42. Birthdate

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Harry was quiet the rest of the way home, after I asked him not to drink anymore. I followed him to his place, but he continued the silent treatment until after he had taken a shower. I had changed out of my scrubs and I was vegging on the couch when he came and sat down, lifting my feet to place them on his lap.

"Are you mad at me for what I said?" I asked cautiously.

He looked up at the ceiling as if searching for an answer in the patterned swirls. "No, I'm not mad," he sighed. "I just...I know I drink too much once in a while, but I don't want to say I'm never going to have another drink." I sat up and tucked my knees under me as I leaned closer, waiting for him to say more. "I promise I won't overdo it anymore, all right?" His puppy dog eyes almost convinced me, but I was skeptical.

"Harry, I don't think that's the answer," I replied softly.

"Ellie, I've been a casual drinker for years, and I've never let it get the best of me. So, maybe I've had a few too many lately. That doesn't mean I have a problem." He grabbed my hands and smiled hopefully. "How about if I give you full permission to cut me off when we go out? We're almost always together anyway."

I hesitantly agreed. Harry had never been an angry drunk, but I wondered if that would change if I tried to cut him off some time.

"I love you, Ell. You know that, right?" He said, kissing the back of my hand sweetly.

"I do, babe. I love you, too. I just want you to treat yourself right, you know?"

"That's why I love you," he responded. "You always want the best for me. You're such a good-hearted woman."

I gasped. "You know that song?! It's one of my favorites!"

He threw his hands over his face and laughed. "Oh, no, is that a country song?"

"You bet!" I said, grabbing my phone and pulling up iTunes. I queued up the song and sang along with Waylon and Willie, complete with country twang.

"Oh, my god," he said, laughing harder. "Remind me why I love you again."

I shrugged and said, "I don't know, but now you're stuck with me."

"Stop grumbling," I reprimanded him, but he knew I was teasing. "You're all going to look silly doing this for the first time. I think it was incredibly sweet of Bridget and Ian to suggest this. And besides, it is my birthday."

It approached so quickly this year that I hardly saw it coming. I was officially on the downward slope to 30, now that I was closing out my 26th year. Bridget had asked me a few weeks back if I wanted to go out on my birthday and said that she and Ian would handle the details.

"But it's line dancing," he whined. "If anyone catches sight of me, my life will be over." He took an exit, following the instructions on his GPS.

"Okay, Ms. Drama Queen," I joked. "At least it's across town. I doubt you'll see anyone you recognize."

"So, Bridget and Ian," he remarked, changing the subject. "Are they a thing now?"

I smiled happily. "Pretty much. They hit it off the first time they met at my place and the rest is history." Then I added, "Please try to get to know Ian. He's really a great guy. Your idea of him is just tainted because he was flirting with me at Navy Pier."

"Aha!" He shouted. "You finally admit I was right!"

Laughing, I said, "Yes, I know. And other than that, we went on two or three dates, and the only time we ever kissed was the time you saw us on the beach."

"Thanks for bringing up that unpleasant image," he grimaced.

"If you think back to the circumstances, darling," I said, the word dripping sarcastically off my tongue, "I was only out with him because someone else ripped my heart out, stomped on it, and dropped it onto the expressway to be run over again and again and again."

"You sound bitter," he said in a total deadpan voice.

Laughter burst from my chest again. "I'm teasing, babe. I already forgave you. But will you please try to get along with him?"

"For you, Ellie. I'll do it for you." His little smirk made my heart skip a beat. He pulled into a parking spot, and then leaned over to kiss my cheek, adding a little love nip to my ear as well.

When we entered the Lone Star Saloon, Harry cringed as soon as the music hit his ears.

"Oh, stop that," I playfully chided him. "And please don't walk around repeating the word saloon like you did in the car the other night."

"What?" He asked, confused, but then the memory hit him. "Oh, right. The drunken ramblings of a middle-aged doctor."

"You are not middle-aged!"

"I feel like it sometimes when I hang out with you," he retorted, sticking his tongue out in a very non-middle-aged fashion.

Bridget and Ian waved us over from a large table, where Kane and Darius were seated as well. As we approached, they all yelled, "Happy Birthday!" The sound rose above the rest of the noise, causing a brief pause in the activity around us.

Kane handed Harry a glass of beer. "You're going to need it to get through this night!"

"Hey!" I frowned. "No hating on the country music."

Harry pulled out a seat for me, and then he moved his chair close to mine. The beer was flowing all around, and I was tempted to remind Harry of his agreement with me, but I held back, not wanting to sound like I was trying to mother him. I was delighted, however, when he leaned in and whispered, "I'm only going to have one glass, okay?"

I nodded, giving him an affectionate smile. I was fairly certain that the rest of the crew was going to chug away at the beer until the idea of line dancing appealed to them. They were the best group of friends I could have asked for. None of them liked country music, but they planned this night for me, and it made me feel so loved.

"All right," I announced after the third pitcher was gone. "Time to do some boot-scootin."

"Oh, no," Kane whined in a teasing fashion. "She even has a name for her hillbilly dance."

"Hush you," I chastised him, grabbing Harry's hand.

As we stepped into formation, ready to dance to Shania Twain's "Any Man of Mine," Harry leaned over and said, "I hope this proves how much I love you since I'm doing this sober!"

I nudged him in the ribs with my elbow and just told him to follow along. Being a ballroom dancer, I was sure he would have no problem picking up the much easier steps of line dancing. His gangly legs, however, proved me wrong and he tripped himself up a few times before getting the hang of it. The next song to play was "Boot-Scootin' Boogie," so I turned to Kane and yelled, "See, I didn't make it up!"

"Oh, dear god," he said, rolling his eyes. "It's an actual song. No offense, honey, but I can't take much more of this. I've gotta get out of here before I start growing a beard and develop a craving for a Kentucky Fried Chicken."

After the line dances were finished, I taught Harry how to two-step. "It's easy as pie," I gushed in a faux Texan accent. The two-step was good for slower music, but after a few songs, Harry closed the distance between us, still holding one hand while the other was tight around my waist. "That's better," he said, leading me in a slow dance that was hardly more than a sway.

The song playing was "I can love you like that," and Harry picked up the lyrics right away, singing them to me in the following choruses.

I can love you like that
I will make you my world
Move heaven and earth
If you were my girl
I would give you my heart
Be all that you need
Show you you're everything
That's precious to me
If you give me a chance
I can love you like that

By the time the song ended, I was blushing like a schoolgirl at her first dance.

Now that we had all done some line dancing and boot-scootin, I suggested we head out to another club, knowing everyone else was reaching their limit for country twang. But Harry had another plan, and apparently the others were in on it. "We're going back to my place."

Back at Harry's, they surprised me with an overly decadent Snickers cake, piled high with chunks of candy bar and accompanied by the richest vanilla bean ice cream.

"Oh, my word!" I mumbled, with my mouth stuffed full. "This is amazing!"

Harry teasingly took a napkin and dabbed the corners of my mouth. Then he unfolded another napkin and tucked it into my shirt like a bib while they roared with laughter.

"Very funny." I swiped a finger full of chocolate frosting and painted Harry's nose before he even knew what was coming.

I was even more surprised that everyone brought gifts. Of course, it was my birthday, but I really didn't expect the gifts. Bridget gave a funky word collage that spelled out Chicago and made in the shape of the city. Ian gave me a gift card to a local craft store, no doubt tipped off by Bridget about my love for crafting. Kane and Darius went together and gave me a personalized journal with a lovely lace pattern on the cover, bound by twine.

"How do you all know me so well already?" I mumbled gratefully while a lump formed in my throat at their thoughtfulness.

"I have something for you, too," Harry said softly.

To be honest, I hadn't even noticed that he hadn't given me anything yet. He presented me with a small, flat box, tied up with a dainty blue bow. I carefully pulled the loop on the bow to untie it and lifted the lid. Inside was a gorgeous silver bracelet embellished with diamonds all the way around. "Harry," I gasped. "This is too much."

"Nonsense," he replied softly. "There's an inscription on the inside, too." He turned the bracelet in my hand and I saw the words They will soar on wings like eagles Is. 40:31, obviously a passage from the Bible. I looked at him, curious as to the intent behind it.

"To remind you of Thomas," he said simply and tears immediately pooled in my eyes.

I swallowed deeply and murmured, "Thank you." I threw my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek several times, so moved by his sweetness. "I love you," I said, pulling back enough to look in his eyes. "This means so much to me."

"You're welcome, baby," he said quietly, but everyone heard anyway. "I love you, too. Of course, it will also serve as a reminder that Thomas approves of us." I smiled wide through my tears and then I explained to everyone what had happened with Thomas and the bald eagle. They knew bits and pieces, but I'd never told them the entire story. Our friends were almost moved to tears by the poignant story of both Thomas's and Harry's love for me. 

After everyone else said goodnight, Harry pulled out another box very similar to the first one. "One more thing," he said, smiling shyly. I cautiously pulled the top off the box and there laid a simple brass key. I looked at Harry in surprise, thinking it was just a gesture on his part, meaning I could come and go any time I wanted to. "You can think about it," he said nervously. But the next words floored me.

"Move in with me."


Happy days! So, a lot happened in this chapter. What did you think?

No double update this time, but I might work on another chapter later today. And I'm working on a trailer, too! :D

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