29. The Recovery Period

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Waking up early the following day, I drove out toward the west suburbs of Berwyn, Oak Park, Cicero, because I had heard from Bridget that there were great second hand stores out that way. I invited her to come along, but she had promised to bring a friend to an appointment, so I was all by my lonesome for the day, which surprisingly didn't bother me too much. Being an extrovert, I loved the company of others, but I was comfortable with myself as well. I didn't need anyone else in order to have fun, not even a girlfriend.

And especially not a man.

I was totally in my element in these off-the-beaten-path shops. I found old magazine racks, picture frames, an old mirror, and a huge variety of other items. My cart was full to almost overflowing. Then I noticed a gigantic collection of old jewelry, most of it outdated or broken, but I found that to be the perfect situation - cheap pieces, cool stones and charms, and I could remake them into something I'd be happy to wear with something in my multi-colored wardrobe. 

After a long while, I was beginning to get hungry for lunch. I headed to the check out, but I was stopped by a beautiful mosaic table. I remembered Bridget saying she was into clay and mosaics. I would have to ask her to show me how to do them some time. I finally reached the register where a young guy, whom I assumed was meant to be tending the till, was engrossed in a conversation on his phone, his back facing me. I cleared my throat, and I was stunned when I recognized the person who turned around. 

"Ian!" I said in surprise. 

"Oh, hey, Ellie," he grinned. "How're you doing?"

"Great! This is a fantastic little place. So, are you not working at the hospital anymore?" I asked, nodding to his employee apron. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm still a slave there, too, but this is my mom's place. I help her out once in a while when she needs to run errands or whatever, when I'm not at the hospital, obviously."

"Oh, that's nice," I commented while I finished piling my purchases on the counter. "You live out here then?" 

"Cicero," he answered. 

"Aah," I nodded. "So you're familiar with the area. I'm looking for a place to eat lunch, but I don't want fast food." 

"Oh!" He said excitedly. "Pete's, you have to go to Pete's! It's over in Oak Park. Best gyros ever!" 

"Well, that sounds like the place I need to try then," I laughed, noting his enthusiasm. 

Just then the bell rang, signaling that someone was entering the shop. "Hey, Ma," Ian called. 

"You can take off now," she said, dropping her packages behind the counter. I detected an accent, but couldn't quite tell where it was from. "Thanks for looking after the place." 

"Oh, Ma, this is Ellie. She works at CMI, too."

"Nice to meet you, Ellie," she said with that thick inflection in her words. Italian, maybe?

"Nice to meet you, too," I said, smiling widely. "I love this place! Very unique. I'll be coming back for sure." 

"Thank you," she nodded, looking very pleased.

"Since you're looking for lunch, can I treat you?" Ian asked as we walked towards the door. 

I was caught off guard at first, but then I remembered Harry saying that Ian was flirting with me at Navy Pier. "Um, sure," I replied with an encouraging smile. 

"So, it's okay? I mean, like, are you and Dr. Styles involved or something? I'm not going to get in the way of anything?" 

"Funny you should ask," I said, opening the door to my car and plunking my goodies into the back seat. "He dumped me." I shrugged, pulling my hands, palms up, to my sides. "What can you do?"

"Then he clearly made a mistake," Ian replied with a captivating smile, and I knew he was already plotting ways to win me over.

"Just to be clear, though," I said. "I'm really not wanting to rush into another relationship just now. Have to get over my cynicism about all things romantic first." 

Our laughter intertwined as Ian offered to give me a ride to Pete's. "I'll drop you back here when we're done," he promised.

Pete's was nothing more than a little diner on a busy street corner, but Ian wasn't kidding when he raved about the gyros. 

"I can't believe I've never tried one of these before," I said, wiping a blob of cucumber sauce that had dripped down my chin. "I guess I didn't like the idea of eating lamb."

"Meat grows on trees, didn't you know that?" Ian teased.

"Well, I grew up in farming country, and the meat I ate definitely did not grow on trees," I laughed. 

Ian and had a great time getting to know each other and just laughing over crazy ER stories. When he dropped me back at my car, I was glad to have made a new friend. It became obvious, however, that Ian was thinking about more than just friendship. He texted me just as I was keying into my apartment. Maybe I can help you get over your romantic cynicism. Dinner tomorrow night?

Without even thinking about whether I should or whether I'd be sending the wrong signals, I replied with a short, Sure, sounds great.

When I got back to my place, I started to think about Thomas. When I had said good-bye, I promised I would call or email to check up on him, but I'd been a bit distracted. I unpacked my crafting goodies and put them in the spare bedroom, and then I decided on a video call. I knew he was getting weaker by the day, but he surely wouldn't be alone, so Aunt Jean could at least answer the call for him if he was unable. 

"Hey!" I said, smiling at the screen, while inside my heart dropped at his appearance. He was wasting away, so thin and pale; he hardly looked like the boy I used to know. 

"Hey back," he said and then took a deep breath. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Eh, I've been better," he said, trying to laugh, which triggered a coughing fit. 

"Sorry," I said. "Stupid question."

He waved off my concern. "What's new with you?" He asked.

"Nothin' much," I replied, thinking of things to say that didn't involve Harry. I didn't want Thomas to worry about me, and I really was starting to feel better. "I went thrift shopping and found a great place to eat in the west suburbs. Have you ever tried gyros?" He shook his head, so I attempted to describe the Greek delight. 

"Sounds like a taco."

"NO!" I emphasized and he smiled at my reaction. "Nothing like a taco." I wanted to say we could go there when he came to visit, but I still couldn't wrap my brain around the fact that he would soon be gone. 

"You were thinking you wish I could come and visit, weren't you?" He asked quietly.

I rolled my eyes playfully, caught in the act. "How do you do that? I seriously think you can read my mind."

He shrugged ever so slightly. "Maybe I can. Ooh, maybe when I get to the other side, I really will be able to read minds! And I'll get to spy on people, too."

I wanted to cry at the reminder that his days were few, but his words made me laugh. "You're such a dork! But hey, if you can do that stuff,  maybe you can go and freak the shit out of Harry for me. You know, haunt his apartment or something." 

"What happened?"

"His ex came back, and he dumped me," I said, nodding sadly. "But I'll be all right. Did some shopping therapy, and oh, I'm going out with another guy from work tomorrow. Don't worry, it's not a rebound, we're just friends."

"Mmhmm," Thomas said and then breathed deeply again. "Maybe that's one thing I can do for you in the afterlife. I'll find a way to tell you when you've met the right guy so you don't have to wonder. I can give you a little nudge or something."

"Oh, my gosh, I can't believe we're talking about this," I laughed, glad to know he was in good spirits. But he looked tired. "I should let you go. We'll talk soon, okay?" He smiled weakly and I knew that just our brief conversation had worn him out. "Oh, and I know you hate country music, but I want you to hear this song. I'll send it in a little bit. It's kind of bluegrass, too, so not all that twangy sound you hate."

"Sounds good," he said, already closing his eyes.

"Love you, Thomas." 

"Love you, too, Ell."

I grabbed a tissue and blotted my eyes before searching up the song on YouTube. I copied the link and sent it to Thomas with a simple greeting: Hope you like it. <3 Ell


"I'll Fly Away"  by Alison Krauss.


Some bright morning when this life is over
I'll fly away
To that home on Gods celestial shore
I'll fly away

I'll fly away, oh glory
I'll fly away in the morning
When I die hallelujah by and by
I'll fly away

When the shadows of this life have gone
I'll fly away
Like a bird from these prison walls I'll fly
I'll fly away

I'll fly away, oh glory
I'll fly away in the morning
When I die hallelujah by and by
I'll fly away

Oh how glad and happy when we meet
I'll fly away
No more cold iron shackles on my feet
I'll fly away

I'll fly away oh glory
I'll fly away in the morning
When I die hallelujah by and by
I'll fly away

I'll fly away oh glory
I'll fly away in the morning
When I die hallelujah by and by
I'll fly away

Just a few more weary days and then
I'll fly away
To a land where joys will never end
I'll fly away

I'll fly away oh glory
I'll fly away in the morning
When I die hallelujah by and by
I'll fly away
I'll fly away


My best friend lives in Berwyn, and it's such a quaint area, really neat old houses and historic areas. I haven't had many gyros in my life, but Pete's were heavenly. Check it out if you're ever in Oak Park!

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