend." It sounded odd, though, seeing as Harry was in his mid-30's. Was there ever an age when it became inappropriate to call each other boyfriend  and girlfriend, terms that seemed to be reserved for high-schoolers? Was there a better term?

"I like him," she quipped and then went back to watching her Saturday morning shows with the kitty tucked in her arms.

Just after lunch time, I changed into my Johnny Cash t-shirt, my favorite jeans and my cowboy boots. Of course, a country music festival was the perfect excuse to show off my cowboy hat as well, an accessory I wouldn't be caught dead wearing in Downtown Chicago. I snapped a selfie and sent it to Harry with the caption, The transformation is complete.

My phone buzzed much too quickly for it to be a reply from Harry. It was Aaliyah, asking if we could stop at a flea market and craft show event downtown. I sent a speedy yes back to her.

Putting the finishing touches on my makeup, the phone buzzed again. I tapped the screen, looking down to see Harry's response: That's quite the look. I could get used to it. HS

I texted back. Good, because I already bought you a hat just like mine.

Let's not rush anything, he texted back, making me laugh.

And don't forget line dancing :) You made me learn swing.

Another topic to be discussed at a later time. Have a great time today. Call me later? HS

Do you always sign texts with your initials? Ell

Sorry, force of habit ;) talk to you later. Harry x

I swooned just a teeny bit at the electronic kiss and tucked my phone securely into my pocket. Aaliyah was outside, honking her horn, so I grabbed the rest of my things and scurried out, calling good-bye to my family as I left.

It turned out the craft show was just about next door to the music festival, so I followed Aaliyah around while enjoying Luke Bryan's voice from a distance. I was excited to see all the performers, really, but I was most eager to see Willie Nelson. Yes, ancient, but in my mind, still the best there was. In addition to Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings, of course. I'd been able to see all three of them at different times throughout my life, as my parents shared my love of classic country. But now since Willie was the sole survivor of my favorite three, I'd have to enjoy hearing him play on for the other two.

As we perused the impressive variety of artistic flair and talent at the craft show, I spotted a tent with soothing music playing under its awnings, not loud enough to interfere with the festival sounds, but enough to lure me in. An odd wave of relaxation washed over me as I basked in the sounds of a light thunderstorm interwoven with soothing music. 

There was a man, probably in his 40's, sitting unobtrusively in the corner of the tent, perched on a stool, watching people respond to his music. 

"This is lovely," I said, approaching him. 

"Thank you very much," he smiled, and I could see the gratitude was genuine.

"Is this your original work?" 

"Most of it, yes. I've recorded most of the nature sounds, and I play the wind flute, rain stick, and some acoustic guitar to complement the beauty of what nature already provides."

"I need this!" I said excitedly, and he laughed at my urgency. "My...boyfriend  is under a lot of stress right now." I tested the word, feeling just a tad funny as I got used to how it felt and tasted, but it wasn't too bad. I'd certainly rather say that than lover or partner, which always brought a sexual relationship to the front of my mind. Not that I would rule out a sexual relationship with Harry, but I'd rather not use a title that announced to the world that I was sleeping with someone. And of course, it was too much of a mouthful to say the-guy-I'm-dating every time I spoke of him, so boyfriend was growing on me, both in the word and in the person to whom it applied.

After I purchased two CD's, I sent Harry a text. So, are we like boyfriend and girlfriend?

Um, yeah, I think so! Why the silly question?

I giggled, texting back while I walked towards the booth where I'd left Aaliyah drooling over hemp necklaces. I just wasn't sure of the terminology, LOL.

Aaliyah showed me her purchases while we made our way to the festival grounds. My phone buzzed again, and upon reading Harry's reply, I almost fell to the ground laughing, my face undoubtedly turning a lovely shade of crimson.

If you want, I'll call you Hot Mama and I can be Sugar Daddy :P

I showed Aaliyah and she laughed almost as hard as me, knowing that the comment was well outside of Harry's personality. Not even a minute later, another text popped up. PLEASE delete that text and never speak of it again!

Hmm, maybe I had a little blackmail material. I sent him another rapid reply, saying, It might cost you. With that, I turned my phone on silent so I wouldn't be tempted to check on it every few minutes during the concerts. 

We wandered about, walking a good distance between acts. Willie was just warming up when we arrived at the Main Stage, so we spent close to two hours camped out there on the blankets I'd brought in my backpack. I reveled in my favorite songs, Luckenbach, Texas, Good-Hearted Woman, and of course, Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys. Aaliyah even humored me and sang along to that last one. I belted out the chorus one last time with a purposeful twang, "Don't let 'em pick guitars and drive in old trucks, make 'em be doctors and lawyers and such..." Aaliyah caught it on video and hit send to Harry before I even knew what was happening. 

I crinkled my nose and laughed at her, not really caring if Harry saw me letting my country girl loose. I stood up to gather the blanket and we continued wandering until the sound of a plucking banjo and an unmistakable voice led us to another stage. "How did I not know Alison Krauss was going to be here!?" I took off at a clip and Aaliyah raced after me until I found the perfect spot to park our behinds and listen to her incomparable sound while not being blown away by the often too-powerful speakers. 

"I'll Fly Away" was just beginning and I started singing along. Aaliyah made a face indicating that she was a little embarrassed, but I didn't care. Everyone else was singing along, too. However, about half way through the song, the words sunk heavily into my soul.

Oh how glad and happy when we meet
I'll fly away
No more cold iron shackles on my feet
I'll fly away

I'll fly away oh glory
I'll fly away in the morning
When I die hallelujah by and by
I'll fly away  

My voice was stolen, replaced by a mass of emotion in my throat as Thomas forced his way into my mind. The song wasn't slow and mournful; rather it was upbeat and hopeful. I wanted this for Thomas - and for those of us who would mourn him when he was gone - to be released from the cold shackles on his feet. Cancer was a cruel adversary, sometimes giving us the illusion that it was weak and something that we humans could conquer it, and other times, trapping our loved ones with invincible shackles that could only be broken by death.

Aaliyah knew. I didn't tell her, but she must have heard. She curled her arm around my shoulder, forcing my head into the crook of her neck. "Thomas?" I nodded, knowing she felt my reply. And she just held me and swayed while the song finished. We sat like that for a few more songs and then she asked if I was ready to go home.

"Yeah, I guess we've spent enough time here, huh?" I said, wiping my eyes one last time. I perked up by the time we reached her car, but I knew the worst was yet to come. Tomorrow I'd have to say good-bye to one of my best friends in the world.

I checked my phone and I was surprised that Harry hadn't texted back or continued our banter from earlier, neither did he respond to the video that Aaliyah had sent him. 

Hey, I'm on my way back to my folks' house. How was your afternoon? <3 Ell

I waited his usual quick reply, but nothing after at least ten minutes. I sent another. Can I call you in a while?

And a few minutes later, I followed up with I got you something! 

After that, I relaxed and focused my attention on Aaliyah and her adventures in law school. We talked about Thomas and I thanked her for letting my cry on her shoulder, literally. We considered going back to the festival the following day, but I finally decided I'd be better of spending time with my family. Besides, I had already seen Willie, and I was satisfied with that.


Part 1 of another double update! So stay tuned.

You're all awesome! After I updated yesterday, my ranking hopped up to #141 - I think that's the highest I've ever been. I have the next few chapters planned out so hopefully I can crank them out quickly! xoxo

Also, I started out with one idea for the story, but as often happens when I'm writing, the characters have taken on a life of their own. I started thinking that the story wasn't matching the description I'd originally written, so instead of trying to cram the story back into my original idea, I changed the description. It's much easier to write when the characters help tell the tale! ;)

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